Huo Yuanping, Wang Junfeng2), Zuo Ziwen, Liu HailongSchool of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China收稿日期:2018-08-4接受日期:2018-10-16网络出版日期:2019-03-18
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A detailed visualization study on the evolution of Liquid bridge formation and fracture from a capillary is reported. By means of high-speed microscopy with high time-space resolution, special attention has been paid to the formation dynamics of the liquid bridge in the dripping mode, the change of interface structure and the fracture dynamics behavior of hydraulic bridge are studied, and the action rule of time characteristic number, electric Bond number and half-moon angle on liquid length and fracture order of liquid bridge is obtained. The results show that the fracture length of liquid bridge depends on the ratio of viscosity to surface tension, but is little affected by the relaxation time of charge. Under low voltage condition, the change of liquid bridge relative length for each experiment medium is not obvious, while the relative length of liquid bridge grows rapidly during high voltage condition. With the continuous increase of electric Bond number, the change of liquid bridge length is more obvious under the higher Bond number, and a mutation zone occur which shows the transition of the atomization model, this means the mutation of liquid bridge is a transition signal of atomization modes. With the changes of the formation angle of liquid bridge upstream and downstream, the transition behavior of jet flow in different physical media varies greatly. In the case of ethyl alcohol, the increase in the number of electric bonds causes the dropping mode to first transition to the spindle mode, while in the case of biodiesel, the pulsation mode rather than the spindle mode will first appear after the dropping mode. It is of great significance to reveal the transition law of charged micro fluidic atomization model and enrich the theory of electrostatic atomization.
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霍元平, 王军锋, 左子文, 刘海龙. 滴状模式下液桥形成及断裂的电流体动力学特性研究 1). 力学学报[J], 2019, 51(2): 425-431 DOI:10.6052/0459-1879-18-256
Huo Yuanping, Wang Junfeng, Zuo Ziwen, Liu Hailong.
引 言
1 实验装置及方法
图1为实验的装置示意图. 实验所采用的毛细微通道内径为0.47 mm,外径0.7 mm. 微流量注射泵精确控制液体流量在50μL/min,使单液滴形成稳定的发生频率;负高压静电发生器(0~20 kV)的负极与毛细微通道尖端连接,正极接板状电极(紫铜材质)并接地,构成负高压静电发生系统.板状电极放置在距毛细微通道尖端正下方1.3 cm处,组成针-板荷电形式的电场区域;关键结合部位用聚四氟乙烯材料绝缘;二维滑动导轨可以精确调节微射流在相机拍摄区域的位置,为射流捕捉区域的选取与定位提供便利.为获得亚毫秒至微秒级时间内的微射流演变过程,借助奥林巴斯公司i-SPEED 3高速摄像机(拍摄频率为2000帧/秒时图像分辨率为1280×1024),配合型号为NAVITAR 12X的显微变焦镜头对射流雾化区域内从滴状模式到多股射流模式的射流演变行为进行显微拍摄从而进行可视化研究.拍摄光源为LED冷光源,放置在相机正对面.实验中为了防止静电累积,测量设备均应作接地处理进行保护.图1

Fig.1Experimental device for charged droplet formation
本实验工况均在(25$\pm$ 0.5)\textcelsius恒温环境中进行,室内湿度控制在30%.实验选取了生物柴油、不同浓度的氯化钠水溶液及无水乙醇等几种实验介质,如表1所示.无水乙醇和去离子水的物性方面差异性较大的是它们的表面张力,而生物柴油的黏性较大;对于不同浓度的NaCl去离子水溶液,其包括密度、表面张力、黏度等的物性参数基本相似,但电导率存在较大差异外(彼此至少存在一个数量级的差异),因此可以通过对比分析这三种液体的射流雾化特征获取黏度、表面张力及电导率对其射流雾化界面演变及射流雾化区间的影响及作用规律.
