关键词:青稞; SSR; 遗传多样性; 群体遗传结构; 关联分析 Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis of Agronomic Characteristics with SSR Markers in Hulless Barley MENG Ya-Xiong1,2, MENG Yi-Lin1,2, WANG Jun-Cheng1,2, SI Er-Jing1,2, ZHANG Hai-Juan1,2, REN Pan-Rong1,2, MA Xiao-Le1,2, LI Bao-Chun1,3, YANG Ke1,2, WANG Hua-Jun1,2,* 1 Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science / Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement & Germplasm Enhancement, Lanzhou 730070, China
2 College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
3 College of Life Sciences and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31460347), Gansu Provincial Department of Finance Research Operating Expenses (035-041047), and the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-05) AbstractThe objectives of this study were to find molecular markers associated with yield-related traits and guide parental combination in molecular marker-assisted breeding and hybrid breeding of hulless barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum HK. f.). A natural hulless barley population composed of 108 parental varieties/lines was screened with 92 SSR markers, in which 48 markers were polymorphic. Population structure was analyzed based on the polymorphic SSR data and association between markers and five agronomic traits were performed in TASSEL GLM (general linear model) and MLM (mixed linear model) programs. A total of 156 alleles were detected in the 108 varieties/lines with 2-6 alleles per locus. The Shannon’s index of the population ranged from 0.6727 to 1.1368 and the genetic similarity between varieties ranged from 0.2250 to 1.0000, with the mean of 0.7585. Structure analysis revealed four genetic subpopulations for the entire materials tested. Based on GLM analysis, 12 SSR markers were found to be associated with plant height, spike length, grain number per spike and tiller number, with phenotypic contributions of 11.5-17.6%, 19.4-45.4%, 15.4-22.1% and 29.2%, respectively. Based on MLM analysis, 8 SSR markers were associated with plant height, awn length, and spikelet compactness, with the phenotypic contributions of 31.7-49.9%, 28.1-37.2%, and 22.7-32.7%, respectively. These associated markers were distributed on 6 chromosomes of the barley genome.
Keyword:Hulless barley; SSR; Genetic diversity; Population structure; Association analysis Show Figures Show Figures
图1 108份青稞亲本材料的聚类图品种编号与表1一致。Fig. 1 Dendrogram of 108 accessions of hulless barley based on SSR markersCodes of varieties consistent with those given in Table 1.
图2 青稞亲本材料的群体遗传分析图A: 显示Δ K随K值的变化趋势, 表明该自然群体可分为4个类群。B: 显示108份材料的群体遗传结构。Fig. 2 Population genetic analysis of hulless barley accessionsA: the line chart ofK-value changing with Δ K, indicating that the natural population used in this study can be divided into four groups; B: the population structure of the 108 hulless barley accessions.
表3 与农艺性状相关的SSR标记及其表型解释率 Table 3 SSR markers associated with agronomic traits and their explained phenotypic variations (%)
标记 Marker
染色体 Chr.
株高 Plant height
穗长 Spike length
分蘖数 Tiller number
穗粒数 Grain number per spike
At the significant level of association analysis was P< 0.01. GLM: general linear model; MLM: mixed linear model. 关联分析显著性水平为P< 0.01。GLM: 一般线性模型; MLM: 混合线性模型。
表3 与农艺性状相关的SSR标记及其表型解释率 Table 3 SSR markers associated with agronomic traits and their explained phenotypic variations (%)
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