1.Department of Physics, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 2.Electronics and Communications Engineering, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12074354, 11574277)
Received Date:08 January 2021
Accepted Date:15 May 2021
Available Online:07 June 2021
Published Online:05 October 2021
Abstract:In order to explore the dynamic characteristics of bubbles in the cavitation bubble cluster in detail, the dynamic equation of a bubble with arbitrary location inside the bubble cluster is established in this paper, based on the interactions between bubbles inside the bubble cluster driven by ultrasound. The effects of evaporation and condensation of the water vapor are also taken into account in the derivation process. Based on the proposed equation, the influences of the bubble position, number of bubbles, and initial radius of bubbles on the dynamic characteristics of cavitation bubbles are studied, and the corresponding change laws of the bubble radius, energy, temperature, pressure, as well as the number of water vapor molecules in a bubble are investigated under ultrasound. The calculation results are shown below. 1) Comparing with an isolated bubble, the oscillation of a bubble inside the bubble cluster is suppressed by its surrounding bubbles, which leads to the fact that the vibration amplitude of a bubble inside the bubble cluster is smaller, and that the internal energy, maximum temperature, maximum pressure and the number of water molecules in the bubble all become smaller. As the distance between the bubble and the center of the bubble cluster increases, the vibration amplitude of the bubble become larger. 2) The initial radii of the bubbles in the bubble cluster can significantly affect the normalized vibration amplitude, collapse time, internal energy, temperature, and pressure of bubbles, as well as the number of water vapor molecules in bubbles of the bubble cluster. 3) As the number of bubbles in the bubble cluster increases, the vibration amplitudes of the bubbles decrease. 4) The higher the ultrasonic frequency, the smaller the oscillation amplitude of the bubble; the smaller the maximum pressure and energy of the bubble, the larger the minimum value of the internal pressure and temperature of the bubble and the less the number of water molecules in the bubble. When the ultrasonic frequency increases, the cavitation effects of bubbles in the bubble cluster are suppressed. 5) As the ultrasonic sound pressure increases, the oscillation amplitudes of the bubbles in the bubble cluster increase, the maximum values of the bubbles' radii increase, the collapse times of the cavitation bubbles increase, and the number of oscillations of bubbles decreases after the cavitation bubbles have collapsed. Additionally, the maximum value of internal energy, temperature, pressure, and the number of water molecules in the bubble also increase as the ultrasonic sound pressure increases, while the minimum value of the pressure and temperature of the bubble decrease. Besides, when the ultrasonic sound pressure increases, the cavitation effects of the bubbles in the bubble cluster turn stronger. This paper focuses on the dynamic characteristics of ultrasonic cavitation bubble cluster from the theoretical aspect and the results can be further applied to experimental analysis. Keywords:ultrasonic cavitation/ spherical bubble group/ evaporation and condensation/ dynamic characteristics
式中, R, $ \dot R $和$ \ddot R $分别表示泡的半径、半径随时间的变化速度和加速度. $ \dot m $和$ \ddot m $分别代表单位时间内空化气泡单位面积上水蒸气蒸发和冷凝的速度和加速度. c 为水中的声速, P0 为水中静压, ρ 为水的密度, A 为超声波的振幅, f 为超声波的频率. ${M_0} = N\dfrac{R}{{{r_{{\text{clust}}}}}}\left( {1 - \dfrac{{{r_0}^2}}{{3{r_{{\text{clust}}}}^2}}} \right)$, 其中r0为该气泡在球状泡群中的相对位置, N为泡群中气泡总数, rclust为球状泡群的半径. Pout (t)为空化气泡外边界处的液体压力, 其表达式为
