

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

李平 教授 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)国际商业管理学李达三首席教授

联系方式 办公室



+86 (0)574 8818 0000 转 8783


博士学位 乔治华盛顿大学,美国
工商管理硕士 对外经济贸易大学, 中国
学士学位 上海外国语大学,中国

李平博士 (Dr Peter Ping Li) 是宁波诺丁汉大学国际企业管理领域李达三首席教授,美国创新领导力中心(CCL)大中华区研究总监,也是丹麦哥本哈根商学院中国企业管理领域终身正教授。他曾是西交利物浦大学国际企业管理领域正教授,以及美国加州州立大学国际企业管理终身正教授。李平教授的研究主题包括“发展中国家跨国公司赶超战略”及“中国传统思想在现代管理领域的应用”,并在该两大领域中位居全球领军地位。“发展中国家跨国公司赶超战略”领域的原创研究主要包含国际战略型创业(一带一路三阶段模式、第二故乡模式、跨国并购隐形整合模式)、商业模式创新(巧创模式、精一冠军模式、人机融合智能制造模式)、未来企业组织模式(创业孵化养育平台模式、万联网生态组织三台架构)。“中国传统思想在现代管理领域的原创应用”领域的研究主要包含从整体、动态、相生相克之阴阳平衡思维视角重建西方理论,以及应用中国智慧哲学体系,即以「道」为本体论,「阴阳」为认识论及「悟」为方法论,创建中国本土理论。他获得的研究资助高达565万美元,包括最近荣获的2017年度中国自然科学基金重点项目(有关国际并购整合)资助近300****民币。他是《信任研究期刊》(Journal of Trust Research)的创始人及首任主编,也是《组织与管理评论》(Management & Organization Review, SSCI) 的新任副主编,曾经是《组织与管理评论》(Management & Organization Review, SSCI) 与《亚太管理期刊》(Asia Pacific Journal of Management, SSCI) 的高级编辑。他同時担任另外八种国际著名期刊的评委,曾被中国管理研究国际协会《组织与管理评论》期刊誉为2004-2008年年度最佳评审五人之一。李平教授在重要国际期刊发表了56篇英文论文,其中有关“中国本土研究”的论文广受重視,多次获奖。此外,他还发表了54篇中文论文,其中包括34篇实践性文章 (曾被《新华文摘》转载)。除了两本英文书籍以外,他的主要中文书籍有三本:《中国管理研究本土视角: 哲学基础与实践应用》、《再论案例研究方法: 理论与范例》、《案例研究方法: 理论与范例》。最后,他也方表了18篇学术书籍章节文章。



奖项 / 专利
Best PaperAward 2019(one of 40 papers published in the past 40 years), Foreign Economics and Management(外国经济与管理)
Best Reviewer 2019(外国经济与管理)
Review Committee Member,Drucker Management in China Award, Huazhang Publishing, 2018-2019(华章出版社:德鲁克中国管理奖评选组委会)
Review Committee Member,Hidden Champions in China, China-Foreign Management Journal, 2018-2019(中外管理杂志:中国造隐形冠军评选组委会)
Review Committee 2018 (12 members), The Recent Decade of Management, CEIBS Review(中欧商业评论:管理十年评审组委会)
Best Senior Editor 2017, Management and Organization Review(SSCI)
Best Conference Paper Award 2017, Academy of International Business China Chapter
National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC) Key Project Grant(自科基金重点项目**for 2018-2022; Principle Investigator):The “Invisible-Touch” Model: Toward an Integrative (Theoretical and Practical) System of Strategic Transformation via “Reverse M&A” by Chinese Firms.
Council Member,Chinese Management Model Research(中国管理模式杰出奖理事会), 2017 - Present
2016 Top Ten Scholars and Executives for Management Innovation in China, Tsinghua University,2016年度十大管理创新思想者和实践者当选获奖(one of the five scholars)
Honorary Advisor, Peter F. Drucker Academy (Hong Kong),2016 - Present
Council Member, Management as Liberal Art (MLA) Grant,Shao Ming Lo Foundation(Hong Kong)(香港邵明路基金會).This foundation supports a broad range of projects focused on Advocacy, Research or Training of MLA, Education, Environment Conservation, and Animal Protection, 2016 - Present.
Council Member,The Chinese Academy of Management(中国管理现代化研究会理事), 2016 - Present
Research Development Fund 2015 (Research Grant and PhD Scholarship with a total of US$70,000),Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, for the research project of cross-border M&A by Chinese MNE in Advanced Economies, 2016 - 2018.
Top Research and Education Talent Award(苏州工业园科教杰出人才奖), Suzhou Industrial Park, China, 2015 - 2017.
Emerald Citations of Excellence Winners[Two Winners] in 2015 [from the major journals in the areas ofBusiness Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics, andMarketing]
H. Smith Richardson, Jr. VisitingFellowshipin 2014 [one award worldwide per year for one year],Center for Creative Learning, North Carolina, USA
The Overseas Talents Program(巴渝海外引智计划)in 2014, the City of Chongqing
Annual Best Paper Awardfor 2013 [one award per year]
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Outstanding Author Contribution Awardfor 2013 [Book Chapter]
EmeraldLiterati Network Awards for Excellence
TheInauguralBest Reviewer Award 2004-2008[one of five recipients]
Management and Organization Review
The Inaugural Outstanding Researcher of the Year 2007-2008
College of Business Administration, California State University, Stanislaus, 2008
Fellow(one of 150 selected global leading scholars from a sample of more than 1200 in the field of international business)Who’s Who in International Business Education and Research(Eds.) W. Shepherd, I. Islam and S. Raghunathan, Edward Elger Publishing, 1999
Fellow,the International Directory of Business and Management Scholars and Research,Harvard Business School Press, 1995, 1996
Finalist,Eldridge A. Haynes Prize Competition,
Academy of International Business, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998
Fellow,the Beta Gamma Sigma National Business Honor Society
George Washington University Chapter, 1991
Recipient,Aryamehr Scholarship(1987) &Daewoo Scholarship(1990)
George Washington University
Recipient(one of 38 selected from more than 9,000 contenders from China and Hong Kong),Competitive Scholarship for Ph.D. Study Overseas,
K.C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong, 1987 - 1991

