

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

邓立克, 王东东2),, 王家睿, 吴俊超
(厦门大学土木工程系,厦门 361005);(厦门市交通基础设施智能管养工程技术研究中心,厦门 361005)


DengLike, WangDongdong2),, WangJiarui, WuJunchao
Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;Xiamen Engineering Technology Center for Intelligent Maintenance of Infrastructures, Xiamen 361005, China

通讯作者:2) 王东东, 教授, 主要研究方向: 计算力学与结构工程.E-mail: ddwang@xmu.edu.cn

版权声明:2019力学学报期刊社 所有
基金资助:1) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11772280, 11472233).



The fourth order governing equation of thin plate necessitates the employment of C$^{1}$ continuous shape functions with a minimum degree of two in a Galerkin formulation. Thus at least a quadratic basis function should be utilized in meshfree approximation to enable the Galerkin meshfree thin plate analysis. However, due to the rational nature of reproducing kernel meshfree shape functions, the computation of the second order derivatives of meshfree shape functions is quite complex and costly, which also requires expensive high order Gauss quadrature rules to properly integrate the stiffness matrix. In this work, a gradient smoothing Galerkin meshfree method with particular reference to the linear basis function is proposed for thin plate analysis. The foundation of the present development is the construction of smoothed meshfree gradients with linear basis function, where the second order smoothed gradients are expressed as combinations of standard first order gradients and the computational burden is remarkably reduced. Furthermore, it is shown that the smoothed meshfree gradients with linear basis function satisfy both the linear and quadratic gradient consistency conditions and consequently they are adequate for thin plate analysis in the context of Galerkin formulation. An interpolation error study is given as well to validate the higher order consistency conditions and applicability of smoothed meshfree gradients for Galerkin analysis of thin plates. It turns out that efficient lower order Gauss integration rules now work well for the proposed method. Numerical results demonstrate that compared with the conventional Galerkin meshfree method with quadratic basis function, the proposed gradient smoothing Galerkin meshfree method with linear basis function yields similar convergence rates, but with better accuracy and less integration points for stiffness computation.

Keywords:Galerkin meshfree method;linear basis function;thin plate;gradient smoothing;consistency condition

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邓立克, 王东东, 王家睿, 吴俊超. 薄板分析的线性基梯度光滑伽辽金无网格法1)[J]. 力学学报, 2019, 51(3): 690-702 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-19-004
Deng Like, Wang Dongdong, Wang Jiarui, Wu Junchao. A GRADIENT SMOOTHING GALERKIN MESHFREE METHOD FOR THIN PLATE ANALYSIS WITH LINEAR BASIS FUNCTION1)[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019, 51(3): 690-702 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-19-004

引 言


1 薄板控制方程

考虑图1所示的薄板结构,其中面为$\varOmega $,边界为$\varGamma$,厚度为$t$. 中面$\varOmega $内一点${ { x}}$处的挠度为$w({ {x}})$,其相应的转角向量${ { \theta }}({ {x}})$和曲率向量$\kappa ({ { x}})$为
-->Fig. 1Sign convention of thin plate

$${\theta} = \left\{ {\begin{matrix} {\theta _x } \\ {\theta _y } \\ \end{matrix} } \right\} = \left\{ {{\begin{matrix} {w_{,x} } \\ {w_{,y} } \\ \end{matrix} }} \right\}\tag{1} $$
$$ \kappa = \left\{ {\begin{matrix} {\kappa _{xx} } \\ {\kappa _{yy} } \\ {2\kappa _{xy} } \\ \end{matrix} } \right\} = \left\{ {\begin{matrix} {w_{,xx} } \\ {w_{,yy} } \\ {2w_{,xy}} \\ \end{matrix} } \right\}\tag{2}$$
对于线弹性材料,应力矩向量${ { m}}$和曲率向量$ \kappa$之间的本构关系为
\begin{equation}\label{eq3} { { m}} = - { { D}} \kappa\tag{3}\end{equation}
$${ { m}} = \mbox{\{}m_{xx} \mbox{ }m_{yy} \mbox{ }m_{xy} \mbox{\}}^{\rm T}\tag{4}$$
$$ { { D}} = \bar {D}\left[ {{\begin{matrix}{*{20}c} 1& \nu& 0\\ \nu& 1& 0\\ 0& 0& {(1 - \nu ) / 2}\\ \end{matrix} }} \right],\mbox{ }\bar {D} = \frac{Et^3}{12(1 - \nu ^2)}\tag{5}$$
式(5)中,$E$和$\nu $分别为材料的杨氏模量和泊松比,$\bar{D}$为薄板的抗弯刚度.
$$\int_\varOmega {\delta \kappa ^{\rm T}{ { m}}{\rm d}\varOmega } + \int_\varOmega {\delta wq{\rm d}\varOmega } + \\ \qquad \int_{\varGamma ^w} {\delta \lambda ^w(w - \bar {w}){\rm d}\varGamma } + \int_{\varGamma ^w} {\lambda ^w\delta w{\rm d}\varGamma } + \\ \qquad \int_{\varGamma ^\theta } {\delta \lambda ^\theta (\theta _n-\bar {\theta }_n )} {\rm d}\varGamma + \int_{\varGamma ^\theta } {\lambda ^\theta \delta \theta _n } {\rm d}\varGamma = 0 \tag{6} $$
其中,$q$是作用在薄板上的竖向载荷,$\varGamma ^w$和$\varGamma^\theta $是强制挠度和转角边界,$\theta _n = w_{,n}$是沿着边界外法向${ {n}}$的转角,$\bar {w}$和$\bar {\theta }_n$是给定的挠度和转角,$\lambda ^w$和$\lambda ^\theta$是对应于挠度和转角的拉格朗日乘子. 由于式(6)中的$ \kappa$项包含挠度的二阶导数,因此至少需要采用二次基函数才能保证伽辽金方法的收敛性[1].

