Pollution characteristics of the generated particles during finishing rolling process and concentration monitoring in the occupied zone
GUO Shengnan1,, HUANG Yanqiu1,2,,, WANG Yi1,2, LU Ke1, GUO Junwei1, FAN Jinlong3, WEN Fu3 1.School of Building Services Science and Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi′an 710055, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xi′an 710055, China 3.WISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited, Wuhan 430223, China
Abstract:In order to explore the pollution characteristics of finishing rolling process in hot rolling mill of the iron and steel industry in China, SEM, laser particle size distribution test and field measurement were used to study the micro morphology, particle size distribution and pollution property of the occupied zone during the finishing rolling process in hot rolling mill of Guangdong province in Summer of 2019, respectively. The results showed that the particles produced by the finishing rolling process had irregular morphology and conglomeration. The particle size was mainly within the range of 2.423~3.519 μm, the uniformity index of the Rosin-Rammler distribution was 1.769, and the characteristic size was 2.932 μm. The results laied a foundation for the numerical simulation and analysis of the cleaning and dust removal of the finishing rolling process. The environmental particle concentration in the occupied zone fluctuated periodically over time. The aforementioned concentration of the environmental measuring points in the finishing rolling zone showed an increasing trend along the rolling direction, and the average concentration ratio of PM2.5/PM10 were 0.807, 0.749 and 0.912 in turn, which indirectly reflected the pollution characteristics of finishing rolling source. Thus, it is suggested that along the rolling direction, the designing ventilation flow rate should be enlarged for each exhaust hood in sequence, so as to achieve the precise control of local environment quality. Key words:finishing rolling process/ particle/ pollution source/ occupied zone/ dust removal.
图1轧制周期示意图 Figure1.Schematic diagram of rolling cycle
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1.School of Building Services Science and Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi′an 710055, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xi′an 710055, China 3.WISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited, Wuhan 430223, China Received Date: 2020-02-10 Accepted Date: 2020-05-10 Available Online: 2021-01-13 Keywords:finishing rolling process/ particle/ pollution source/ occupied zone/ dust removal Abstract:In order to explore the pollution characteristics of finishing rolling process in hot rolling mill of the iron and steel industry in China, SEM, laser particle size distribution test and field measurement were used to study the micro morphology, particle size distribution and pollution property of the occupied zone during the finishing rolling process in hot rolling mill of Guangdong province in Summer of 2019, respectively. The results showed that the particles produced by the finishing rolling process had irregular morphology and conglomeration. The particle size was mainly within the range of 2.423~3.519 μm, the uniformity index of the Rosin-Rammler distribution was 1.769, and the characteristic size was 2.932 μm. The results laied a foundation for the numerical simulation and analysis of the cleaning and dust removal of the finishing rolling process. The environmental particle concentration in the occupied zone fluctuated periodically over time. The aforementioned concentration of the environmental measuring points in the finishing rolling zone showed an increasing trend along the rolling direction, and the average concentration ratio of PM2.5/PM10 were 0.807, 0.749 and 0.912 in turn, which indirectly reflected the pollution characteristics of finishing rolling source. Thus, it is suggested that along the rolling direction, the designing ventilation flow rate should be enlarged for each exhaust hood in sequence, so as to achieve the precise control of local environment quality.
本测试所选取的热轧厂位于广东省。该热连轧生产线采用国内外先进技术,生产规模大,具有代表性。厂房主要采用自然通风方式。整个厂房长578 m、宽8.2 m、高15 m,主要由侧窗进风,顶部气楼排风。工作区主要由加热炉区、粗轧区、精轧区和成品区4个部分组成。板坯经过加热炉加热到设定温度后,通过高压水除磷,经粗轧机往复轧制后,依次经过8架编号分别为F1~F8的精轧机,轧制至工艺要求的厚度,最后进行冷却酸洗,卷曲打捆运输至成品区。 轧制过程中的带钢是精轧区主要的颗粒物散发源,轧制周期如图1所示。在精轧过程中,一段带钢轧制后间隔一段时间,继而进行下一段带钢的轧制,如此连续工作。精轧过程中轧制每一段带钢的时间基本相等。本研究将一段带钢轧制开始至下一段开始视为一个周期。经现场秒表测试获得30组各精轧机单个轧制周期的时间后,求均值得出一个周期总时间,约为2 min 26 s。其中,轧钢时间约为1 min 15 s,间隔时间约为1 min 11 s。从占比可以看出,轧钢时间与间隔时间约各占总轧制周期的一半。