关键词:谷子; CDPK; 逆境胁迫; 钙信号 Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase GeneSiCDPK1 inSetaria italica YU Qin-Yang, YIN Heng, AN Li-Jia, LI Wen-Li* School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China Fund: AbstractCDPK (calcium-dependent protein kinase) is a kind of essential calcium sensors and calcium responders, which plays important roles in response to various abiotic stresses in plants. In this research, we cloned the abiotic stress response relatedCDPK gene with RT-PCR inSetaria italica, designated asSiCDPK1 (GenBank accession number KC249975.1). We predicted 28CDPKs in theSetaria italicagenome by using the knownArabidopsis CDPK sequences as query sequences. The phylogenetic analysis showed theSiCDPK gene family was divided into four subgroups, in whichSiCDPK1belongs to subgroup II. The ORF ofSiCDPK1contains 1596 bp, which encodes 531 amino acids. The predicted protein molecular weight is 59.5 kD and pI is 5.94. SiCDPK1 has conserved protein domains of CDPK. The regulatory element analysis of promoter inSiCDPK1 showed a lot ofcis-acting elements associated with different abiotic stresses. The RT-PCR results showed thatSiCDPK1 was induced by PEG, ABA, salinity and drought. The research onSiCDPK1paves a way for unraveling the mechanism of abiotic stresses in plants.
图1 SiCDPK1 基因PCR扩增条带1~4: SiCDPK1在53.0、54.8、56.6和58.4℃下PCR结果; M: DL2000(TaKaRa)。1~4: SiCDPK1在53.0、54.8、56.6和58.4℃下PCR结果; M: DL2000(TaKaRa)。Fig. 1 PCR results of SiCDPK1 gene1-4: PCR products of SiCDPK1 gene at the temperature of 53.0, 54.8, 56.6, and 58.4℃ respectively; M: DL2000 (TaKaRa).
图3 SiCDPK1基因序列及推导氨基酸序列分析阴影部分为蛋白激酶区, 加粗部分为钙离子结合区, 两者中间为自抑连接区, 其中虚线框内为自抑片段, 剩余部分为可变区。下画线显示的是EF hand结构域。序列开头框内为豆蔻酰化保守序列MGXXXSXX, 其中G为豆蔻酰化位点, C为棕榈酰化位点。Fig. 3 Analysis of SiCDPK1 gene sequence and deduced amino acid sequenceThe shadow shows the protein kinase domain, and the bold shows the calmodulin-like domain. The junction domain is between the protein kinase domain and the calmodulin-like domain, in which the autoinhibitory domain is shown by dashed box. The rest is variable domain. EF hand is underlined. The myristoylation conserved domain is MGXXXSXX, which is shown by the box at the beginning of the text. G is myristoylation site and C is palmitoylation site.
图5 SiCDPK1启动子顺式调控元件示意图直线上方为(+)链调控元件, 下方为(-)链调控元件。Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of cis-acting element in the promoter region of SiCDPK1The element above the line is in (+)-sense strand, and the element below the line is in (-)-sense strand.
图6 SiCDPK1基因表达模式分析柱上小写字母不同表示在0.05的水平上差异显著。Fig. 6 Expression pattern analysis of SiCDPK1 geneBars superscripted by different letters are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.
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