1.School of Communication and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Post and Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, China 2.School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China 3.State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61172071), the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Program in Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2015KW-013), and the Scientific Research Program Funded by Shaanxi Provincial Education Department, China (Grant No. 16JK1711).
Received Date:31 March 2019
Accepted Date:26 April 2019
Published Online:20 July 2019
Abstract:Quantum communication in free space will be disturbed by natural environment, such as fog, dust, and rain, which is a difficult problem in the construction of quantum communication system. In order to solve this problem and improve the survivability of quantum communication system, we propose an adaptive parameter adjustment strategy for free-space quantum communication based on software-defined quantum communication (SDQC). Firstly, we propose a software-defined quantum communication model based on the idea of software defined networks. The architecture of SDQC is divided into four layers: transport layer, access layer, control layer, and management layer. The SDQC system sends the link information to the preset program at a management level through the real-time monitoring of channel state by the access layer. According to the link information, the management level issues instructions to the control layer to adjust the parameters such as the initial quantum state and the existence time of single quantum state, in order to improve the quantum entanglement and fidelity. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between quantum fidelity and parameters in SDQC system under three noise channels, i.e. depolarization channel, spontaneous amplitude decay channel, and phase damping channel. In the depolarized channel, the quantum fidelity F decreases with the increase of the error probability Pd of the qubit. When the error probability of qubit is certain, the system has the maximum quantum fidelity with the value of parameter x is 0.5. In the spontaneous amplitude decay channel, the quantum fidelity F decreases with the increase of the quantum state transition probability pt. When the transition probability of quantum state is certain, the higher the value of parameter x, the higher the fidelity will be. In the phase-damped channel, the quantum fidelity F decreases with the increase of the probability pc with which the qubit and the background interference equivalent quantum state have complete elastic scattering. When the probability is certain, the larger the value of |1/2 – x|, the higher the quantum fidelity of the system will be. Finally, we study the optimal values of SDQC system parameters under different environmental disturbances. The simulation results show that the optimal parameters of SDQC system are different when the parameters of three noise channels, namely depolarization, spontaneous amplitude decay and phase damping, are different. The system adaptively selects the initial quantum state and the existence time of single quantum state according to the environmental change and business demand, so that the quantum fidelity is always at the peak in the communication process. This strategy effectively improves the adaptability and comprehensive immunity of the quantum communication system. Keywords:free space quantum communication/ software defined quantum communication/ quantum state/ fidelity
SDQC系统在退极化信道中, 量子态演化后量子保真度与${p_d}$及参数$x$的关系如图2所示. 图 2 SDQC在退极化信道下量子保真度与量子位出错概率${p_{\rm{d}}}$及参数$x$的关系 Figure2. Relationship between quantum fidelity, the probability of a qubit error ${p_{\rm{d}}}$ and parameter $x$ of SDQC in depo-larization channel.
SDQC系统在自由空间通信中受不同程度环境干扰下, 量子态的跃迁概率${p_{\rm{t}}}$不同; 取$n = 1$, 在不同量子态跃迁概率下, 保真度与参数$x$的关系如图3所示. 图 3 自发幅度衰变信道下量子保真度与量子态跃迁概率${p_{\rm{t}}}$及参数$x$的关系 Figure3. The relationship between quantum fidelity, quantum transition probability ${p_{\rm{t}}}$ and parameter $x$ of SDQC in spontaneous amplitude decay channel.
SDQC系统在自由空间通信中受不同程度环境干扰下, 量子位与背景环境干扰等效量子态发生完全弹性散射的概率${p_{\rm{c}}}$不同; 取$n = 1$, 在不同概率下, 保真度与参数$x$的关系如图4所示. 图 4 SDQC在相位阻尼信道下量子保真度与量子位与背景环境干扰等效量子态发生完全弹性散射的概率${p_{\rm{c}}}$及参数$x$的关系 Figure4. Relationship between quantum fidelity, the probability of a qubit having complete elastic scattering with the background ${p_{\rm{c}}}$ and parameter $x$ of SDQC in phase-damped channel.
由于环境的干扰是一个动态的因素, 不同类型的干扰(如雾霾、沙尘、降雨等)及干扰程度的不同都会对自由空间量子通信产生不同程度的影响, 其量子位出错概率${p_{\rm{d}}}$、量子态跃迁概率${p_{\rm{t}}}$及量子位与背景环境干扰等效量子态发生完全弹性散射的概率${p_{\rm{c}}}$都会动态变化. ${p_{\rm{d}}}$, ${p_{\rm{t}}}$, ${p_{\rm{c}}}$的数值的变化会对量子保真度、纠缠度造成不同程度的影响, 从而SDQC系统中参数的最优取值也不同. 若在某自由空间量子信道中, $\sigma = \omega = \zeta $, 我们对${p_{\rm{d}}}$, ${p_{\rm{t}}}$, ${p_{\rm{c}}}$的数值的变化对量子保真度的影响进行分析. 令$n = 5$, 分别取${p_{\rm{t}}} = 0.1, \;{p_{\rm{c}}} = 0.1$;${p_{\rm{d}}} = 0.1,$$ \;\;{p_{\rm{c}}} = 0.1$; ${p_{\rm{d}}} = 0.1, \;\;{p_{\rm{t}}} = 0.1$, 讨论${p_{\rm{d}}}$, ${p_{\rm{t}}}$, ${p_{\rm{c}}}$随$x$取值变化对量子保真度$F$的影响, 如图5—图7所示. 图 5 量子位出错概率${p_{\rm{d}}}$随$x$取值变化对量子保真度$F$的影响 Figure5. Influence of the change of qubit error probability ${p_{\rm{d}}}$ with the value of $x$ on the quantum fidelity.
图 7${p_{\rm{c}}}$随$x$取值变化对量子保真度$F$的影响 Figure7. Influence of the change of the probability of a qubit having complete elastic scattering with the background ${p_{\rm{c}}}$ with the value of $x$ on the quantum fidelity.
图 6 量子态跃迁概率${p_{\rm{t}}}$随$x$取值变化对量子保真度$F$的影响 Figure6. Influence of the change of quantum transition probability ${p_{\rm{t}}}$ with the value of $x$ on the quantum fidelity.
表1不同环境干扰因素下SDQC系统参数$x$的最优取值表 Table1.The optimal value of parameter$x$ in SDQC system under different environmental disturbance factors.
SDQC系统还可以根据不同的业务需求, 合理的调整参数. 若在一次通信过程中, 有${p_{\rm{d}}} = 0.1,$$ {p_{\rm{t}}} = 0.1,\; {p_{\rm{c}}} = 0.1$, 我们规定本次通信保真度不应低于0.85, SDQC系统参数的集合如图9所示. 图 9 保真度大于0.85时参数$x$及$n$的集合 Figure9. The set of parameters $x$ and $n$ when the fidelity is greater than 0.85.