1.Department of Physics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, China 2.Institute of Opto-Electronics, State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China 3.Collaborative Innovation Center of Extreme Optics, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0301402), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11804246, 61775127, 11474190, 11654002), the Program for Sanjin Scholars of Shanxi Province, China, the Shanxi Scholarship Council of China, the Fund for Shanxi “1331 Project” Key Subjects Construction, China, and the Program for the Outstanding Innovative Teams of Higher Learning Institutions of Shanxi, China.
Received Date:22 November 2018
Accepted Date:22 January 2019
Available Online:01 March 2019
Published Online:20 March 2019
Abstract:Entanglement source with high entanglement degree is the guarantee for accomplishing the quantum information transmission and process with higher fidelity. Continuous variable Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangled optical field with quantum correlation of amplitude and phase quadrature is a basic and important quantum resource in the quantum information science area, which can be obtained by a non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier (NOPA) operated below the threshold pump power. Because of the limitation of the imperfect performance of optical components in optical cavity, we should find efficient methods of implementing quantum manipulation to improve the entanglement degree of the entangled state of light. Connecting NOPA1 and NOPA2 in series, the entangled state of light output from the NOPA1 can be manipulated by NOPA2, and the entanglement degree can be enhanced under certain conditions. To improve the entanglement degree to a greater extent, the structure of the NOPA1 is chosen as a half-monolithic standing-wave optical resonator with the triple resonance of the pump and two subharmonic modes. The NOPA1 is able to output the entangled optical fields with an entanglement degree of 8.4 dB, which is the highest entanglement generated by a single device so far. The structure of the NOPA2 can be chosen as a standing-wave optical cavity or a four-mirror ring optical cavity. According to the different structures of the NOPA2, we theoretically design two kinds of optical systems with two cascaded cavities and compare the effects of the two optical systems on the continuous variable EPR entanglement cascaded enhancement in detail. Based on the above contrastive analysis, when the entanglement degree of the input optical fields is 8.4 dB and the transmissivity of the output coupler is lower, the structure of a four-mirror ring optical cavity for NOPA2 cannot enhance the entanglement degree, so the optical system including NOPA2 with standing wave cavity structure and the optical isolator with high transmission efficiency is appropriate. When the transmissivity of the output coupler and transmission efficiency of the optical isolator are higher, the structure of the NOPA2 should be chosen as a standing-wave optical cavity, otherwise the structure of the NOPA2 should be chosen as a four-mirror ring optical cavity. We also theoretically analyze the dependence of the correlation degree of output optical fields on physical parameters. The results show that under the conditions of higher input and output coupling efficiency, higher transmission efficiency and lower intro-cavity loss, the entangled state of light with higher entanglement degree can be obtained experimentally. This provides the reference for obtaining entangled optical fields with higher entanglement degree in the future. Keywords:Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled optical fields/ manipulated optical cavity/ entanglement enhancement
2.驻波腔与四镜环形腔级联纠缠增强的理论分析依据参考文献[32], 利用光学腔级联的方法可以实现连续变量EPR纠缠态光场的纠缠增强. 这里考虑将两个工作在参量反放大状态的NOPA1和NOPA2级联, 研究NOPA2对NOPA1输出光场的操控效果. 图1为驻波腔与四镜环形腔级联的光学系统. 为了更大程度地提高级联光学系统输出纠缠态光场的纠缠度, NOPA1的腔型选择2015年本研究小组实验设计的单个具有三共振结构的半整块驻波腔, 由带1°楔角的非线性光学晶体KTP1和曲率半径为50 mm的凹镜M0组成, M0对种子光场的透射率为12.5%, 可以输出高达8.4 dB的EPR纠缠态光场, 是目前为止单个腔产生EPR纠缠态光场中纠缠度最高的. 图 1 驻波腔与四镜环形腔级联的光学系统 Figure1. Optical system of connecting a standing wave cavity and a four-mirror ring cavity in series.
将(4)—(10)式相结合, 根据实际的实验参数, 取四镜环形腔的腔长为557 mm, 内腔损耗为$\gamma _2' = $0.4%, 频谱分析频率为2 MHz, 在输出镜对信号光场的透射率一定的情况下, 通过数值计算(因为透射率不同时, 输出光场正交振幅和和正交相位差的表达式太过复杂), 分析NOPA2输出光场正交分量之间的关联噪声随输出镜对信号光场和闲置光场的透射率之差g的变化关系, 结果如图2所示. 曲线1为归一化的散粒噪声极限, 当曲线呈现的关联噪声小于该值时, 说明输出两束偏振相互垂直的光场之间是相互纠缠的; 曲线2, 3, 4分别表示NOPA2的输出镜对信号光场的透射率T1为5%, 7%和10%时, 输出光场的量子关联噪声随g的变化关系; 曲线5表示输入NOPA2的EPR纠缠态光场的量子关联噪声 图 2 输出光场的量子关联噪声随输出镜对信号光场和闲置光场透射率之差的变化 Figure2. Quantum correlation variances of two output beams versus the transmissivity differences of the output coupler for idle and signal fields.