五年内著作发表Academic Books in English [1 Book]
Stretched Bricolage for Innovation from the Emerging Economies: The Case of China. Edward Elgar(forthcoming in 2020; sole author).
Academic Books in Chinese [2 Books]
中国管理研究本土视角:哲学基础与实践应用(The IndigenousPerspective on Chinese Management Research: Philosophical Foundations and Practical Applications), Beijing University Press (forthcoming 2020; sole author)
再论案例研究方法:理论与范例(A Revisit to Case Study Method: Theories and Exemplars), Beijing University Press (co-edited:Li, P.P., Yang, Z-Y & Cao, Y-F; Jan. 2019).
Articles in Refereed English Journals [56 Articles with 5-Year Impact Factors]
The Belt and Road Initiative toward an Inter-Continental Geo-Economic Ecosystem between Europe and China and Beyond: Strategic Implications for Multinational Enterprises around the World,Thunderbird International Business Review(in press), 2020 [co-authored:Li, P.P., Hofman, P. & Geraci, M.; ABS List Level 2]
The Cultural Roots of Compositional Capability in China: Balanced Moderation,Asia Pacific Journal of Management(in press), 2020 [co-authored: Zhou, S.S.,Li, P.P., Zhou, A.J. & Prashantham. S.; SSCI: 3.86]
Paradoxes of Knowledge, Management, and Knowledge Management in Africa: An Editorial Introduction,Journal of Knowledge Management, 24 (1): 1-7, 2020 [co-authored: Gomes, E., Cunha, M.P., Zoogah, D., Wood, G. &Li, P.P.; SSCI: 4.488]
Reconceptualizing and Redirecting Research on Guanxi: “Guan-Xi” Interaction to Form a Multicolored Chinese Knot.Management and Organization Review, 15 (3): 643-677, 2019 [co-authored:Li, P.P., Zhou, S.S., Zhou, A.J. & Yang, Z-B.; SSCI: 3.27]
The Unique Research on the Informal Ties and Social Networks in East Asia:Diverse Perspectives and New Research Agenda,Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36 (2): 305-319, 2019 [co-authored:Li, P.P.& Xie, E.; SSCI: 3.86]
James March as an Academic Don Quixote: My Personal Memory.Management and Organization Review,14 (4): 827-832, 2018. [sole author; SSCI: 3.27]
The Traditional Chinese Philosophies in Inter-Cultural Leadership: The Case of Chinese Expatriate Managers in the Dutch Context,Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 25 (2): 299-336, 2018 [co-authored: Lin, L.,Li, P.P.& Roelfsema, H.; SSCI: 2.62]
How to Approach the Ancient Chinese Wisdom:A Critical Commentary Concerning Sun Tzu’s The Art of War,Management and Organization Review,13 (4): 913-920, 2017 [co-authored:Li, P.P.& Yang, Z-Y.; SSCI: 3.27/4.53]
Trust-Distrust Balance: Trust Ambivalence in B2B Sino-Western Relationships,Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 24 (3): 482-507, 2017 [co-authored: Jukka, M., Blomqvist, K.,Li, P.P.& Gan, C.; SSCI: 2.62]
How Do Resource Structuring and Strategic Flexibility Interact to Shape Radical Innovation?Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (4): 471-491, 2017 [co-authored: Li, Y.,Li, P.P., Wang, H. & Zhao, Y.; SSCI: 5.82]
The Time for Transition:Future Trust Research,Journal of Trust Research, 7 (1): 1-14, 2017. [sole author; ABS List]
Trust Portfolio toward an Integrative Framework:The Emerging Themes of Trust Context and Trust Complexity,Journal of Trust Research, 6 (2): 105-110, 2016. [sole author; ABS List]
The Taoist Spirit of Haier:The Metaphor of Sea Based on the Symbolism of Water,Management and Organization Review, 12 (4): 803-806, 2016 [co-authored:Li, P.P.& Yang, Z-Y.; SSCI: 3.27/4.53]
