

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

朴俊亨 博士 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)国际商务与管理系系主任,组织行为学副教授

联系方式 办公室



+86 (0) 转 9439


博士学位 休斯顿大学,美国
硕士学位 高丽大学,韩国
学士学位 国民大学,韩国

在加入诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)之前,朴俊亨博士 (Dr Joon Hyung Park) 在美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商业学院完成了管理学博士学位。
朴俊亨博士的教学和研究兴趣在以下领域: 组织行为学(领导力,积极主动性,压力,辱虐管理),国际商业(外派员工)和人力资源管理(人员流动)
朴俊亨博士曾获得美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商业学院管理系2010年度博士生优秀研究奖。这一奖项授予拥有当年最佳研究记录的博士生。他使用荟萃分析的方法研究关于差异和团队表现的论文获得了工业社会和组织心理学全国会议Robert J. Wherry最佳学生论文奖。他关于外派员工视角的论文在2011年被美国管理学会选中收入最佳论文集。此外,他与各高校的教授积极合作,并在美国和韩国演讲他的论文。
朴俊亨博士参与了2003年澳大利亚国立大学(本科),2006年弗罗里达大学(硕士)的交换项目。他2005年1月于 缅甸和泰国 参加了韩国外交贸易部发起的韩国-东南亚国家联盟青年面向未来项目。
行政职责编委会成员(The Journal of Distribution Science):2017至今
编委会成员(Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science):2013年至今

本科学习组织机构 (大二课程)
工作和社会 (大二课程)
国际人力资源管理 (硕士课程)

前摄行为, 压力, 工作场所欺凌
人力资源 (人员流动, 外派人员)

Kim, H. Y.,Park, J.,& Kim, H. J. (in press). South Korean Humanistic Leadership. Cross cultural and Strategic Management. (SSCI / ABS 2)
Feng, X.; Lockett, M,Park, J. H.(in press), Developing student employability: Linking higher education, students and employers. In Book, T. Byrom (Ed). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars.
Park, J.H.,Carter, M., DeFrank, R.S., Deng, Q. (2018) Abusive supervision, psychological distress, and silence: The effects of gender dissimilarity between supervisor and subordinates. Journal of Business Ethics.(FT-50, SSCI, ABS-3)http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3384-3
Park, J.H.& DeFrank, R. (2018). The role of proactive personality in the stressor-strain model. International Journal of Stress Management.(SSCI / ABS 2)http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/str**
Lee, H.W.,Park, J.H.?Ngan, S-C., Tian, T.S. (2017) Vertical fit of HR practices and organizational culture: A case of a large-sized Korean conglomerate. Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship.https://doi.org/10.1108/EBHRM-05-2015-0017(ABS 1/Scopus)
Park, J.H.?& Ono, M. (2017) Effects of workplace bullying on work engagement and health: The mediating role of job insecurity.??The International Journal of Human Resource Management.(SSCI /ABS 3)?http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/**.2016.**
Park, J.H.(2016, August 12). Biz solution "Mentoring".Maeil Business Newspaper. http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2016&no=574427.
Park, J.H., Newman, A. Zhang, L., Wu, C., Hooke, A. (2016) Mentoring Functions and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 27(11) pp. 1173-1191.(SSCI /ABS 3)?http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/**.2015.**
Park, J.H., Abbott, J.L., Werner, S. (2014) A perspective-taking model for global assignments. Journal of Global Mobility. 2(3) pp.280 - 297(ABS 2)http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JGM-05-2014-0014
Park, J.H., Hu, L., Wu, C., Hooke, G. (2014) Entrepreneurial leadership and innovativeness: The mediating role of team psychological safety. Korean Leadership Quarterly 5(3)25-61.http://scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr/searchDetail.laf?barcode=02#
Chang, Y.S., Moon, H.K.,Park, J.H.(2011) The effect of job embeddedness on the turnover intention: The mediating effects of job search behavior. Journal of Organization and Management 35(4), pp.61-87. http://scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr/searchDetail.laf?barcode=28
Aguinis, H., Werner, S., Abbott, J. L., Angert, C.,Park, J. H., & Kohlhausen, D. (2010). Customer-centric science: Reporting research results with rigor, relevance, and practical impact in mind. Organizational Research Methods.13(3) pp.515-539.(SSCI /ABS 4)http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/33339

