摘要根系在谷子生长发育过程中起着极为重要的作用。本试验以豫谷1号和青狗尾草杂交衍生的RIL群体196个家系为材料, 采用根管土柱栽培实测根系性状的方法, 调查谷子根系性状的变异及在土壤中垂直空间的分布情况。结果表明, 谷子单株根系长度平均为(89.42±32.67) m, 单株根系总面积平均为(2.74±0.93) dm2, 单株根系总体积平均为(30.94±13.93) mL, 单株根系根直径平均数为(0.52±0.06) mm, 单株根系平均干重为(0.98±0.45) g, 除根系直径外, 各根系性状在家系间均表现很高的变异系数; 单株根量垂直分布分析表明, 谷子根深可到2.4 m, 90%的根量分布在0~200 cm范围之内, 根量在土壤中整体分布呈“8”型架构; 根系性状和地上农艺性状的相关分析表明, 单株地上生物量和单株籽粒产量与地下根量呈极显著正相关, 是根系选择的间接指标。
关键词:谷子; 根系; 耕层; 重组自交系群体 Phenotype Variation and Vertical Distribution of Foxtail Millet Root System in RIL from a Cross of Yugu 1 × Wild Green Foxtail W53 ZHANG Wen-Ying1, ZHI Hui2, LIU Bin-Hui1, WANG Xue-Zheng1, PANG Zhao-Jin1, LI Ji-Ming1, WANG Guang-Cai1, LI Ming-Zhe1, WANG Yong-Fang3, LI Wei3, LI Hai-Quan3, JIA Guan-Qing2, DIAO Xian-Min2,3,* 1 Dryland Farming Institute, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Hengshui 053000, China
2Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
3Institute of Millet Crops, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Shijia-zhuang 050031, China
Fund: AbstractFoxtail millet is a well-known drought tolerant crop in arid and semi-arid regions, because root system plays an essential role in crop growth period. Taking 196 lines from foxtail millet RIL, derived from a cross of cultivar Yugu 1 × wild green foxtail W53 as materials, we investigated root system variance and distribution in the soil with the root canal soil column culture. The results showed that the average length of root per plant, the average root surface area per plant, the average root volume per plant, the average root diameter per plant and that of root dry weight per plant were 89.42 ± 32.67 m, 2.74 ± 0.93 dm2, 30.94 ± 13.93 mL, 0.52 ± 0.06 mm, and 0.98 ± 0.45 g, respectively. There existed high variation coefficients in the root characters of all lines except root diameter. The deepest root system was detected in 2.4 meters beneath the soil surface, and 90% of root biomass of foxtail millet distributed from the soil surface to the depth of 200 centimeters. The overall distribution of foxtail millet root system was a “8” type structure, which means that foxtail millet root biomass gradually decreased from the soil surface to a depth of 60 centimeters, increased slightly from soil layer of 60 centimeters to 100 centimeters, and then decreased again to zero in the deeper soil layer. The correlation analysis of root traits and agronomic traits above ground showed that plant straw weight and plant grain yield were positively correlated with root traits and the correlation coefficients could be used an indirect index for germplasm evaluation and breeding selection.
Keyword:Foxtail millet; Root system; Soil layer; Recombinant inbred lines Show Figures Show Figures
4 结论196份谷子RIL根系表面积、长度、体积、直径、干重呈“8”型架构分布。谷子根系深且深层根占有较高比例, 可能和其抗旱性有密切联系。地上生物量、单株籽粒产量是间接进行根系选择的指标。家系205是所有材料中综合表现最优的, 家系1、家系40和家系114根系综合性状也表现良好, 可以作为谷子抗旱性研究的候选材料。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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