关键词:水稻; 垩白; 关联分析; SNP标记; 连锁不平衡 Genetic Dissection of Grain Chalkiness in IndicaMini-core Germplasm Using Genome-wide Association Method QIU Xian-Jin1,2, YUAN Zhi-Hua1, CHEN Kai3, DU Bin1, HE Wen-Jing1, YANG Long-Wei1,2, XU Jian-Long3,4,*, XING Dan-Ying1,2,*, LÜ Wen-Kai1 1College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China
2Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry / Engineering Research Center of Ecology and Agricultural Use of Wetland, Ministry of Education, Jingzhou 434025, China
3Shenzhen Institute of Breeding and Innovation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen 518120, China
4Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
AbstractIn order to dissect the genetic bases and mine novel alleles of grain chalkiness in indica, we conducted an experiment with genome-wide association analysis using phenotypic data collected from multiple locations (Sanya of Hainan, Shenzhen of Guangdong, Hangzhou of Zhejiang, and Jingzhou of Hubei) and 6704 re-sequenced SNP markers distributed in whole genome for 272 indicamini-core germplasm collected worldwide. All accessions were classified into three subpopulations based on SNP data. Total of 42 and 44 loci were detected as significant associations with percentage of grains with chalkiness (PGWC) and degree of endosperm chalkiness (DEC), respectively, which distributed all over the 12 chromosomes. Twenty one and nineteen loci were stably expressed for PGWC and DEC in multiple locations, respectively, and 12 simultaneously affected the two traits. Eleven of the said loci were co-located in the same or near regions harboring the quality genes cloned previously. Of them, the region of 3.3-5.3 Mb on chromosome 5 was significantly associated with PGWC at all four locations, having the largest phenotypic contribution detected in Hangzhou location, and the carrier variety with the best favorable allele was IRGC121689; another region of 17.5-22.7 Mb on chromosome 12 was significantly associated with DEC at Sanya and Hangzhou, having the largest phenotypic contribution detected in Sanya, and the carrier variety with the best favorable allele was IRGC122285. These loci and germplasms are important potential genes and variety resources that can be used in molecular breeding for rice appearance quality.
Keyword:Rice; Chalkiness; Association mapping analysis; SNP marker; Linkage disequilibrium Show Figures Show Figures
图2 利用Strucute 2.3.4计算的籼稻微核心种质中每个品种归属于3个亚群的后验概率Fig. 2 Posterior probability of each rice variety of indica mini-core germplasm belonging to the three subpopulations calculated by Structure 2.3.4 software
区间内或位点附近克隆的基因。1) Cloned gene in or near the locus.
表3 全基因组关联分析检测到不同环境垩白性状的显著关联位点 Table 3 Significant loci associated with the two chalky traits detected by genome-wide association analysis
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 与垩白性状显著关联且贡献率位于前5位的位点上等位基因效应差值及带有优异等位基因的载体品种 Table 4 Allelic differences for the top five loci associated with chalkiness traits and their typical carrier variety with the best favorable alleles
染色体 Chr.
位置 Position (Mb)
地点 Location
等位基因效应差值1) Phenotypic difference between alleles 1) (%)
有利等位基因2) Favorable allele 2)
载体品种3) Carrier variety 3)
表型 Phenotype (%)
垩白粒率Percentage of grains with chalkiness
浙江杭州Hangzhou, Zhejiang
广东深圳Shenzhen, Guangdong
浙江杭州Hangzhou, Zhejiang
广东深圳Shenzhen, Guangdong
浙江杭州Hangzhou, Zhejiang
垩白度Degree of endosperm chalkiness
海南三亚Sanya, Hainan
海南三亚Sanya, Hainan
浙江杭州Hangzhou, Zhejiang
海南三亚Sanya, Hainan
浙江杭州Hangzhou, Zhejiang
1)Phenotypic difference between most favorable allele and most inferior allele at the same locus; 2)Peak SNP that decreases chalkiness; 3)Varieties carrying the best favorable alleles. 1)指每一位点上表型效应最大与最小之间的等位基因效应的差值; 2)与垩白关联分析的降低垩白的峰值SNP; 3)携带最优等位基因的载体品种。
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