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富萍萍 教授 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)组织行为学教授

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博士学位 纽约州立大学,美国
工商管理硕士学位 内华达州立大学,美国
硕士学位 中国社会科学院;香港中文大学,中国
本科学位 杭州大学,中国

富萍萍教授(Professor Pingping Fu)目前是诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)组织行为学教授。1985年获中国社会科学院新闻学硕士学位,1989年赴美,1992年获工商管理硕士,1998年获纽约州立大学商学院组织研究博士学位,2015年或香港中文大学哲学硕士。富教授给不同层次学生上管理学领域课程,同时给不同公司上培训课程。在科研方面,从2007年开始她就是全球领导力与组织行为有效性科研项目小组成员,2010-2017是该项目委员会成员。她领导了十几个由香港政府出资的科研项目,论文发表在《组织行为研究》,《领导学季刊》,《国际商业研究杂志》,《全球领导学研究动态》,《亚太管理杂志》,《欧洲应用心理学杂志》等国际性杂志上。

人力资源管理 I


英文期刊发表Chong, M. & Fu, P.P. (2020). Global Leadership: An Asian Perspective. Journal of the Leadership Studies, 14(12): 1-5.
Jeong, S., Sun, C., & Fu, P.P. (2020). Softening the hearts of business students: The role of emotions in ethical decision making,” Journal of Management Education,
44(3): 278-312.
Chong, M. P., Zhu, X., Fu, P.P., & Wong, L. Y. S. (2019). Influence strategies and work outcomes: Effects of attributions. Chinese Management Studies, 13(4), 967-984.
Ng, K.S., & Fu, P.P. (2018). Factors Driving Foreign Women Entrepreneurship in China. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 6(4), 49-69. https://doi.org/10.15678/EBER.2018.060403
Amazon, A. Liu, J. & Fu, P.P. (2018). Value heterogeneity: An overlooked and important antecedent of TMT conflict and effectiveness. Journal of Managerial Issues,
Vol 30(2): 155-182.
Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Karam, C. M., Li, Y., & Fu, P. P. (2018). Changes in work values across the regions of China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(1), 145-179.
Zhang, X.J., Fu, P.P. & Xi, Y.M. (2017). Promoting management education in China through developing practice-based management theories: An interview with Practitioner-scholar Youmin Xi. Journal of Management Inquiry. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/08056
Fu, P.P., Liu, J. Ji, X.L., Zhong, S. & Yu, G.T. (2016). Leading in a highly competitive environment: Effects of CEO confident leadership on follower commitment in China. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 10(2): 149-175.
Liden, B., Fu, P.P., Song, J.W., & Liu, J. (2016). The influence of CEO values and leadership on middle manager exchange behaviors. Nankai Business Review International, Vol 7(1): 2-20.
Chong, M. P. M., Peng, T. K., Fu, P. P., Richards, M., Muethel, M., Caldas, M., & Shang, Y. (2015). Relational perspectives on leaders’ influence behavior: The mediation of Western leader-member exchange (LMX) and Chinese guanxi. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(1): 71-87. DOI: 10.1177/4035.
Xu, L., Fu, P. P., Xi, Y., Zhang, L., Zhao, X., Cao, C., Liao, Y., Li, G., Xue, X., & Ge, J. (2014). Adding dynamics to static theory: Examining how leader traits evolve and are expressed. The Leadership Quarterly, 25: 1095-1119.
Xu, L., & Fu, P. P. (2014). Suzhi: An indigenous criterion for human resource management in China. The Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Vol. 5(2): 129-143.
