摘要以杂交粳稻常优5号为材料, 设置未施氮肥处理(0N)、当地高产栽培(对照)、超高产栽培和氮肥高效利用栽培等4种栽培模式, 观察其对水稻不同生育期根系形态生理和地上部生长的影响。结果表明, 不同栽培模式下水稻产量差异极显著。超高产栽培与氮肥高效利用栽培两年的平均产量分别为12.29 t hm-2和9.62 t hm-2, 平均分别较对照增产41.4%和10.7%。上述两种栽培模式的氮肥农学利用率(每kg施氮量增加的产量)分别较对照增加80.7%和76.8%, 灌溉水利用效率分别较对照提高62.1%和32.3%。与对照相比, 超高产栽培与氮肥高效利用栽培均增加了水稻地上部干物重、叶面积指数、根干重、根长, 提高了粒叶比, 改善了库源关系, 并提高了根冠比与根系伤流量。同时也提高了灌浆期剑叶净光合速率、根系氧化力、根系总吸收表面积与根系活跃吸收表面积, 生育中后期根系、叶片以及根系伤流液中的玉米素(Z)与玉米素核苷(ZR)含量、灌浆期籽粒中蔗糖合酶(SuSase)以及腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPase)活性。这说明, 通过栽培技术的集成与优化可以提高水稻灌浆期根系和地上部的生理活性, 促进水稻高产与水分养分高效利用。
关键词:水稻; 栽培模式; 产量; 根系形态生理; 氮肥利用率; 水分利用率 Effects of Cultivation Patterns on Root Morph-physiological Traits and Aboveground Development ofJaponica Hybrid Rice Cultivar Changyou 5 CHU Guang1, ZHOU Qun1, XUE Ya-Guang1,3, YAN Xiao-Yuan2, LIU Li-Jun1, YANG Jian-Chang1,* 1 Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
2 Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
3Jiangsu Yanjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Nantong 226541, China
Fund: AbstractThe objective of this study was to investigate if a cultivation technique could coordinately increase both grain yield and nutrient use efficiency of rice through an improvement in morphological and physiological traits of roots. A field experiment was conducted usingjaponica hybrid rice cultivar Changyou 5 with four cultivation patterns including no nitrogen application (0N), local high yielding cultivation (control), super high yielding cultivation (SHY) and high nutrient use efficiency cultivation (HUEN). The results showed that, the grain yield was 12.29 t ha-1 under SHY and 9.62 t ha-1under HUEN, which was 41.4% and 10.7% higher than that under the control, on the average, respectively. When compared with the control, SHY and HUEN increased nitrogen (N) agronomic efficiency (the increase in grain yield divides by the amount of N application) by 80.7% and 76.8%, and irrigation water use efficiency by 62.1% and 32.3%, respectively. The SHY and HUEN also significantly increased biomass from heading to maturity, leaf area index, root dry weight and root length, grain-leaf ratio, root-shoot ratio, the amount of root bleeding, photosynthetic rate of the flag leaf, root oxidation activity, total absorbing surface area and active absorbing surface area, contents of cytokinins (zeatin + zeatin riboside) in roots, leaves and root bleedings, and activities of sucrose synthase and adenosine diphosphate-glucose pyrophosphorylase in grains during grain filling. The results indicate that higher grain yield and high nutrient and water use efficiencies can be coordinately achieved through using integrating and optimizing cultivation techniques in rice production.
Keyword:Rice; Cultivation pattern; Yield; Morphology and physiology of roots; Nitrogen use efficiency; Water use efficiency Show Figures Show Figures
表1 水稻不同栽培模式的施肥时期和施肥量 Table 1 Time and amount of fertilizer application for different cultivation patterns (kg hm-2)
处理 Treatment
基肥 Basal fertilizer
分蘖肥 Tillering fertilizer
促花肥 Spikelet-promoting fertilizer
保花肥 Spikelet-protecting fertilizer
氮、磷、钾用量 Amount of N, P and K
养分合计 Total
0N: 不施用氮肥; LHY: 当地高产栽培; SHY: 超高产栽培; HUEN: 氮肥高效利用栽培。 0N: no nitrogen application; LHY: local high yielding cultivation; SHY: super high yielding cultivation; HUEN: high nutrient use efficiency cultivation.
表1 水稻不同栽培模式的施肥时期和施肥量 Table 1 Time and amount of fertilizer application for different cultivation patterns (kg hm-2)
表2 不同栽培模式下的水稻产量及其构成因素 Table 2 Grain yield and its yield components under different cultivation patterns
处理 Treatment
产量 Grain yield (t hm-2)
穗数 No. of panicles(×104 hm-2)
每穗粒数 Spikelets per panicle
总颖花量 Total spikelets(×106 hm-2)
结实率 Filled grains(%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight(g)
5.80 d
131.78 c
164.71 c
217.05 d
93.25 a
28.65 a
8.71 c
211.11 b
174.18 b
367.71 c
87.04 b
27.22 b
12.25 a
274.32 a
190.30 a
522.05 a
86.84 b
27.02 b
9.59 b
215.78 b
191.24 a
412.65 b
85.96 bc
27.03 b
5.84 d
130.32 c
168.32 c
219.35 d
92.13 a
28.92 a
8.67 c
213.83 b
172.44 c
368.73 c
85.81 b
27.41 b
12.34 a
272.44 a
195.12 a
531.58 a
84.96 b
27.32 b
9.66 b
219.33 b
189.33 ab
415.26 b
84.78 b
27.43 b
0N: 不施用氮肥; LHY: 当地高产栽培; SHY: 超高产栽培; HUEN: 氮肥高效利用栽培。同栏同年内比较, 不同字母表示 P=0.05水平上差异显著。 0N: no nitrogen application; LHY: local high yielding cultivation; SHY: super high yielding cultivation; HUEN: high nutrient use efficiency cultivation. Values within the same column and same year followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.
