关键词:行距; 密度; 夏玉米; 小气候; 抗逆性; 产量 Effects of Different Row Spaces on Canopy Structure and Resistance of Summer Maize CHANG Jian-Feng, ZHANG Hai-Hong, LI Hong-Ping, DONG Peng-Fei, LI Chao-Hai* College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University / Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops, Zhengzhou 450002, China Fund:This study was supported by the Special Program of Modern Agro-industry Technology System (CARS-2-19) and the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (HY201203100) AbstractIn order to explore the effects of row spacing on canopy structure and stress resistance, and identify the appropriate row spacing suitable for the development of agricultural mechanization, field experiments were conducted at Fangcheng and Huixian, using three types of maize hybrids (Xianyu 335 is a high plant, Zhengdan 958 is a middle high plant, and 512-4 is a dwarf) with two plant population densities (60 000 and 75 000 plant ha-1) and five row spaces (50 cm, 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, and 80 cm+40 cm). The results showed that, for treatments with equal rows spacing under the same plant density, with the increasing of row spaces, different hybrids had a leave type and decreased leaf orientation value (LOV), their growth deviated from the plant rows, and trend to perpendicular to row; canopy temperature and humidity decreased, light interception and yield were reduced as well, while resistance to disease and insect was improved. The treatments with 60 cm row spacing can reasonably coordinate the relationship between the canopy microenvironment and yield, resulting in appropriate distribution of canopy leaves, suitable canopy temperature and humidity, maize light interception, especially, with the high light interception rate in the lower part of the canopy, and the significantly increased resistance to stresses, different hybrids with two densities got highest yield frequently in treatments with 60 cm of row spacing regardless of the varieties with different plant heights at planting densities, which so suitable for mechanical farming and field management. Therefore, we suggest that 60 cm is the optimal row spacing for summer corn in the Yellow-Huaihe-Haihe Rivers Region.
Keyword:Row spacing; Density; Summer maize; Microclimate; Stress resistance; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 行距配置方式对玉米叶向值(LOV)的影响 Table 1 Effects of different row spaces on LOV
品种 Hybrid
年份 Year
60 000 plant hm-2
75 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
先玉335 XY335
52.69 a
51.46 a
50.56 a
50.23 a
50.56 a
62.18 a
56.27 b
54.86 b
54.37 b
54.89 b
57.32 a
54.57 ab
53.53 ab
51.71 b
56.75 a
62.61 a
58.91 ab
56.04 b
55.62 b
57.23 b
郑单958 ZD958
61.68 a
60.41 a
59.14 a
57.97 ab
61.86 a
64.96 a
64.39 a
62.80 a
62.59 a
61.41 ab
61.29 a
60.83 a
58.27 ab
56.16 ab