The Emerging Research on Indigenous Management in Asia,Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33 (3): 583-594, 2016 [co-authored:Li, P.P., Sekiguchi, T. & Zhou, K.; SSCI: 3.86]
How to Enable Employee Creativity in a Team Context:A Cross-level Mediating Process of Transformational Leadership,Journal of Business Research, 69 (9): 3240-3250, 2016 [co-authored: Bai, Y., Lin, L. &Li, P.P.; SSCI: 4.75]
The Holistic and Contextual Natures of Trust:Past, Present, and Future Research,Journal of Trust Research, 6 (1): 1-6, 2016. [sole author; ABS List]
The Global Implications of the Indigenous Epistemological System from the East:How to Apply Yin-Yang Balancing to Paradox Management,Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 23 (1): 42-77, 2016. [sole author; SSCI: 2.62]
Both Converging toward and Diverging from Global Paradigms:The Perspective of Yin-Yang Balancing for the Unity-in-Diversity Duality,Management and Organization Review, 11 (4): 807-813, 2015. [sole author; SSCI: 3.27/4.53]
Ranking and Mapping the Contributions by Overseas Chinese Strategy Scholars:A Systematic and Relevant Analysis,Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32 (4): 1085-1108, 2015 [co-authored: Li, W.,Li. P.P., Shu, C. & Zhou, M.; SSCI: 3.86]
Leader-Member Skill Distance, Team Cooperation, and Team Performance:A Cross-Culture Study in a Context of Sport Teams,International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 49: 183-197, 2015 [co-authored: Tian, L., Li, Y.,Li. P.P.& Bodla, A.A.;SSCI: 2.20]
The Duality of Unity-in-Diversity in Trust Research:The Conceptual and Methodological Implications for Trust Research,Journal of Trust Research, 5 (2): 103-108, 2015. [sole author; ABS List]
The Economic-Social Duality for Executive Rationale:The Interplay between Resource Pool and Game Rule for Sense-Giving and Sense-Making,Management and Organizational Review, 11 (2): 211-216, 2015.[sole author; SSCI: 3.27/4.53]
Balancing Formality and Informality in Business Exchanges as a Duality:A Comparative Case Study of Returnee and Local Entrepreneurs in China,Management and Organization Review, 11 (2): 315-342, 2015 [co-authored: Lin, D., Lu, J.,Li. P.P.& Liu, X.]. [SSCI: 3.27/4.53]
Founding Editor-in-Chief & Owner,Journal of Trust Research[Routledge; ESCI as candidates for SSCI/SCI, ABS & Scopus], 2010 - 2016
Founding Editor-in-Chief & Owner,Journal of Trust Research[Routledge; ABS & Scopus], 2010 - 2016
Deputy Editor-in-Chief,Management & Organization Review[SSCI: 3.27], 2020 - Present
Senior Editor,Management & Organization Review[SSCI: 3.27], 2016 - Present
Senior Editor,Foreign Economics & Management[in Chinese], 2016 - Present
Senior Editor,Asia Pacific Journal of Management[SSCI: 3.86], 2014 - 2016
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue ofManagement & Organization Review[SSCI: 3.27]
In Memory of James March, 2019 - Present
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue ofAsia Pacific Journal of Management[SSCI: 3.86]
Informal Social Networks in East Asia, 2016 - 2018
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue ofAsia Pacific Journal of Management[SSCI: 3.86]
Indigenous Management Research in Asia, 2013 - 2016
