Water quality analysis of and application of nanofiltration membrane technology in treating groundwater in CKDu affected areas of Sri Lanka
HU Dazhou1,2,3,, COORAY Titus1,2,3,4, ZHENG Libing1,2, ZHONG Hui1,2, WERAGODA Sujithra5, WEERASOORIYA Rohan6, WEI Yuansong1,2,3,, 1.State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China 2.Laboratory of Water Pollution Control Technology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 4.Department of Applied Earth Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla 90000, Sri Lanka 5.National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Kandy 20800, Sri Lanka 6.Natl Inst Fundamental Studies, Hantana Rd, Kandy 20000, Sri Lanka
Abstract:For the provision of safe drinking water supply in CKDu affected areas in Sri Lanka, t this study investigated the groundwater quality of Anuradhapura, North Central Province, Sri Lanka in both wet and dry seasons, and developed a nanofiltration (NF) membrane-based water supply technology for CKDu prevalence zones. Results showed that the average concentrations of hardness and F? exceeded the limit values by the Sri Lankan Potable Water Standards (SLS 614-2013)(250 mg·L?1 and 1.0 mg·L?1 respectively), and the average concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOC) was higher than 4.0 mg·L?1 in most samples. A pilot NF-based groundwater treatment plant was developed and installed in Sirimapura village of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka in September 2018, and its performance over one year showed that the NF-based plant can not only effectively remove hardness and F? in groundwater at their average rejection rates of 80% and 85%, respectively, but also nearly completely remove the DOC. The produced water quality of the NF-based plant was excellent and met the SLS 614-2013. The NF-based plant has advantages of easy operation & maintenance, excellent water quality of produced water with pH at 7.3 and keeping minerals and trace elements beneficial for human health. Key words:Sri Lanka/ CKDu affected area of Sri Lanka/ groundwater/ dissolved organic matter/ nanofiltration.
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1.State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China 2.Laboratory of Water Pollution Control Technology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 4.Department of Applied Earth Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla 90000, Sri Lanka 5.National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Kandy 20800, Sri Lanka 6.Natl Inst Fundamental Studies, Hantana Rd, Kandy 20000, Sri Lanka Received Date: 2020-06-18 Accepted Date: 2020-10-15 Available Online: 2021-06-25 Keywords:Sri Lanka/ CKDu affected area of Sri Lanka/ groundwater/ dissolved organic matter/ nanofiltration Abstract:For the provision of safe drinking water supply in CKDu affected areas in Sri Lanka, t this study investigated the groundwater quality of Anuradhapura, North Central Province, Sri Lanka in both wet and dry seasons, and developed a nanofiltration (NF) membrane-based water supply technology for CKDu prevalence zones. Results showed that the average concentrations of hardness and F? exceeded the limit values by the Sri Lankan Potable Water Standards (SLS 614-2013)(250 mg·L?1 and 1.0 mg·L?1 respectively), and the average concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOC) was higher than 4.0 mg·L?1 in most samples. A pilot NF-based groundwater treatment plant was developed and installed in Sirimapura village of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka in September 2018, and its performance over one year showed that the NF-based plant can not only effectively remove hardness and F? in groundwater at their average rejection rates of 80% and 85%, respectively, but also nearly completely remove the DOC. The produced water quality of the NF-based plant was excellent and met the SLS 614-2013. The NF-based plant has advantages of easy operation & maintenance, excellent water quality of produced water with pH at 7.3 and keeping minerals and trace elements beneficial for human health.
--> --> --> 斯里兰卡地处印度洋的核心区域,是东西方海运的必经之地和“一带一路”沿线的支点国家[1]。20世纪90年代,斯里兰卡北中省(North Central Province, NCP)发现了一种不明原因慢性肾病(chronic kidney diseases of uncertain etiology, CKDu),患者年龄跨度为17~70岁,其中重症患者多为30~60岁的男性农民[2],但其致病原因至今尚不清楚。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, WHO)研究表明[3],饮用水是影响CKDu的主要因素之一,并推荐为当地居民提供安全饮用水是预防CKDu的一种有效方法。地下水是NCP干区(dry zone)居民最主要的饮用水水源。已有研究表明,硬度、F?和溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matter, DOM)是该地区地下水中最主要的超标污染物[4-5]。据统计,2018年斯里兰卡供水管网覆盖率为50.5%,且主要集中在首都科伦坡和康提等大城市[6];农村地区人口密度低,居住分散,市政管网供水覆盖率低,供水由社区组织(Community Based Organization, CBO)提供[7]。为解决CKDu病区安全饮用水问题,斯里兰卡政府在CKDu病区大力推广应用反渗透(reverse osmosis,RO)膜技术。2016年,CKDu病区已建成700多座RO膜饮用水站[8],处理规模0.5~3 m3·d?1。RO水站主要由砂滤、活性炭、微滤(microfiltration, MF)和RO构成,通常采用间歇操作模式,但存在如下主要问题:1) RO膜高压运行[9]和膜污染[10]造成了水站操作复杂,维护成本高;2) RO膜去除了水中包括单价盐类的绝大部分物质,影响了口感,致使当地民众对RO产水认可度不高;3) 大多数RO水站由个人或CBO运营,其水站运营维护和管理缺乏可遵循的统一规范[11]。因此,CKDu病区迫切需要引入操作简便、易于维护、水质安全可口、经济高效的饮用水处理技术。 本研究通过现场调研,考察旱季和雨季条件下斯里兰卡CKDu病区地下水水质特征,明确主要超标水质参数(硬度、F?和有机碳)的特征,据此开发基于纳滤膜的地下水源饮用水处理技术与设备,以期为斯里兰卡CKDu病区饮用水安全保障提供参考。
NF水站的运行压力0.5 MPa,产水量0.85 m3·h?1。根据斯里兰卡国家供排水委员会(National Water Supply and Drainage Board, NWSDB)对该NF水站的水质检测结果,NF水站运行一年多以来,产水水质稳定,且对原水中硬度、F?和DOC保持了较高的去除率,结果如图4所示。