Feng, X.; Lockett, M; Kim, Y.,Park, J. H. (2020) Involving multi-stakeholders in curricular design for student employability development, Academy of Management Annual Conference.
Yang, X &Park, J.H. (2020), Living a Calling and Burnout: Life Satisfaction and Workaholism as Mediators. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, U.S.
Chen, Y.Park, J.H., Li, K. (2020), Spiritual mentorship and work meaningfulness: The mediating role of calling. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, U.S.
Muyanja &Park, J.H. (2020) Experiences and Perceptions of White Collar Ugandan Employees Working in Chinese Firms: An Exploratory Study. Africa Academy of Management: The Biennial Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Feng, Lockett &Park, J.H.(2019) Integration of global employability and professional development into the student experience. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, U.S.
Arp, F., &Park, J.H.(2017). Integrating foreign expertise: Human resource management of international knowledge workers in the headquarters of Chinese firms. Accepted for the European Academy of Management EURAM 2017 Conference, Glasgow , UK.
Park, J.H.& Zhong, L. (2017). Witnessing abusive supervision and supervisor-directed helping behavior: The role of bystander attribution and affect toward the supervision. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, US.
Park, J.H., Carter, M., DeFrank, R.S., Deng, Q. (2016) Abusive supervision, psychological distress, and silence: The effects of gender dissimilarity between supervisor and subordinates. International Association for Chinese Management Research. Hangzhou, China.
Chen R. & Park, J.H. (2015). Witnessing workplace bullying and bystanders' responses: The role of bystanders' attributions Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ono, M. & Park, J.H. (2014). The Effects of Workplace Bullying on Engagement and Health: The Mediating Role of Job Insecurity. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadephia, PA.
Hu, L., Park, J.H., Wu, C., Hooke, G.(2014). Entrepreneurial leadership and innovativeness: The mediating role of team psychological safety. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadephia, PA.
Zhang, L., Park, J.H., Wu, C., Hooke, G.(2014). Mentoring functions and turnover intention: The mediating role of perceived organizational support. International Association for Chinese Management Research. Beijing, China.
Prashantham, S. Park, J.H., Zhang, A., Fey C., Li, L., DiTomaso, N., Deng, Z., Gong, Y. , Buckingham. E. (2014). Doctorial Consortium. . International Association for Chinese Management Research. Beijing, China.
Chen.J., Park, J.H., Wu, C (2014). Supervisor Support (& Training Support), Job Embeddedness and Intention to Quit in China. HR Division International Conference (HRIC). Beijing, China
Park, J.H. (2013) Antecedent and outcomes of abusive supervision (supervisor’s perspective taking): CLI Research Symposium New Frontier of Leadership. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
Park, J.H., DeFrank, R., Mehta, P. (2012). Antecedents and outcomes of abusive supervision: Multi-level perspectives. The Eighth Asia Academy of Management Conference. Seoul, Korea.
Ono, M., Serrano S.A., & Park, J.H. (2012). Workplace bullying and employees health: The role of work engagement. The 5th International seminar on Positive Occupational Health Psychology,Dublin, Ireland.
Park, J. H. & Abbott, J. L. (2011). A new approach to expatriate effectiveness: A perspective-taking model for global assignments. Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. (Paper selected for Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings)
Park, J. H. & DeFrank, R. (2011). Job search objective as a mediator between job insecurity and job search behaviors. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, D.C.
Park, J. H (2010). Diversity and team performance: A meta-analysis. Industrial/Organizational-Organizational Behavior Annual Conference, Houston, TX. (Winner of the Robert J. Wherry Best Student Paper award)
Park, J. H. & DeFrank, R. (2010). Proactive personality and workplace bullying: A stressor- strain model. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Park, J. H. & DeFrank, R. (2010). Coping with bullying in the workplace. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
Park, J. H. & Moon, H. K. (2010). Job embeddedness and subjective norms in an East Asian (Korean) context. Southwest Academy of Management Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Chang, Y.S., Moon, H.K., Park, J. H. (2010). The effect of job embeddedness on the turnover intention: The mediating effects of job search behavior. Korean Academy of Organization and Management Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Rude, Dale E., Angert C., Park, J. H., Sebastijanovic, M., Velez-Castrillon, S. (2010). Our favorite teaching “Tricks” and Techniques. Eighteenth Annual Southwestern Business Administration Teaching Conference, Houston. TX.

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