关键词:小麦; 纹枯病; 遗传多样性; 聚类分析; PCA分析; QTL Genetic Diversity of Wheat Germplasm Resistant to Sharp Eyespot and Genotyping of Resistance Loci Using SSR Markers LIU Ying1,2,**, ZHANG Qiao-Feng2,**, FU Bi-Sheng2, CAI Shi-Bin2, JIANG Yan-Jie2, ZHANG Zhi-Liang2, DENG Yuan-Yu3, WU Ji-Zhong2,*, DAI Ting-Bo1,* 1 College of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
2 Institute of Food Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Jiangsu Provincial Platform for Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Germplasm, Nanjing 210014, China
3 Institute of Plant Protection, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
AbstractA three-year filed identification with artificial inoculation was carried out to validate 88 wheat germplasm resources resistant to sharp eyespot identified in previous studies. Thirty-two accessions showed resistance or moderate resistance to sharp eyespot. Rich genetic diversity among these resistant resources was revealed by 59 SSR markers across the whole wheat genome. A total of 308 alleles were detected with 2-13 alleles per marker and an average of 5.2. The polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.12 to 0.89 with an average of 0.61. The clustering and principal component analysis (PCA) based on molecular marker data indicated that the 32 resistant accessions were grouped in improved variety (including alien varieties) and landraces, which was consistent with geographic distribution. The 32 resistant varieties were genotyped with 14 SSR markers closely linked to QTLs for sharp eyespot resistance. Xwmc154 on 2BS and Xbarc126 on 7DS were frequently detected in the resistant resources. As a consequence, they are recommended in marker-assisted selection. Only one known resistance QTL was detected in varieties Wunong 148, Shaan 983, Shaannong 78, Coker 983, H-Line, Mason, and Compair, whereas no resistance QTL was found in Tyalt. These varieties might carry novel resistance genes/QTLs against wheat sharp eyespot and are promising in wheat breeding.
Keyword:Wheat; Sharp eyespot; Genetic diversity; Cluster analysis; PCA analysis; QTL Show Figures Show Figures
表2 表现稳定抗和中抗纹枯病的材料 Table 2 Wheat cultivars with stable and moderate-resistance to sharp eyespot
品种 Variety
来源 Origin
相对抗病指数 Relative resistance index
病情指数 DI
国内改良品种 Chinese improved varieties
小偃22 Xiaoyan 22
中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
0.61 (R)
0.45 (MR)
0.50 (MR)
35.81± 2.10
武农148 Wunong 148
中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
0.52 (MR)
0.46 (MR)
0.61 (R)
35.83± 4.82
陕938 Shaan 938
中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
0.50 (MR)
0.53 (MR)
0.55 (MR)
36.17± 4.33
兴育7 Xingyu 7
中国贵州 Guizhou, China
0.55 (MR)
0.54 (MR)
0.43 (MR)
36.83± 1.95
豫麦18 Yumai 18
中国河南 Henan, China
0.60 (R)
0.41 (MR)
0.51 (MR)
36.89± 3.13
陕农78 Shaannong 78
中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
0.52 (MR)
0.44 (MR)
0.57 (MR)
37.45± 4.37
烟农19 Yannong 19
中国山东 Shandong, China
0.48 (MR)
0.45 (MR)
0.46 (MR)
40.80± 2.84
豫麦16 Yumai 16
中国河南 Henan, China
0.43 (MR)
0.56 (MR)
0.41 (MR)
40.83± 5.46
国内农家品种 Chinese landraces
中国河南 Henan, China
0.66 (R)
0.63 (R)
0.58 (MR)
28.34± 0.78
剑子麦 Jianzimai
中国浙江 Zhejiang, China
0.76 (R)
0.50 (MR)
0.46 (MR)
31.02± 4.98
白朝玉 Baichaoyu
中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
0.50 (MR)
0.51 (MR)
0.58 (MR)
36.05± 4.50
新疆小白冬 Xinjiang Xiaobaidong
中国新疆 Xinjiang, China
0.60 (R)
0.49 (MR)
0.42 (MR)
37.05± 1.11
小白头 Xiaobaitou
中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
0.48 (MR)
0.45 (MR)
0.55 (MR)
38.55± 4.57
矮粒多 Ailiduo
中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
0.57 (MR)
0.41 (MR)
0.48 (MR)
38.67± 2.33
国外引进品种 Alien varieties
Niavt 14
法国 France
0.60 (R)
0.63 (R)
0.53 (MR)
30.76± 2.05
墨西哥 Mexico
0.63 (R)
0.54 (MR)
0.43 (MR)
34.77± 1.78
美国 United States
0.76 (R)
0.64 (R)
0.56 (MR)
25.63± 2.45
关东107 Kanto 107
日本 Japan
0.69 (R)
0.60 (R)
0.61 (R)
27.63± 0.82
德国 Germany
0.73 (R)
0.50 (MR)
0.62 (R)
28.59± 3.73
Coker 983
美国 United States
0.74 (R)
0.46 (MR)
0.57 (MR)
30.13± 4.78
前苏联 Former Soviet Union
0.70 (R)
0.50 (MR)
0.58 (MR)
30.16± 2.95
Niavt 30
法国 France
0.65 (R)
0.60 (R)
0.51 (MR)
30.96± 1.18
美国 United States
0.58 (MR)
0.72 (R)
0.45 (MR)
31.21± 5.61
美国 United States
0.66 (R)
0.45 (MR)
0.59 (MR)
32.34± 3.89
德国 Germany
0.59 (MR)
0.57 (MR)
0.46 (MR)
34.22± 1.66
美国 United States
0.55 (MR)
0.56 (MR)
0.52 (MR)
34.56± 2.72
澳大利亚 Australia
0.53 (MR)
0.54 (MR)
0.52 (MR)
35.61± 3.12
美国 United States
0.53 (MR)
0.57 (MR)
0.45 (MR)
36.68± 3.13
英国 Britain
0.55 (MR)
0.46 (MR)
0.54 (MR)
36.74± 2.85
美国 United States
0.46 (MR)
0.65 (R)
0.43 (MR)
37.01± 6.43
美国 United States
0.57 (MR)
0.49 (MR)
0.44 (MR)
37.73± 0.37
匈牙利 Hungary
0.46 (MR)
0.53 (MR)
0.48 (MR)
38.42± 4.79
感病对照 Susceptible control
辐麦63 Fumai 63
中国山东 Shandong, China
— (S)
— (S)
— (S)
76.02± 6.31
R, MR, and S in the relative resistance index column indicate resistant, moderately resistant, and susceptible levels, respectively. DI: disease index. 相对抗病指数中R、MR和S分别表示抗、中抗和感病。
表2 表现稳定抗和中抗纹枯病的材料 Table 2 Wheat cultivars with stable and moderate-resistance to sharp eyespot
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