关键词:硒; 有机硒; 小麦籽粒; 粗蛋白; 矿质元素 Effects of Se Application on Se Accumulation and Transformation and Content of Gross Protein and Mineral Elements in Wheat Grain LIU Qing, TIAN Xia, SHI Yan-Xi* College of Resources and Environment, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China Fund:This study was supported by the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interest (201303106) AbstractThe objectives of this study were to understand the characteristics of selenium (Se) accumulation and transformation from inorganic to organic form in wheat grain and the effects of exogenous Se on grain yield, quality and Se utilization. In the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 winter wheat growing seasons, we carried out a field experiment with foliage spray of Se fertilizer (sodium selenite solution) in four Se levels and three spray timing treatments. The results showed that grain yield and thousand-grain weight of wheat received no significantly effect from Se foliage spray. In contrast, the total and organic Se contents in grain increased with increasing the exogenous Se level, with the proportion of organic Se to the total Se from 78.5% to 82.1%. Under the same Se application rate, spraying at early-filling stage resulted in larger Se accumulation in grain than spraying at booting stage. The maximum Se content in grain was 3101 μg kg-1 in the treatment of Se 150 g ha-1 sprayed at early-filling stage. The Se utilization rate in wheat ranged from 3.3% to 19.0%, showing a decrease trend with more exogenous Se applied. Se utilization rate was influenced by Se application timing, with the maximum rate at early-filling stage and the minimum rate at booting stage under the same Se application rate. Besides, grain quality of wheat was improved by exogenous Se application. The contents of gross protein and accumulations of P, Fe, Mn, and Zn elements increased and the absorption of Na decreased in grain. Application of Se fertilizer had no significant effect on the accumulations of K, Mg, and Cu elements in wheat grain.
Keyword:Selenium; Organic selenium; Wheat grain; Gross protein; Mineral elements Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同施硒处理的小麦籽粒产量和千粒重 Table 1 Wheat grain yield and 1000-grain weight in different Se application treatments
处理 Treatment
籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg hm-2)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
5768 a
5784 a
5649 a
38.6 a
36.3 a
40.1 a
5873 a
5825 a
5733 a
39.1 a
37.2 a
38.2 a
5576 a
5678 a
5598 a
36.4 a
39.5 a
36.3 a
5942 a
5614 a
5862 a
35.8 a
38.8 a
37.9 a
4963 a
4847 a
4981 a
36.4 a
37.1 a
36.9 a
4836 a
4669 a
4826 a
35.3 a
35.7 a
36.2 a
4738 a
4874 a
4735 a
34.6 a
36.2 a
35.4 a
4842 a
4658 a
4877 a
35.9 a
35.9 a
34.8 a
Se0, Se1, Se2, and Se3 indicate Se application rate of 0, 37.5, 75.0, and 150.0 g hm-2, respectively. T1, T2, and T3 indicate Se applied at booting, booting + early filling, and filling stage, respectively. In each growing season, values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at P < 0.05. Se0~Se3分别表示纯硒总施用量0、37.5、75.0和150.0 g hm-2; T1~T3分别表示孕穗期、孕穗期+灌浆前期、灌浆前期叶面喷施。同一年度中, 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
表1 不同施硒处理的小麦籽粒产量和千粒重 Table 1 Wheat grain yield and 1000-grain weight in different Se application treatments
