Characterization of organic fractions in wastewater for high-rate activated sludge process
JIANG Haixin1,2,, HE Yi1,2, DAI Xiaohu1,2, CHEN Hongbin1,2,, 1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 2.National Engineering and Research Center for Urban Pollution Control, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Abstract:Characterization of organic fractions in wastewater is a foundation of modelling high-rate activated sludge process (HRAS). Because of the inapplicatiliby of the classical activated sludge model No. 1 (ASM1) to HRAS, a dual hydrolysis model was proposed to modify ASM1. Hydrolysable organic matter in wastewater was separated to a rapidly hydrolysable type and a slowly hydrolysable type, with distinct hydrolysis kinetic parameters. Parameter fitting was made for the data of oxygen utilization rates. Through sensitivity and collinearity analysis, 4 types of organic fractions in wastewater were estimated: readily degradable organic matter, rapidly hydrolysable organic matter, slowly hydrolysable organic matter and heterotrophs. And the relationship between organic fractions in wastewater and approaches for carbon capture efficiency increase was discussed. The results showed that above 4 types of organic fractions could be accurately identified with the smaller collinearity index γK than the empirical limit value of 20. The proportions of these organic fractions in raw wastewater were 13.9%, 11.6%, 12.6% and 12.8%, respectively. In terms of organic fractions, 3 approaches for improving carbon capture efficiency should be taken into consideration. Firstly, the readily degradable organic matter and rapidly hydrolysable organic matter should be assimilated by heterotrophs as much as possible. Secondly, over-hydrolysis of slowly hydrolysable organic matter captured in sludge flocs need to be prevented. Lastly, the decay process of heterotrophs should be inhibited to reduce endogenous products. The successful characterization of organic fractions in wastewater with dual hydrolysis model is helpful to the design, operation and optimization of HRAS. Key words:wastewater characterization/ high-rate activated sludge process/ model identification/ oxygen utilization rate (OUR).
图1OUR测试装置示意图 Figure1.Schematic diagram of OUR test device
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1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 2.National Engineering and Research Center for Urban Pollution Control, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China Received Date: 2019-08-17 Accepted Date: 2019-12-09 Available Online: 2020-06-10 Keywords:wastewater characterization/ high-rate activated sludge process/ model identification/ oxygen utilization rate (OUR) Abstract:Characterization of organic fractions in wastewater is a foundation of modelling high-rate activated sludge process (HRAS). Because of the inapplicatiliby of the classical activated sludge model No. 1 (ASM1) to HRAS, a dual hydrolysis model was proposed to modify ASM1. Hydrolysable organic matter in wastewater was separated to a rapidly hydrolysable type and a slowly hydrolysable type, with distinct hydrolysis kinetic parameters. Parameter fitting was made for the data of oxygen utilization rates. Through sensitivity and collinearity analysis, 4 types of organic fractions in wastewater were estimated: readily degradable organic matter, rapidly hydrolysable organic matter, slowly hydrolysable organic matter and heterotrophs. And the relationship between organic fractions in wastewater and approaches for carbon capture efficiency increase was discussed. The results showed that above 4 types of organic fractions could be accurately identified with the smaller collinearity index γK than the empirical limit value of 20. The proportions of these organic fractions in raw wastewater were 13.9%, 11.6%, 12.6% and 12.8%, respectively. In terms of organic fractions, 3 approaches for improving carbon capture efficiency should be taken into consideration. Firstly, the readily degradable organic matter and rapidly hydrolysable organic matter should be assimilated by heterotrophs as much as possible. Secondly, over-hydrolysis of slowly hydrolysable organic matter captured in sludge flocs need to be prevented. Lastly, the decay process of heterotrophs should be inhibited to reduce endogenous products. The successful characterization of organic fractions in wastewater with dual hydrolysis model is helpful to the design, operation and optimization of HRAS.