关键词:小麦籽粒; 蛋白质; 氨基酸; 区域分布 Contents of Protein and Amino Acids of Wheat Grain in Different Wheat Production Regions and Their Evaluation LIU Hui, WANG Zhao-Hui*, LI Fu-Cui, LI Ke-Yi, YANG Ning, YANG Yue-E College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University / Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture / State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas, Yangling 712100, China Fund:This study was supported by the China Agricultural Research System (CARS-3-1-31), the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201303104, 201103003), and the Agricultural Scientific Research Talent and Team Program AbstractIn order to understand the nutritional status of amino acids of China’s wheat varieties, we collected 655 grain samples of wheat growing in 22 provinces from 2009 to 2011 and analyzed the content of total protein and 18 amino acids. The average grain protein contents of spring and winter wheat were 13.7% and 12.7%, respectively. In spring wheat, 45%, 22%, and 33% of samples met the protein standard for strong, medium, and weak gluten wheat, while the portion was 18%, 24%, and 58% in winter wheat, respectively. Spring wheat had higher contents in all amino acids except for tyrosine than winter wheat, but their ratios of essential to total amino acids were both 28.8%. Protein content decreased in the trend of from the north to the south, and from the east to the west. In addition, the single and the total essential amino acid content decreased from the east to the west. Lysine and tryptophan were the limiting amino acids in 98% and 2% of the wheat samples, respectively. The amino acid score varied across years, with an average of 53 in spring wheat and 56 in winter wheat. In conclusion, the overall protein content level of wheat grain was low in the sampling area. Particularly, the low contents and proportions of lysine and essential amino acids are limited factors in wheat protein nutrition.
表2 2007年FAO/WHO/UNU氨基酸评分模式中“ 理想” 蛋白质的必需氨基酸含量 Table 2 Essential amino acid contents in “ ideal” protein in amino acid scoring patterns in the 2007 FAO/WHO/UNU reports
表2 2007年FAO/WHO/UNU氨基酸评分模式中“ 理想” 蛋白质的必需氨基酸含量 Table 2 Essential amino acid contents in “ ideal” protein in amino acid scoring patterns in the 2007 FAO/WHO/UNU reports
图2 2009-2011年不同麦区小麦蛋白质含量区域分布麦区代号见表1, 华南冬麦区(VI)和青藏春冬麦区(X)无采样。Fig. 2 Regional distribution of wheat protein content in different wheat production regions from 2009 to 2011Codes of regions are given in Table 1, excluding Southwest Winter Wheat Region (VI) and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Spring-Winter Wheat Region (X).
图3 2009-2011年不同麦区小麦籽粒必需氨基酸含量区域分布Fig. 3 Regional distribution of essential amino acid contents of wheat grain in different wheat production regions from 2009 to 2011
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