Table 1
Table 1
Experimental medium | Density/(kgm- | 3) Viscosity/(mm2 s-1) | Conductivity/(^Scm-1) | Surface tension/(mN m-1) | Relative dielectric constant |
biodiesel | 880 | 6.95 | 4.0 x 10-6 | 26 | 1.90 |
ethyl alcohol | 790 | 1.3 | 0.5 | 21 | 25.7 |
deionized water | 999 | 1.07 | 1.3 | 72 | 77.5 |
0.5%NaCl | 1012 | 1.04 | 9.2 x 103 | 72 | 73.2 |
10% NaCl | 1071 | 1.02 | 1.42 x 105 | 75 | 70.3 |
2 结果与讨论
对于单液滴发生器来说,液滴从毛细管口脱落过程中会与管口半月面之间形成液桥,无水乙醇的液桥形成过程如图2所示.$L$代表临界液桥长度,它表示液桥任意一端脱落瞬间的端点到液桥边界与半月面边界的交点的垂直距离(见图3),即图中液桥所形成锥体的高度.这个长度不仅与液体的物性如表面张力、黏度、密度等有密切关系,同时还受液体流量、毛细管径等的重要影响,这里引入相对液桥长度$L_{\rm R}$ (临界液桥长度与毛细管半径之比).当液滴发生器周围存在电场时,即把负高压静电发生器的高压端与毛细微通道相连,板状电极接地,形成一个负高压荷电区域,此时在液桥的拉升过程中电场力将扮演着非常重要的角色.图2

Fig.2Formation process of liquid bridge for ethyl alcohol

Fig.3Schematic of liquid bridge formation process
电邦德数$Bo_{\rm E}$与电压的平方成正比,且受毛细管尺寸、极间距及液体表面张力的影响,较单一的电压参数能更准确地鉴别射流模式的过渡行为,对于研究荷电液滴形成及射流转变的动力学行为特征有重要的指导意义.
2.1 液桥的断裂长度
其中,$\sigma$和$\sigma _0$分别代表液体的相对表面张力和固有表面张力,而$q$是此时液滴的荷电量.当相对表面张力减小时,液滴抵抗变形的能力减弱,液滴不稳定性增强从而更容易发生变形.值得注意的是,方程(4)成立的假设条件是电荷在液滴表面是均匀分布的,实际上由于液桥的非球形特征,其表面电荷密度是非均一的,电荷主要聚集在液桥上下游两个曲率较大的断裂点处,这导致轴向(电场力方向)断裂点处的相对表面张力比液桥其余位置处削弱的更明显,意味着液桥沿轴向更容易变形,因此滴状模式下临界液桥长度$L$对外加电场的变化十分敏感.
2.1.1 时间特征数对临界相对液桥长度的影响
图4给出了不同电压下各种试验介质的相对液桥长度.这里引入流体动力学弛豫时间[23]$\tau _{\rm H} = \eta R / \sigma $及荷电弛豫时间[24]$\tau _{\rm c} = \varepsilon ' / 4π \gamma$来分析黏度和电导率对液桥长度的影响规律.其中$\varepsilon'$和$\gamma$分别表示液体的介电常数及电导率,$\eta$代表液体的黏度,$\tau _{\rm c}$能够直接反应表面电荷沿电场力方向迁移速度的大小,而$\tau _{\rm H}$能够直观地反应毛细波(表面张力波)的机械变形速度. 根据表1计算出5种实验介质的相关时间常数,其对应的相对液桥长度如表2所示.从表中可以看出,生物柴油、无水乙醇、去离子水、1%NaCl及10%NaCl的$\tau _{\rm H}$分别为80.8,13.2,5.2,5.0及4.7μs,此时对应$Bo_{\rm E} = 0$时的相对液桥长度分别为1.12,0.9,0.67,0.66及0.64,这表明相对液桥长度对流体动力学弛豫时间的变化十分敏感.去离子水、1%NaCl及10%NaCl三种介质的荷电弛豫时间至少存在一个数量级的差别,然而在荷电情况下他们之间的相对液桥长度基本一致,这意味着相对液桥长度与荷电弛豫时间的变化关系不大.根据表2可以进一步发现,不同浓度的NaCl水溶液除了电导率和去离子水有较大差异之外,其他物性参数处于同一数量级.这意味着液体的电导率对相对液桥长度的变化影响微弱.此外需要注意的是,低电压工况下各实验介质液桥相对长度的变化并不明显,而在较高电压工况下相对液桥长度的增长速度加快.生物柴油和无水乙醇之间除了黏度差别较大外其他物性参数相似,而生物柴油的液桥长度总是比同等实验工况下的无水乙醇要大,这表明在液桥拉伸的过程中黏度是影响相对液桥长度的一个非常重要的参数;同时与无水乙醇相比,去离子水在其他物性参数与之相似的前提下表面张力是无水乙醇的3倍,而其相对液桥长度总比同工况的无水乙醇要小,这意味着表面张力同样对液桥拉伸的形貌特征影响显著.
