1.School of Mathematics and Physics Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China 2.School of Optoelectronics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3.Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62131011), the Fusion Foundation of Research and Education of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. 2017489), the Scientific Research Capability Improvement Project for Outstanding Young Teachers of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. E1E46201X2), the Key Program of the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. F2018402285), the Project of Hebei Province Innovation Capability Improvement Plan, China (Grant No. 20540302D).
Received Date:21 May 2021
Accepted Date:11 July 2021
Available Online:25 August 2021
Published Online:20 December 2021
Abstract:An optical fragile watermarking method is proposed based on visual cryptography and QR code for image authentication and tamper detection. On the one hand, the original image is transformed into a QR watermark image to improve the watermark hiding capacity. On the other hand, the visual cryptography and optical phase coding are fused to encrypt the watermark image to enhance system security. The feasibility, vulnerability and imperceptibility of the proposed scheme are tested through a series of attacks and tampering. The simulation results show that the proposed method can not only have good imperceptibility, but also achieve high detection performance under different attacks and tampering. Keywords:optical fragile watermarking/ visual cryptography/ QR code/ tamper detection
2.实验原理基于视觉密码与QR码的光学脆弱水印系统主要包括水印加密、水印嵌入和原始水印图像提取三个阶段. 光学水印加密与嵌入过程如图1所示, 其中(I)表示将原始水印图像变换为QR码水印图像, 接着将生成的QR码水印图像通过视觉密码编码成两块表面置乱的视觉密钥VK1和VK2, 将VK1视为振幅、VK2视为相位进行调制, 得到复振幅图像VK3. (II)是指使用光学相位加密方法对VK3做进一步加密处理, 随机相位板M1紧贴着VK3位于透镜L1的前焦面上, 经过光学相位加密系统后得到独立的随机白噪声密文. (III)表示嵌入过程, 是指将水印图像的密文衰减处理后嵌入到宿主图像中, 衰减器位于光学相位加密系统的输出面. 具体步骤以及对应数学表达如下: 图 1 光学水印生成与嵌入过程 Figure1. Optical watermark generation and embedding process. (I) is the process of transforming the original image into a QR code and encoding it through visual-cryptographic (VC denotes visual- cryptography encoding). (II) is the process of optical phase encryption. (III) is the embedding process of watermark.