Structural design and verification of low background adsorption characteristics of the inner chamber for the detection of building materials pollutants
Abstract:Before the environmental chamber is utilized to detect the pollutant emission of building materials, the background concentration of the inner chamber needs to be as low as possible to enable accurate detection of pollutant emission. A 1 m3 environmental chamber with low background concentration was designed with careful considerations in structural design, material selection, interface and accessories design. The performance of inert materials inside the chamber was tested, and the pollutant release amount of 60 L inner chamber was tested. Test results showed that the inert coating applied in the inner bulkhead can meet the requirements of environmental chambers, and the inert treatment of the inner bulkhead will not adversely affect its background. The rationality of the design and development of the inner chamber structure is verified through experimental research, which can provide scientific basis and guidance for the development of environmental chambers. Key words:environmental chamber/ inner chamber/ building materials pollutants/ low background/ inert coating.
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Structural design and verification of low background adsorption characteristics of the inner chamber for the detection of building materials pollutants
1.Beijing Municipal Institute of Labour Protection, Beijing 100054, China 2.China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100024, China Received Date: 2020-04-28 Accepted Date: 2020-10-10 Available Online: 2021-05-23 Keywords:environmental chamber/ inner chamber/ building materials pollutants/ low background/ inert coating Abstract:Before the environmental chamber is utilized to detect the pollutant emission of building materials, the background concentration of the inner chamber needs to be as low as possible to enable accurate detection of pollutant emission. A 1 m3 environmental chamber with low background concentration was designed with careful considerations in structural design, material selection, interface and accessories design. The performance of inert materials inside the chamber was tested, and the pollutant release amount of 60 L inner chamber was tested. Test results showed that the inert coating applied in the inner bulkhead can meet the requirements of environmental chambers, and the inert treatment of the inner bulkhead will not adversely affect its background. The rationality of the design and development of the inner chamber structure is verified through experimental research, which can provide scientific basis and guidance for the development of environmental chambers.
本研究设计的环境舱内舱容积为1 m3,主要由空气供气装置、空气洁净装置、气体流量控制装置、空气湿度调节装置、内舱低温控制系统、内舱高温清洁系统、SDECUI(Software Defined Environment Chamber User Interface)系统及低本底内舱等部分组成(见图1)。环境舱利用高温吹扫完成自清洁,采用内壁硅烷化镀膜技术实现内舱零吸附特性,并通过互联网实现对环境舱的远程操作和监控。