关键词:水稻; 斑点叶突变体; 过氧化氢; 光合色素; 基因定位 Characterization and Gene Mapping of a Spotted-leaf Mutant spl21 in Rice ( Oryza sativaL.) SONG Li-Xin1,2, HUANG Qi-Na1, FENG Bao-Hua1, SHI Yong-Feng1, ZHANG Xiao-Bo1, XU Xia1, WANG Hui-Mei1, LI Xiao-Hong1, ZHAO Bao-Hua2,*, WU Jian-Li1,* 1 State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology / Chinese National Center for Rice Improvement / China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China
2 College of Life Sciences, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China
AbstractThe rice spotted-leaf 21 mutant ( spl21) was isolated from a diepoxybutane-induced IR64 mutant bank. Under field conditions, the red-brown spots appeared on the leaves of mutant seedlings in two weeks after sowing. Subsequently, a portion of spots merged and the leaf tips became yellowish, wilted and spread downwards along both edges of the leaf blade leading to the death of the whole leaf blade when the symptom was severe. Accumulation of H2O2 was detected in and around the spots. Major agronomic traits including plant height, length of panicle, number of panicles, number of filled grains, seed setting-rate, and 1000-grain weight were markedly affected in the mutant. The contents of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoid and photosynthetic parameters were significantly reduced in the mutant as compared with the wild type. Furthermore, the activities of CAT, SOD, APX, and soluble protein contents were significantly lower than those of the wild type while the activity of POD was apparently higher than that of the wild type. The mutant trait was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, tentatively termed spl21( t), located on the long arm of chromosome 12. The population and data achieved in the present study would facilitate the isolation and functional analysis of spl21( t).
Keyword:Rice; Spotted-leaf mutant; Hydrogen peroxide; Photosynthetic pigment; Gene mapping Show Figures Show Figures
图1 突变体表型A: 野生型IR64幼苗; B: 突变体spl21幼苗; C: 苗期叶片 (左: IR64; 右: spl21); D: 分蘖期IR64和spl21。Fig. 1 Phenotype of the mutantA: seedling of IR64; B: seedling of the mutant; C: leaves at the seedling stage (Left: IR64; Right: spl21); D: plants of the wild type and the mutant at the tillering stage.
表1 突变体和野生型的农艺性状 Table 1 Performance of agronomic traits in the mutant and wild type
材料 Material
株高 Plant height (cm)
有效穗数 No. of panicles
穗长 Panicle length (cm)
实粒数 Filled grain/panicle
结实率 Seed-setting rate (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
118.9± 1.5
19.3± 1.2
26.6± 0.5
1471.3± 281.5
72.5± 5.8
27.2± 0.4
89.1± 6.5* *
13.7± 2.8* *
24.1± 1.0*
370.3± 42.6* *
37.3± 2.8* *
20.2± 1.2* *
* and * * denote significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. * 和* * 表示在0.05和0.01水平上差异显著。
表1 突变体和野生型的农艺性状 Table 1 Performance of agronomic traits in the mutant and wild type
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 苗期叶片光合色素含量 Table 2 Pigment contents at the seedling stage
材料 Material
叶绿素a Chlorophyll a (mg g-1)
叶绿素b Chlorophyll b (mg g-1)
叶绿素a/b Chlorophyll a/b
类胡萝卜素 Carotenoid (mg g-1)
1.994± 0.105 a
0.580± 0.032 a
3.438± 0.046 a
0.373± 0.016 a
2.154± 0.423 a
0.629± 0.107 a
3.420± 0.183 a
0.412± 0.089 a
1.107± 0.197 b
0.352± 0.065 b
3.143± 0.086 a
0.217± 0.030 b
spl21-NO: mutant leaves without lesions; spl21-SPL: mutant leaves with lesions. Values followed by different letters are significantly difference at P≤ 0.05 on the basis of Duncan’ s test. spl21-NO: 无斑点的突变体叶片; spl21-SPL: 有红褐斑的突变体叶片。a、b表示Duncan’ s测验显著(P≤ 0.05)。
表2 苗期叶片光合色素含量 Table 2 Pigment contents at the seedling stage
图3 突变体spl21和野生型IR64叶片DAB染色结果A: IR64染色之前; B: IR64染色之后; C: spl21无斑叶片(spl21-NO)DAB染色之前; D: spl21无斑叶片(spl21-NO)DAB染色之后; E: spl21褐斑叶片(spl21-SPL)DAB染色之前; F: spl21褐斑叶片(spl21-SPL)DAB染色之后。Fig. 3 DAB staining of leaves in the mutant spl21 and wild type IR64A: IR64 before DAB staining; B: IR64 after DAB staining; C: spl21-NO before DAB staining; D: spl21-NO after DAB staining; E: spl21-SPL before DAB staining; F:spl21-SPL after DAB staining.
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