关键词:一年生簇毛麦; α-醇溶蛋白; 原核表达; 品质分析; 蛋白质串联质谱鉴定 Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression andin vitro Functional Analysis of α-Gliadin Genes fromDasypyrum villosum YANG Fan1, CHEN Qi-Jiao1,2, GAO Xiang1,2,*, ZHAO Wan-Chun1,2,*, JIANG Qin-Qin1, WU Dan1, MENG Min1 1 College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
2 New Varieties Cultivation of Wheat Engineering Research Centre of Shaanxi Province, Yangling 712100, China
Fund: AbstractGliadin, which has a great effect on wheat quality, is one of main components in gluten. According to the full lengths of α-gliadin genes deposited in NCBI database, a conserved primer pair was designed to clone α-gliadin genes in fiveDasypyrum villosum lines. A total 52 sequences (816 to 873 bp in length) were isolated (GenBank accession numbers: KJ004676 to KJ004727) including eight pseudogenes and another sequence KJ004680 without stop codon. Deduced amino acid sequence anaylsis showed that KJ004677, KJ004686, and KJ004714 contain an extra Cys from the Tyr → Cys mutation, whereas, the extra Cys in KJ004696 resulted from the Ser → Cys mutation. Amino acid variation mainly occurred in N-terminal repetitive region and polyglutamine domain I. Variation in N-terminal repetitive region formed five groups in the 43 α-gliadins. To study the effects of an extra Cys on dough quality, we constructed the prokaryotic expression vectors for KJ004708 (with the typical six Cys residues) and KJ004714 (with an extra Cys) and obtained proteins of ~30 kD fromEscherichia coli BL21(DE3) under the induction of isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) with the predicted molecular weight. These expressed proteins were verified by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry analysis. The result showed that these α-gliadins were expressed correctly inE. coli. After purification, renaturation, and freeze-drying process, the functions of the expressed proteins were tested with 4 g Farinograph. Both KJ004708 and KJ004714 had positive effects on flour quality, especially KJ004714 with an extra Cys.
Keyword:Dasypyrum villosum; Alfa-gliadin; Prokaryotic expression; Functional analysis; MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometer Show Figures Show Figures
表2 不同物种α-醇溶蛋白中毒性多肽位点数量的比较 Table 2 Comparison of the quantity of T cell stimulatory epitopes in α-gliadins among different species
物种 Species
α-醇溶蛋白数 No. of α-gliadins
一年生簇毛麦 Dasypyrum villosum
冰草属 Agropyr on
旱麦草属 Eremopyrum
黑麦属 Secale
偃麦草属 Thinopyrum
山羊草属 Aegilops
小麦属 Triticum
冰草属、偃麦草属、山羊草属和小麦属数据来自Chen et al.[ 29]; 旱麦草属和黑麦属来自NCBI数据库(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)。 Data of Agropyron, Thinopyrum, Aegilops, and Triticum genus originated from Chen et al.[ 29]; data of Er e mopyrumand Secale genus were collected from NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).
表2 不同物种α-醇溶蛋白中毒性多肽位点数量的比较 Table 2 Comparison of the quantity of T cell stimulatory epitopes in α-gliadins among different species
表3 原核表达的α-醇溶蛋白串联质谱鉴定 Table 3 Identification of prokaryotically expressed α-gliadins using MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometer
项目 Item
KJ004708匹配肽段 KJ004708 matched peptides (MPS)
KJ004714匹配肽段 KJ004714 matched peptides (MPS)
理论分子量 Theoretical MW (Da)
观测分子量 Observed MW (Da)
误差 Difference (Da)
蛋白质得分 Protein score
蛋白得分置性度 C.I. %
等电点 Isoelectric point
与其他α-醇溶蛋白序列相似度 Similarity to other α-gliadins (%)
推导氨基酸序列 Deduced sequence
原核表达产物 Prokaryotic expression
Australopyrum retrofractum(ABW79851)
Dasypyrum ho r deaceum(ACY71755)
Dasypyrum vi l losum(ABY48872)
匹配肽段序列分别为SQVLQQR (MPS-1和MPS-4); DVLLQQHNIAPIR (MPS-2)和DVLLQQHNVAPIR (MPS-5); TYQELQQQCCQQ LWQI PEQSR (MPS-3)和SYQELQQQCCQQLWQIPEQSR (MPS-6)。下画线表示相同多肽片段的不相同氨基酸位点。 Matched peptide sequences are SQVLQQR (MPS-1 and MPS-4); DVLLQQHNIAPIR (MPS-2) and DVLLQQHNVAPIR (MPS-5); and TYQELQQQCCQQLWQIPEQSR (MPS-3) and SYQELQQQCCQQLWQIPEQSR (MPS-6). Amino acid site variations are underlined.
表3 原核表达的α-醇溶蛋白串联质谱鉴定 Table 3 Identification of prokaryotically expressed α-gliadins using MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometer
图4 蛋白表达和纯化的SDS-PAGE分析A: 诱导表达产物的SDS-PAGE分析; B: 纯化产物的SDS-PAGE分析。M: Blue Plus protein marker; 1: 未诱导的表达菌株(DE3); 2: 未诱导空载体; 3: 诱导空载体; 4和6: 未诱导的重组质粒; 5和7: 诱导后的重组质粒。箭头示目的蛋白。Fig. 4 SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression and protein purificationA: analysis of expressed proteins by SDS-PAGE; B: analysis of purified proteins by SDS-PAGE. M: Blue Plus protein marker; 1: protein of BL21 (DE3) expression strain without induction; 2, protein of non-recombinant plasmid without induction; 3, protein of non-recombinant plasmid after induction; 4 and 6, protein of recombinant plasmid without induction; 5 and 7, protein of recombinant plasmid after induction. Target proteins are indicated by arrows.
图5 纯化的α-醇溶蛋白亚基对粉质曲线的影响Fig. 5 Effects of purified α-gliadin subunits on the Farinograph parameters
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 添加KJ004708和KJ004714对小麦面团粉质特性的影响 Table 4 Effects of KJ004708 and KJ004714 on Farinograph parameters
添加物 Additive
断裂时间 BdT (min)
形成时间 DvT (min)
稳定时间 ST (min)
带宽 WC (FU)
弱化度 DS (FU)
公差指数 MTI (FU)
粉质质量指数 FQN (mm)
DTT, KIO3(control)
2.1 b
1.4 b
1.0 b
50 b
159.9 b
155 b
17.5 b
DTT, KIO3, KJ004708
2.2 ab
1.6 a
1.1 b
50 b
169.9 a
170 a
20.2 a
DTT, KIO3, KJ004714
2.6 a
1.6 a
1.7 a
55 a
154.9 c
150 c
21.5 a
表中数据为3次重复取平均值, 同列中不同字母表示差异显著( P < 0.05)。 Data are the means of three replicates. Values followed by different letters within columns are significantly different at P < 0.05. BdT: breakdown time; DvT: development time; ST: stability time; WC: width of curve; DS: softening of dough; MTI: mixing tolerance index; FQN: farinograph quality number.
表4 添加KJ004708和KJ004714对小麦面团粉质特性的影响 Table 4 Effects of KJ004708 and KJ004714 on Farinograph parameters
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