2 无网格形函数

本文采用移动最小二乘或再生核无网格形函数,当采用多项式基函数时,这两种无网格形函数其实是等同的.因此,不失一般性,这里以再生核形函数为例说明无网格形函数的构造特点.对于薄板问题,一般将薄板中面$\varOmega $及其边界$\varGamma$离散为一组节点$\left\{ {{ { x}}_I } \right\}_{I = 1}^{NP}$,每个节点${ { x}}_I $对应一个形函数$\varPsi _I ({ { x}})$.根据再生核无网格近似理论[5],薄板挠度$w({ {x}})$对应的无网格近似解$w^h({ { x}})$可表示为\begin{equation}\label{eq7} w^h({ { x}}) = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi_I ({ { x}})d_I }\tag{7}\end{equation}其中,$d_I $为与节点${ { x}}_I $对应的节点系数.无网格形函数$\varPsi _I ({ { x}})$具有如下形式\begin{equation}\label{eq8} \varPsi _I ({ { x}}) = { { p}}^{\rm T}({ { x}}_I- { {x}}){ { c}}({ { x}})\phi _s ({ { x}}_I - { {x}})\tag{8}\end{equation}式中,${ { c}}({ { x}})$是依赖于位置${ {x}}$的一个待定系数向量. ${ { p}}({ {x}})$为$p$阶单项式基向量,即\begin{equation}\label{eq9} { { p}}({ { x}}) = \{1,\mbox{ }x,\mbox{ }y,\mbox{}x^2,\mbox{ }xy,\mbox{ }y^2,\mbox{ }\cdots,x^p,\mbox{}\cdots,\mbox{ }y^p\}^{\rm T}\mbox{ }\tag{9}\end{equation}式中$p$为基函数的阶次. $\phi _s ({ { x}}_I - { {x}})$为附属于节点${ { x}}_I$的核函数,具有紧支性,下标$s$表示其影响域:$supp({ { x}}_I )$.本文采用如下的五次B样条核函数
$$\varphi _s (r) = \\ \dfrac{1}{5!}\left\{\!\! {{\begin{array}{*{20}l} {(3 \!-\! 3r)^5 \!-\! 6(2 \!-\! 3r)^5 \!+\! 15(1 \!-\! 3r)^5}, {r \le \dfrac{\mbox{1}}{3}} \\ {(3 - 3r)^5 - 6(2 - 3r)^5}, \ \ \ {\dfrac{\mbox{1}}{3}< r \le \dfrac{2}{3}} \\ {(3 - 3r)^5} ,\ \ \ \ {\dfrac{2}{3} < r \le 1} \\ 0, \ \ \ \ {r > 1} \\ \end{array} }} \right.\\ \tag{10} $$
其中,$r$表示相邻节点之间的相对距离.二维核函数可以方便地通过两个一维核函数的张量积形式进行构造\begin{equation}\label{eq11} \phi _s ({ { x}} - { { x}}_I ) = \phi _{s_x }(r_x )\phi _{s_y } (r_y )\tag{11}\end{equation}其中,$r_x = \left\| {x - x_I } \right\| / s_x $,$r_y = \left\|{y - y_I } \right\| / s_y $,$s_x $和$s_y$分别代表了$x$和$y$方向的影响域大小.
为了保证无网格近似的一致性或完备性,形函数$\varPsi _I ({ {x}})$需要满足下列的再生条件或一致性条件
\begin{equation} \label{eq12} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _I ({ { x}}){ {p}}\mbox{(}{ { x}}_I )} = { { p}}({ { x}})\tag{12} \end{equation}

\begin{equation} \label{eq13} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _I ({ { x}}){ {p}}\mbox{(}{ { x}}_I - { { x}})} = { { p}}({\bf{ 0}})\tag{13} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \label{eq14} { { A}}({ { x}}){ { c}}({ { x}}) = { { p}}({ { x}})\tag{14} \end{equation}
式中${ { A}}({ { x}})$称作矩量矩阵
\begin{equation} \label{eq15} { { A}}({ { x}}) = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {{ {p}}({ { x}}_I - { { x}}){ { p}}^{\rm T}({ { x}}_I-{ {x}})\phi _s ({ { x}}_I - { { x}})}\tag{15} \end{equation}
由式(14)有${ { c}}({ { x}}) = { { A}}^{ - 1}({ {x}}){ {p}}({ { x}})$,将其代入式(8)可得无网格形函数
\begin{equation} \label{eq16} \varPsi _I ({ { x}}) = { { p}}^{\rm T}( 0){ { A}}^{ - 1}({ { x}}){ { p}}({ { x}}_I - { { x}})\varphi _s ({ { x}}_I - { { x}})\tag{16} \end{equation}
$$\varPsi _{I,i} ({ { x}}) = { { p}}^{\rm T}( 0)\{{ { A}}_{,i}^{ - 1} { { p}}_I \phi _{sI} + { { A}}^{ - 1}{ { p}}_{I,i} \phi _{sI} + \\ { { A}}^{ - 1}{ { p}}_I \phi _{sI,i} \}\tag{17}$$
$$\varPsi _{I,ij} ({ { x}}) = { { p}}^{\rm T}( 0)\{{ { A}}_{,ij}^{ - 1} { { p}}_I \phi _{sI} + { { A}}_{,i}^{ - 1} { { p}}_{I,j} \phi _{sI} + \\ { { A}}_{,i}^{ - 1} { { p}}_I \phi _{sI,j} \mbox{ + }{ { A}}_{,j}^{ - 1} { { p}}_{I,i} \phi _{sI} + { { A}}^{ - 1}{ { p}}_{I,ij} \phi _{sI}+ \\ { { A}}^{ - 1}{ { p}}_{I,i} \phi _{sI,j} + { { A}}_{,j}^{ - 1} { { p}}_I \phi _{sI,i} \mbox{ + }{ { A}}^{ - 1}{ { p}}_{I,j} \phi _{sI,i}+ \\ { { A}}^{ - 1}{ { p}}_I \phi _{sI,ij} \} \tag{18} $$
其中${{ {p}}_I} = { {p}}({{ {x}}_I} - { {x}}), {\phi _{sI}} = {\phi _s}({{ {x}}_I}-{ {x}})$,下标中逗号为微分算子,$\{i,j\} = \{x,y\}$. ${ { A}}_{,i}^{ - 1} $和${ { A}}_{,ij}^{ - 1} $为
$$\left. \begin{array}{l} { {A}}_{,i}^{ - 1} = - {{ {A}}^{-1}}{{ {A}}_{,i}}{{ {A}}^{ - 1}}\\[3mm] { {A}}_{,ij}^{ - 1} = - {{ {A}}^{ - 1}}({{ {A}}_{,ij}}{{ {A}}^{ - 1}} + {{ {A}}_{,i}}{ {A}}_{,j}^{ - 1} + {{ {A}}_{,j}}{ {A}}_{,i}^{ - 1}) \end{array} \right\}\tag{19} $$
\begin{equation} \label{eq20} \left. {\begin{array}{l} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}})y_I } = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,y} ({ { x}})x_I } = 0 \\[5mm] \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}})x_I } = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,y} ({ { x}})y_I } = 1 \\ \end{array}} \right\}\tag{20} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq21} \left. {\begin{array}{l} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,xx} ({ { x}})x_I^2 } = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,yy} ({ { x}})y_I^2 } = 2 \\[5mm] \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,xy} ({ { x}})x_I y_I } = 1 \\ \end{array}} \right\}\tag{21} \end{equation}