Table 2
Table 2
Medium | TH/^s | Tc/呷 | lr | |||
0kV | 1.0 kV | 2.0 kV | 2.7 kV | |||
biodiesel | 80.00 | 3.5 x 103 | 1.12 | 1.14 | 1.20 | 1.31 |
ethyl alcohol | 13.2 | 0.36 | 0.90 | 0.92 | 1.02 | 1.20 |
deionized water | 5.20 | 0.40 | 0.67 | 0.69 | 0.78 | 0.90 |
1 % NaCl | 5.00 | 6.0 x 10-5 | 0.66 | 0.69 | 0.77 | 0.89 |
10%NaCl | 4.70 | 3.7 x 10-6 | 0.64 | 0.68 | 0.74 | 0.87 |

Fig.4Relative lengths of different experimental media。
2.1.2 电邦德数对相对液桥长度的影响
滴状模式下随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的不断增大,母液滴脱落过程中液桥的长度及母液滴的半径r也都在发生相应的变化,图5给出了其高速数码拍摄的液桥形成过程的显微形貌.两种实验介质的液桥长度均会随着电邦德数的增大而增大,而母液滴的尺寸却都在电邦德数的增大过程中不断减小.从图中不难发现,两种实验介质的液滴脱落模式均存在突变区,当$Bo_{\rm E} > 1.51$时无水乙醇由滴状模式过渡到纺锤模式,而当$Bo_{\rm E} > 1.82$时生物乙醇由滴状模式过渡到脉动模式.不同的是,两者突变区来临前的液桥长度存在较大差异,生物柴油突变区的液桥长度成倍增大.图6给出了两种实验介质相对液桥长度及相对母液滴尺寸随电邦德数的变化.当$Bo_{\rm E}$较小时,两种实验介质的液桥相对长度对电场强度的变化并不明显,均表现为略微增大,此时无水乙醇液桥相对长度始终小于生物柴油,此时相对于静电力,液体的毛细管力占主导地位.当$Bo_{\rm E}$较大时,生物柴油和无水乙醇的相对液桥长度随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的增大均有明显提升,这说明相对液桥长度仅对较高的电场强度变化敏感,由方程(4)可知,这是由于液滴荷电削弱了相对表面张力而导致的,此时无水乙醇的相对液桥长度要大于生物柴油的值.从图中可以看出,无论是无水乙醇还是生物柴油介质,相对液桥长度均存在突变区.对于无水乙醇,当$Bo_{\rm E}$从1.41增大到1.51时,相对液桥长度从1.5陡然升至2.25,此后从液桥形貌可以发现,滴状模式过渡到纺锤模式.同样对于生物柴油,当$Bo_{\rm E}$从1.82增大到1.88时,相对液桥长度从2.25陡然升至4.25,此后从液桥形貌可以发现,滴状模式过渡到脉动模式.这表明液桥的突变恰恰就是雾化模式过渡的信号.此外从母液滴的尺寸变化来看,随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的增大,母液滴的相对大小均在不断下降,在液桥长度微增大区间,两种介质的$r/R$近似线性递减,而在在液桥长度明显增大区间$,$两种介质的$r/R$呈现非线性递减特点.同时对比两种实验介质,无水乙醇母液滴的大小始终比同$Bo_{\rm E}$下的生物柴油要小.