表2 小麦籽粒有机硒含量及其占总硒的比例 Table 2 Concentration of organic selenium in wheat grain and the ratios to total selenium
处理 Treatment
总硒含量 Total Se content (μ g kg-1)
吸收利用率 Utilization rate (%)
有机硒含量 Organic Se content (μ g kg-1)
45.3 d
45.3 d
45.3 d
36.9 d
37.1 d
36.8 d
436.2 c
876.9 c
1245.5 c
6.8 a
13.6 a
19.0 a
342.4 c
689.2 c
1017.6 c
701.8 b
1499.1 b
2366.5 b
5.2 b
11.3 b
17.7 b
564.9 b
1203.8 b
1879.0 b
976.0 a
1944.2 a
3101.3 a
3.9 c
7.3 c
12.1 c
790.6 a
1584.5 a
2446.9 a
68.8 d
68.8 d
68.8 d
54.5 d
55.8 d
56.1 d
448.3 c
794.7 c
1234.6 c
5.8 a
9.9 a
15.9 a
366.4 c
632.6 c
1012.7 c
812.5 b
1503.6 b
2521.4 b
5.1 a
9.7 a
16.0 a
645.7 b
1198.3 b
1984.8 b
1001.9 a
1892.2 a
3085.8 a
3.3 b
5.9 b
10.0 b
799.1 a
1521.6 a
2543.3 a
Se0, Se1, Se2, and Se3 indicate Se application rate of 0, 37.5, 75.0, and 150.0 g hm-2, respectively. T1, T2, and T3 indicate Se applied at booting, booting + early filling, and filling stage, respectively. In each growing season, values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at P < 0.05. Se0~Se3分别表示纯硒总施用量0、37.5、75.0和150.0 g hm-2; T1~T3分别表示孕穗期、孕穗期+灌浆前期、灌浆前期叶面喷施。同一年度中, 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
表2 小麦籽粒有机硒含量及其占总硒的比例 Table 2 Concentration of organic selenium in wheat grain and the ratios to total selenium
表3 不同施硒处理小麦籽粒粗蛋白含量 Table 3 Content of gross protein in wheat grain in different selenium treatments (%)
处理 Treatment
12.3 a
12.3 a
12.3 a
11.7 a
11.7 a
11.7 a
12.8 a
13.4 a
13.3 a
13.3 a
13.0 a
12.8 a
13.9 a
14.2 a
14.9 a
12.9 a
13.6 a
13.9 a
14.2 a
14.8 a
14.5 a
13.2 a
13.5 a
13.6 a
Se0, Se1, Se2, and Se3 indicate Se application rate of 0, 37.5, 75.0, and 150.0 g hm-2, respectively. T1, T2, and T3 indicate Se applied at booting, booting + early filling, and filling stage, respectively. In each growing season, values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at P < 0.05. Se0~Se3分别表示纯硒总施用量0、37.5、75.0和150.0 g hm-2; T1~T3分别表示孕穗期、孕穗期+灌浆前期、灌浆前期叶面喷施。同一年度中, 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
表3 不同施硒处理小麦籽粒粗蛋白含量 Table 3 Content of gross protein in wheat grain in different selenium treatments (%)
2.4 施硒对小麦矿质元素吸收的影响当施硒量≤ 75 g hm-2时, P、Fe、Mn和Zn元素在籽粒中的累积随施硒量增加而增加, 继续提高施硒量至150 g hm-2 时, 除对P元素累积具有促进作用外, 对Fe、Mn和Zn的累积均表现抑制作用; 籽粒中K、Ca、Mg和Cu的累积没有受到施硒处理的影响, 处理间差异不显著; 施硒150 g hm-2对籽粒Na的累积有显著抑制作用(表4)。 表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 小麦籽粒矿质元素含量(2013-2014) Table 4 Content of mineral elements in wheat grain (2013-2014)
处理 Treatment
P (mg kg-1)
K (mg kg-1)
Na (mg kg-1)
Ca (mg kg-1)
Mg (mg kg-1)
Fe (μ g kg-1)
Mn (μ g kg-1)
Cu (μ g kg-1)
Zn (μ g kg-1)
2.03 b
5.85 a
3.33 a
0.39 a
0.99 a
100.1 c
40.2 b
10.0 a
36.8 b
2.24 b
5.82 a
3.31 a
0.38 a
1.00 a
137.5 b
47.3 a
9.4 a
38.2 b
2.77 a
5.81 a
3.09 a
0.37 a
1.02 a
190.1 a
47.6 a
9.7 a
45.0 a
3.04 a
5.35 a
2.38 b
0.38 a
0.92 a
120.3 b
43.0 a
9.2 a
37.1 b
Se0, Se1, Se2, and Se3 indicate Se application rate of 0, 37.5, 75.0, and 150.0 g hm-2, respectively. In each growing season, values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at P < 0.05. Se0~Se3分别表示纯硒总施用量0、37.5、75.0和150.0 g hm-2。同一年度中, 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
表4 小麦籽粒矿质元素含量(2013-2014) Table 4 Content of mineral elements in wheat grain (2013-2014)
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