3 无网格梯度光滑方法及一致性条件

3.1 无网格形函数的光滑梯度

根据梯度光滑理论[24],无网格形函数的光滑梯度,记作$\tilde {\varPsi }_{I,i} ({ { x}})$,可以表示成
\begin{equation} \label{eq22} \tilde {\varPsi }_{I,i} ({ { x}}) = \int_\varOmega \vartheta ({ { x}},{ { y}})\varPsi _{I,i} ({ { y}}){\rm d}\varOmega\tag{22} \end{equation}
其中$\vartheta ({ { x}},{ { y}})$是光滑函数.方便起见,计算中可以选取无网格形函数作为光滑函数[27-29],即$\vartheta ({ { x}},{ { x}}_J ) = \varPsi _J ({ {x}})$. 因而,在离散情况下,无网格形函数的一阶光滑导数,记作$\bar{\varPsi }_{I,i} ({ { x}})$,可以表示为如下形式
$$\bar {\varPsi }_{I,i} ({ { x}}) = \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\vartheta ({ { x}},{ { x}}_J )\varPsi _{I,i} ({ { x}}_J )} = \\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} \varPsi _J ({ { x}})\varPsi _{I,i} ({ { x}}_J )\tag{23} $$
$$ \label{eq24} \bar {\varPsi }_{I,ij}({ { x}}) = \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} \varPsi _{J,j} ({ { x}})\varPsi _{I,i} ({ { x}}_J )\tag{24} $$
图2图3分别对比了一维和二维无网格形函数的标准梯度与光滑梯度之间的区别,其中标准梯度采用的是二次基函数$(p= 2)$,光滑梯度采用的是线性基函数$(p = 1)$.从图中可以看出,线性基无网格形函数的光滑梯度甚至比采用二次基函数的无网格形函数的标准梯度更加光滑,震荡性更小.同时,经过梯度光滑构造,形函数光滑梯度的影响域出现叠加效应,其影响域大于标准梯度的影响域.因此,基于梯度光滑方法,采用线性基函数仍然可以得到光滑的二阶梯度.
-->Fig. 2Comparison of 1D standard and smoothed meshfree gradients

-->Fig. 3Comparison of 2D standard and smoothed meshfree gradients

3.2 线性基形函数光滑梯度的线性一致性条件

$$\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,y} ({ { x}})x_I } = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _J ({ {x}})\varPsi _{I,y} ({ { x}}_J )x_I } } =\\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _J ({ { x}})\underbrace {\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,y} ({ { x}}_J )x_I } }_{ = 0}} = 0 \tag{25} $$
$$\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,x} ({ { x}})x_I } = \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _J ({ {x}})\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )x_I } } = \\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _J ({ { x}})\underbrace {\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )x_I } }_{ = 1}} =\\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _J ({ { x}})} = 1\tag{26}$$
式(25)和式(26)的推导使用了式(12). 同理可得
\begin{equation} \label{eq27} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,x} ({ {x}})y_I } = 0,\mbox{ }\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,y} ({ { x}})y_I } = 1\tag{27} \end{equation}
-->Fig. 4Standard consistency conditions for the first order smoothed meshfree gradients with linear basis function

3.3 线性基形函数光滑梯度的二阶一致性条件

$$\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,xx} ({ { x}})x_I^2 } = \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )(x_I - x_J + x_J )^2}= \\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})x_J^2 } \underbrace{\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} \varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )} _{ = 0} +\\ 2\sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} \varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})x_J \underbrace {\sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} \varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )x_{IJ}} _{ = 1}+ \\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )} x_{IJ}^2 =\\ 2\underbrace{\sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})x_J } }_{ = 1} +\\ \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )} x_{IJ}^2= \\ 2 + \sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )} x_{IJ}^2 \tag{28} $$
其中,$x_{IJ} = x_I - x_J $.此外,注意到对于均布无网格离散,形函数周期性分布的特点使得如下关系成立
\begin{equation} \label{eq29} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{I,x} ({ { x}}_J )} x_{IJ}^2 = \sum\limits_{K = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{K,x} ({ { x}}_L )} x_{KL}^2\tag{29} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \label{eq30} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,xx} ({ {x}})x_I^2 } = 2 + \sum\limits_{K = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{K,x} ({ {x}}_L )} x_{KL}^2 \underbrace {\sum\limits_{J = 1}^{NP} {\varPsi _{J,x} ({ { x}})} }_{ = 0} = 2\tag{30} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \label{eq31} \sum\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,xx} ({ {x}})x_I^2 } = 2\tag{31} \end{equation}
$$\mathop{\sum}\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} \bar{\varPsi }_{I,yy} ({ {x}})y_I^2 = 2\tag{32} $$
$$ \mathop{\sum}\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} \bar{\varPsi }_{I,xy} ({ {x}})x_I y_I = 1\tag{33}$$
-->Fig. 5Extra quadratic consistency conditions for the second order smoothed meshfree gradients with linear basis function