59.84 a
63.54 a
62.88 a
61.36 a
60.96 ab
61.82 a
58.14 a
57.90 a
56.59 ab
55.28 b
57.18 ab
59.83 a
59.68 a
59.06 a
59.34 a
60.02 a
59.35 a
57.09 ab
55.86 ab
53.45 b
56.20 ab
61.97 a
60.66 a
60.18 a
56.78 ab
58.80 ab
平均 Average
58.41 a
57.04 a
55.66 ab
54.13 b
57.07 a
62.52 a
60.47 ab
59.05 b
58.28 b
59.03 b
Values followed by different letters and significantly different at P < 0.05 among different row spaces for the same hybrid and the same density in the same year. 数据后不同小写字母表示同一年限中相同株高类型品种和密度下不同行距处理间的差异达0.05显著水平。
表1 行距配置方式对玉米叶向值(LOV)的影响 Table 1 Effects of different row spaces on LOV
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 行距配置方式对玉米叶片水平面法线与种植行夹角的影响 Table 2 Effects of different row spaces on horizontal blade angle normal with planting row (° )
品种 Hybrid
年份 Year
60 000 plant hm-2
75 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
先玉335 XY335
27.92 b
29.21 ab
30.02 ab
32.50 a
27.57 b
32.12 b
39.62 ab
40.23 ab
44.01 a
38.18 ab
27.99 b
30.12 b
32.70 ab
35.15 a
30.23 b
36.06 b
38.22 b
41.77 a
43.59 a
38.34 b
郑单958 ZD958
28.61 b
32.07 ab
41.21 ab
44.98 a
35.07 ab
35.83 c
42.21 b
46.28 a
47.98 a
45.46 ab
34.63 ab
34.34 ab
36.68 a
38.30 a
37.03 a
39.39 ab
40.73 ab
42.58 a
44.17 a
44.57 a
30.49 b
33.13 b
41.68 a
42.21 a
38.16 ab
37.76 b
46.45 ab
49.77 a
49.25 a
48.66 a
30.80 b
32.01 b
33.49 ab
35.32 a
38.01 a
37.50 b
39.42 ab
41.96 ab
44.51 a
46.40 a
平均 Average
30.07 e
31.81 d
35.96 b
38.08 a
34.34 c
62.52 a
36.44 c
41.11 b
43.76 a
45.59 a
Values followed by different letters and significantly different at P < 0.05 among different row spaces for the same hybrid and the same density in the same year. 数据后不同小写字母表示同一年限中相同株高类型品种和密度下不同行距处理间的差异达0.05显著水平。
表2 行距配置方式对玉米叶片水平面法线与种植行夹角的影响 Table 2 Effects of different row spaces on horizontal blade angle normal with planting row (° )
表3 行距配置方式对玉米灌浆期冠层光能分布的影响 Table 3 Effects of different row spaces on canopy light distribution at filling stage
年份 Year
密度 Density
行距 Row space
光能辐射量 Radiation (μ mol m-2 s-1)
中上部截获率 Light interception rate in up part (%)
中下部截获率 Light interception rate in lower part (%)
上部 Top
中部 Middle
下部 Bottom
60 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
1197.66 a
409.77 c
302.12 c
65.79 a
26.27 ab
60 cm
1211.85 a
462.36 b
326.04 bc
61.85 ab
29.48 a
70 cm
1217.56 a
495.18 ab
345.45 b
59.33 b
30.24 a
80 cm
1243.35 a
524.67 a
400.74 a
57.80 b
23.62 b
80 cm+40 cm
1234.96 a
522.68 a
385.32 a
57.68 b
26.28 b
75 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
1212.39 a
330.94 c
246.24 c
73.21 a
25.59 ab
60 cm
1228.83 a
349.52 bc
249.52 bc
71.17 a
28.61 a
70 cm
1235.22 a
372.59 b
262.66 b
69.68 ab
29.50 a
80 cm
1252.78 a
413.76 a
328.32 a
66.97 b
20.65 b
80 cm+40 cm
1249.97 a
371.02 b
279.07 b
70.32 ab
24.78 ab
60 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
1535.14 a
471.89 b
337.21 c
69.26 a
28.54 b
60 cm
1485.67 a
515.60 ab
