关键词:水稻; 黄绿叶突变体; 遗传分析; 精细定位 Genetic Analysis and Fine Mapping of Yellow-Green Leaf Mutant ygl209 in Rice LI Guang-Xian1, YAO Fang-Yin2, HOU Heng-Jun3, SUN Zhao-Wen1, JIANG Ming-Song1, ZHU Wen-Yin1, ZHOU Xue-Biao1,* 1 Shandong Rice Research Institute, Jinan 250100, China
2 High-tech Research Center, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, China
3 Agricultural Bureau of Rencheng Distinct, Jining 272000, China
AbstractEtiolation mutants of rice play an important role in studies on the photosynthesis, chloroplast development, and chlorophyll metabolism in higher plants. A japonica rice mutant ygl209 with yellow-green leaf was identified from the BC4F3 progeny of the cross between the transgenic variety of Zhongguo 91 and Zhendao 88 with the latter as the recurrent parent. Compared with the wild-type parent Zhendao 88, the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid decreased dramatically in the mutant ygl209at the seedling, tillering and heading stages, respectively. In particular, chlorophyll b decreased most significantly. However, there was no significant change in other agronomic traits, such as heading stage, plant height, number of effective panicles per plant, number of grains in main stem panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. Genetic analysis showed that the yellow-green leaf trait of the ygl209 mutant was controlled by one pair of recessive nuclear genes. With F2 and F3segregation populations derived from the cross between ygl209 and Zhendao 88, the YGL209 gene was mapped to the centromere region of chromosome 1, with a physical distance of 571.6 kb. We further analyzed the putative candidate genes in the target region through sequencing. A single base substitution (G1390C) was detected in the coding region of the LOC_Os01g31110 gene, which resulted in a missense mutation (A348G) in its encoded protein. Bioinformatic analysis predicted that the LOC_Os01g31110gene is related to the chloroplast development in rice. Therefore, LOC_Os01g31110 is likely to be the candidate gene of YGL209.
Keyword:Rice ( Oryza sativa L.); Yellow-green leaf mutant; Genetic analysis; Fine mapping Show Figures Show Figures
图1 野生型亲本与突变体ygl209在苗期(A)、分蘖期(B)和抽穗期(C)的植株形态图片左侧均为野生型亲本(深绿色), 右侧为突变体ygl209 (黄绿色)。Fig. 1 Plant phenotype of the wild type parents and the mutant ygl209 at seedling (A), tillering (B), and heading (C) stagesThe wild type parents (dark green leaf) and the mutant ygl209 (yellow green leaf) were on the left and right of the photos, respectively.
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 突变体ygl209与其野生型亲本镇稻88的性状比较 Table 1 Comparison of traits between the mutant ygl209 and its wild type parent Zhendao 88
性状 Trait
镇稻88 Zhendao 88 (CK)
比对照增减 Compared to CK (%)
抽穗期 Heading stage (d)
151± 3.5
150± 1.9
-0.7 (ns)
株高 Plant height (cm)
97± 3.5
96± 1.8
-1.0 (ns)
每株有效穗数 No. of effective panicles per plant
13± 2.7
14± 3.6
7.1 (ns)
主茎穗总粒数 No. of grains in main stem panicle
141± 6.8
136± 5.2
-3.7 (ns)
结实率 Seed-setting rate (%)
89± 3.4
91± 2.1
2.2 (ns)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
26.7± 0.2
27.0± 0.1
1.1 (ns)
ns: not significant at P< 0.05. ns表示在P< 0.05水平差异不显著。
