关键词:谷子; NAC转录因子; 低钾胁迫; ABA反应; 基因功能分析 Overexpression of Millet Transcription Factor Gene SiNAC45 to Response of Low Potassium Stress and ABA Treatment in Transgenic Arabidopsis WANG Er-Hui1,2,**, HU Li-Qin2,**, XUE Fei-Yang1,2, LI Wei-Wei2, XU Zhao-Shi2, LI Lian-Cheng2, ZHOU Yong-Bin2, MA You-Zhi2, DIAO Xian-Min2, JIA Guan-Qing2, CHEN Ming2,*, MIN Dong-Hong1,* 1College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University / State Key Laboratory of Arid Region Crop Adversity Biology, Yangling 712100, China
2Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Key Facility For Crop Gene Resource and Genetic Improvement / Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Triticeae Crop, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
AbstractNAC (nascent polypeptide-associated complex) like transcription factors play important role in plant growth and development, abiotic stress response, and other processes. Currently, few researches reported NAC like transcription factors involving in tolerance to low potassium stress. In this study, we found and researched a NAC like transcription factor gene SiNAC45 on the basis of transcriptome sequence of millet under low potassium stress which had been completed in previous work. The result show that the full-length of SiNAC45 is 1383 bp, encoding 461 amino acids, with molecular weight and isoelectric point of 50.7 kD and 6.92, respectively. There is a conserved NAM domain between 20-100 amino acids of SiNAC45. The phylogenetic tree showed that SiNAC45 belonged to the first subfamily of NAC gene family. The gene expression profile results indicated SiNAC45 mainly expressed in roots and was induced by ABA and low potassium treatment. The protein subcellular localization results of SiNAC45 revealed that it was localized in the nucleus. Gene functional analysis showed that under treatment with different concentrations of potassium, root length and fresh weight of SiNAC45 transgenic Arabidopsis significantly increased compared with those of wild-type Arabidopsis, and there was no significant difference in the number of lateral roots between transgenic and wild-type Arabidopsis, indicating that overexpressing of SiNAC45 in transgenic plants can enhance tolerance to low potassium stress. Expression analysis of downstream gene showed that expression of two important potassium transporter genes AKT1 and HAK1 increased significantly in SiNAC45 transgenic plants, indicating that SiNAC45 affects the tolerance to low potassium stress of plants by regulating the expression of potassium transporter gene. Seed germination test results showed that Arabidopsis carrying SiNAC45 decreased the sensitivity to ABA compared with wild-type Arabidopsis, indicating that SiNAC45 maybe negatively regulate ABA signal pathway.
Keyword:Millet; NAC transcription factor; Low potassium stress; ABA response; Gene function analysis Show Figures Show Figures
表1SiNAC45基因克隆和Real-time PCR分析所用引物以及引物退火温度 Table 1 Primers used for SiNAC45 gene cloning and Real-time PCR analysis and annealing temperature of the primers
名称 Primer
序列 Primer sequence (5′ -3′ )
用途 Function
退火温度 Annealing temp. (℃)
基因克隆 Gene cloning
构建GFP载体 Vector construction of GFP
构建pBI121载体 Vector construction of pBI121
实时定量PCR Real-time PCR
谷子内参基因 Internal control gene in millet
下游基因检测 Testing of downstream gene
下游基因检测 Testing of downstream gene
拟南芥内参基因 Internal control gene in Arabidopsis
表1SiNAC45基因克隆和Real-time PCR分析所用引物以及引物退火温度 Table 1 Primers used for SiNAC45 gene cloning and Real-time PCR analysis and annealing temperature of the primers
图1 谷子与拟南芥、水稻、大豆、玉米NAC蛋白进化树分析结果所示物种的NAC蛋白质序列从数据库Phytozome v10.0.4中获得。Fig. 1 Phylogenetic analysis of NACs protein fromSeteria italica(Si), Oryza sativa (Os), Arabidopsis thaliana (At), Glycine max (Gm), and Zea mays (Zm)The NAC protein sequences in those plants were obtained from the database Phytozome v10.0.4.
图 3SiNAC45在不同处理下的表达模式A: 不同处理下SiNAC45的表达模式; B: 正常生长和低 K处理条件下SiNAC45在谷子不同组织中的表达。Fig. 3 Expression patterns of the SiNAC45 gene under various treatmentsA: expression pattern of SiNAC045 under different treatments; B: tissues specific expression of SiNAC45 under normal condition and low potassium treatment condition.
图4 SiNAC45蛋白的亚细胞定位分析结果A: 对照GFP定位于整个细胞; B: SiNAC45-GFP定位于细胞核中。Fig. 4 Subcellular localization of SiNAC45 proteinA: control GFP; B: SiNAC45-GFP localized in the nuclear.
图5SiNAC45转基因和野生型拟南芥的表型分析A: 对照和低钾处理下的表型, 低钾浓度分别为5 μ mol L-1和10 μ mol L-1。B: 正常条件和低钾处理下的主根长、鲜重和根表面积; 采用单因素方差分析法对数据统计分析, 柱上不同的小写字母代表柱值在0.05水平上差异显著, 不同大写字母代表柱值在0.01水平上差异显著。Fig. 5 Phenotype analysis ofSiNAC45 transgenic and wild-type Arabidopsis to low potassium stressA: phenotype of control and low potassium treatment with 5 μ mol L-1 and 10 μ mol L-1K. B: primary root length, fresh weight and root surface under low potassium treatment. Data statically analysis was made by the means of one-way ANOVA. The values marked with different lower-case letters on the columns are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level; those with different capital letters are significantly different at the 0.01 probability level.
图7 35S::SiNAC45过表达拟南芥种子在不同ABA浓度处理下的萌发率A和D: 种子在无ABA处理条件下的萌发率; B和E: 种子在1 μ mol L-1 ABA处理条件下的萌发率; C和F: 种子在4 μ mol L-1 ABA处理条件下的萌发率。Fig. 7 Seed germination rates of 35S::SiNAC45 transgenic lines under treatments with different concentrations of ABAA and D: seed germination rates under the condition without ABA; B and E: seed germination rates under the condition with 1 μ mol L-1 ABA; C and F: seed germination rates under the condition with 4 μ mol L-1 ABA.
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