Purifying rule and key parameters design of the interception device of rainwater funnel treating initial roof rainwater runoff
CHEN Wang, CHEN Ying,, ZHAO Jianqiang, ZHANG Yuhao Key Laboratory of Subsurface Hydrology and Ecological Effects in Arid Region of Ministry of Education, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China
Abstract:A runoff sample point was set up in a roof drainage pipe which located in the cultural and educational area of Xi'an city, Shaanxi province. Runoff samples in 3 storm events from Aug. 2016 to Nov. 2016 were collected by the manual time-interval sampling method, and the pollution indictors of SS, COD, TN, NH3-N, TP, turbidity, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni and Cr of all runoff samples were determined by standard methods. Based on the monitoring results, the initial roof runoff was defined, then a device for intercepting the pollutants in the roof runoff was designed according to the water quality and flow characteristics of initial roof runoff and the structure of rainwater funnel. The experiments were conducted to study the permeability of the interception device, work status, the interception efficiency of pollutants and clean and replacement cycle of the interception device. The results indicated that the initial rainwater runoff could be defined as the first 30~40 minutes of a rainstorm event and the first 40~50 minutes of a heavy rain event or a light rain event. The more the geotextile mass of unit area was, the less the permeability was. Moreover, there was a linear relationship between filtration flux and water head. Under the conditions without overflow, the filtration effluent of the interception device prepared with the geotextile of 500 g·m?2 treating the initial roof runoff could satisfy the requirement of Quality Standard of Reclaimed Water (GB/T 18920-2002). In order to avoid water accumulation from roof flooding in the case of 5 years-return period storm, the minimum area of the upper overflow orifices and the minimum height of the filtration area of the interception device were 0.015 4 m2 and 568 mm, respectively. The study can provide references for release the water shortage of Xi'an city and other arid or semi-arid areas. Key words:roof runoff/ initial rainwater/ rainwater funnel/ interception device/ geotextile/ low impact development (LID).
图1截污装置示意图 Figure1.Schematic of the interception device
图6单位面积质量350 g·m?2土工布在不同截污量下过滤速度与过滤水头的关系曲线 Figure6.Relationship between filtration velocity and water head of the geotextiles with mass per unit area of 350 g·m?2 under different interception quantities
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Key Laboratory of Subsurface Hydrology and Ecological Effects in Arid Region of Ministry of Education, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China Received Date: 2019-01-13 Accepted Date: 2019-05-21 Available Online: 2020-07-10 Keywords:roof runoff/ initial rainwater/ rainwater funnel/ interception device/ geotextile/ low impact development (LID) Abstract:A runoff sample point was set up in a roof drainage pipe which located in the cultural and educational area of Xi'an city, Shaanxi province. Runoff samples in 3 storm events from Aug. 2016 to Nov. 2016 were collected by the manual time-interval sampling method, and the pollution indictors of SS, COD, TN, NH3-N, TP, turbidity, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni and Cr of all runoff samples were determined by standard methods. Based on the monitoring results, the initial roof runoff was defined, then a device for intercepting the pollutants in the roof runoff was designed according to the water quality and flow characteristics of initial roof runoff and the structure of rainwater funnel. The experiments were conducted to study the permeability of the interception device, work status, the interception efficiency of pollutants and clean and replacement cycle of the interception device. The results indicated that the initial rainwater runoff could be defined as the first 30~40 minutes of a rainstorm event and the first 40~50 minutes of a heavy rain event or a light rain event. The more the geotextile mass of unit area was, the less the permeability was. Moreover, there was a linear relationship between filtration flux and water head. Under the conditions without overflow, the filtration effluent of the interception device prepared with the geotextile of 500 g·m?2 treating the initial roof runoff could satisfy the requirement of Quality Standard of Reclaimed Water (GB/T 18920-2002). In order to avoid water accumulation from roof flooding in the case of 5 years-return period storm, the minimum area of the upper overflow orifices and the minimum height of the filtration area of the interception device were 0.015 4 m2 and 568 mm, respectively. The study can provide references for release the water shortage of Xi'an city and other arid or semi-arid areas.