表1 突变体ygl209与其野生型亲本镇稻88的性状比较 Table 1 Comparison of traits between the mutant ygl209 and its wild type parent Zhendao 88
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 突变体与野生型植株中光合色素含量 Table 2 Photosynthetic pigment contents in plants between mutant and wild type plant
生育期 Growth stage
材料 Material
叶绿素 Chl (mg g-1)
叶绿素a Chl a (mg g-1)
叶绿素b Chl b(mg g-1)
叶绿素a/b Chl a/b
β -胡萝卜素 β -Car (mg g-1 )
苗期 Seedling stage
2.19± 0.03
1.58± 0.00
0.61± 0.01
2.61± 0.02
0.55± 0.01
镇稻88 Zhendao 88 (CK)
3.12± 0.01
1.81± 0.01
1.31± 0.02
1.37± 0.03
0.65± 0.00
比CK增减 Compared to CK
-29.81%* *
-12.71%* *
-53.44%* *
90.51%* *
-15.38%* *
分蘖期 Tillering stage
2.45± 0.01
1.78± 0.01
0.67± 0.04
2.66± 0.01
0.46± 0.01
镇稻88 Zhendao 88 (CK)
3.59± 0.00
2.18± 0.03
1.41± 0.03
1.54± 0.01
0.76± 0.03
比CK增减 Compared to CK
-31.75%* *
-18.35%* *
-52.48%* *
72.73%* *
-39.47%* *
抽穗期 Heading stage
2.36± 0.01
1.64± 0.03
0.72± 0.00
2.28± 0.01
0.51± 0.01
镇稻88 Zhendao 88 (CK)
3.94± 0.01
2.19± 0.00
1.75± 0.01
1.25± 0.02
0.81± 0.01
比CK增减 Compared to CK
-40.10%* *
-25.11%* *
-58.86%* *
82.40%* *
-37.04%* *
* * Significant at P< 0.01. * * 表示在P< 0.01水平差异显著。
表2 突变体与野生型植株中光合色素含量 Table 2 Photosynthetic pigment contents in plants between mutant and wild type plant
表3 Table 3 表3(Table 3)
表3 突变体ygl209与正常绿色品种杂交F2的叶色分离 Table 3 Segregation of leaf color in F2population of the crosses between ygl209and normal rice
群体 Combination
总株数 Total number of plants
绿叶株数 No. of green plants
黄绿叶株数 No. of yellow green plants
χ 2 (3:1)
ygl209/ Zhendao 88
ygl209/ 9311
表3 突变体ygl209与正常绿色品种杂交F2的叶色分离 Table 3 Segregation of leaf color in F2population of the crosses between ygl209and normal rice
图2cry1Ab基因的PCR扩增M为1 kb DNA ladder marker; 1~10为杂交组合ygl209/镇稻88和ygl209/9311的F2群体中黄绿叶突变单株, 其中1~3及6~8来源于ygl209/镇稻88群体, 4、5、9和10来源于ygl209/9311群体; P1~P3分别为ygl209、镇稻88和9311。Fig. 2 PCR amplification of cry1AbM: 1 kb DNA ladder marker; 1-10: the mutant individuals in F2 segregation populations, among them, 1-3 and 6-8 were derived from cross combination ygl209/Zhendao88 and others (4, 5, 9, and 10) were derived from cross combination ygl209/9311; P1-P3: ygl209, Zhendao 88, and 9311, respectively.
图3 黄绿叶突变体ygl209基因的分子定位及候选基因预测A: ygl209基因初定位; B: ygl209基因精细定位; C: 预测的候选基因; SSR标记的物理位置来源于Gramene网站(http://www.gramene.org/)检索到的数据(2014年10月)。Fig. 3 Molecular mapping and candidate genes prediction of mutant ygl209A: preliminary mapping of ygl209; B: fine mapping of ygl209; C: candidate genes prediction; the physical positions of the markers were derived from Gramene (http://www.gramene.org/) on October, 2014.
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 定位区间内的编码基因及其推测功能 Table 4 Annotated genes and their putative functions in the target interval
基因名称 Gene name
推测功能 Putative function
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
No apical meristem protein, putative, expressed
Expressed protein
Expressed protein
Multidrug resistance protein 9, putative, expressed
图4LOC_Os01g31110的序列及其编码产物差异A: LOC_Os01g31110 编码区的DNA序列差异; B: LOC_Os01g31110编码的氨基酸序列差异。Fig. 4 Sequences and the encoded amino acid difference of LOC_Os01g31110A, B: the variations of LOC_Os01g31110 in the code region and amino acid sequences, respectively.
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