摘要在长江流域麦棉两熟制条件下, 以Bt转基因抗虫棉为材料, 设置不同秸秆还田量(4500 kg hm-2和9000 kg hm-2, 即半量还田和全量还田)与施钾量(K2O, 150 kg hm-2和300 kg hm-2)田间定位试验, 研究小麦秸秆还田对棉花产量和主要养分吸收累积的影响及其与化肥钾的差异。结果表明, 在施用氮磷肥的基础上, 与对照相比, 秸秆全量还田处理显著提高了铃数、铃重和皮棉产量, 还田第2年和第3年产量增长率分别达143.5%和93.7%; 显著提高了各生育时期尤其是吐絮期生物量和氮磷钾养分吸收量, 延缓了棉花衰老。秸秆还田对钾吸收的促进效应大于氮磷, 还田第3年棉株钾累积总量较对照增加335.1%, 每生产100 kg皮棉钾吸收比例增大112.1%。秸秆全量还田处理(K2O, 约折合150 kg hm-2)促进养分吸收、防止早衰及增产效应均显著大于秸秆半量还田处理, 但显著低于施钾量(K2O) 300 kg hm-2处理, 与施钾量(K2O) 150 kg hm-2处理的增产效果相当, 但养分吸收量较150 kg K2O hm-2处理下降。
关键词:秸秆还田; 化学钾; 棉花; 养分吸收; 产量 Effects of Wheat Straw Returning and Potassium Fertilizer Application on Yield and Nutrients Uptake of Cotton ZHANG Fan1, SUI Ning1, YU Chao-Ran1, LIU Rui-Xian2, YANG Chang-Qin2, SONG Guang-Lei1, MENG Ya-Li1,*, ZHOU Zhi-Guo1 1Nanjing Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology #cod#x00026; Ecology in Southern China, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing 210095, China
2Institute of Industrial Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
AbstractA three-year stationary experiment with treatments of wheat straw (4500 kg ha-1 and 9000 kg ha-1) mulching and K fertilizer (150 kg K2O ha-1 and 300 kg K2O ha-1) application was conducted using insect-resistant cotton under wheat-cotton double cropping system in the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River (Nanjing). The results showed that compared with control (without K fertilizer and wheat straw returning), total wheat straw returning significantly increased boll number, boll weight and lint yield of cotton with lint yield increasing rate of 143.5% and 93.7% in the second and third years after straw returning, respectively. Biomass and nutrients absorption at different growth stages were significantly improved by total wheat straw returning, especially in the boll opening stage, and the senescence of vegetative organs was delayed. Wheat straw returning promoted K absorption much greater than N and P absorption. Compared with control, total K uptake by cotton plant and K uptake per 100 kg lint increased by 335.1% and 112.1% respectively in the third year after straw returning. The treatment of total wheat straw returning much promoted nutrients uptake, yield, and delaying premature senescence than the treatment of half wheat straw returning, while significantly less than the treatment of 300 kg K2O ha-1. The yield-increasing effect was equal but the nutrients uptake per 100 kg lint was less in the treatment of total wheat straw returning than in the treatment of 150 kg K2O ha-1.
Keyword:Wheat straw returning; K fertilizer; Cotton; Nutrients absorption; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
近年来, 转基因抗虫棉在我国种植面积迅速扩大, 其源小库大的特点造成了源库之间的不平衡, 加之后期根系衰老快, 与常规棉相比, 土壤钾素不足时更易出现缺钾性早衰, 导致棉花产量和品质下降[ 1]。我国钾矿资源缺乏, 进口依赖度高, 然而作物秸秆资源丰富, 含钾量高, 且还田后释放速度快, 但目前我国棉田的秸秆还田率较低, 如果秸秆还田率能提高10个百分点, 就相当于180万吨钾肥补充到农田中[ 2], 一定程度上可以弥补我国钾资源不足, 缓解土壤钾素亏缺状况。 国内外大量研究已表明秸秆还田具有普遍的增产效应[ 3, 4], 但在不同作物和不同种植制度中表现不同[ 5, 6]。刘冬青等[ 7]认为小麦秸秆覆盖可以提高棉花叶面积指数, 延长叶片功能期, 提高棉株的光合能力从而防止棉花早衰, 增加铃重, 提高棉花产量。Gwathmey等[ 8]研究指出, 小麦秸秆还田6年后棉花皮棉产量提高11%。Rafique等[ 9]在巴基斯坦麦棉轮作系统研究中指出, 平衡施肥条件下, 麦秸秆覆盖还田提高了棉株氮浓度和产量, 且随试验年份延长提高愈显著。总的来说, 国内关于秸秆还田影响棉花生长的研究较为缺乏, 尚未明确长江流域麦棉两熟种植制度下秸秆还田对棉花产量与养分吸收的影响。