图5不同$Bo_{\rm E}$下液桥形成过程的显微演变形貌
Fig.5Micro morphology of the liquid bridge formation process at different$Bo_{\rm E}$

图6不同$Bo_{\rm E}$下相对液桥长度及母液滴相对大小
Fig.6Relative lengths of the liquid bridge and droplet radius at different$Bo_{\rm E}$
2.2 液桥的断裂顺序
当液桥达到一个临界长度时便会从上下游末端依次断裂,而此时液桥的断裂顺序将直接影响到射流模式过渡演变的形貌特征.液桥断裂后管口半月面及母液滴可以近似为球形曲面,此时基于球形半径的曲率半径可以通过测量直接获得.这里我们引入相对曲率$Z_{\rm R}$(曲率半径与毛细管半径之比)使得曲率半径具有可参照性,液桥的破碎顺序取决于上游管口半月面及下游母液滴的相对曲率值的大小.图7给出了不同$Bo_{\rm E}$下无水乙醇的液桥上下游相对曲率值的变化情况. 图中发现,当$Bo_{\rm E}$范围在0~1.40范围内时,母液滴的相对曲率半径值$Z_{\rm R2}$的测量值一直大于半月面的相对曲率半径值$Z_{\rm R1}$.由于界面的曲率更大,此时半月面管口毛细压力较母液滴的大,这导致液桥始终会在下游先断裂而后是上游与半月面夹断.然而,随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的不断增大,从微通道管口脱落的初始液滴的尺寸在不断减小.当$Bo_{\rm E}$达到1.51时,$ Z_{\rm R2}$近似于$Z_{\rm R1}$,此时液桥的上下游两端几乎同时夹断;继续增大$Bo_{\rm E}$至1.56时,母液滴的$Z_{\rm R2}$值开始小于管口半月面的$Z_{\rm R1}$值,这导致液桥从上游末端先断裂而后才是下游末端断裂.这也就意味着如果$Z_{\rm R2} > Z_{\rm R1}$,液桥总是从下游先断裂,这种破碎顺序的发生是基于非荷电或荷电电压较低的实验工况.当电场强度足够高时,从微通道管口脱落的母液滴尺寸开始逐渐小于管口半月面从而导致$Z_{\rm R2} < Z_{\rm R1}$,此时液桥将从上游末端先发生断裂.图7

图7不同$Bo_{\rm E}$下液桥的上下游相对曲率半径. 介质为无水乙醇
Fig.7Relative curvature radius of the liquid bridge at different$Bo_{\rm E}$. Liquid is ethyl alcohol
后处理过程中我们把液桥上游末端瞬间断裂后的管口半月面锥与水平线的形成角记为$\alpha$,同时把液桥下游末端瞬间断裂后的母液滴上游锥面与水平线的形成角记为$\beta$,通过图片后处理获得不同$Bo_{\rm E}$工况下的$\alpha$和$\beta$值并类比$Z_{\rm R1}$和$Z_{\rm R2}$,如图8所示.对于无水乙醇,随着$Bo_{\rm E}$不断增大,$\alpha$值从$Bo_{\rm E} = 0$工况下的50.2$^\circ$缓慢增长到$Bo_{\rm E} = 1.61$时的55$^\circ$;然后大不相同的是,$\beta$值却从$Bo_{\rm E} = 0$工况下的17.4$^\circ$迅速增长到$Bo_{\rm E} = 1.61$时的62$^\circ$.这期间$\alpha$和$\beta$值在$Bo_{\rm E} = 1.51$时有一个交叉点,$\alpha \approx \beta = 53.8^{\circ}$.与图5对比可以发现,$\alpha$和$\beta$的数值关系直接反映着管口半月面和母液滴曲率的变化,表明形成角数值与曲率半径成反比关系. 当$\beta<53.8^\circ$时,液桥将始终从下游末端先断裂,而一旦$\beta > 53.8^\circ$时,液桥的断裂顺序发生突变,开始从上游末端先破裂.这与曲率比$\varphi$表达的思想是一致的, 如果$\alpha > \beta$,$Z_{\rm R2} > Z_{\rm R1}$; 同样,$Z_{\rm R2} < Z_{\rm R1}$如果$\alpha < \beta$. 因此$\alpha$和$\beta$值是用来评估液桥破碎顺序的一个非常重要的参数.实际上,随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的不断增大,不同物性的液体其形成角变化存在较大差异.图中对于生物柴油,当$Bo_{\rm E}$从0逐渐增大到1.69时,$\alpha$值从52$^\circ$缓慢增长到57$^\circ$,$\beta$值从32$^\circ$较快增长到46$^\circ$;然而当$Bo_{\rm E}$增大到1.86时,$\alpha$值将迅速增长到66\r{ }而$\beta$值依旧维持在46$^\circ$附近. 此时从图中可以发现,整个过程中$\alpha$值均大于$\beta$值,这导致整个滴状模式区间内液桥将始终从下游末端先断裂.因此随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的不断增大,不同物性液体的射流过渡行为由于形成角变化的不确定性而存在较大差异.当前实验研究发现,对于无水乙醇液体,$Bo_{\rm E}$的增大使滴状模式首先过渡到纺锤模式,而对于生物柴油液体,滴状模式后会首先出现脉动模式而非纺锤模式,这在一定程度上映射了不同物性液体的静电雾化模式存在着差异性.