3.4 插值误差分析

$$L_2 \mbox{error = }\bigg(\int_\varOmega {(w - w^h)^2{\rm d}\varOmega \bigg)^{1 / 2}} \bigg/ \bigg(\int_\varOmega {w^2{\rm d}\varOmega } \bigg)^{1 / 2}\tag{34}$$
$$H_{s_1 }\mbox{error} = \bigg(\int_\varOmega {(w_{,i} - w_{,i}^h )^2{\rm d}\varOmega } \bigg)^{1 / 2} \bigg/ \bigg(\int_\varOmega {w_{,i}^2 {\rm d}\varOmega } \bigg)^{1 / 2}\tag{35}$$
$$ H_{s_2 } \mbox{error} = \bigg(\int_\varOmega {(w_{,ij} - w_{,ij}^h )^2{\rm d}\varOmega } \bigg)^{1 / 2} \bigg/ \bigg(\int_\varOmega {w_{,ij}^2 {\rm d}\varOmega } \bigg)^{1 / 2}\tag{36}$$
其中,$w$,$w_{,i} $和$w_{,ij} $及$w^h$,$w_{,i}^h $和$w_{,ij}^h$分别表示精确解及无网格近似解,这些变量分别对应于薄板结构的挠度、转角和曲率.
$$w(x) = {\rm e}^x + \frac{1}{6}(1 - {\rm e})x^3 - \frac{1}{2}x^2 + \left(\frac{4}{3} - \frac{5}{6}{\rm e}\right)x - 1\tag{37}$$
$$ w({ { x}}) = \sin (\pi x)\sin (\pi y)\tag{38} $$
另一方面,$w^h$由式(7)给出,$w_{,i}^h $和$w_{,ij}^h $分别为
\begin{equation} \label{eq39} w_{,i}^h ({ { x}}) = \sum\limits_{I\mbox{ = }1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,i} ({ { x}})d_I }\tag{39} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq40} w_{,ij}^h ({ { x}}) = \sum\limits_{I\mbox{ = }1}^{NP} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,ij} ({ { x}})d_I }\tag{40} \end{equation}
式中$d_I = w({ { x}}_I )$.
图6给出了一维和二维线性基无网格形函数及其光滑梯度的插值误差.从图中可见,一维和二维线性基无网格形函数光滑梯度的插值误差有类似的收敛特性,其中对应$L_2$,$H_{s1 } $和$H_{s2 }$三种不同度量形式的收敛率分别为2,2,1,具有与二次基无网格形函数标准梯度相同的收敛特性,但无网格形函数所采用的基函数阶次降低了一次.
-->Fig. 6Comparison of interpolation errors of smoothed meshfree gradients with linear basis function

4 薄板分析的线性基梯度光滑伽辽金无网格法离散方程

\begin{equation}\label{eq41} {{\bar{ K}\bar {d}}} = {{\bar{ f}}}\tag{41} \end{equation}
$${{ \bar { K}}}\mbox{ = }\left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} { {K}}& {{ { G}}^{w{\rm T}} }& {{ { G}}^{\theta {\rm T}} }\\ {{ { G}}^w }& {\bf{ 0}}& {\bf{ 0}}\\ {{ { G}}^\theta }& {\bf{ 0}}& {\bf{ 0}} \\ \end{array} }} \right]\tag{42}$$
$${{ \bar { d}}} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} { { d}}\\ { { \lambda }}^w \\ { { \lambda }}^\theta \\ \end{array} }} \right\}\mbox{, }{{ \bar { f}}} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} { { f}}\\ { { q}}^w \\ { { q}}^\theta \\ \end{array} }} \right\}\tag{43}$$
$${ {K}} = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{I,J = 1}^{NP} [{K_{IJ}}{\rm{], }}~{ {G}}^w = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{I,K = 1}^{NP,NW} [G_{IK}^w{\rm{]}},{\rm{ }}{ {G}}_{}^\theta = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{I,L = 1}^{NP,NR} [G_{IL}^\theta {\rm{]}}\qquad \tag{44}$$
$$ { {d}} = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} [{d_I}{\rm{]}},~{\rm{ }}{{ {\lambda }}^w} = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{K = 1}^{NW} [\lambda _K^w{\rm{], }}~{{ {\lambda }}^\theta } = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{L = 1}^{NR} [\lambda _L^\theta {\rm{]}}\tag{45}$$
$${ {f}} = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{I = 1}^{NP} [{f_I}{\rm{]}},~{\rm{ }}{{ {q}}^w} = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{K = 1}^{NW} [q_K^w{\rm{], }}~{{ {q}}^\theta } = \mathop {\rm A}\limits_{L = 1}^{NR} [q_L^\theta {\rm{]}}\tag{46}$$
$$K_{IJ} \mbox{ = }\int_\varOmega {{{ \bar { B}}}_I^{\rm T} {{ D\bar { B}}}_J {\rm d}\varOmega } ,\mbox{ }{{ \bar { B}}}_I = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,xx} }\\ {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,yy} }\\ {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,xy} + \bar {\varPsi }_{I,yx} }\\ \end{array} }} \right\}\tag{47}$$
$$G_{IK}^w = - \int_{\varGamma ^w} {\varPsi _I N_K } {\rm d}\varGamma ,\mbox{ }G_{IL}^\theta = - \int_{\varGamma ^\theta } {\bar {\varPsi }_{I,n} N_L } {\rm d}\varGamma\tag{48}$$
$$f_I = \int_\varOmega {\varPsi _I q{\rm d}\varOmega }\tag{49}$$
$$q_K^w = - \int_{\varGamma ^w} {N_K \bar {w}{\rm d}\varGamma } \mbox{, }q_L^\theta = - \int_{\varGamma ^\theta } {N_L \bar {\theta }_n {\rm d}\varGamma }\tag{50}$$
式中,A为组装算子[2],$NW$和$NR$分别表示边界$\varGamma^w$和$\varGamma ^\theta $的无网格离散点个数,$N_K$为对应于拉格朗日乘子离散的一维拉格朗日插值函数.对于刚度矩阵,本文采用高斯积分进行计算.例如,二维情况下,对于线性基梯度光滑伽辽金方法,采用2$\times$2的高斯积分方案,而对于标准的二次基伽辽金方法则使用6$\times$6的高斯积分方案.

