Abstract:Pulsed high-energy fluence X-ray source is based on the “Flash II” accelerator. It can be used to carry out effect vulnerability and sensitivity test of unit level system generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP). The energy fluence of pulsed hard X-ray is a main parameter of the equipment beam. At present, theoretical calculation method is widely used. Energy fluence can be calculated according to the dose, energy spectrum and energy absorption coefficient of each energy segment.The principle measuring energy fluence of pulsed hard X-ray by total absorption method is introduced. The photoelectric cell with lutetium silicate (LSO) scintillator is selected as a core component of the detection system, and the measurement system is developed. It is composed of scintillation detector, LSO scintillator, dimmer film, photon collimator, visible light shielding material, power supply and signal collecting system. The conversion coefficient between the incident photon energy and the waveform parameter is calibrated by a standard X-ray source. The energy fluence measurement experiment is carried out with the high-energy beam source of the “Flash II” accelerator as an experimental platform. In order to meet the requirements of the effect test experiments, the series diode structure is used in the accelerator for forming a high strength and large area uniform X-ray source. In the experiment, the LiF TLD is located in the front of the phototube and used to monitor the dose. According to the measured waveform, the actual energy of the incident photons is calculated. Combined with the receiving area of incident photons, the energy fluence of pulsed hard X-ray is calculated. The average measured value is 35.9 mJ/cm2 in 5 consecutive experiments. Energy fluence calculated from the measured dose and energy spectrum is 39.8 mJ/cm2. The results of the two methods are compared.It can be found that the experimental result is about 9.8% smaller than the theoretical value. The reasons are as follows. According to the law of exponential decay of rays in matter, in fact, the scintillator cannot absorb all the rays, and some of the rays can penetrate through, the energy of these rays cannot be detected, and thus giving rise to small experimental value. Due to the limited energy point of quasi-monoenergetic source, the sensitivity under the mean photon energy is taken as the sensitivity of the detector, and therefore there is a certain degree of uncertainty. The successful application of the measurement technology provides a good experimental method for the following similar research, and can also provide a reference for X-ray intensity analysis. Keywords:pulse hard X-ray/ energy fluence/ scintillation probe/ lutetium silicate scintillator
--> --> --> 1.引 言近年来, 随着脉冲功率技术的发展, 硬X射线的应用越来越广泛[1-3], 国内外的硬X射线源[4-9]也越来越多. 以“闪光二号”加速器为平台的脉冲高能注量硬X射线源[10]平均能量约为80 keV, 宽度约为55 ns, 能注量大于20 mJ/cm2, 辐照面积50000 mm2, 可用于开展单元级系统电磁脉冲(SGEMP)效应易损性和敏感性试验. 其中, 脉冲硬X射线的能注量是设备束流的主要参数, 需要准确测量. 由于硬X射线的穿透能力强[11], 在物质中的射程长, 要实现其能注量的实验测量难度很大. 目前国际上多采用理论计算的方法获得: 依据射线的剂量和能谱[12], 结合各个能段的质能吸收系数求得所有能段下的能注量. 目前, 国内外关于硬X射线能注量测量的实验研究尚处于起步阶段[13,14], 很有必要发展一种适合脉冲硬X射线的能注量测量方法, 以丰富硬X射线辐射场参数诊断技术, 为设备考核提供实验数据支持. 本文对该测量领域进行了原理分析和实验研究, 介绍了一种基于全吸收法的技术方案和系统设计思路, 通过对测量核心部件的选型、灵敏度标定, 研制了测量系统并获到了能注量的实验结果. 2.系统构成及基本原理采用闪烁探测器配合高密度闪烁体的全吸收法进行测量. 测量系统由闪烁探测器、高密度闪烁体、中性减光片、射线准直系统、可见光屏蔽材料、电源及采集系统组成. 闪烁探测器使用的是由中国电子科技集团公司第五十五研究所研制的光电管. 减光片可实现闪烁体产生荧光的线性衰减[15], 避免了波形饱和. 射线准直系统和可见光屏蔽材料有效限制了光源的来源, 增加了信噪比. 可见光屏蔽材料为厚度0.1 mm的黑卡纸, 屏蔽了室内自然光和照明光线, 对脉冲X射线的衰减可以忽略. 图1为测量系统组成示意图. 图 1 硬X射线能注量测量系统组成示意图 Figure1. The abridged general view of the fluence measurement system for pulse hard X-ray.