图8不同$Bo_{\rm E}$下形成角的变化
Fig.8Angle changes with the increase of$Bo_{\rm E}$
3 结 论
(1)流体动力学弛豫时间是影响相对液桥长度一个非常重要的无量纲数,表明黏度与表面张力之比决定着液桥的断裂长度,而通过荷电弛豫时间的对比发现液体电导率对液桥长度的变化影响甚微.(2)当$Bo_{\rm E}$较小时,液桥相对长度变化并不明显,当$Bo_{\rm E}$较大时,相对液桥长度随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的增大均有明显提升.两种介质的相对液桥长度均存在突变区并伴随着雾化模式的转变,表明液桥的突变恰恰是雾化模式过渡的信号.
(3)$\alpha$和$\beta$值是用来评估液桥破碎顺序的重要参数,随着$Bo_{\rm E}$的不断增大,无水乙醇存在液桥断裂顺序转变的临界形成角值,进而过渡到纺锤模式;对于生物柴油,由于$\beta$值始终小于$\alpha$值,液桥无法从上游半月面率先脱落,这导致当$Bo_{\rm E}$增大到某一临界值时滴状模式会过渡到脉动模式而非纺锤模式.
参考文献 原文顺序
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Three spray systems with multiple nozzles arranged linearly, of different geometrical configurations were tested experimentally: (1) spray nozzles without induction electrodes facing a distant plate, (2) spray nozzles with two parallel bar induction electrodes, and (3) spray nozzles with individual ring induction electrodes. The systems were set to operate at the precession mode of spraying. In all the systems, except that of individual induction electrodes, the precession mode of spraying was first set at peripheral nozzles, and next, for higher voltages, at central nozzles. In the system with ring induction electrodes, the precession mode of spraying was generated for all nozzles at the same voltage level. The size and charge distributions of the droplets were measured for each spray system. The charge distribution of the droplets was measured with a ring induction probe, and it was compared with the charge distribution determined numerically from the size distribution of the droplets, based on the Rayleigh limit formula. It was shown that both these distributions correlate quite well. Free droplets suspended and moving irregularly within the centre of the charged spray plume were observed in the system with individual rings.
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The axisymmetric stability of an electrified jet is analyzed under electrospinning conditions using the linear stability theory. The fluid is considered Newtonian with a finite electrical conductivity, modeled as a leaky dielectric medium. While the previous studies impose axisymmetric disturbances on a cylindrical jet of uniform radius, referred to as the base state, in the present study the actual thinning jet profile, obtained as the steady-state solution of the one-dimensional slender filament model, is treated as the base state. The analysis takes into account the role of variation in the jet variables like radius, velocity, electric field, and surface charge density along the thinning jet in the stability behavior. The eigenspectrum of the axisymmetric disturbance growth rate is constructed from the linearized disturbance equations discretized using the Chebyshev collocation method. The most unstable growth rate for the thinning jet is significantly different from that for the uniform radius jet. For the same electrospinning conditions, while the uniform radius jet is predicted to be highly unstable, the thinning jet profile is found to be unstable but with a relatively very low growth rate. The stabilizing role of the thinning jet is attributed to the variation in the surface charge density as well as the extensional deformation rate in the fluid ignored in the uniform radius jet analysis. The dominant mode for the thinning jet is an oscillatory conducting mode driven by the field-charge coupling. The disturbance energy balance finds the electric force to be the dominant force responsible for the disturbance growth, potentially leading to bead formation along the fiber. The role of various material and process parameters in the stability behavior is also investigated.


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ABSTRACT The stability of the horizontal interface between conducting and non-conducting fluids under the influence of an initially uniform vertical electric field is discussed. To produce such a field when the conducting fluid is the heavier it is imagined that a large horizontal electrode is immersed in the non-conducting fluid. As the field increases the part of the interface below the electrode rises till at a voltage V, which depends on the interfacial tension, the height of the electrode above the interface and the density difference, the interface becomes unstable for vertical displacements Z which satisfy the equation $({\frac{\delta^2}{\delta x^2}} + {\frac{\delta^2}{\delta y^2}}+k^2) Z=0.$ The value of k consistent with the lowest value of V is found. When the electrode is situated above the interface at less than a certain distance the lowest value of V is attained when k = 0 so that the horizontal extent of an unstable crest is likely to be great. As the electrode height increases above this critical value k increases and the unstable crests become more closely spaced till an upper limiting value of k is obtained.

