2.重庆大学,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆 400045
1.School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing Univercity, Chongqing 400045, China
2.Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing Univercity, Chongqing 400045, China
为研究高负荷条件下好氧颗粒污泥的形成过程、同步脱氮除碳效果和微生物群落结构特点,构建了一个序批式反应器(sequencing batch reactor,SBR)。结果表明,C/N=40进水条件下能够完成颗粒化,成熟后的好氧颗粒污泥呈表面光滑结构紧实的椭球体。随着颗粒粒径增大,其比好氧速率提高、含水率下降、沉降性能变好、生物量增加。颗粒形成过程产生的胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances,EPS)先增加后受水质冲击减少,之后又明显提高,整个过程中多糖与蛋白质之比(PS/PN)持续下降,EPS中的蛋白质对颗粒的形成影响较大。SBR中的好氧颗粒污泥能够同时高效去除进水中的COD、
To investigate granular formation process, simultaneous nitrogen and organic carbon removal efficiency, community characteristics of aerobic granular sludge treating high strength wastewater, a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was set up. The results showed that the granulation can be completed under the influent condition of C/N=40. The mature aerobic granules were compact spheroids with a smooth surface. With the increase of particle size, the specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) and biomass increased, the settling performance became good, while the water content decreased. During the granular formation process, extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) increased at first and then reduced due to the influence of water quality, and finally increased significantly. The ratio of polysaccharides to proteins (PS/PN) continued to decrease throughout the whole process, and proteins in EPS have an important effect on granular formation. The aerobic granular sludge in the SBR could simultaneously remove COD,
-N and TN with high efficiencies of 94%, 96% and 93%, respectively, and the denitrification performance of the reactor was good. High-throughput sequencing by MiSeq revealed that the dominant bacteria in aerobic granular sludge to promote granulation at C/N=40 were following:
. Meanwhile, the relative abundances of heterotrophic nitrifiers, aerobic/anoxic denitrifiers in granular sludge were high, indicating that heterotrophic nitrification - aerobic/anoxic denitrification process occurred in aerobic granular sludge.
Schematic diagram of SBR installation
Optical microscope and SEM images
Changes of sludge SOUR and moisture content in reactor
, MLSS, MLVSS and SVI of sludge
Changes in EPS content and PS/PN ratio of aerobic granular sludge
Relative abundance of sample species in mature granules at phylum level
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