Zhang, A. Y., Song, L. J., Tsui, A. S., & Fu, P. P. (2014). Employee responses to employment-relationship practices: The role of psychological empowerment and traditionality. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 35(6). DOI: 10.1002/job.1929
Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Furrer, O., Kuo, M-H., Li, J., Wangenheim, F., Dabic, M., Naoumova, I., Shimizu, K., de la Garza Carranza, M. T., Fu, P. P., Potocan,V., Pekerti, A., Lenartowicz, T., Srinivasan, N., Casado, T., Rossi, A. M., Szabo, E., Butt, A., Palmer, I., Ramburuth, P., Brock, D., Terpstra-Tong, J., Grison, I., Reynaud, E., Richards, M., Hallinger, P., Castro, F. B., Gutiérrez, J. R., Milton, L., Ansari, M., Starkus, A., Mockaitis, A., Dalgic, T., Darder, F. L., Thanh, H. V., Moon, Y-L., Molteni, M., Fang, Y., Pla-Barber, J., Alas, R., Maignan, I., Jesuino, J. C., Lee, C-H., Nicholson, J. D., Chia, H-B., Danis, W., Dharmasiri, A. S., & Weber, M. (2014). Societal-level versus individual-level predictions of ethical behavior: A 48-society study of collectivism and individualism. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(2), 283-306.
Qu, Q., & Fu, P. P. (2014). Tecsun’s code of management: The employee manual – An interview with Mr. Nie Shengzhe, founder and director of Tecsun (Suzhou) Homes Co., Ltd. Chinese Management Insights, 3(2), 88-108.
Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., Fu, P. P., & Mao. Y. (2013). Ethical leadership and job performance in China: The roles of workplace friendships and traditionality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(4), 564-584.
Karam, C. M., Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Butt, A., Srinivasan, N., Fu, P. P., ... & Chia, H. B. (2013). Perceptions of the ethicality of favors at work in Asia: An 11-society assessment. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(2), 373-408.
Wu, L., Tse, E. C., Fu, P. P., Kwan, H. K., & Liu, J. (2013). The impact of servant leadership on hotel employees’ “servant behavior.” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(4), 383-395.
Chong, M. P. M., Muethel, M., Richards, M., Fu, P. P., Peng, T. K., Shang, Y., & Caldas, M. P. (2013). Influence behaviors and employees’ reactions: An empirical test among six societies based on a transactional-relational contract model. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 373-384.
Chong, M. P. M., Fu, P. P., & Shang, Y. (2013). Relational power and influence strategies: A step further in understanding power dynamics. Chinese Management Studies, 7(1), 53-73.
Fu, P. P., Xu, L.G., & Perez, L. (2013). Evolutionary leaders: The changing personalities of China’s business visionaries. HQ Asia, (5), 64-66.
Zhang, X., Fu, P. P., Xi, Y.M., Li, L., Cao, C., Li, G., Ma, L., & Ge, J. (2012). Understand indigenous leadership research: Explication and Chinese examples. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(6), 1063-1079.
Liu, D., & Fu, P. P. (2011). Motivating protégés’ personal learning in teams: A multilevel investigation of autonomy support and autonomy orientation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(6), 1195-1208.
Fu, P. P., Tsui, A. S., Liu, J., & Li, L. (2010). Pursuit of whose happiness? Executive leaders’ transformational behaviors and personal values. Administrative Science Quarterly, 55(2), 222-254.
Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Carranza, M. T., Ramburuth, P, Terpstra-Tong, J., Pekertt, A. Grison, I., Herrig, H., Dabic, M., Tang, M., Hallinger, P., Palmer, Elenkov, D., Furrer, O., Potocan, V. V., Wangenheim, F., Maignan, I., Perrewé, P. Rossi, A. M., Lenartowicz, T., May, R., Ledgerwood, D., Weber, M., Jesuino, J. C., Fu, P. P., Naoumova, I., Casado, T., Riddel, L., Richards, M., Butt, A. Danis, W. Castro, F. B., Gutiérrez, J. R., Milton, L., Ansari, M., Brock, D., Srinvasan, N., Starkus, A., Dalgic, T., Darder, F. L., Thanh, H. V., Moon, Y., Chia, H. B., Kuo, C. Molteni, M., & Wallace, A. (2009). Ethical preferences for influencing superiors: A 41-society study. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(6), 1022-1045.
Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Casado, T., Fu, P. P., & Wangenheim, F. (2009). The impact of life stage and societal culture on subordinate influence ethics: A study of Brazil, China, Germany, and the U.S. Journal of International Management, 15(4), 374-386.
Fu, P. P., & Liu, J. (2009). It’s time to reexamine values. Leadership in Action, 28(6), 18-19.
Liu, J., Fu, P. P., & Liu, S. (2009). Conflicts in top management teams and team/firm outcomes: The moderating effects of conflict-handling approaches. International Journal of Conflict Management, 20(3), 228-250. (Awarded for most cited paper of the year)
Hom, P. W., Tsui, A. S., Wu, J. B., Lee, T. W., Zhang, A. Y., Fu, P. P., & Li, L. (2009). Explaining employment relationships with social exchange and job embeddedness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(2), 277-297.
Li, J., Fu, P. P., Liu, Z. Q., & Chen, Y. Y. (2008). The malleability of culture and leadership style in East Asia: A perspective of institutional symbiosis. Journal of Organization and Management Development, 1(1), 59-84.
Liu, J., Fu, P. P., Wu, W. (2008). Firm environment, leader behaviors, and leadership effectiveness: An interactive model. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2(1), 50-66.
Fu, P. P., Yan, X. H., Li, Y., Wang, E., & Peng, S. (2008). Examining conflict-handling approaches by Chinese top management teams in IT firms. International Journal of Conflict Management, 19(3), 188-209.
Leong, J. L. T., Bond, M. H., & Fu, P. P. (2007). Perceived effectiveness of influence strategies among Hong Kong managers. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24(1), 75-96.
Chia, H. B., Egri, C. P., Ralston, D. A., Fu, P. P., Kuo, M. H. C., Lee, C. H., ... & Moon, Y. L. (2007). Four tigers and the dragon: Values differences, similarities, and consensus. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24(3), 305-320.
Lau, D. C., Liu, J., & Fu, P. P. (2007). Feeling trusted by business leaders in China: Antecedents and the mediating role of value congruence. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24(3), 321-340.
Waldman, D. A., De Luque, M. S., Washburn, N., House, R. J., Adetoun, B., Barrasa, A., Bobina, M., Bostjancic, E. Cardoso, A. P. S., Evcimen, I., Fu, P. P., Hartog, D. N., Dorfman, P., Gupta, V., Gratchev, M., de Hoogh, A. H. B., Howell, J., Kabasakal, H., Konrad, E., Lang, R., Liu, J., Martinez, B. Munley, A. E., Papalexandris, N., Peng, T. K., Prieto, L., Quigley, N., Rodriguez, F. G., Stevrer, J., & Tanure, B. (2006). Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(6), 823-837.
Fu, P. P., Tsui, A. S., & Dess, G. G. (2006). The dynamics of Guanxi in Chinese high-tech firms: Implications for knowledge management and decision making. Management International Review, 46(3), 277-305.
Leong, J. L. T., Bond, M. H., & Fu, P. P. (2006). Perceived effectiveness of influence strategies in the United States and three Chinese societies. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 6(1), 101-120.
Fu, P. P., Kennedy, J., Tata, J., Yukl, G., Bond, M. H., Peng, T. K., ... & Cheosakul, A. (2004). The impact of societal cultural values and individual social beliefs on the perceived effectiveness of managerial influence strategies: A meso approach. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(4), 284-305.
Tsui, A. S., Wang, H., Xin, K., Zhang, L., & Fu, P. P. (2004). Let a thousand flowers bloom: Variation of leadership styles among Chinese CEOs. Organizational Dynamics, 33(1), 5-20.
Fu, P. P., Peng, T. K., Kennedy, J. C., & Yukl, G. (2004). Examining the preferences of influence tactics in Chinese societies: A comparison of Chinese managers in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. Organizational Dynamics, 33(1), 32-46.