357.64 bc
65.30 ab
30.64 a
70 cm
1513.51 a
532.38 a
366.61 b
64.82 ab
31.14 a
80 cm
1535.38 a
554.27 a
404.60 a
63.90 b
27.00 b
80 cm+40 cm
1522.87 a
532.74 a
374.50 b
65.02 ab
29.70 ab
75 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
1500.51 a
400.27 c
289.58 b
73.32 a
27.65 ab
60 cm
1539.25 a
439.09 b
305.33 ab
71.47 ab
30.46 a
70 cm
1534.42 a
445.00 ab
310.28 ab
71.00 ab
30.28 a
80 cm
1558.06 a
465.66 a
333.62 a
70.11 b
24.38 b
80 cm+40 cm
1540.35 a
438.60 b
325.58 a
71.53 ab
25.77 b
Values followed by different letters and significantly different at P < 0.05 among different row spaces for the same hybrid and the same density in the same year. 数据后不同小写字母表示同一年限中相同株高类型品种和密度下不同行距处理间的差异达0.05显著水平。
表3 行距配置方式对玉米灌浆期冠层光能分布的影响 Table 3 Effects of different row spaces on canopy light distribution at filling stage
表4 行距配置方式对玉米冠层小气候的影响 Table 4 Effects of different row spaces on the canopy microclimate
密度 Density
行距 Row space
CO2浓度 CO2 concentration (μ mol L-1)
温度 Temperature (℃)
相对湿度 Relative humidity (%)
CO2浓度 CO2 concentration (μ mol L-1)
温度 Temperature (℃)
相对湿度 Relative humidity (%)
60 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
398.49 a
34.13 a
62.53 a
383.84 a
33.68 a
56.24 a
60 cm
406.36 a
33.65 a
61.59 a
387.40 a
33.48 a
54.91 ab
70 cm
408.97 a
33.27 a
60.11 ab
392.48 a
33.20 a
54.10 ab
80 cm
411.53 a
32.75 a
59.31 b
403.00 a
32.91 a
53.54 b
80 cm+40 cm
402.69 a
33.38 a
60.43 ab
388.76 a
33.05 a
53.88 ab
75 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
393.98 a
34.58 a
63.83 a
379.64 a
33.76 a
55.32 a
60 cm
398.29 a
33.99 a
62.75 a
383.44 a
33.60 a
53.88 ab
70 cm
402.02 a
33.55 a
61.95 ab
388.16 a
33.40 a
53.52 ab
80 cm
408.55 a
33.06 a
60.52 b
396.44 a
32.96 a
53.00 b
80 cm+40 cm
399.93 a
33.53 a
62.70 a
384.60 a
33.10 a
53.24 b
Values followed by different letters and significantly different at P < 0.05 among different row spaces for the same hybrid and the same density in the same year. 数据后不同小写字母表示同一年限中相同株高类型品种和密度下不同行距处理间的差异达0.05显著水平。
表4 行距配置方式对玉米冠层小气候的影响 Table 4 Effects of different row spaces on the canopy microclimate
表5 行距配置方式对玉米群体抗逆性的影响(方城, 2014) Table 5 Effects of different row spaces on stress resistance of corn population (Fangcheng, 2014)
品种 Hybrid
60 000 plant hm-2
75 000 plant hm-2
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
灌浆期虫害率 Rate of insect pest at filling stage (%)
44.96 a
42.17 b
41.85 b
40.80 c
43.77 ab
53.77 a
49.12 b
45.95 c
43.29 d
51.45 ab
59.35 a
57.27 ab
55.22 b
52.25 c
58.33 a
61.90 a
59.97 ab
56.86 b
54.16 c
60.75 a
55.93 a
51.75 b
49.53 bc
47.21 c
53.75 ab
60.12 a
54.29 b
51.53 c
49.56 d
58.49 a
53.41 a
50.40 b
48.87 bc
46.75 c
51.95 ab
58.60 a
54.46 b
51.45 c
49.00 d
56.90 a
灌浆期病害率 Rate of disease at filling stage (%)
22.19 a
18.24 c
18.11 c
17.47 d
19.73 b
25.69 a
21.78 b
18.67 c
18.16 d
21.13 b
30.37 a
29.52 a
28.60 b
25.69 c
29.92 a
34.08 a
