关键词:遗传背景; 稻瘟病菌; 致病性; 水稻单基因系; 基因聚合 Comparison of Pathogenicity of Pyricularia oryzaeunder Different Genetic Backgrounds MA Jun-Tao1, ZHANG Guo-Min1,*, XIN Ai-Hua1, ZHANG Li-Yan1, DENG Ling-Wei1, WANG Yong-Li1, WANG Ying1, REN Yang1, GONG Xiu-Jie1, GE Xuan-Liang1, YANG Xiu-Feng2 1Crop Cultivation Research Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, China
2 The Heihe Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Heihe 164300, China
Fund:This study was supported by Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of Heillongjiang Province (JC201214) and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of Heillongjiang Province (2013ZD019) AbstractRice blast is one of the most serious rice diseases in Heilongjiang province, resulting in high incidence and yield reduction. In order to definite the pathogenicity of P. oryzaeisolates and resistance improvement of nurse varieties under different genetic backgrounds, the experiment was conducted using four groups of Pyricularia oryzae ( P. oryzae) isolates and rice varieties including Chinese differential varieties, Japanese differential varieties, monogenic rice lines and landrace. Using the method of spraying inoculation and associational resistance and gene pyramiding analyses, the main results were as follows: (1) Under the Chinese differential varieties system, the P. oryzaeisolates from Kuiku 131, Kendao 12, Shangyu 397, and Ha 9811 were divided into ten, six, six, and nine physiological races respectively, and predominant physiological race of P. oryzaeisolates from Ha 9811 was ZF1 while the predominant physiological races of the other three groups of P. oryzaeisolates were all ZG1. (2) Under the Japanese differential varieties system, the P. oryzaeisolates from Kuiku 131, Kendao 12, Shangyu 397, and Ha 9811 were divided into 19, 11, 13, and 14 physiological races respectively, furthermore, the average disease incidence was 54.17%, 46.21%, 41.67%, and 59.90%, respectively. (3) Under the monogenic rice lines system, the P. oryzaeisolates from Kuiku 131, Kendao 12, Shangyu 397 and Ha 9811 were divided into 20, 11, 12, and 16 pathogenic types respectively, additionally, their similarity coefficient of pathogenicity was 0.20-0.87, 0.25-0.90, 0.25-1.00, and 0.31-0.88, respectively. (4) Under the landrace system, the P. oryzaeisolates from Kuiku 131, Kendao 12, Shangyu 397, and Ha 9811 were divided intotwelve, sever, nine and thirteen pathogenic types respectively, with the best blast-resistance varieties of Longdun 104, Songjing 6, Songjing 9, and Longdao 7. (5) Using the method of associational resistance, the average associational resistance coefficient and associational pathogenicity coefficient were 0.71-0.92 and 0-0.08, respectively; Using the method of gene pyramiding, the number of immunity gene combination to the P. oryzaeisolates from Kuiku 131, Kendao 12, Shangyu 397, and Ha 9811 were two, two, five and seven. In conclusion, using monogenic rice lines to research the pathogenicity of P. oryzae is better than using other appraisal systems. And good effects can be get from two resistance improvement methods, but both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
Keyword:Genetic background; Pyricularia oryzae; Pathogenicity; Monogenic rice lines; Gene pyramiding Show Figures Show Figures
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