摘要以华油杂62为材料, 10月5日机械直播, 在中氮(180 kg N hm-2)和高氮(270 kg N hm-2) 2个水平下设置5个密度(15×104、30×104、45×104、60×104和75×104株 hm-2)处理的裂区试验, 研究产量、冠层结构、农艺和光合特征等指标。结果表明, 2个氮水平下, 分枝起点高度和冠层倒伏角度均随密度增加而增加, 根颈粗和冠层高度均随密度增加而降低。在45×104株 hm-2密度范围内, 低效分枝比例随密度增加而减少。中氮水平下, 45×104株hm-2和60×104株hm-2处理产量较高, 在2921.2~3109.8 kg hm-2之间。高氮水平下, 30×104株hm-2和45×104株hm-2处理产量较高, 在3607.2~3772.4 kg hm-2之间, 与其对应的初花期叶面积指数和结实期角果皮面积指数分别为3.72~3.94和4.21~4.34; 初花期和结实期的透光率分别为6.1%~7.4%和16.4%~18.1%; 群体有效角果数为65.5×106~68.7×106 hm-2。与传统的移栽油菜相比, 直播油菜通过“减氮增密”栽培措施, 在纯氮用量270 kg hm-2条件下, 2种密度(30×104和45×104株 hm-2)均可获得3600 kg hm-2以上产量, 且适度密植可降低根颈粗, 冠层相对集中, 利于机械收获。
关键词:冬油菜; 直播; 冠层; 光合特征 Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Planting Density on Canopy Structure and Population Characteristic of Rapeseed with Direct Seeding Treatment ZUO Qing-Song1,2, KUAI Jie1, YANG Shi-Fen1, CAO Shi1, YANG Yang1, WU Lian-Rong1, SUN Ying-Ying1, ZHOU Guang-Sheng1,*, WU Jiang-Sheng1 1College of Plant Science and Technology of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
2Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
AbstractCultivar Huayouza 62 was planted by mechanical seeding on October 5th with two nitrogen rates (180 and 270 kg ha-1) and five planting densities (15×104, 30×104, 45×104, 60×104, and 75×104 plant ha-1). The differences of yield, canopy structure, agronomic traits and photosynthetic characteristics were studied. The results showed that with the increase of density, starting point of branch and lodging angle of canopy enhanced, while root collar diameter and height of canopy declined. In the density range of 45×104 plant ha-1, the low effective branch proportion lowered with the increase of density. Densities of 45×104 and 60×104 plant ha-1 resulted in higher yield from 2921.2 to 3109.8 kg ha-1 than other densities under middle nitrogen rate. Densities of 30×104 and 45×104 plant ha-1 did higher yield from 3607.2 to 3772.4 kg ha-1 than other densities under high nitrogen rate, and the corresponding suitable values of leaf area index (LAI) at beginning flowering stage, pod area index (PAI) at seed filling stage, light transmittance of bottom at beginning flowering stage, light transmittance of canopy at seed filling stage, and effective pod number were within the ranges from 3.72 to 3.94, from 4.21 to 4.34, from 6.1% to 7.4%, from 16.4% to 18.1% and from 65.5×106 to 68.7×106 ha-1, respectively. Compared with traditional transplanting rapeseed, the direct seeding rapeseed could obtain high yield exceeding 3600 kg ha-1 by reducing nitrogen rate and increasing density with 270 kg ha-1nitrogen fertilizer under both densities of 30×104 and 45×104 plant ha-1. Reasonable plant density can effectively reduce the root collar diameter and the height of canopy, and concentrate pod maturing, which would help promote mechanical harvesting in rapeseed production.
Keyword:Winter rapeseed; Direct seeding; Canopy structure; Photosynthetic characteristic Show Figures Show Figures
表1 不同处理下产量和产量构成差异 Table 1 Differences of yield and yield components under different treatments
氮肥 Nitrogen
密度 Density
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
单株角果数 Number of pods per plant
群体角果数 Number of pods in population (× 106 hm-2)
每角粒数 Number of seeds per pod
千粒重 1000-seed weight (g)
2287.8 f
2330.6 e
272.6 b
40.9 g
17.0 ab
3.348 a
2716.5 e
2827.0 d
169.2 d
50.8 f
16.7 bc
3.334 a
3013.7 bc
3109.8 bc
124.0 f
55.8 de
16.7 bc
3.333 a
2921.2 cd
3028.6 c
97.1 h
58.3 cd
16.0 cd
3.242 a
2577.6 e
2756.2 d
80.4 i
60.3 c
14.7 ef
3.111 b
3058.8 bc
3189.6 bc
358.0 a
53.7 ef
17.8 a
3.342 a
3607.2 a
3659.6 a
218.4 c
65.5 ab
17.0 ab
3.277 a
3724.3 a
3772.4 a
152.6 e
68.7 a
16.8 bc
3.273 a
3208.6 b
3244.5 b
112.7 g
67.7 a
15.5 de
3.086 b
2776.0 de
2828.6 d
85.5 i
64.1 b
14.5 f
3.039 b
398.7* *
337.1* *
7499.1* *
477.2* *
127.0* *
129.5* *
4214.2* *
212.4* *
100.6* *
38.3* *
32.1* *
49.3* *
123.6* *
23.0* *
4.9* *
N1 and N2 mean two nitrogen fertilizer levels of 180 kg hm-2and 270 kg hm-2, respectively. D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 mean five density levels of 15× 104, 30× 104, 45× 104, 60× 104, and 75× 104 plant hm-2, respectively. Values followed by different letters within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. FN, FD, and FN× FD mean F-values of nitrogen, density and their interactions in variance analysis, respectively. * and * * indicate difference at the 0.01 and 0.05 probability levels, respectively. N1、N2表示2个氮肥水平为180 kg hm-2和270 kg hm-2; D1、D2、D3、D4和D5表示15× 10、30× 104、45× 104、60× 104和75× 104株 hm-2 5个密度水平; 不同字母表示差异达0.05显著水平; FN、FD和FN× FD分别表示方差分析中氮肥、密度以及互作的F值; * 和* * 分别表示差异在0.05和0.01水平。
表1 不同处理下产量和产量构成差异 Table 1 Differences of yield and yield components under different treatments
图1 产量与密度的关系. N1、N2表示2个氮肥水平为180 kg hm-2和270 kg hm-2。Fig. 1 Relationship between yield and density. N1 and N2 mean two nitrogen fertilizer levels of 180 kg hm-2and 270 kg hm-2, respectively.
