Abstract:There are several methods of diagnosing the capacitively coupled plasma, such as microwave resonance probe, Langmuir probe, etc, but methods like microwave resonance probe are mainly used for determining the electron density. Moreover, in the diagnosing of plasma potential, the emissive probe has a higher accuracy than the traditional electrostatic probes, and it can directly monitor the potential in real time. However, in the existing work, emissive probe is mostly applied to the diagnosis of plasmas with high density or plasmas modulated by pulsed dual frequency (one of the radio frequency sources is modulated), the experiments on the emissive probe diagonising plasma excited by a pulsed single frequency are quite rare. In this paper, the temporal evolution of the plasma potential and electron temperature with input power and pressure in a pulsed 27.12 MHz capacitively coupled argon plasma are investigated by using an emissive probe operated in floating point mode. The plasma potential is obtained by measuring emissive probe potential under a strongly heated condition, while the electron temperature is estimated from the potential difference between the emissive probe under strongly heating and cold conditions. The measurements show that as the pulse is on, the plasma potential will rise rapidly and become saturated within 300 μs due to the requirement for neutrality condition; while the pulse is off, the plasma potential undergoes a rapid decline and then stabilizes. An overshoot for the electron temperature occurs as the onset of the pulse, because of the influence of radio frequency electric field and residual electrons from the last pulse; during the pulse-off time, rapid loss of high-energy electrons causes the electron temperature to rapidly drops to 0.45 eV within 300 μs, then it rises slightly, which is related to the electrons emitted by the probe. The plasma potential basically has a linear dependence on the change of input power and pressure for the pulse-on and pulse-off time; and the input power has a greater influence on the difference between the overshoot electron temperature and the steady state electron temperature during the pulse-on time. Corresponding explanations are given for the temporal evolution of plasma potential and electron temperature in different pulse stages and under different discharge conditions. Keywords:emissive probe/ pulsed plasma/ plasma potential/ electron temperature
2.容性耦合等离子体实验装置安装有发射探针系统的脉冲容性耦合等离子体发生装置如图1所示. 等离子体放电腔室的高度为300 mm, 直径为350 mm. 上极板经由匹配器接有频率为27.12 MHz的射频电源, 该射频电源的矩形脉冲调制频率为500 Hz, 下极板接地. 上下电极通过聚四氟乙烯绝缘材料连接到接地的均匀气体导流板上, 以确保产生的等离子体被约束在电极之间. 两个电极的直径均为200 mm. 纯度为99.999%的Ar和O2通过质量流量控制器通入腔室, 总流速控制在80 sccm (1 sccm = 1 mL/min). 放电腔室通过涡轮分子泵和机械泵机组抽至真空度小于5 × 10–4 Pa时开始实验. 图 1 装置着发射探针系统的脉冲容性耦合等离子体装置示意图 Figure1. Schematic diagram of the pulsed capacitively coupled plasma apparatus equipped with an emissive probe system.
发射探针位于放电中心, 距离上、下极板均为17 mm. 发射探针的加热部分由直径为100 μm的钨丝弯成半径为2 mm的圆形, 两端分别插入到两个直径为0.9 mm的毛细铜管中. 铜管再通过耐高温胶固定在直径为1.5 mm的石英毛细管中. 铜管的底部与直径为0.9 mm的漆包铜线连接, 用于连接外部的加热电源. 探针回路由12 V密封铅酸电池进行加热, 两个5 Ω电阻的中心抽头通过电压探头连接到高速示波器测量端口, 端口的输入阻抗1 MΩ. 加热电流由串联在回路中的一个电流表直接测量得到. 当发射探针的加热电流逐步增加时, 悬浮电位呈现迅速增加的趋势; 继续增加探针的加热电流, 由示波器测量得到的发射探针的悬浮电位趋于饱和, 两个区域的交界处通常被认为是等离子体空间电位. 图2是一个典型的探针悬浮电位与加热电流的关系曲线, Ar等离子体的放电条件是激发频率27.12 MHz、射频功率50 W、放电气压3.0 Pa. 由图2可以看出, 当加热电流超过1.7 A时, 探针的悬浮电位便已经趋近饱和, 对应的等离子体的空间电位为26.8 V, 这数值和朗缪尔探针测量的数据大致相当[40]. 图 2 连续波激发的容性耦合等离子体中测得的探针悬浮电位(Vf)与加热电流(Iht)的关系图, 测量在气压为3.0 Pa、射频功率为50 W的氩气等离子体中进行 Figure2. A plot of measured floating potential (Vf) versus heating current (Iht) in a CCP discharge in a continuous wave mode. The measurements were carried out at argon plasma with pressure of 3.0 Pa and input power of 50 W.