华北制药股份有限公司环保部,石家庄 050015
Environmental Protection Department of North China Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050015, China
Chemical active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) industry is a key regulatory industry for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission. VOCs emission in the API production process is characterized by multiple emission nodes and complex components. In this study, based on the description of the VOCs generation process in typical API production, some common difficulties faced by pharmaceutical enterprises in VOCs treatment were analyzed, such as lack of pertinence in treatment technology, inadequate collection of unorganized exhaust gas, insufficient self-monitoring capacity of exhaust gas, etc. Besides, some forward-looking suggestions were put forward for VOCs treatment in pharmaceutical enterprises, such as strengthening the traceability monitoring of organic waste gas composition, regulating waste gas collection and so on, which will help to improve the VOCs governance effect of API industry and provide management suggestions for the sustainable development of the pharmaceutical industry.
Penicillin fermentation process and exhaust gas emission node
Chemical synthesis production process and exhaust gas emission node
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