本文拟通过设置不同的小麦秸秆还田量和施钾量, 研究小麦秸秆还田量对棉花生物量、养分累积分配及与产量形成的影响, 及其与化学钾肥的比较, 为提高秸秆资源利用率, 缓解土壤钾素亏缺状况提供理论支撑。 1 材料与方法1.1 试验设计于2011—2013年在江苏省农业科学院试验站(32°02' N,118°50' E)进行田间定位试验。供试土壤为黏土, pH 5.7, 含有机质12.9 g kg-1、全氮0.90 g kg-1、速效氮6.5 mg kg-1、速效磷12.1 mg kg-1、全钾9.1 g kg-1、速效钾154.6 mg kg-1; 次年棉花移栽前土壤速效钾各小区平均为128.4 mg kg-1, 较上一年明显下降, 而其他土壤养分含量基本未变。试验田种植模式为小麦棉花一年两熟。 根据小麦籽粒产量6000 kg hm-2可生产小麦秸秆量9000 kg hm-2 (约折合150 kg K2O hm-2), 试验设4500 kg hm-2(半量还田, W4500)和9000 kg hm-2(全量还田, W9000) 2个秸秆还田量处理, 150 kg K2O hm-2(K150)和300 kg K2O hm-2 (K300) 2个施钾量处理, 以不施钾肥和无秸秆处理为对照(CK), 共5个处理。完全随机区组设计, 3次重复, 小区面积55 m2。小麦满幅种植(11月5日至10日播种), 品种为宁麦13, 氮肥240 kg N hm-2, 按基肥50%、拔节肥30%~35%、孕穗肥15%~20%施用; 磷肥基施120 kg P2O5 hm-2, 不施钾肥和秸秆。每年小麦收获时, 将秸秆粉碎后覆盖还田, 待棉花盛花期结合中耕培垄翻入约10 cm深耕层。供试棉花品种为转基因抗虫棉泗杂3号, 营养钵育苗移栽, 4月25日育苗, 6月5日左右移栽, 行株距为1.0 m×0.3 m。各处理氮磷肥正常施用, 氮肥240 kg N hm-2, 按基肥40%、花铃肥60%施用; 磷肥225 kg P2O5 hm-2, 于棉花移栽时一次施入。田间管理按高产栽培要求进行。 1.2 测定指标及方法2012年和2013年均从7月15日起每15 d取样一次, 每小区随机取2株(7月15日取4株), 分器官放入105℃烘箱杀青30 min, 再以80℃烘干至恒重后称干重。粉碎后以H2SO4-H2O2消解定容后用连续流动分析仪测定植株全氮含量, 用钼锑抗吸光光度法测定植株全磷含量, 用火焰光度计测定植株全钾含量。吐絮期取上、中、下各20个棉铃测定单铃重和衣分, 取平均值, 计算产量。氮(磷、钾)养分利用效率=皮棉产量/植株氮(磷、钾)吸收量[ 10]; 100 kg皮棉养分吸收量=植株养分吸收量/皮棉产量×100[ 10]。 1.3 气象资料和数据统计分析采用Microsoft Excel数据处理软件分析数据和制作表格, 用SPSS 17.0 统计软件进行方差分析, 用LSD法检验处理间平均值差异显著性。气象数据来自中国气象网。 表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 棉花不同生育时期的气象条件 Table 1 Weather factors at different growth stages of cotton
气象因子 Weather factor
平均日温DAT (℃)
降雨量 Precipitation (mm)
日照时数 SH (h)
DAT: daily average temperature; SH: sunshine hours.
表1 棉花不同生育时期的气象条件 Table 1 Weather factors at different growth stages of cotton
表2 产量及其构成因子比较 Table 2 Comparison of yields and yield components
处理 Treatment
皮棉产量 Lint yield (kg hm-2)
铃数 Boll No. (×104 hm-2)
铃重 Boll weight (g)
衣分 Lint percentage (%)
皮棉产量 Lint yield (kg hm-2)
铃数 Boll No. (×104 hm-2)
铃重 Boll weight (g)
衣分 Lint percentage (%)
588 b
36.3 c
4.02 b
40.4 a
823 d
53.9 c
3.56 c
42.9 b
1364 a
69.5 ab
4.86 a
40.4 a
1187 c
64.9 c
4.19 b
43.7 a
1432 a
70.7 a
4.98 a
40.7 a
1594 b
77.0 b
4.85 a
42.7 b
1295 a
62.9 ab
5.08 a
40.5 a
1825 ab
85.8 ab
4.78 a
44.4 a
1190 a
61.2 b
4.64 a
41.8 a
2011 a
92.4 a
4.97 a
43.7 a
Values followed by different letters within the same column are significantly different at 0.05 probability level. CK: control; W4500, W9000: rate of wheat straw returning was 4500 and 9000 kg ha-1. 同列不同字母表示在 0.05 水平上差异显著。CK: 对照; W4500: 小麦秸秆还田量4500 kg hm-2; W9000: 小麦秸秆还田量9000 kg hm-2; K150: 150 kg K2O hm-2; K300: 300 kg K2O hm-2.
表2 产量及其构成因子比较 Table 2 Comparison of yields and yield components
图1 棉株生物量(A)、营养器官生物量(B)和生殖器官生物量(C)累积动态(2013)缩写同表2。Abbreviations are the same as those given inTable 2.Fig. 1 Dynamics of biomass accumulation in cotton plant (A), vegetative organs (B), and reproductive organs (C) in 2013
图2 棉株氮累积(A)、生殖器官氮累积(B)动态和经济系数(C)变化(2013)Fig. 2 Dynamics of N accumulation in cotton plant (A), and reproductive organs (B), and economic coefficient of N (C) in 2013 缩写同表2。Abbreviations are the same as those given inTable 2.
图3 棉株磷累积(A)、生殖器官磷累积(B)动态和经济系数(C)变化(2013)Fig. 3 Dynamics of P accumulation in cotton plant (A), reproductive organs (B), and economic coefficient of P (C) in 2013 缩写同表2。Abbreviations are the same as those given inTable 2.
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