1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China 2.State Key Laboratery of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51702257), the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (Grant No. 2018JQ5123), and the Provincial Superiority Discipline of Materials Science and Engineering of Xi’an Shiyou University, China (Grant No. ys37020203).
Received Date:31 August 2018
Accepted Date:15 January 2019
Available Online:01 March 2019
Published Online:20 March 2019
Abstract:L-arginine phosphate monohydrate (LAP) crystal is an excellent nonlinear optical material, its effective nonlinear optical coefficient is about 2?3.5 times that of potassium dideuterium phosphate (KDP) crystal, and its conversion efficiency can achieve up to 90%. The deuterated crystal of LAP has a very high laser damage threshold. Thus, once it was considered as a preferred material to replace KDP crystal for laser inertial confinement fusion and other fields. In addition, the LAP crystal has a much higher stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) reflectivity than quartz crystal and also has a lower SBS threshold. Moreover, it exhibits a special reversible phase-change in the variable temperature process, and shows an ultra-long spin-lattice relaxation time at solid-state NMR. In a word, the LAP crystal has shown its uniqueness under the action of energy such as light, heat and magnetic field. However, for these special phenomena, there is no reasonable explanation. Phosphate arginine is responsible for the biological energy storage and transfer in invertebrates as an important phosphorus source, which has a similar chemical composition to that of LAP crystal. The special electrostatic or hydrogen bonding interaction between guanidine and phosphate plays an important role in protein molecule interaction and their biochemical functions. Moreover, the conformational transitions of L-arginine molecule in phosphoric acid solution at different energies have been reported, and the fluorescence emission of L-arginine molecule aggregates can be changed by the interaction between phosphoate and guanidine group. The interaction between phosphoate and guanidine group in crystal structure is also studied as a model of biomolecular interaction. In order to further study the mechanism of interaction between phosphoate and guanidine group and the crystal macroscopic properties, phosphate bis-guanidinoacetate (PBGA) crystal containing the similar phosphoate and guanidine groups has been synthesized and reported. In this paper, the geometry parameters, band structure, electronic density of states, and optical properties of PBGA crystal are investigated by first-principles based the density functional theory. The energy gap of PBGA crystal is 4.77 eV, much smaller than 5.96 eV of KDP crystal. Therefore, the photon transition becomes easier and the corresponding photon absorption is relatively large in PBGA crystal. The top states of crystal valence band are mainly composed of the N-2p of guanidine and the O-2p of carboxyl and phosphate groups. There exists the electron interaction among guanidine, carboxyl and phosphate groups. The optical properties of PBGA crystal are similar in the [100] and [010] orientation, whose linear optical properties are better than those of [001] when the incident photon energy is less than 10 eV. The strong energy loss peak at 9.46 eV in the [001] orientation is due to the electronic transition of N-2p on guanidine group in the valence band, and its distribution is narrow. Thus the optical properties of [001] orientation are limited. The present research establishes a good foundation for further understanding and studying the intergroup interactions and optical properties in PBGA crystal. Keywords:phosphate bis-guanidinoacetate/ first principles/ electronic structure/ optical properties
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2.计算模型与方法本文计算工作是在Materials Studio 8.0软件中基于DFT结合平面波赝势方法的CASTEP软件包下进行的[16]. 采用实验所获PBGA单晶结构, 建立晶体模型如图2(a)所示, 结构优化采用周期性边界条件, 电子与电子之间的相互作用中的交换相关效应通过广义梯度近似(GGA)进行校正, 采用超软赝势描述离子实与价电子之间的相互作用势, 用GGA中的Perdew-Burke-Emzerhof处理电子之间的交换关联能[17-19]. 在倒易的k空间中, 通过平面波截断能量(Ecut)的选择来控制平面波基矢的多少, 从而改变计算精度. 通过收敛性测试确定了平面波截断能量Ecut = 460 eV, 自洽收敛精度设为2 × 10–5 eV/atom, 原子间的相互作用力收敛标准为0.05 eV/?, 原子的最大位移收敛标准为0.002 ?, 晶体内应力不大于0.1 GPa, 系统的总能量和电荷密度在布里渊区的积分计算使用Monkhorst-Pack方案来选择k空间的网格点[20], 布里渊区k矢的选取为9 × 9 × 9. 从图2(b)可以看出优化结果比较合理, 电子结构与光学性质在同样设置下进行. 图 2 PBGA晶体(a)原始模型与(b)优化后模型 Figure2. (a) Original and (b) optimized model of PBGA crystal
图3(a)是PBGA晶体的总态密度与轨道分态密度, 根据轨道态密度对总态密度的不同贡献, 价带可以分为如下三个区域: –15 eV以下的低能级, –15 eV至–9 eV的中能级以及–9 eV至0 eV的高能级. 可以看出价带低能级主要是s轨道的贡献, 价带中能级是s与p轨道的综合贡献, 价带高能级与导带中的底部主要由p轨道组成, 导带顶部主要来自s轨道. PBGA晶体的能带间隙为4.77 eV, 比KDP晶体的5.96 eV小得多[23]. 根据电子跃迁理论, 价带和导带之间的光子跃迁至少需要克服与带隙大小相同的能量窗. 因此, 当355 nm激光辐照晶体时, 它可以吸收两个光子引起电子跃迁. PBGA的窄带隙使得价带和导带之间的光子跃迁变得容易, 对应光子的吸收相对较大. 图 3 PBGA晶体的分态密度 Figure3. Partial density of states of PBGA crystal
图3(b)给出了总态密度与晶体中各原子分态密度, 结合图3(a)可以看出, 价带中低能级主要是由O-2s和N-2s贡献, –15 eV至–5 eV间能态由多个原子s与p轨道综合贡献, –5 eV至0 eV间能态主要来自于C-2p, O-2p和N-2p, 其中价带顶部主要由O-2p和N-2p组成, 导带的底部主要来自C-2p. 图4(a)为O-2p总态密度与不同基团上O-2p态密度分布, 图4(b)为N-2p总态密度与不同基团上N-2p态密度分布, 可以看出价带顶部电子能态主要来自于乙酸胍分子胍基上N-2p, 磷酸根与羧基上O-2p的贡献, 其中带电乙酸胍分子相对不带电乙酸胍分子, 其O-2p占据比例更高. 因此, 当光子入射进入PBGA晶体时, 胍基、磷酸根与羧基上最容易发生电子跃迁. 图 4 PBGA晶体中(a)氧和(b)氮的p轨道分态密度 Figure4. The p-orbital partial density of states of (a) oxygen and (b) nitrogen in PBGA crystal
23.2.光学性质 -->
PBGA晶体在[100], [010]以及[001]三个方向介电函数虚部与能量的关系曲线如图5所示. 从图5可以看出, PBGA晶体在三个方向的首个介电峰分别位于6.22, 5.78和6.07 eV, 且在[001]方向强度最强, [100]方向最弱. 结合态密度图3可知, 首个特征峰主要是由PBGA中N-2p与O-2p态由价带顶部跃迁至导带引起. 图 5 PBGA晶体的介电函数虚部与能量关系 Figure5. Relationship between energy and imaginary part of dielectric function of PBGA crystal