关键词:水稻; 稗草; 干湿交替灌溉; 产量; 光合特性 Effects of Different Species in Echinochloa on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield in Rice under Alternate Wetting and Moderate Drying Condition ZHANG Zi-Chang1, LI Yong-Feng1,*, YANG Xia1, LU Fan2, QIU Guang2, LI Jian-Wei2 1 Institute of Plant Protection, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
2 Suke Agro-chemical of Jiangsu Province Co. Ltd., Nanjing 210014, China
AbstractIn order to investigate the effects of different barnyardgrass species on photosynthetic characteristic and grain yield of rice, two rice cultivars, Liangyoupeijiu (an indicahybrid cultivar) and Nanjing 9108 (a japonica cultivar), were co-cultured with four barnyardgrass species from transplanting to maturity under alternate wetting and moderate drying condition. The treatments were designed as follow: weed free (control), rice with Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis (T1), rice with Echinochloa crusgalli (T2), rice with Echinochloa crusgalivar. zelayensis (T3), and rice with Echinochloa colonum(T4). The results showed that the degree of interference of barnyardgrass on rice yield depended on different barnyardgrass species and rice cultivars. The interference intensity of barnyardgrass was in the order of T3>T1>T2>T4, and grain yield loss rate in Liangyoupeijiu was less than that in Nanjing 9108. T1, T2, T3, and T4 treatments respectively reduced 11.16%-13.78%, 10.19%-10.60%, 19.00%-23.79%, and 0.50%-1.57%, for Liangyoupeijiu of the grain yield and 38.44%-45.51%, 31.29%-36.86%, 54.88%-60.65%, and 8.28%-15.14% for Nanjing 9108, T1, T2, and T3 significantly reduced rice grain yield, while the effect of T4 was significant for Nanijng 9108 but not for Liangyoupeijiu when compared with CK. Moreover T1, T2, and T3 had no effects on leaf area index and contents of photosynthetic pigments for Liangyoupeijiu, but Nanjing 9108 significantly reduced leaf area index and increased contents of photosynthetic pigments under the same treatment condition. Furthermore, four treatments significantly reduced rice canopy light transmission, leaf photosynthetic rate, stomata conductance, transpiration rate and dry matter accumulation during grain filling stage. The results indicated that the decrease in canopy light transmission, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomata conductance and the increase in some degree in contents of photosynthetic pigments during grain filling stage may contribute to grain yield reduction of rice.
Keyword:Rice; Barnyardgrass; Alternate wetting and moderate drying; Grain yield; Photosynthetic characteristics Show Figures Show Figures
表1 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同种稗草对水稻产量及产量构成因素的影响 Table 1 Effects of different of barnyardgrasss on grain yield and its components of rice under alternate wetting and drying
试验地点 Experiment site
水稻品种 Rice cultivar
处理 Treatment
穗数 No. of panicles (× 104 hm-2)
每穗粒数 Spikelets per panicle
结实率 Seed-setting rate (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
产量 Grain yield (t hm-2)
南京 Nanjing
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
230 a
215 a
77.9 a
26.2 a
10.09 a
232 a
210 a
70.1 c
25.5 bc
8.70 b
235 a
212 a
70.6 c
25.6 b
9.02 b
231 a
199 a
66.5 d
25.2 c
7.69 c
236 a
218 a
74.6 b
26.1 a
10.04 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
257 a
148 a
95.2 a
25.6 a
9.25 a
245 a
102 b
84.6 cd
23.9 d
5.04 d
247 a
114 b
86.1 c
24.1 c
5.84 c
240 a
81 c
83.7 d
22.4 e
3.64 e
248 a
138 a
90.9 b
25.3 b
7.85 b
溧水 Lishui
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
230 a
217 a
78.4 a
26.1 a
10.21 a
230 a
218 a
71.1 c
25.3 b
9.04 b
238 a
215 a
71.2 c
25.1 bc
9.17 b
235 a
212 a
66.2 d
25.0 c
8.27 c
231 a
221 a
75.8 b
25.9 a
10.05 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
245 a
146 a
96.7 a
25.5 a
8.82 a
243 a
106 b
87.6 c
24.0 b
5.43 c
251 a
115 b
88.2 c
23.8 b
6.06 c
243 a
84 c
86.0 d
22.7 c
3.98 d
248 a
136 a
94.5 b
25.4 a
8.09 b
CK: barnyardgrass free; T1:Echinochloa crusgallivar. mitis; T2: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalli; T3: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalivar. zelayensis; T4:Echinochloa crusgalli colonum. Value followed by different letters within the same column for the same cultivar are significantly different at P< 0.05. CK: 无稗; T1: 无芒稗; T2: 稗; T3: 西来稗; T4: 光头稗; 同一栏同一品种内不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。
表1 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同种稗草对水稻产量及产量构成因素的影响 Table 1 Effects of different of barnyardgrasss on grain yield and its components of rice under alternate wetting and drying
图2 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同种稗草对透光率的影响T1: 无芒稗; T2: 稗; T3: 西来稗; T4: 光头稗。Fig. 2 Effects of different of barnyardgrass on light transmission rate of rice under alternate wetting and dryingT1: Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis; T2:Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalli; T3: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgali var. zelayensis; T4: Echinochloa crusgalli colonum.
