

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

王年华*,2),, 常兴华*, 马戎, 张来平*
* 中国空气动力研究与发展中心空气动力学国家重点实验室,四川绵阳 621000
† 中国空气动力研究与发展中心计算空气动力研究所,四川绵阳 621000


WangNianhua*,2),, ChangXinghua*, MaRong, ZhangLaiping*
* State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan, China
† Computational Aerodynamics Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan, China

通讯作者:2) 王年华,研究实习员,主要研究方向: 计算流体力学,有限体积离散方法. E-mail:nianhuawong@126.com

版权声明:2019力学学报期刊社 所有
基金资助:1) 国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0200701),中国空气动力研究与发展中心风雷青年创新基金(FLYIF20170001)资助项目.


计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)数值模拟在航空航天等领域发挥越来越重要的作用,然而CFD数值模拟结果的可信度仍然需要通过不断地验证与确认来提高.本文给出了从制造解精度测试、简单到复杂外形湍流模拟网格收敛性研究等三个方面开展CFD软件验证与确认的方法,并对自主研发的CFD软件平台HyperFLOW在非结构网格上模拟亚跨声速湍流问题的能力进行了验证与确认.首先通过基于Euler方程和标量扩散方程的制造解精度测试,分别验证了HyperFLOW在非结构网格上对Euler方程和黏性项的求解精度,结果表明其能够在任意非结构网格上达到设计的二阶精度. 其次,通过NASATurbulence Modeling Resource中的湍流平板、二维翼型近尾迹流动、二维Bump等几个典型的亚声速湍流算例的网格收敛性研究,量化考察了数值结果的观测精度阶和网格收敛性指数,并与国外知名CFD解算器CFL3D,FUN3D的计算结果进行了对比,验证了HyperFLOW对简单湍流问题的模拟能力,且具有良好的网格收敛性和计算精度(阶). 最后,通过NASA CommonResearchModel标模定升力系数的网格收敛性研究和升阻极曲线预测,验证了软件在复杂外形亚跨声速湍流流动数值模拟中也具有良好的可信度.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is playing a more and more important role in aerospace and relevant industries. While the credibility of CFD numerical simulation requires continuous verification and validation. This paper proposes for CFD solvers a complete verification and validation procedure including rigorous accuracy tests based on the method of manufactured solutions (MMS), simple and complex turbulent flow simulation and grid convergence study. The procedure is implemented on the in-house CFD solver HyperFLOW on verifying and validating its ability on subsonic and transonic turbulent flow simulation. We firstly verified that HyperFLOW can achieve designed second-order accuracy on arbitrary unstructured grids via numerical accuracy tests based on the MMS of the Euler equation and the diffusion equation. Then, simple subsonic turbulent flow cases, such as the turbulent flat plate, the 2D Airfoil Near-Wake and the 2D Bump cases from NASA Turbulence Modeling Resources are taken into consideration for grid convergence tests. Observed accuracy order and grid convergence index are calculated and compared with the results obtained by CFL3D and FUN3D, which verified and validated the accuracy and grid convergence performance of HyperFLOW in simple case simulation. Finally, the NASA Common Research Model in Drag Prediction Workshop VI is simulated with fixed lift coefficient, and grid convergence study is carried out on a series of refined grids. Drag polar is predicted by HyperFLOW and compared with other verified and validated results. It demonstrated that HyperFLOW has good accuracy and grid convergence performance in complex configuration high Reynolds subsonic and transonic turbulent flow simulation on unstructured/hybrid grids.

Keywords:turbulent flow simulation;verification and validation;the method of manufactured solutions;grid convergence index;observed accuracy order

PDF (2725KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
王年华, 常兴华, 马戎, 张来平. HyperFLOW软件非结构网格亚跨声速湍流模拟的验证与确认1)[J]. 力学学报, 2019, 51(3): 813-825 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-18-331
Wang Nianhua, Chang Xinghua, Ma Rong, Zhang Laiping. VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION OF HYPERFLOW SOLVER FOR SUBSONIC AND TRANSONIC TURBULENT FLOW SIMULATIONS ON UNSTRUCTURED/HYBRID GRIDS1)[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019, 51(3): 813-825 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-18-331