Tata, J., Fu, P. P., & Wu, R. (2003). An examination of procedural justice principles in China and the US. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 20(2), 205-216.
Fu, P. P., & Tsui, A. S. (2003). Utilizing printed media to understand desired leadership attributes in the People’s Republic of China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 20(4), 423-446.
Yukl, G., Fu, P. P., & McDonald, R. (2003). Cross-cultural differences in perceived effectiveness of influence tactics for initiating or resisting change. Applied Psychology, 52(1), 68-82.
Li, J., Fu, P. P., Chow, I., & Peng, T. K. (2002). Societal development and the change of leadership style in Oriental Chinese societies. Journal of Developing Societies, 18(1), 46-63.
Fu, P. P., Chow, I. S., & Zhang, Y. (2001). Leadership approaches and perceived leadership effectiveness in Chinese township and village enterprises. Journal of Asian Business, 17(1), 1-16.
Bond, M. H., Fu, P. P., & Pasa, S. F. (2001). A declaration of independence for editing a new international journal of cross cultural management? International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 1(1), 24-30.
Li, J., Lam, K., & Fu, P. P. (2000). Family-oriented collectivism and its effect on firm performance: A comparison between overseas Chinese and foreign firms in China. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 8(4), 364-379.
Fu, P. P., & Yukl, G. (2000). Perceived effectiveness of influence tactics in the United States and China. The Leadership Quarterly, 11(2), 251-266.
Chow, I. H. S., & Fu, P. P. (2000). Change and development in pluralistic settings: An exploration of HR practices in Chinese township and village enterprises. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(4), 822-836.
Yukl, G., & Fu, P. P. (1999). Determinants of delegation and consultation by managers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(2), 219-232. (Won the rating of excellence by ANBER)
Fu, P. P., et al. (1999). Culture specific and cross-culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed?" in The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2), 219-256.
曲庆,富萍萍, (2019).“苏州固锝:幸福企业建设的中国范本”,《清华管理评论》, June.
徐立国,富萍萍,庞大龙 & 郑娴婧 (2019).“人单合一”管理模式与悖论式领导,《清华管理评论》,Vol. 9.
曲庆,富萍萍,康飞 & 赵锴. (2018). 文化领导力:内涵界定及有效性初探《南开商业评论》Vol. 1: 191-202.
富萍萍,曲庆,Winfried Weber. (2017). 苏州固锝vs赛多利斯:中德隐形冠军的异同【商评新思】《商业评论》6.15:1-16.
于广涛,富萍萍,曲庆,刘军,孙聪. (2016). 中国人的人生价值观: 测量工具的修订及理论建构。《南开商业评论》Vol 6: 70-80.
李艳霞,富萍萍,于广涛。(2015). 帕森斯行动理论对领导研究的启示. 《管理学家》,2(3): 94-98.
丛龙峰 & 富萍萍. (2014). 幸福企业的家庭模式。《管理学家》,9(17): 039-042.
曲慶, & 富萍萍. (2014). 德勝洋樓的管理法典:員工守則——訪德勝管理體系創始人聶聖哲先生. 《中國管理新視野》, 3(2): 31-51.
富萍萍 & 孫聰. (2013). “大我”成就卓越領導. 《清华管理评论》, (2), 79-84.
富萍萍, 徐淑英, 劉軍, & 李蘭. (2011). “大我型”領導更有效. 《哈佛商业评论》, (12), 46-49.
尚玉釩, 富萍萍, & 荘珮雯. (2011). 權力來源的第三個維度——“關係權力”的實證研究. 《管理学家》学术版, (1), 3-11.
于廣濤, 富萍萍, 劉軍, & 曲慶. (2007). 陰陽調和: 中國人的價值取向與價值觀結構. 南大商學評論, 15, 1-34.
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