式中, $ n = \left( {{n_{{\text{air}}}} + {n_{{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{O}}}}} \right)/{N_{\text{A}}} $, a 和b 是van der Waals量(二者会随着泡内水蒸气分子数的变化而改变), Rg是气体常数, T是气泡内的温度. a 和b 的变化方程为
其中, E 是气泡的内能, $ {C_{v, {\text{air}}}} $和$ {C_{v, {{\text{H}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{O}}}} $是空气和水蒸气的等体摩尔热容. 气泡内能 E 在单位时间的变化为
$ \Delta E = -{P_{{\text{in}}}}\left( t \right)\Delta V\left( t \right) + \frac{{{N_{\text{A}}}}}{{{M_{{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}}}{\text{O}}}}}}4{{\text{π}}^2}\dot me\Delta t, $
式中, 等式右端第一项表示泡内压强在$ \Delta t $时间内导致的空化泡内能变化, $ \Delta V\left( t \right) $表示气泡体积在$ \Delta t $时间内的变化. 等式右端第二项表示泡内的水蒸气分子数量变化在$ \Delta t $时间内产生的气泡内能变化. 其中e 是水蒸气蒸发或冷凝所携带的能量[14]. 空化气泡单位时间单位面积上水蒸气蒸发和冷凝的速率$ \dot m $表示为
为了研究泡群中泡的动力学特性, 根据(1)式分别计算了单泡、泡群中心的泡和泡群表面的泡的动力学特性, 计算结果如图1所示. 单泡和泡群中泡的初始半径R0 = 4.5 μm, 根据文献[20-22], 泡群内空化泡个数N = 300, 泡群半径rclust = 1 × 10–3 m, 超声波的振幅A =1.5 × P0, 超声波的频率f = 20 kHz. 图 1 单泡、泡群中心的泡和泡群表面的泡的动力学特性 (a) 气泡归一化半径随时间的变化曲线; (b) 气泡内内能随时间的变化曲线; (c) 气泡内温度随时间的变化曲线; (d) 气泡内压力随时间的变化曲线; (e) 气泡内水分子数量随时间的变化曲线 Figure1. Dynamical behaviors of a single bubble, a bubble at the center of a bubble group and a bubble on the surface of a bubble group: (a) Change curve of the normalized radius with the time for the bubble; (b) change curve of the internal energy in the bubble with the time; (c) change curve of the temperature in the bubble with the time; (d) change curve of the pressure in the bubble with the time; (e) change curve of the number of water molecules in the bubble with the time.
图2给出了泡群中不同初始半径泡的动力学特性. 泡群中泡的初始半径R0取值分别为4.5, 10.5, 15.5和20.5 μm, 相应的泡内初始水分子个数和空气分子个数也会改变[14,18]. 泡群内泡的个数N = 300, 泡群半径rclust = 1 × 10–3 m, 超声波的振幅A = 1.5 × P0, 超声波的频率 f = 20 kHz. 图 2 泡群中不同初始半径的泡的动力学特性 (a) 气泡归一化半径随时间的变化; (b) 气泡内内能随时间的变化曲线; (c) 气泡内温度随时间的变化曲线; (d) 气泡内压力随时间的变化曲线; (e) 气泡内水分子数量随时间的变化曲线 Figure2. Dynamic characteristics of the bubbles with different initial radii in bubble group: (a) Change curve of the normalized radius with the time; (b) change curve of the internal energy in the bubble with the time; (c) change curve of the temperature in the bubble with the time; (d) change curve of the pressure in the bubble with the time; (e) change curve of the number of water molecules in the bubble with the time.
图4给出了不同频率下泡群中心泡的动力学特性. 泡群中心泡的初始半径为R0 = 4.5 μm, 泡群中泡的个数N = 300, 泡群半径rclust = 1 × 10–3 m, 超声波的振幅A = 1.5 × P0, 超声波的频率分别为f = 20 kHz, f = 30 kHz和f = 50 kHz. 图 4 不同频率下泡群中泡的动力学特性 (a) 气泡归一化半径随时间的变化; (b) 气泡内内能随时间的变化曲线; (e) 气泡内水分子数量随时间的变化曲线 Figure4. Dynamic characteristics of the bubbles in bubble groups at different frequencies: (a) Change curve of the normalized radius with the time for the bubble; (b) change curve of the internal energy in the bubble with the time; (c) change curve of the temperature in the bubble with the time; (d) change curve of the pressure in the bubble with the time; (e) change curve of the number of water molecules in the bubble with the time.
图5为泡群中心的泡在不同声压下驱动下的动力学特性. 泡群中泡的初始半径为R0 = 4.5 μm, 泡群内空化泡个数N = 300, 泡群半径rclust = 1 × 10–3 m, 超声波的振幅分别为A = 1.2 × P0, A = 1.5 × P0 和A = 2.0 × P0, 超声波的频率为f = 20 kHz. 图 5 不同声压下泡群中泡的动力学特性 (a) 气泡归一化半径随时间的变化; (b) 气泡内内能随时间的变化曲线; (c) 气泡内温度随时间的变化曲线; (d) 气泡内压力随时间的变化曲线; (e) 气泡内水分子数量随时间的变化曲线 Figure5. Dynamic characteristics of bubbles in bubble groups under different sound pressures: (a) Change curve of the normalized radius with the time for the bubble; (b) change curve of the internal energy in the bubble with the time; (c) change curve of the temperature in the bubble with the time; (d) change curve of the pressure in the bubble with the time; (e) change curve of the number of water molecules in the bubble with the time.