表2 不同栽培模式下的水稻产量及其构成因素 Table 2 Grain yield and its yield components under different cultivation patterns
表3 不同栽培模式下水稻的吸氮量、氮收获指数与氮肥利用效率 Table 3 N uptake, N harvest index, and N use efficiency under different cultivation patterns in rice
处理 Treatment
施氮量 N application rate(kg hm-2)
吸氮量 N uptake(kg hm-2)
氮收获指数 N harvest index
氮肥偏生产力 Partial factor productivity of N
吸收利用率 Recovery efficiency (%)
农学利用率 Agronomic efficiency (kg kg-1)
生理利用率 Physiological efficiency (kg kg-1)
83.37 c
0.71 a
181.45 b
0.58 c
29.02 c
32.69 c
9.69 c
29.64 b
297.95 a
0.53 d
32.67 b
57.22 a
17.20 a
30.06 b
179.77 b
0.63 b
42.61 a
42.85 b
16.84 b
39.30 a
84.75 c
0.68 a
186.44 b
0.61 c
28.89 c
33.90 c
9.42 c
27.80 b
326.46 a
0.52 d
32.89 b
64.46 a
17.32 a
26.88 b
183.06 b
0.67 b
42.91 a
43.70 b
16.96 b
38.81 a
0N: 不施用氮肥; LHY: 当地高产栽培; SHY: 超高产栽培; HUEN: 氮肥高效利用栽培。同栏同年内比较, 不同字母表示 P=0.05水平上差异显著。 0N: no nitrogen application; LHY: local high yielding cultivation; SHY: super high yielding cultivation; HUEN: high nutrient use efficiency cultivation. Values within the same column and same year followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.
表3 不同栽培模式下水稻的吸氮量、氮收获指数与氮肥利用效率 Table 3 N uptake, N harvest index, and N use efficiency under different cultivation patterns in rice
超高产栽培和氮肥高效利用栽培两年的平均灌溉用水量分别是4860 m3 hm-2与4661 m3 hm-2, 是当地高产栽培(对照)的87%和84%。超高产栽培和氮肥高效利用栽培的灌溉水分利用效率分别为2.53 kg m-3与2.06 kg m-3, 分别较对照增加62%与32% (表4)。 表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 不同栽培模式下的水稻灌溉水利用效率 Table 4 Water use efficiency (WUE) for irrigation under different cultivation patterns in rice
处理 Treatment
灌溉用水量Irrigation water
灌溉水利用效率Water use efficiency (WUE) for irrigation
(kg m-3)
5237 ab
1.11 d
5597 a
1.56 c
4867 c
2.52 a
4668 c
2.05 b
5335 b
1.09 d
5532 a
1.57 c
4852 c
2.54 a
4653 d
2.07 b
0N: 不施用氮肥; LHY: 当地高产栽培; SHY: 超高产栽培; HUEN: 氮肥高效利用栽培。同栏同年内比较, 不同字母表示 P=0.05水平上差异显著。 0N: no nitrogen application; LHY: local high yielding cultivation; SHY: super high yielding cultivation; HUEN: high nutrient use efficiency cultivation. Values within the same column and same year followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.
表4 不同栽培模式下的水稻灌溉水利用效率 Table 4 Water use efficiency (WUE) for irrigation under different cultivation patterns in rice
表5 不同栽培模式下的水稻抽穗期叶面积指数和粒叶比 Table 5 Leaf area index and grain-leaf ratio at heading stage under different cultivation patterns in rice
处理 Treatment
总叶面积指数 Total leaf area index
有效叶面积指数 Effective leaf area index
高效叶面积指数 High-effective leaf area index
颖花/叶Spikelets/leaf area (cm-2)
实粒/叶 Filled grains/leaf area (cm-2)
粒重/叶 Grain yield/leaf area (mg cm-2)
4.57 d
4.02 d
3.13 d
0.47 d
0.44 d
12.69 d
6.75 c
5.69 c
4.14 c
0.54 c
0.47 c
12.91 c
8.31 a
7.89 a
6.35 a
0.63 a
0.55 a
14.74 a
7.05 b
6.53 b
4.92 b
0.59 b
0.50 b
13.60 b
4.62 d
4.08 d
3.19 d
0.47 d
0.43 d
12.52 d
6.76 c
5.63 c
4.19 c
0.54 c
0.47 c
12.79 c
8.26 a
7.93 a
6.42 a
0.63 a
0.54 a
14.67 a
7.06 b
6.47 b
4.98 b
0.58 c
0.50 b
13.59 b
0N: 不施用氮肥; LHY: 当地高产栽培; SHY: 超高产栽培; HUEN: 氮肥高效利用栽培。同栏同年内比较, 不同字母表示 P=0.05水平上差异显著。 0N: no nitrogen application; LHY: local high yielding cultivation; SHY: super high yielding cultivation; HUEN: high nutrient use efficiency cultivation. Values within the same column and same year followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.
