Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474191, 11474192).
Received Date:22 March 2019
Accepted Date:21 May 2019
Available Online:01 July 2019
Published Online:20 July 2019
Abstract:It is of great importance to investigate the dynamics of the multiple bubble system for revealing the mechanism of cavitation. Because of the secondary radiation of the oscillating bubbles, the coupled vibration of neighboring bubbles arises. Previous studies have reported that time delays appear to be more important when the coupled bubbles are close to each other. In this paper, we investigate the acoustical response of two bubble oscillators theoretically and numerically. Firstly, we modify the dynamic model equation by use of Taylor series being accurate up to terms of second order in radial displacement of bubbles. Based on the perturbation theory, the eigenmodes of the coupled-bubble system are analyzed, and two different resonant frequencies are obtained. Secondly, the effects of time delays on the coupled oscillation are analyzed numerically by use of phase diagram. When bubbles are driven by low-intensity ultrasound, we can neglect the effect of the time delay for the coupled-bubble system. Thirdly, the theoretical and numerical curve of amplitude versus frequency are compared with each other. There are two peaks on each curve on which present are two resonant regions. The relative position of the resonant peaks of the two bubbles in each region is similar for the two analytical methods. Finally, the effect of equivalent radius of bubble, equivalent radius ratio, bubble center distance, and driving pressure amplitude on the radial motion are numerically explored. With the increase of the intensity of the acoustic wave, the resonant peaks shift toward the low-frequency region. The coupled oscillation of the two bubbles of different radii could be intensified when these conditions are satisfied, such as resonant driving, equal radius, and the range of center distance smaller than 10R10. We can observe a transition phenomenon and out-of-phase fluctuation of the bubble oscillation in the strong coupling region. Therefore, bubbles play an important role of energy translator in the ultrasound applications. Keywords:two bubble oscillators/ nonlinear resonance/ coupled oscillation/ acoustic response
求解(14)式和(15)式可得一级近似条件下气泡振动幅值随驱动声波频率的变化, 如图2(a)所示. 对双气泡组成的系统而言, 弱非线性情形下系统存在两个共振区, 分别在两气泡本征频率附近. 气泡在其本征频率附近将出现强烈的非线性响应, 表现为共振频率的偏移以及振幅的跃变, 即驱动声波频率的微小变化可导致气泡振动振幅的大幅变化和不稳定响应. 因此, 在共振区内, 气泡吸收声波能力明显增强, 不稳定性也明显增强, 进而增加系统的复杂性. 为验证一级近似条件下气泡振幅–频率关系, 根据动力学方程(1)式对幅值-频率关系做数值分析, 结果见图2(b). 对比图2(a)与图2(b)发现, 一级近似条件下气泡振幅-频率变化特征与动力学方程给出的特征基本一致. 由于气泡间相互作用以及气泡振动非线性的影响, 共振频率发生偏移, 在两共振区内均出现非主共振气泡的小幅共振峰, 且小幅共振峰值均在主共振气泡峰值的左侧, 但两种分析得到的峰值频率稍有差别, 主要原因在于理论分析过程中取一级近似抑制了气泡振动的某些非线性特征, 图2(b)显示双泡振动系统存在次谐频共振现象. 随着驱动声波压力幅值的增加, 气泡将做强非线性振动, 气泡振幅幅值-频率在低频区的响应将更加复杂, 在低频区更容易激励气泡的大振幅振动, 如图3所示. 对比考虑气泡间相互作用相关的次级声辐射延迟效应影响的各曲线发现, 除共振区外, 一般情况下次级声辐射的延迟效应对气泡非线性振动幅值影响不大. 图 2 气泡振动幅值-驱动频率响应关系对比 (a) 理论分析; (b) 数值分析(bubble 1, 3 μm, bubble 2, 5 μm, 驱动声波压力幅值pa = 0.1 atm) Figure2. Comparison the responding relationship between vibration amplitude and driving frequency: (a) Theoretical analysis; (b) numerical analysis, where the diameter of the bubble 1 is 3 μm and the bubble 2 is 5 μm, the amplitude of driving pressure is pa = 0.1 atm
图 3 气泡振动幅值与驱动频率的关系 (a) pa = 0.5 atm; (b) pa = 1 atm (bubble 1, 3 μm; bubble 2, 5 μm) Figure3. Vibration amplitude vs. driving frequency: (a) pa = 0. 5 atm; (b) pa = 1 atm, where the diameter of the bubble 1 is 3 μm, the bubble 2 is 5 μm.