The elongation of a drop of one dielectric fluid in another owing to the imposition of an electric field has previously been studied assuming that the interface is uncharged and the fluids at rest. For a steady field this is unrealistic, because however small the conductivity of either fluid the charge associated with steady currents must accumulate at the interface till the steady state is established. It is shown that equilibrium can only be established in a drop when circulations are set up both in the drop and its surroundings. A relation is found between the ratios of the conductivity, viscosity and dielectric constant for the drop and surrounding fluid which permits the drop to remain spherical when subjected to a uniform field. The streamlines of the circulation for this case are shown and criteria are given for distinguishing between circulations which carry the surface of the drop towards or away from the poles and for predicting whether the drop will become prolate or oblate. Experiments by S. G. Mason and his co-workers are compared with the theoretical predictions and agreement is found in all cases for which the necessary data are given.
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ABSTRACT Electrohydrodynamics of fluids having uniform electrical properties, emphasizing shear effects for interfacially confined electromechanical coupling
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The surface of the liquid issuing from a capillary subjected to the electric stresses deforms to an elongated jet which disrupts to a series of droplets. In the paper the detailed experimental studies of jet and drop formation from liquid issuing from a capillary maintained at high voltage of positive or negative polarity have been reported. The forms of the jet and the way it disrupts into droplets have been classified into the modes of spraying. A definition of the mode of spraying and the criteria for the mode classification, based on the geometrical form of the meniscus, jet or drop formation are given.
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This paper reports an experimental study of the effects of an externally applied electric field on the dynamics of drop formation in the dripping mode from a vertical metal capillary. The fluid issuing out of the capillary is a viscous liquid, the surrounding ambient fluid is air, and the electric field is generated by establishing a potential difference between the capillary and a horizontal, circular electrode of large radius placed downstream of the capillary outlet. By means of an ultra-high-speed video system that is capable of recording up to 12000 frames per second, special attention is paid to the dynamics of the liquid thread that connects the primary drop that is about to detach and fall from the capillary to the rest of the conical liquid mass that is hanging from it. The experiments show that as the strength of the electric field increases, the volume of the primary drop decreases whereas the maximum length attained by the thread increases. The reduction in the volume of primary drops and the increase in the length of threads occur because the effective electromechanical surface tension of the fluid interface falls as the field strength rises. For the highly conducting drops of aqueous NaCl solutions studied in this work, the increase in thread length is due solely to the rising importance of normal electric stress relative to the falling importance of surface tension. However, as the conductivity of the drop liquid decreases, the thread length is further increased on account of the stabilizing influence exerted by the increasing electric shear stress that acts on the charged liquid as interface. Two new phenomena are also reported that have profound implications for electrohydrodynamics and practical applications. First, it is shown that whereas the liquid thread always ruptures at its downstream end in the absence of an applied electric field or when the field strength is low, it ruptures at its upstream end when the field strength is sufficiently high. Since satellite drops are produced directly from the thread once both of its ends have ruptured, the change in the mechanism of breakup with field strength influences the dynamics and fate of satellite drops. Second, it is demonstrated that the generation of satellites, which are often undesirable in applications, can be suppressed by the judicious application of an electric field. This is accomplished by using a field of moderate strength to induce charges of the opposite sign on the nearby surfaces of the satellite drop and the liquid that remains pendant from the tube following thread rupture. At high field strengths, induced charge effects are too weak to compete with net charge effects: the satellite is repelled by the pendant drop and falls under gravity as a distinct entity.
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Mechanism in a newly proposed EHD method of drop formation in an AC electric field is studied and it is divided into two stages, such as drop elongation and breakup of a liquid bridge.
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We report experiments on the dripping dynamics and jetting transitions that take place when a liquid is injected vertically downwards at a constant flow rate, for wide ranges of the liquid viscosity and injector radius. We explore values of the Bond number significantly larger than in previous works, revealing the existence of period-2 dripping regimes with satellite formation that do not exist at small Bond numbers. In addition, we quantify the influence of liquid viscosity on the hysteresis associated with the dripping-jetting transition, that had previously been studied only for the particular case of water.
