周静子 博士 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)国际商务理学硕士项目主任,国际商务与战略学副教授
联系方式 办公室
+86 (0)574 8818 0000 转 8697
博士学位 诺丁汉大学,英国
硕士学位 伦敦政治经济学院,英国
学士学位 宁波诺丁汉大学,中国
周静子博士(Dr Abby Zhou)是国际商务与战略学副教授。她的主要研究方向是关于国际商业活动中的知识和人力资源管理。基于曾在数家国际研究机构和组织中主持过多起研究与知识交流项目的经验,她在该领域拥有丰富的知识积累。作为人力资源经理人协会的专家会员,她同时也承担为政府和企业提供专业意见的社会职责。她还曾经被芬兰Aalto大学商学院邀请以访问****的身份进行学术交流。
周静子博士的研究成果在学术界和实践界获得了广泛而一致的认同。她曾经被世界顶级的研究组织,例如国际商务研究学会(AIB)、国际管理学会(AoM)等,多次授予或提名学术类奖项。她有关知识管理,新兴市场跨国公司,和国际人力资源管理的论文发表在知名的学术和实践类刊物上,例如Journal of World Business, Asia Pacific Journal of Management、Management and Organization Review、Personnel Review、Journal of Management & Organization、清华管理评论、商业评论等期刊。她同时也是Management and Organization Review期刊的高级主编。她曾经成功地领导并参与了一系列受世界银行、国家基金委资助的重大科研项目,这些项目主要集中在企业国际化,新兴市场跨国公司和知识管理等领域。
Eva, Newman, Zhou, and Zhou (2019), The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Employees’ Internal and External Community Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Prosocial Motivation,Personnel Review, forthcoming.
Prashatham, Zhou, and Dhanaraj (2019), Depth vs. Breadth: Network strategy in emerging markets,Management and Organization Review, forthcoming.
Li, Zhou, Zhou, and Yang (2019) Reconceptualizing and Redirecting Research on Guanxi: “Guan-Xi” Interaction to Form a Multicolored Chinese Knot,Management and Organization Review, forthcoming.
Zhou, Lapointe, and Zhou (2019) Understanding Mentoring Relationships in China: Towards a Confucian model.AsiaPacific Journal of Management, 36 (2): 415-444
Zhou, Li, Zhou, and Prashantham (2019) The Cultural Roots of Compositional Capability in China: Balanced moderation,AsiaPacific Journal of Management, 1-12.
Zhou, Fey, and Yildiz (2018) Fostering Integration through HRM Practices: An empirical examination of absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer in cross-border M&As,Journal of World Business, forthcoming
Zhou, Li, and Zhou (2018) Fengshui Strategy of Enterprises.Business Review, March: 72-85
Zhou, Zhou, Lapointe, and Zhou (2017) From Mentor to "Shifu":a better fit for Chinese Company. Business Review (商业评论), Sep:100-108.
Li, Zhou, and Zhou (2017) Ikujiro Nonaka and knowledge management, Tsinghua Management Review (清华管理评论), Feb: 92-97
Li, Zhou, and Zhou (2017), The 'Water' Philosophy of Enterprise Development, Business Review (商业评论), Feb: 64-76
Zhou and Zhou (2017) Research Potentials about Innovation in India and China, Management and Organization Review, 13 (2): 447-449
Zhou, Zhou, Feng, and Jiang (2017) Dynamic Capabilities, Innovation Types and Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Economies, Journal of Management & Organization, pp.1-17
Li, Zhou, and Zhou (2016), The Taoist Spirit of Haier: The Metaphor of Sea Based on the Symbolism of Water, Management and Organization Review, 12 (4): 803-806
Zhou and Zhou (2016), Indigenous Cultural Antecedent to Compositional Based View?, Management and Organization Review, 12 (3): 639-641
Fey, Nayak, Wu and Zhou (2016), Internationalization Strategies of Emerging Market Multinationals: A Five M Framework, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 23(2):128-143
AIB (Academy of International Business) 2019: The Cultural Roots of Compositional Capability in China: balanced moderation.
The 14thInternational Conference of Entrepreneurship and Family Business 2018: Review of Guanxi in China (The Third Prize Award)
IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) 2018: Depth vs. Breath: Network strategy in emerging markets
IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) 2018: The Cultural Roots of Compositional Capability in China: The critical role of balanced moderation
AOM (Academy of Management) 2017:Drivers of Successful Cross-border Knowledge Transfer in International Acquisitions
AOM (Academy of Management) 2017: Contrasting Acclaimed Leadership Variants of Three Iconoclastic Chinese Companies
AIB (Academy of International Business) 2017: Dynamics of Mentoring Relationships in China
AIB (Academy of International Business) 2017: Partnering Proactiveness’ Effects on Internationalization and Technological Knowledge in Chinese and Indian New Ventures
MOR (Management and Organization Review) Second Frontier Research Conference 2017: The Philosophical Roots of Managerial Practices: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs
SMS Special Conference in Hong Kong: Network Behaviours and Knowledge Outcomes in New Ventures: An Exploratory Study in China and India
EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association) 2016: Enhancing Knowledge Transfer in International M&As
AOM (Academy of Management) 2016: Building Disseminative Capacity in Reverse Knowledge Transfer
AOM (Academy of Management) 2016: Researching Pathways to Meaningful Work in China
IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) 2016: Indigenous Eco-innovations in the Chinese Manufacturing Sector: Environmental Orientation, Collaboration and Green Dynamic Capability Perspective
AOM (Academy of Management) 2015: Opening the Black Box of Knowledge Transfer in International Acquisitions in China: A Stage Model
AIB (Academy of International Business) 2015 and JMS (Journal of Management Studies) Beijing Workshop 2015: Reverse Knowledge Transfer from Emerging Economy Subsidiaries: the Role of Disseminative Capacity
IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) 2014: Improve Chinese Subsidiaries’ Learning from the Foreign Parent Companies: A Theoretical Model of Enhancing Knowledge Transfer via HRM Practices
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17
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