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue ofManagement & Organization Review[SSCI: 3.27]
Indigenous Management Research in China, 2010 - 2012
Guest Editor, Special Issue ofManagement & Organization Review[SSCI: 3.27]
SME and Family Business in China, 2019 - Present
Guest Editor, Special Issue ofCross Cultural & Strategic Management[SSCI: 2.62]
The Belt-and-Road Initiative in the New Era of Globalization:Unique Opportunities and Challenges to MNEs, 2019 - Present
Guest Editor, Special Issue ofJournal of Knowledge Management[SSCI: 4.49]
Paradoxes of Knowledge, Management, and Knowledge Management in Africa, 2018 - 2019
The Global Implications of Eastern Epistemology:How to Apply the Frame of Yin-Yang Balancing to Paradox Management(in Chinese, 东方本土的认识论体系对全球的启示: 如何将阴阳平衡理论运用于悖论管理),Chinese Journal of Management(管理学报),2020 (in press). [sole author]
The Engaged Scholarship and Indigenous Management Research: The Unique Implications for Cross-Boundary Cooperation (in Chinese, “入世治学”与本土管理研究:跨界合作的独特意义),QuarterlyJournal of Management(管理学季刊), 2020 (in press) [co-authored:Li, P.P.& Zhou, S-S.].
The Future of Business Schools: Unity of Rigor and Relevance (in Chinese, 商学院的未来之路:知行合一),Foreign Economics and Management(外国经济与管理), 41 (5): 141-152, 2019 [co-authored: Wang, X.,Li, P.P.& Bi, Z-H.].
The Knowing-Acting Balancing as an Approach of Management Research: Integrating the Way of Drucker and the Way of March (in Chinese, 管理学术研究的“知行合一”之道:融合德鲁克之路与马奇之路),Foreign Economics and Management(外国经济与管理), 40 (12): 22-45, 2018 [co-authored:Li, P.P., Yang, Z-Y & Chen, C-H.].
[This article has been included in one of the three best-known interdisciplinary academic journal digests in China(高等学校文科学术文摘).This is generally considered equivalent to a top-tier academic journal in China]
Wu-based Thinking Integrating the East with the West: The Analysis of Elon Musk’s Four Metaphors (in Chinese, 东西融合之悟性思维:伊隆.马斯克的隐喻谜团),Foreign Economics and Management(外国经济与管理), 40 (1): 124-140 2018 [co-authored: Wang, X. &Li, P.P.].
The Etic-Emic Balancing in the Chinese Management Research (in Chinese, 东西融合,负阴抱阳),Chinese Journal of Management(管理学报), (14): 26-27, 2017 [co-authored:Li, P.P.Yang, Z-Y.].
Holistic Integration:The Implications of Drucker’s Road for the Indigenous Research in China (in Chinese, 融会贯通: “德鲁克之路”对中国本土管理研究的启示),Foreign Economics and Management(外国经济与管理), (6): 3-11, 2017 [co-authored: Zhou, Y-J.,Li, P.P.Yang, Z-Y.].
[This article has been included in one of the three best-known interdisciplinary academic journal digests in China(中国社会科学文摘). This is generally considered equivalent to a top-tier academic journal in China]
A Conceptual Framework of “Wu”-based Innovation at the Team Level:A Case Study on Indigenous Innovation in the Context of Aerospace Projects(in Chinese, 团队悟性创新理论框架: 中国航天工程情境下的本土创新案例研究),Foreign Economics and Management(外国经济与管理), 39 (3): 3-24, 2017 [co-authored: Wang. X. &Li, P.P.].
The Yin-Yang Balancing in the Chinese Management Research (in Chinese, 土洋融合,负阴抱阳),Chinese Journal of Management(管理学报), 2017 (1): 26-27 [co-authored:Li, P.P.& Yang, Z-Y.].
Past-Present and East-West Balancing:The Unique Implications for the Chinese Indigenous Management Research(in Chinese, 古今呼应,东西对话: 中国本土管理研究的独特意义),JinanUniversity Journal(济南大学学报-社会科学版), (1): 12-15, 2017 [co-authored:Li, P.P.& Yang, Z-Y.].
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