1.R & D Center of Optoelectronic Technology, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3.The State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics, Changchun 130033, China 4.National Engineering Laboratory for Next Generation Internet Access System, School of Optics and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFF01011801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12074405), the Open Fund Project of the State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics, China (Grant No. SKLAO-201915), and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. 2020121)
Received Date:12 April 2021
Accepted Date:08 June 2021
Available Online:08 October 2021
Published Online:20 October 2021
Abstract:Compared with infrared laser sources, the three-dimensional incoherent extended light source has the advantages of high power, wide spectral range, and low cost. It has extremely wide applications in high-precision and multi-component photoacoustic spectrometers. However, it encounters some problems about poor directivity, low energy density, irregular shape, light field shaping needed in the design of optical system. The photoacoustic spectrometer is required to collect and optimize the radiation of the centimeter-level three-dimensional extended light source to the whole space in a small volume. Through using a series of wavelength and frequency modulation elements, the final cylindrical light field distribution with millimeter-level radius and centimeter-level length is realized. According to the concept of optical expansion and the principle of edge light, this paper breaks through the traditional design mode based on point light source in the process of optical system design and optimization. The concept of extended light source is used throughout the design process. The luminous characteristics of the three-dimensional extended light source are directly acquired by the self-designed measurement method and device which is accurately reflected in the three-dimensional extended light source model in the form of micro-element. The design of the light field shaping system of the three-dimensional extended light source for the photoacoustic spectrometer is realized by the aspheric surface, and the relevant experimental verification is carried out. Taking the Hawkeye IR-Si272 light source for example, the experimental value of the light power at the entrance of the photoacoustic cell and the sidewall noise rate of the photoacoustic spectrometer have a small deviation from their corresponding simulation values. Compared with the original condenser system, the self-designed photoacoustic spectrometer light source system increases the value of the light power at the entrance of the photoacoustic cell from 0.86W to 1.32W, and reduces the value of the sidewall noise rate from 50.3% to 19.7%. The lower limit of detection of the concentration of trace gas in the order of ppm (parts per million) is also achieved. Keywords:optical design/ light field shaping/ extended light source/ light source for photoacoustic spectrometer
红外热辐射光源工作温度较高, 自身发热量较大. 商用红外热辐射光源发光体形状不规则, 多为柱状或螺旋管状, 严重偏离点光源—非成像光学设计的理想情况, 并且有着非典型的辐射通量空间分布, 在光学仿真软件ZEMAX中使用几何形状类似的管光源、圆柱体光源等非导入光源, 模拟辐射分布与实际光源偏差严重. 因其复杂性, 难以单纯的使用以点光源为默认测量条件的近场光源文件进行相关数据获取和模型化描述, 而红外热辐射光源制造商一般不提供说明发光特性的配光曲线等光源文件. 以氧化硅、氮化硅、碳化硅等硅的化合物为发光材料的红外热辐射光源功率较大, 是光声光谱仪光源系统理想的辐射源. 以美国Hawkeye公司IR-Si272型红外热辐射光源为例, 其辐射体为柱状氮化硅, 尺寸为2.8(D) mm × 5(L) mm, 长度与直径比较小[14], 较为接近点光源, 由6 V, 5 A直流电源驱动, 典型工作温度1160 ℃, 电光效率为80%, 辐射波长覆盖2—25 μm范围. 为了在光学设计软件中较为全面而准确的建立红外热辐射光源模型, 以IR-SI272红外热辐射光源为例自行开展辐射通量空间分布情况测量. 考虑商用红外热辐射光源柱/管状辐射体的实际情况, 分别以柱/管状辐射体的中心对称轴夹角和柱/管状辐射体纵深长度划分角度和长度微元, 并分别以角度和长度微元为单位进行离散采样, 实验装置分别如图1[15]和图2所示. 红外探测器选用GENTEC-EO公司型号为XLP12-3S-H2-D2的热电堆探测功率计, 响应波段为0.19—20 μm, 探测孔径为12 mm, 探测孔径外罩内径25.5 mm的管状光阑, 用于消除由空气湍流造成的功率波动并遮挡大角度杂散光. 为保证测量结果的相对准确, 实验中应避免内、外部环境条件的变化对红外热辐射光源及红外探测器产生干扰. 实验全程在暗室中进行, 无其他光源、热源, 且控制暗室内温度为26 ℃, 相对湿度为55%. 图 1 红外热辐射光源发光特性测量实验装置图[15] (a)示意图; (b)实物照 Figure1. Experiment configuration for measuring the light distribution characteristic of IR thermal radiation light source[15]: (a) Schematic diagram; (b) photograph.
图 2 红外热辐射光源辐射通量长度分布测量实验装置图 (a)示意图; (b)实物照 Figure2. Experiment configuration for measuring the radiant flux distribution on the length of the IR thermal radiation light source: (a) Schematic diagram; (b) photograph.
式中, f为近焦点与二次曲面conic系数椭球顶点之间的距离; k为锥形光管反射面的二次曲面conic系数. 图 4 带锥形光管光源的光学扩展量分析 Figure4. Analytical diagram of the Etendue of light source with tapered light pipe.