5 算例


5.1 欧拉梁问题

本算例简支梁的材料与几何参数为:长度$L = 10$,截面宽度$b =0.1$,高度$t = 0.2$,杨氏模量$E = 2\times 10^6$,受到均布载荷$q(x)= - 1$的作用.
-->Fig. 7Convergence comparison for the simply supported beam problem

图8图9给出了21个节点无网格离散模型对应的挠度、转角、曲率的计算结果及其误差分布图,进一步表明LGSMF方法的计算误差小于传统的QMF方法.此外,图10为线性分布载荷$q(x) =-x$作用下悬臂梁问题的收敛特性分析,其结果与简支梁问题的结果完全一致,仍然说明LGSMF方法的计算精度优于QMF方法.
-->Fig. 8Comparison of results for the simply supported beam problem

-->Fig. 9Error comparison for the simply supported beam problem

-->Fig. 10Convergence comparison for the cantilever beam problem

5.2 简支方板和矩形板问题

考虑图11所示的简支板,其长度为$L_x $,宽度为$L_y $,厚度$t =0.1$,杨氏模量$E = 2.0\times 10^6$,泊松比$\nu = 0.3$.该问题的解析解为
-->Fig. 11Description of the simply supported square plate problem

\begin{equation} \label{eq51} w({ { x}}) = - \sin \left(\frac{\pi x}{L_x }\right)\sin \left(\frac{\pi y}{L_y }\right)\tag{51} \end{equation}
其对应的分布载荷为$q({ { x}}) = \bar {D}\nabla ^2\nabla ^2w({ {x}})$.
$$ q({ x})=-\bar{D}\left(\dfrac{\pi^2}{L^2_x}+\dfrac{\pi^2}{L^2_y}\right)^2\sin \left(\dfrac{\pi x}{L_x}\right)\sin\left(\dfrac{\pi y}{L_y}\right)$$
首先考虑简支方板问题,其几何尺寸为$L_x = L_y =10$,无网格离散模型见图12,其中4个模型的无网格节点数分别11$\times$11,21$\times $21,31$\times $31和41$\times $41.计算中QMF方法的核函数影响域取2.4,而LGSMF方法的核函数影响域取1.1.图13给出了该板问题的挠度、转角和曲率收敛率分析,相应的收敛率为2,2,1,QMF\!和\!LGSMF\!两种方法的收敛率大致相同.
-->Fig. 12Meshfree discretizations for the simply supported square plate problem

-->Fig. 13Convergence comparison for the simply supported square plate problem

图14给出了41$\times$41个节点无网格离散模型对应的挠度、转角、曲率误差分布图,图13图14的结果均表明LGSMF方法的精度更高.对于$L_x = 10$,$L_y = 5$的矩形板问题,采用11$\times$11,21$\times $21,31$\times $31和41$\times$41的无网格离散模型对应收敛率的结果见图15,同样表明LGSMF方法具有更高的计算精度.
-->Fig. 14Error comparison for the simply supported square plate problem

-->Fig. 15Convergence comparison for the simply supported rectangular plate problem

5.3 固支圆板问题

考虑图16所示的受均布载荷$q =-10$作用周边固支圆板,其几何和材料参数为:半径$R = 5$,厚度$t = 0.1$,杨氏模量$E = 2.0\times 10^6$,泊松比$\nu = 0.3$. 该问题的精确解[30]
-->Fig. 16Description of the clamped circular plate problem

\begin{equation} \label{eq52} w({ { x}}) = \frac{q}{64\bar {D}}(R^2 - x^2-y^2)^2\tag{52} \end{equation}
-->Fig. 17Meshfree discretizations for the clamped circular plate problem