图2 不同处理的结角层结构. PSP和PTP分别表示结角起点和结角终点; 横坐标轴中间的“ 0” 表示主茎, “ 1~11” 表示从上部向下部的第1到第11分枝; 虚线表示主茎结角起点高度。其他缩写同表1。Fig. 2 Pod layer structure under different treatments. PSP and PTP mean pod starting point and pod terminal point, respectively. “ 0” in the middle of abscissa axis means main stem, and “ 1-11” mean the first branch to the eleventh branch from top to bottom, respectively. Dotted line means the height of pod starting point in main stem. Other abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1.
表3 不同处理植株农艺性状、光合面积和透光率差异 Table 3 Differences of agronomic characteristics, photosynthetic area and light transmittance under different treatments
氮肥 Nitrogen
密度 Density
根颈直径 Root crown diameter (cm)
分枝起点 Starting point of branch (cm)
冠层倒伏角度 Lodging angle of canopy (° )
株高 Plant height (cm)
光合面积 Photosynthetic area
透光率 Light transmittance (%)
初花期 BFS
成熟期 RS
初花期叶 面积指数 LAI at BFS
结实期角果 皮面积指数 PAI at SFS
初花期 BFS
结实期 SFS
2.03 b
47.5 e
12.5 g
101.9 e
161.5 c
2.10 g
2.70 g
20.8 a
37.4 a
1.72 cd
65.7 d
14.8 fg
103.9 de
160.9 c
2.68 f
3.43 f
14.7 b
27.9 b
1.51 ef
75.4 c
16.3 f
106.8 cd
161.8 c
3.23 e
3.73 def
10.7 c
21.2 cd
1.31 gh
83.8 b
22.7 e
107.5 cd
159.4 c
3.47 de
3.83 cde
8.2d e
19.6 cde
0.92 i
92.9 a
32.3 c
105.5 de
154.3 d
3.76 c
3.53 ef
6.3 efg
18.1 de
2.27 a
48.0 e
15.8 f
110.8 bc
172.6 a
3.30 e
3.72 def
10.1 cd
22.7 c
1.80 c
66.4 d
20.9 e
112.9 ab
172.3 a
3.72 cd
4.21 ab
7.4 ef
18.1 de
1.60 de
78.1 c
28.1 d
115.5 a
172.6 a
3.94 bc
4.34 a
6.1 fgh
16.4 ef
1.43 fg
86.6 b
36.6 b
113.8 ab
168.2 ab
4.18 ab
4.09 abc
4.7 gh
13.9 fg
1.17 h
94.5 a
47.5 a
111.4 abc
163.7 bc
4.32 a
4.00 bcd
4.2 h
11.6 g
-0.993* *
0.985* *
0.982* *
-0.973* *
-0.980* *
0.983* *
0.990* *
0.982* *
-0.968* *
-0.985* *
1019.7* *
878.4* *
675.3* *
4108.6* *
11280.4* *
1863.3* *
265.7* *
360.2* *
609.9* *
729.9* *
8.3* *
26.7* *
163.2* *
53.3* *
197.5* *
124.8* *
46.6* *
10.5* *
10.8* *
34.5* *
13.8* *
BFS, SFS, and RS mean beginning flowering stage, seed filling stage and ripening stage, respectively; rN1and rN2 mean correlation coefficients between density and different characters under N1 and N2 conditions. Other abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. BFS、SFS和RS分别表示初花期、结实期和成熟期; rN1和rN2表示N1和N2条件下密度与不同性状的相关系数; 其他缩写同表1。
表3 不同处理植株农艺性状、光合面积和透光率差异 Table 3 Differences of agronomic characteristics, photosynthetic area and light transmittance under different treatments
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