表5 不同栽培模式下的水稻抽穗期叶面积指数和粒叶比 Table 5 Leaf area index and grain-leaf ratio at heading stage under different cultivation patterns in rice
图2 不同栽培模式下的水稻在不同生育时期地上部干物重(A, B)、根干重(C, D)和根-冠比(E, F)Fig. 2 Shoot dry weight (A, B), root dry weight (C, D), and root-shoot ratio (E, F) under different cultivation patterns in rice at different growth stages
图3 不同栽培模式下的水稻在不同生育时期根长(A, B)、根直径(C, D)和比根长(E, F)Fig. 3 Root length (A, B), diameter per root (C, D), and special root length (E, F) under different cultivation patterns in rice at different growth stages
图4 不同栽培模式下的水稻在不同生育时期根系氧化力(A, B)和根系伤流液强度(C, D)Fig. 4 Root oxidation activity (A, B) and root bleeding amount (C, D) under different cultivation patterns in rice at different growth stages
图5 不同栽培模式下的水稻在不同生育时期根系总吸收表面积(A, B)和活跃吸收表面积(C, D)Fig. 5 Total absorbing surface area (A, B) and active absorbing surface area (C, D) under different cultivation patterns in rice at different growth stages
图6 不同栽培模式下水稻根系(A, B)、叶片(C, D)和根系伤流液(E, F)中玉米素(Z)+玉米素核苷(ZR)含量Fig. 6 Zeatin (Z) + zeatin riboside (ZR) content in roots (A, B), leaves (C, D), and root bleeding (E, F) under different cultivation patterns in rice at different growth stages
表6 各处理的籽粒中蔗糖合酶及腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性 Table 6 Activities of sucrose synthase (SuSase) and adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophospgorylase (AGPase) in grains
处理 Treatment
蔗糖合酶 SuSase (μmol g-1 FW min-1)
腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶 AGPase (μmol g-1 FW min-1)
17 DAH
26 DAH
17 DAH
26 DAH
8.95 c
5.91 c
3.86 d
6.03 c
3.85 c
1.97 d
8.32 d
5.85 c
4.64 c
5.45 d
3.87 c
2.67 c
11.21 a
7.64 a
6.45 a
7.54 a
5.32 a
4.54 a
9.64 b
6.44 b
5.32 b
6.43 b
4.64 b
3.83 b
8.83 c
5.79 c
3.78 d
5.97 c
3.72 c
2.04 d
8.15 d
5.75 c
4.58 c
5.57 d
3.68 c
2.75 c
11.05 a
7.75 a
6.39 a
7.67 a
5.43 a
4.67 a
9.53 b
6.54 b
5.16 b
6.54 b
4.75 b
3.94 b
0N: 不施用氮肥; LHY: 当地高产栽培; SHY: 超高产栽培; HUEN: 氮肥高效利用栽培; DAH: 抽穗后天数。同栏同年内比较, 不同字母表示 P=0.05水平上差异显著。 0N: no nitrogen application; LHY: local high yielding cultivation; SHY: super high yielding cultivation; HUEN: high nutrient use efficiency cultivation. DAH: days after heading. Values within the same column and same year followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.
表6 各处理的籽粒中蔗糖合酶及腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性 Table 6 Activities of sucrose synthase (SuSase) and adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophospgorylase (AGPase) in grains
回归分析表明, 在不同栽培模式下水稻灌浆期根系、叶片以及根系伤流液中Z+ZR的含量、根系氧化力以及根系总吸收表面积和根系活跃吸收表面积与灌浆期剑叶净光合速率、籽粒中蔗糖合酶(SuSase)以及腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPase)活性均呈极显著正相关关系( r = 7289**~0.9419**)(图7)。 图7 Fig. 7
图7 水稻剑叶净光合速率(A1~A6)、蔗糖合酶活性(B1~B6)和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性(C1~C6)与根系(A1~C1)、叶片(A2~C2)和根系伤流液(A3~C3)中Z+ZR含量、根系氧化力(A4~C4)、根系总吸收表面积(A5~C5)以及根系活跃吸收表面积(A6~C6)之间的关系Fig. 7 Correlation of flag leaf photosynthetic rate (A1-A6), the activities of sucrose synthase (SuSase) (B1-B6) and adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase)(C1-C6) with zeatin (Z) + zeatin riboside (ZR) content in roots (A1-C1), leaves (A2-C2) and root bleeding (A3-C3), root oxidation activity (A4-C4), total absorbing surface area (A5-C5), and active absorbing surface area (A6-C6)
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