-->Fig. 18Convergence comparison for the clamped circular plate problem

6 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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Описание: Provides an in-depth background to understanding of finite element results and techniques for improving accuracy of finite element methods. This book helps the reader to identify and eliminate errors contained in finite element models. It talks about the three different error analysis techniques developed from a common theoretical foundation.
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详细论述了近年来迅速发展的无网格法的理论基础及其在各个领域内的应 用. 无网格法网格依赖性弱, 避免了传统的有限元、边界元等基于网格的数值方法 中可能出现的网格畸变和扭曲, 在一些有限元、边界元等方法难以较好处理的领域体现 出独特的优势. 以加权余量法为主线归纳了已有的30多种无网格法, 各类 无网格法的主要区别在于使用了不同的加权余量法和近似函数. 详尽介绍 了各种无网格近似方案(包括移动最小二乘近似、核近似和重构核近似、单位分 解近似、径向基函数近似、点插值近似、自然邻接点插值近似等)和无网格法 中常用的各类加权余量法(伽辽金格式、配点格式、局部弱形式、加权最小二乘 格式和边界积分格式等), 并讨论了数值积分方法和边界条件的处理等问题. 在 此基础上较系统地总结了无网格法在冲击爆炸、裂纹传播、超大变形、结 构优化、流固耦合、生物力学和微纳米力学等领域的应用, 展示了无网格法相 对于传统数值方法的优势.
(Zhang Xiong, Liu Yan, Ma Shang.Meshfree methods and their applications
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详细论述了近年来迅速发展的无网格法的理论基础及其在各个领域内的应 用. 无网格法网格依赖性弱, 避免了传统的有限元、边界元等基于网格的数值方法 中可能出现的网格畸变和扭曲, 在一些有限元、边界元等方法难以较好处理的领域体现 出独特的优势. 以加权余量法为主线归纳了已有的30多种无网格法, 各类 无网格法的主要区别在于使用了不同的加权余量法和近似函数. 详尽介绍 了各种无网格近似方案(包括移动最小二乘近似、核近似和重构核近似、单位分 解近似、径向基函数近似、点插值近似、自然邻接点插值近似等)和无网格法 中常用的各类加权余量法(伽辽金格式、配点格式、局部弱形式、加权最小二乘 格式和边界积分格式等), 并讨论了数值积分方法和边界条件的处理等问题. 在 此基础上较系统地总结了无网格法在冲击爆炸、裂纹传播、超大变形、结 构优化、流固耦合、生物力学和微纳米力学等领域的应用, 展示了无网格法相 对于传统数值方法的优势.
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[8]Krysl P, Belytschko T.Analysis of thin plates by the element-free Galerkin method
. Computational Mechanics, 1995, 17(1-2): 26-35
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A meshless approach to the analysis of arbitrary Kirchhoff plates by the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method is presented. The method is based on moving least squares approximant. The method is meshless, which means that the discretization is independent of the geometric subdivision into “finite elements”. The satisfaction of the C 1 continuity requirements are easily met by EFG since it requires only C 1 weights; therefore, it is not necessary to resort to Mindlin-Reissner theory or to devices such as discrete Kirchhoff theory. The requirements of consistency are met by the use of a quadratic polynomial basis. A subdivision similar to finite elements is used to provide a background mesh for numerical integration. The essential boundary conditions are enforced by Lagrange multipliers. It is shown, that high accuracy can be achieved for arbitrary grid geometries, for clamped and simply-supported edge conditions, and for regular and irregular grids. Numerical studies are presented which show that the optimal support is about 3.9 node spacings, and that high-order quadrature is required.
[9]Liu GR, Chen XL.A mesh-free method for static and free vibration analyses of thin plates of complicated shape
. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2001, 241(5): 839-855
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A mesh-free method is presented to analyze the static deflection and the natural frequencies of thin plates of complicated shape. The present method uses moving least-squares (MLS) interpolation to construct shape functions based on a set of nodes arbitrarily distributed in the analysis domain. Discrete system equations are derived from the variational form of system equation. For static analysis, a penalty method is presented to enforce the essential boundary conditions. For frequency analysis of free vibration, the essential boundary conditions are represented through a weak form and imposed using orthogonal transformation techniques. The present EFG method together with techniques for imposing boundary conditions is coded in Fortran. Numerical examples are presented for rectangular, elliptical, polygonal and complicated plates to demonstrate the convergence and efficiency of the present method.
[10]Long SY, Atluri SN.A meshless local Petrov--Galerkin method for solving the bending problem of a thin plate
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[11]Lu H, Li S, Simkins DC, et al.Reproducing kernel element method Part III: Generalized enrichment and applications
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2004, 193: 989-1011
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this part of the work, a notion of generalized enrichment is proposed to construct the global partition polynomials or to enrich global partition polynomial basis with extra terms corresponding to the higher order derivatives of primary variable. This is accomplished by either multiplying enrichment functions with the original global partition polynomials, or increasing the order of global partition polynomials in the same mesh. Without refining mesh, high order consistency in interpolation hierarchy with generalized Kronecker delta property can be straightforwardly achieved in quadrilateral and triangular mesh in 2D by the proposed scheme. Comparing with the traditional finite element methods, the construction proposed here has more flexibility and only needs minimal degrees of freedom. The optimal element with high reproducing capacity and overall minimal degrees of freedom can be constructed by the generalized enrichment procedure. Two optimal elements in two dimensional space have been constructed: T10P3I 4 3 triangular element satisfies third order consistency condition with only 10 degrees of freedom, and Q15P4I 4 3 quadrilateral element satisfies fourth order consistency condition with 15 degrees of freedom. The performance of interpolation hierarchy is evaluated through solving some bench-mark problems for thin (Kirchhoff) plates.
[12]Liu Y, Hon YC, Liew KM.A meshfree Hermite-type radial point interpolation method for Kirchhoff plate problems
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2006, 66(7): 1153-1178
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A meshfree computational method is proposed in this paper to solve Kirchhoff plate problems of various geometries. The deflection of the thin plate is approximated by using a Hermite-type radial basis function approximation technique. The standard Galerkin method is adopted to discretize the governing partial differential equations which were derived from using the Kirchhoff's plate theory. The degrees of freedom for the slopes are included in the approximation to make the proposed method effective in enforcing essential boundary conditions. Numerical examples with different geometric shapes and various boundary conditions are given to verify the efficiency, accuracy, and robustness of the method. Copyright 漏 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[13]马丽红, 邱志平, 王晓军. Winkler地基板的区间无网格Galerkin方法
. 岩土工程学报, 2008, 30(3): 384-389
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Ma Lihong, Qiu Zhiping, Wang Xiaojun, et al.Interval element-free Galerkin method for plates on Winkler foundation. Chinese Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering. 2008, 30(3): 384-389 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[14]Bui TQ, Nguyen MN.A moving Kriging interpolation-based meshfree method for free vibration analysis of Kirchhoff plates
. Computers & Structures, 2011, 89(3-4): 380-394
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The present work aims to make a further development of a novel meshfree method for free vibration analysis of classical Kirchhoff’s plates. The deflection of plates is approximated by the moving Kriging interpolation method which possesses the Kronecker’s delta property. This thus makes the proposed method efficient and straightforward in imposing the essential boundary conditions, and no special treatment techniques are required. A standard weak form is adapted to discrete the governing partial differential equations of plates. Numerical examples with different geometric shapes are considered to demonstrate the applicability and the accuracy of the proposed method.
[15]Cui XY, Liu GR, Li GY, et al.A thin plate formulation without rotation DOFs based on the radial point interpolation method and triangular cells
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011, 85(8): 958-986