30.26 c
29.58 c
27.13 d
32.14 b
16.34 b
15.60 c
14.85 d
17.34 ab
21.03 a
18.30 c
18.21 c
17.34 d
19.92 b
23.54 a
21.37 c
20.77 c
19.37 d
22.33 b
26.93 a
23.45 b
22.15 c
20.88 d
24.40 b
成熟期青枯病率 Rate of bacterial wilt at maturity (%)
65.26 a
59.51 b
59.39 b
57.18 c
62.49 ab
72.12 a
67.62 b
65.52 b
61.20 c
69.73 ab
27.96 a
23.94 c
22.98 cd
21.20 d
25.53 b
41.57 a
37.05 c
33.73 d
31.13 e
38.68 b
31.48 a
27.14 c
26.78 c
24.77 d
28.53 b
44.15 a
39.43 c
34.01 d
31.45 e
41.45 b
41.57 a
36.86 c
36.38 c
34.38 d
38.85 b
52.61 a
48.03 b
44.42 c
41.26 d
49.95 b
成熟期倒伏率 Rate of lodging at maturity (%)
13.68 a
11.65 c
11.05 d
10.24 e
12.62 b
16.37 a
15.52 ab
14.11 b
13.27 c
15.99 a
8.15 a
7.24 b
6.30 c
4.83 d
6.49 c
10.79 a
9.23 b
6.90 c
6.47 d
9.13 b
11.57 a
9.89 c
9.80 c
8.62 d
10.76 b
13.59 a
11.44 c
10.21 d
9.86 d
12.80 b
11.13 a
9.59 c
9.05 d
7.90 e
9.96 b
13.58 a
12.06 c
10.41 d
9.87 e
12.64 b
Values followed by different letters and significantly different at P < 0.05 among different row spaces for the same hybrid and the same density in the same year. 数据后不同小写字母表示同一年限中相同株高类型品种和密度下不同行距处理间的差异达0.05显著水平。
表5 行距配置方式对玉米群体抗逆性的影响(方城, 2014) Table 5 Effects of different row spaces on stress resistance of corn population (Fangcheng, 2014)
表6 行距配置方式对玉米产量的影响 Table 6 Effects of different row spaces on yield (t hm-2)
品种 Hybrid
密度 Density
地点 Location
年份 Year
行距 Row space
50 cm
60 cm
70 cm
80 cm
80 cm+40 cm
先玉335 XY335
60 000 plant hm-2
10.83 ab
10.99 a
10.80 ab
10.73 ab
10.22 b
8.45 b
8.80 ab
8.99 a
8.76 ab
8.81 ab
9.65 a
9.82 a
9.80 a
9.66 a
9.89 a
11.73 c
12.40 b
13.23 a
13.08 a
12.60 b
75 000 plant hm-2
13.01 a
13.46 a
12.95 a
12.76 ab
12.64 b
10.02 b
10.42 a
10.26 a
9.85 b
10.12 ab
10.39 b
11.11 a
10.95 a
10.46 b
10.81 ab
12.14 b
12.59 ab
13.06 a
12.10 b
12.19 b
郑单958 ZD958
60 000 plant hm-2
9.99 b
10.31 b
11.10 a
10.11 b
10.15 b
8.77 b
9.11 a
8.93 b
8.24 b
8.44 b
8.86 ab
9.30 a
8.99 ab
8.59 b
8.66 b
11.14 b
11.23 ab
11.22 ab
10.61 b
11.38 a
75 000 plant hm-2
12.11 a
11.82 ab
11.07 b
11.14 b
11.07 b
9.71 ab
9.83 a
9.31 ab
8.73 b
8.91 b
9.97 a
10.04 a
9.99 a
9.31 b
9.63 b
11.23 bc
12.42 a
12.27 a
11.44 b
10.92 c
60 000 plant hm-2
10.77 ab
11.19 a
10.64 b
10.53 b
11.00 ab
8.18 b
8.59 a
8.39 ab
8.09 b
8.39 ab
9.37 b
9.71 a
9.61 ab
9.58 ab
9.45 b
75 000 plant hm-2
12.33 a
12.28 a
12.27 a
11.55 b
11.83 ab
9.40 ab
9.61 a
9.01 b
8.88 b
8.92 b
10.16 a
10.06 a
9.78 ab
9.57 b
9.96 ab
新单65 XD65
60 000 plant hm-2
10.16 a
10.06 a
9.78 ab
9.57 b
9.96 ab
75 000 plant hm-2
11.96 ab
12.55 a
11.66 b
10.77 c
11.39 b
Values followed by different letters and significantly different at P < 0.05 among different row spaces for the same hybrid and the same density in the same year. 数据后不同小写字母表示同一年限中相同株高类型品种和密度下不同行距处理间的差异达0.05显著水平。
表6 行距配置方式对玉米产量的影响 Table 6 Effects of different row spaces on yield (t hm-2)
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