关键词:普通菜豆; 抗旱性; 灰色关联度分析; 模糊聚类分析; 综合评价 Identification of Drought Resistence at Seedlings Stage in Common Bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties LI Long, WANG Lan-Fen, WU Jing, JING Rui-Lian, WANG Shu-Min* National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
AbstractEleven physiological indices of different common bean varieties were measured under the conditions of irrigation and repeated drought in pot, drought resistance evaluation indices at seedling stage were selected by using grey relational theory, the drought resistance of each germplasm was comprehensively evaluated according to weighted drought-resistance index and drought-resistance measuration value ( D-value) and graded by fuzzy cluster analysis. The results showed that the association degree between different indices and comprehensive drought resistance indices was ranked as follows: leaf relative water content (0.7726), Fv /Fm(0.7607), chlorophyll content (0.7435), survival rate (0.7341), biomass (0.7329), shoot dry weight (0.7314), root dry weight (0.7192), stomatal conductance (0.7159), root/shoot ratio (0.7092), plant height (0.7086), leaf area (0.6910). The evaluation results based on weighted drought-resistance index and D-value had some differences, but the drought resistance rank was essentially the same. According to D-value, tested materials were divided into four groups including high resistance (10%), moderate resistance (6%), susceptible (58%) and highly susceptible (26%). In conclusion, ten indices including leaf relative water content, Fv /Fm, chlorophyll content and so on can be used to evaluate the drought resistance at seedling stage in common bean; combining weighted drought-resistance index and D-value can improve the reliability of identification results. Among the 50 tested varieties, Baijindelidou, Yuejindou, Tuzitui, Yuanbaicaidou and 260205 have the better drought resistance.
Keyword:Common bean; Drought resistance; Grey relational analysis; Fuzzy cluster analysis; Comprehensive evaluation Show Figures Show Figures
表3 普通菜豆各指标与综合抗旱指数关联度及关联序 Table 3 Correlation degree and correlation order between different parameters and comprehensive drought-resistance index of common bean
指标 Index
关联度 Correlation degree
权重 Weight
关联序 Correlative order
叶片相对含水量 Leaf relative water content
PSII最大光化学效率 Fv/Fm
叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content
反复干旱存活率 Survival rate after repeated drought
生物量 Biomass
茎叶干重 Shoot dry weight
根干重 Root dry weight
气孔导度 Stomatal conductance
根冠比 Root/shoot ratio
株高 Plant height
叶面积 Leaf area
表3 普通菜豆各指标与综合抗旱指数关联度及关联序 Table 3 Correlation degree and correlation order between different parameters and comprehensive drought-resistance index of common bean
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