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A formulation for thin plates with only the deflection as nodal variables has been proposed using the generalized gradient smoothing technique and the radial point interpolation method (RPIM). The deflection fields are approximated using the RPIM shape functions which possess the Kronecker Delta property for easy impositions of essential boundary conditions. Three types of smoothing domains, which are also serving as the numerical integrations domains, are constructed based on the background three-node triangular cells and the generalized gradient smoothing operation is performed over each of them to obtain the smoothed curvatures. The generalized smoothed Galerkin weak form is then used to create the discretized system equations. The essential boundary conditions of rotations are imposed in the process of constructing the curvature field, and the translation boundary conditions are imposed as in the standard FEM. A number of numerical examples, including both static and free vibration analysis, are studied using the present methods and the numerical results are compared with the analytical ones and those in the open literatures. The results show that the present formulation can obtain very stable and accurate solutions, even for the extremely irregular background cells. Copyright 漏 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[16]Millan D, Rosolen A, Arroyo M.Thin shell analysis from scattered points with maximum-entropy approximants
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011, 85(6): 723-751
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We present a method to process embedded smooth manifolds using sets of points alone. This method avoids any global parameterization and hence is applicable to surfaces of any genus. It combines three ingredients: (1) the automatic detection of the local geometric structure of the manifold by statistical learning methods; (2) the local parameterization of the surface using smooth meshfree (here maximum-entropy) approximants; and (3) patching together the local representations by means of a partition of unity. Mesh-based methods can deal with surfaces of complex topology, since they rely on the element-level parameterizations, but cannot handle high-dimensional manifolds, whereas previous meshfree methods for thin shells consider a global parametric domain, which seriously limits the kinds of surfaces that can be treated. We present the implementation of the method in the context of Kirchhoff鈥揕ove shells, but it is applicable to other calculations on manifolds in any dimension. With the smooth approximants, this fourth-order partial differential equation is treated directly. We show the good performance of the method on the basis of the classical obstacle course. Additional calculations exemplify the flexibility of the proposed approach in treating surfaces of complex topology and geometry. Copyright 漏 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[17]Zhang HJ, Wu JC, Wang DD.Free vibration analysis of cracked thin plates by quasi-convex coupled isogeometric-meshfree method
. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2015, 9(4): 405-419
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The free vibration analysis of cracked thin plates via a quasi-convex coupled isogeometric-meshfree method is presented. This formulation employs the consistently coupled isogeometric-meshfree strategy where a mixed basis vector of the convex B-splines is used to impose the consistency conditions throughout the whole problem domain. Meanwhile, the rigid body modes related to the mixed basis vector and reproducing conditions are also discussed. The mixed basis vector simultaneously offers the consistent isogeometric-meshfree coupling in the coupled region and the quasi-convex property for the meshfree shape functions in the meshfree region, which is particularly attractive for the vibration analysis. The quasi-convex meshfree shape functions mimic the isogeometric basis function as well as offer the meshfree nodal arrangement flexibility. Subsequently, this approach is exploited to study the free vibration analysis of cracked plates, in which the plate geometry is exactly represented by the isogeometric basis functions, while the cracks are discretized by meshfree nodes and highly smoothing approximation is invoked in the rest of the problem domain. The efficacy of the present method is illustrated through several numerical examples.
[18]Wang DD, Chen JS.A Hermite reproducing kernel approximation for thin-plate analysis with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2008, 74(3): 368-390
DOIURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
A Hermite reproducing kernel (RK) approximation and a sub-domain stabilized conforming integration (SSCI) are proposed for solving thin-plate problems in which second-order differentiation is involved in the weak form. Although the standard RK approximation can be constructed with an arbitrary order of continuity, the proposed approximation based on both deflection and rotation variables is shown to be more effective in solving plate problems. By imposing the Kirchhoff mode reproducing conditions on deflectional and rotational degrees of freedom simultaneously, it is demonstrated that the minimum normalized support size (coverage) of kernel functions can be significantly reduced. With this proposed approximation, the Galerkin meshfree framework for thin plates is then formulated and the integration constraint for bending exactness is also derived. Subsequently, an SSCI method is developed to achieve the exact pure bending solution as well as to maintain spatial stability. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed formulation offers superior convergence rates, accuracy and efficiency, compared with those based on higher-order Gauss quadrature rule. Copyright 漏 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[19]Wang DD, Lin ZT.Free vibration analysis of thin plates using Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree method with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration
. Computational Mechanics, 2010, 46(5): 703-719
A Hermite reproducing kernel (HRK) Galerkin meshfree formulation is presented for free vibration analysis of thin plates. In the HRK approximation the plate deflection is approximated by the deflection as well as slope nodal variables. The n th order reproducing conditions are imposed simultaneously on both the deflectional and rotational degrees of freedom. The resulting meshfree shape function turns out to have a much smaller necessary support size than its standard reproducing kernel counterpart. Obviously this reduction of minimum support size will accelerate the computation of meshfree shape function. To meet the bending exactness in the static sense and to remain the spatial stability the domain integration for stiffness as well as mass matrix is consistently carried out by using the sub-domain stabilized conforming integration (SSCI). Subsequently the proposed formulation is applied to study the free vibration of various benchmark thin plate problems. Numerical results uniformly reveal that the present method produces favorable solutions compared to those given by the high order Gauss integration (GI)-based Galerkin meshfree formulation. Moreover the effect of sub-domain refinement for the domain integration is also investigated.
[20]Wang DD, Lin ZT.Dispersion and transient analyses of Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree method with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration for thin beam and plate structures
. Computational Mechanics, 2011, 48(1): 47-63
A dispersion analysis is carried out to study the dynamic behavior of the Hermite reproducing kernel (HRK) Galerkin meshfree formulation for thin beam and plate problems. The HRK approximation utilizes both the nodal deflectional and rotational variables to construct the meshfree approximation of the deflection field within the reproducing kernel framework. The discrete Galerkin formulation is fulfilled with the method of sub-domain stabilized conforming integration. In the dispersion analysis following the HRK Galerkin meshfree semi-discretization, both the deflectional and rotational nodal variables are expressed by harmonic functions and then substituted into the semi-discretized equation to yield the characteristic equation. Subsequently the numerical frequency and phase speed can be obtained. The transient analysis with full-discretization is performed by using the central difference time integration scheme. The results of dispersion analysis of thin beams and plates show that compared to the conventional Gauss integration-based meshfree formulation, the proposed method has more favorable dispersion performance. Thereafter the superior performance of the present method is also further demonstrated by several transient analysis examples.