表2 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同处理种对水稻干物质积累量 Table 2 Dry matter accumulation of rice in different treatments under alternate wetting and drying (t hm-2)
水稻品种 Rice cultivar
处理 Treatment
分蘖中期 Mid-tillering
穗分化始期 Panicle initiation
抽穗期 Heading
成熟期 Maturity
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
2.45 a
6.28 a
12.62 a
20.63 a
2.48 a
6.08 a
11.54 b
17.61 b
2.56 a
6.24 a
11.24 b
18.24 b
2.67 a
6.01 a
10.98 b
16.56 c
2.53 a
6.39 a
12.45 a
20.42 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
1.63 a
5.62 a
10.87 a
18.45 a
1.48 a
5.16 a
8.04 c
12.43 c
1.62 a
5.34 a
9.21 b
12.85 c
1.68 a
4.71 b
7.21 c
10.36 d
1.54 a
5.24 a
9.75 b
15.81 b
CK: barnyardgrass free; T1:Echinochloa crusgallivar. mitis; T2: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalli; T3: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalivar. zelayensis; T4:Echinochloa crusgalli colonum; Different letters within the same column and same cultivar mean significant difference at the 0.05 level. CK: 无稗; T1: 无芒稗; T2: 稗; T3: 西来稗; T4: 光头稗; 同一栏同一品种内不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。
表2 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同处理种对水稻干物质积累量 Table 2 Dry matter accumulation of rice in different treatments under alternate wetting and drying (t hm-2)
表3 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同处理水稻的叶面积指数 Table 3 LAI of rice in different trentments under alternate wetting and drying
水稻品种 Rice cultivar
处理 Treatment
分蘖中期 Mid-tillering
穗分化始期 Panicle initiation
抽穗期 Heading
两优培九 Liangyoupeijiu
2.87 a
5.14 a
7.11 a
2.91 a
5.08 a
7.04 a
2.84 a
5.10 a
7.07 a
2.99 a
5.08 a
7.01 a
3.01 a
5.10 a
7.07 a
南粳9108 Nanjing 9108
2.74 a
4.78 a
6.76 a
2.65 a
4.68 a
6.11 bc
2.68 a
4.72 a
6.18 b
2.59 a
4.45 a
5.84 c
2.57 a
4.65 a
6.60 a
CK: barnyardgrass free; T1:Echinochloa crusgallivar. mitis; T2: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalli; T3: Echinochloa crusgalli crusgalivar. zelayensis; T4:Echinochloa crusgalli colonum; Different letters within the same column and same cultivar mean significant difference at the 0.05 level. CK: 无稗; T1: 无芒稗; T2: 稗; T3: 西来稗; T4: 光头稗; 同一栏同一品种内不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。
表3 干湿交替灌溉条件下不同处理水稻的叶面积指数 Table 3 LAI of rice in different trentments under alternate wetting and drying
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