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The presence of small amount of polymer in Newtonian liquids affects the fluid behavior significantly and creates superficial differences between Newtonian and non-Newtonian drop formation. In the present study, Newtonian and non-Newtonian shear-thinning drop formation in air is examined experimentally and the geometrical parameters, such as drop elongation length, minimum neck diameter and current contact angle are studied for water, glycerin solutions (79, 89 and 94% w/w) and Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) solutions (0.5 to 1.5% w/w) drops. The results indicate that at initial stages of the drop growth, Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids behave similarly. However, at the start of the necking process in which the deformation rate increases, clear differences can be seen between Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids. The most important effects of an increase in the glycerin and CMC concentration, which enlarges the viscosity, are an increase in the time span of the necking process, a decrease in the elongation rate, an increase in the length of the liquid filament and an increase in the probability of the satellite drop formation. On the other hand, due to the shear-thinning properties of CMC solutions, their viscosity decreases in the necking region and as a result, the length of the Newtonian drop at the moment of separation is longer than that of the shear-thinning drop with equal viscosity. The variation of minimum neck thickness with the time remaining until the detachment for the investigated liquids is presented by h min ∝(t d -t) α h min ∝ ( t d - t ) α mathContainer Loading Mathjax , 02 in which α α mathContainer Loading Mathjax is 2/3 for water, 1 for viscous Newtonian fluids, and for non-Newtonian shear-thinning fluids it is equal to the index of fluid in the power-law relation.
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ABSTRACT The shape evolution of small droplets attached to a conducting surface and subjected to relatively strong electric fields is studied both experimentally and numerically. The problem is motivated by the phenomena characteristic of the electrospinning of nanofibres. Three different scenarios of droplet shape evolution are distinguished, based on numerical solution of the Stokes equations for perfectly conducting droplets. (i) In sufficiently weak (subcritical) electric fields the droplets are stretched by the electric Maxwell stresses and acquire steady-state shapes where equilibrium is achieved by means of the surface tension. (ii) In stronger (supercritical) electric fields the Maxwell stresses overcome the surface tension, and jetting is initiated from the droplet tip if the static (initial) contact angle of the droplet with the conducting electrode is $\alpha_{s} {<} 0.8\pi $; in this case the jet base acquires a quasi-steady, nearly conical shape with vertical semi-angle $\beta {\leq} 30^{\circ}$, which is significantly smaller than that of the Taylor cone ($\beta_{T} {=} 49.3^{\circ}$). (iii) In supercritical electric fields acting on droplets with contact angle in the range $0.8\pi {<} \alpha_{s} {<} \pi $ there is no jetting and almost the whole droplet jumps off, similar to the gravity or drop-on-demand dripping. The droplet et transitional region and the jet region proper are studied in detail for the second case, using the quasi-one-dimensional equations with inertial effects and such additional features as the dielectric properties of the liquid (leaky dielectrics) taken into account. The flow in the transitional and jet region is matched to that in the droplet. By this means, the current oltage characteristic $I {=} I(U)$ and the volumetric flow rate $Q$ in electrospun viscous jets are predicted, given the potential difference applied. The predicted dependence $I {=} I(U)$ is nonlinear due to the convective mechanism of charge redistribution superimposed on the conductive (ohmic) one. For $U {=} O(10kV)$ and fluid conductivity $\sigma {=} 10^{-4}$ S m$^{-1}$, realistic current values $I {=} O(10^{2}nA)$ were predicted.
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Nonlinear breakup of charged liquid jets is numerically analyzed in this work in the limit of a very small electrical Strouhal number T-e/T-b much less than 1 (i.e. negligible charge relaxation effects, applicable to highly conducting liquids), where T-e is the electric relaxation time of charges, and T, is the breakup time in a Lagrangian framework following the liquid jet at its average axial velocity. The influence of the electrical Bond's number and viscosity on (i) the capillary Rayleigh's most probable breakup length, (ii) the breakup time, (iii) the volume of the satellite, and (iv) the charge of both main drop and satellite, are analyzed. The model is related to the microjet break-up phenomena in the electrospraying of liquids in steady cone-jet mode, and its range of applicability to those particular problems discussed. Previous experimental results [Mutoh et al., 1979, Convergence and disintegration of liquid jets induced by an electrostatic field. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 3174-3179; Clopeau and Prunet-Foch, 1989, Electrostatic spraying of liquids in cone-jet mode. J. Electrostatics 22, 135-159] support our numerical finding that the influence of the electrical Bond's number on Rayleigh's length is small within the usual parametrical limits of stability of a steady Taylor cone-jet at atmospheric pressure.