[21]Wang DD, Peng HK.A Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree approach for buckling analysis of thin plates
. Computational Mechanics, 2013, 51(6): 1013-1029
[22]Wang DD, Song C, Peng HK.A circumferentially enhanced Hermite reproducing kernel meshfree method for buckling analysis of Kirchhoff--Love cylindrical shells
. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2015, 15(6): 1450090
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A circumferentially enhanced Hermite reproducing kernel (HRK) meshfree method is developed for the buckling analysis of Kirchhoffu2013Love cylindrical shells. In this method, in order to accurately represent the circumferential periodicity of cylindrical shells, the shell mid-surface is first discretized by a set of physical nodes in the two-dimensional parametric space, thereafter another set of dummy nodes are added by a straightforward periodic translation of the physical nodes. Subsequently the meshfree shape functions are constructed using both the physical nodes and the dummy nodes through a periodically linked relationship. The resulting meshfree shape functions exhibit the desired circumferential periodicity. The meshfree shape functions are formulated in the HRK framework which can be degenerated to the standard reproducing kernel (RK) shape functions just by removing the rotational terms. Meanwhile, the cylindrical shell buckling equations are rationally derived from the consistent linearization of the internal virtual work. During the meshfree discretization, the in-plane shell displacements are represented by the conventional RK shape functions, while the out-of-plane shell deflection is approximated by the Hermite meshfree shape functions with both directional and rotational degrees of freedom. The numerical integration of the material as well as the geometric stiffness matrices are carried out by the strain smoothing sub-domain stabilized conforming integration (SSCI) method. Numerical examples show that the proposed approach yields very favorable results for the buckling analysis of cylindrical shells.
[23]Tanaka S, Sadamoto S, Okazawa S.Nonlinear thin-plate bending analyses using the Hermite reproducing kernel approximation
. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2012, 9(1): 1240012
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study analyzed thin-plate bending problems with a geometrical nonlinearity using the Hermite reproducing kernel approximation and sub-domain-stabilized conforming integration. In thin-plate bending analyses, the deflections and rotations satisfy so-called Kirchhoff mode reproducing conditions. It is then possible to solve large deflection analyses of thin plates, such as elastic bucking problems, with high accuracy and efficiency. Total Lagrangian method is applied to solve the geometrical nonlinearity of the thin plates' deflections and rotations. The Greenu2013Lagrange strain and second Piolau2013Kirchhoff stress forms are adopted to represent the strains and stresses in the thin plates. Mathematical formulation and some numerical examples are also demonstrated.
[24]Chen JS, Wu CT, Yoon S, et al.A stabilized conforming nodal integration for Galerkin mesh-free methods
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015, 50(2): 435-466
URL [本文引用: 2]
[25]吴俊超, 邓俊俊, 王家睿. 伽辽金型无网格法的数值积分方法
. 固体力学学报, 2016, 37(3):208-233
(Wu Junchao, Deng Junjun, Wang Jiarui, et al.A review of numerical integration approaches for Galerkin meshfree methods. Chinese Journal of
Solid Mechanics. 2016, 37(3):208-233 (in Chinese))
[26]王冰冰, 段庆林, 李锡夔. 薄板弯曲分析的高阶高效无网格法
. 固体力学学报, 2018, 39(2): 152-161
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Wang Bingbing, Duan Qinglin, Li Xikui, et al.An efficient higher-order meshfree method for thin plate analysis. Chinese Journal of
Solid Mechanics. 2018, 39(2): 152-161(in Chinese))
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[27]Wang DD, Wang JR, Wu JC.Superconvergent gradient smoothing meshfree collocation method
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 340: 728-766
DOIURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
A superconvergent meshfree collocation method with smoothed nodal gradients is presented. In this method, the first order smoothed gradients of meshfree shape function are constructed through a meshfree interpolation of the standard derivatives of meshfree shape function, while the second order smoothed gradients are computed through directly differentiating the first order smoothed gradients. It is noted that the second order smoothed gradients evaluated at meshfree nodes can be conveniently expressed as two successive first order gradient smoothing operations on the meshfree shape function, which facilitates a trivial numerical implementation. Subsequently, an employment of the second order smoothed gradients in the strong form of a given problem leads to the gradient smoothing meshfree collocation method purely using nodes as the collocation points. Based upon a local truncation error analysis, it is systematically shown that the proposed meshfree collocation method yields superconvergent solutions for odd degree basis functions. A key ingredient attributed to this superconvergence property is that the second order smoothed gradients meet the consistency conditions which go one order beyond the original basis degree of meshfree approximation. Another interesting fact is that the present formulation enables a convergent collocation scheme when the linear basis function is used in meshfree approximation, which is non-feasible in the conventional collocation formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is validated by numerical examples for both potential and elasticity problems. Numerical results well demonstrate the superconvergence and higher efficiency of the present gradient smoothing meshfree collocation method.
[28]Wang DD, Li ZY.A two-level strain smoothing regularized meshfree approach with stabilized conforming nodal integration for elastic damage analysis
. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2013, 22(3): 440-459
[29]Wu YC, Wang DD, Wu CT.Three dimensional fragmentation simulation of concrete structures with a nodally regularized meshfree method
. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 72: 89-99
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A three dimensional large deformation meshfree simulation of concrete fragmentation is presented by using a nodally regularized Galerkin meshfree method. This nodally regularized meshfree method is established with the two-level Lagrangian nodal gradient smoothing technique to relieve the material instability in failure modeling. The rate formulation is employed for the treatment of large deformation and therefore the two-level gradient smoothing is performed for the rate of deformation tensor and the deformation gradient. The essential characteristic of the present approach is that all the variables are conveniently computed at the meshfree nodes, which allows an efficient evaluation of the Galerkin weak form. The concrete failure is described by the KCC concrete model with three independent strength surfaces. This model has a pressure dependent evolving failure surface that is built with an internal damage variable. The computational implementation of the given concrete model within the context of meshfree formulation is discussed in detail. The effectiveness of the present method is demonstrated through several numerical examples of concrete structures.
[30]Timoshenko S, Krieger W.Theory of Plates and Shells.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Timoshenko, S.; Woinowsky-Krieger, S.
相关话题/计算 网格 方案 函数 力学