引 言

随着计算机技术和数值方法的飞速发展,计算流体力学(computationalfluid dynamics,CFD)数值模拟在航空航天等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用.经过几十年的发展,基于二阶有限体积法的CFD软件的成熟度逐渐提高,各国的研究机构和商业软件公司均已开发出自己的内部解算器或商业软件,如美国宇航局兰利研究中心开发的结构解算器CFL3D[1-3]和非结构解算器FUN3D[1-3]、法国宇航局开发的结构解算器elsA[4-5]、德国宇航院开发的非结构解算器TAU[6]、ANSYS公司的Fluent软件[7]和CFX软件[8]等等.国内相关机构也开发了一些具有特色的CFD软件,如中国空气动力研究与发展中心(以下简称气动中心)开发的结构解算器TRIP[9]、非结构解算器MFlow[10]和结构/非结构混合解算器HyperFLOW[11-12]等等.这些内部解算器和商业软件的开发极大地提高了CFD数值模拟对复杂流动机理的研究能力和实际工程问题的应用能力.
验证与确认是CFD可信度研究的重要内容,早在二十世纪八九十年代,国外就开始对验证与确认的研究给予高度重视,并逐步开展相关研究工作.1998年,美国航空航天学会在总结之前工作的基础上发布了第一部系统阐述CFD验证与确认的指南[14].从2001年起,美国航空航天学会成功组织了6届阻力预测会议(DragPrediction Workshop, DPW)[15-16],主要针对运输机标模巡航状态进行阻力预测的验证与确认.从2010年起,美国航空航天学会又成功组织了3届高升力预测会议(HighLift Prediction Workshop, HiLiftPW)[17-18],主要针对运输机起降状态高升力构型进行升力预测的验证与确认.除此之外,针对CFD的验证,从2004年到2008年,在里斯本还举办了3届CFD不确定度分析研讨会[19].这些研讨会吸引了全世界各地的CFD研究者参与,形成了一系列经验和结论,对CFD验证与确认的发展起到极大的推动作用.
基于Richardson外插法的网格收敛性精度测试是另一类有效的CFD验证方法.如前述的DPW、HiLiftPW等研讨会中就广泛采用这一方法进行计算结果的分析.与此同时,一些****对Richardson外插法进行了较为基础的研究,如Roache[33]在标准Richardson外插方法的基础上提出了适用于任意网格加密比例和任意阶精度的广义Richardson外插方法;Roy[34]又在Richardson标准外插、广义外插方法的基础上提出混合一阶/二阶的外插方法,并将其应用于含有强激波流动的数值模拟验证;Roache[35]还提出了利用网格收敛指数(grid convergence index,GCI)将离散误差的估计转换为不确定度估计;赵训友等[36]在GCI的基础上,用加权平均的数值解代替细网格数值解来估计离散误差及不确定度.
从上述的综述可见,CFD软件的验证与确认是一项系统工程,验证和确认是两类不同的问题,需要分别采用不同的方法进行实践,只有经过全面系统的验证与确认,才能掌握CFD软件模拟该类问题的可信度.同时,国内在验证与确认研究与应用方面与国外还存在一定差距,主要体现在验证与确认活动还不够系统,方法研究还不够基础、广泛.为此,本文在上述验证与确认工作的基础上,提出一种比较完整的对CFD软件湍流模拟能力进行验证与确认的思路:即首先通过严格的制造解精度测试,验证CFD数值方法和实现代码能否达到所设计的精度阶;在此基础上通过简单湍流算例的网格收敛性研究,如美国宇航局湍流模型验证与确认数据库(NASA Turbulence ModelingResource, TMR)[40-42]中的湍流平板、二维翼型近尾迹流动、二维Bump等,采用观测精度阶和网格收敛性指数[43-44]量化分析CFD数值结果的网格收敛性和不确定度;最后在实际复杂工程外形算例中,如DPWVI的通用研究模型(common research model,CRM)标模算例,考核CFD软件的网格收敛性、计算精度和不确定度,从而实现对CFD解算器的全面验证与确认,提高CFD数值结果的可信度.

1 HyperFLOW软件及数值方法简介

1.1 HyperFLOW软件平台简介

解算器的空间离散采用了二阶精度的格心型有限体积方法. 集成了Roe, van Leer, AUSM, Steger-Warming等通量计算格式以及Barth,Venkatakrishnan等多种限制器函数.湍流模拟方法有SA一方程湍流模型、SST两方程湍流模型以及DES方法等.时间离散格式有Runge-Kutta、隐式BLU-SGS等方法.为了适应大规模工程计算的需求,两种解算器均发展了基于网格分区的大规模并行计算技术.关于该软件的设计思想和研究进展,请参见文献[11,12].

1.2 RANS方程有限体积离散方法

\begin{equation} \label{eq1} \frac{\partial }{\partial t}\int\limits_\varOmega { { W}} {\rm d}\varOmega + \oint\limits_{\partial \varOmega} {\left( {{{ F}}_{{\bf c}} - {{ F}}_{{\bf v}} } \right)} {\rm d}S = {{ 0}} \tag{1} \end{equation}
式中,${{ W}}$为守恒变量,${{ F}}_{{\bf c}}$为无黏通量矢量,${ { F}}_{{\bf v}} $为黏性通量矢量.

1.3 制造解精度测试方法

\begin{equation} \label{eq2} \frac{\partial {{ Q}}}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot {{ F}} - \nabla \cdot {{ F}}_v = {{ S}} \tag{2} \end{equation}

2 制造解精度测试

为了确定数值结果的精度阶,需要在一系列加密的网格上进行网格收敛性研究.本节网格收敛性测试选取5套依次加密的网格,边界条件为Dirichlet边界,以消除边界条件离散的误差.测试离散误差的$L_1 $模随网格尺度减小时的收敛情况.随着网格加密,误差的下降速率,即所谓的精度阶.方法的具体细节可以参考文献[31].
-->Fig. 1Grids for MMS accuracy tests

2.1 Euler方程精度测试

图2给出了4种常用迎风型无黏通量格式:AUSM+格式、Roe格式、Steger-Warming格式和van Leer格式在图1所示的4种网格上的精度测试结果. 图中"1st order ref."和"2nd order ref."分别为一阶精度和二阶精度参考曲线.
-->Fig. 2Euler MMS accuracy tests results


2.2 标量扩散方程精度测试

图3给出了黏性项中界面梯度计算常用的差分修正法[46](edge correction method)和法向导数法[46](face normal difference method)在4种网格上的精度测试结果.
-->Fig. 3MMS accuracy tests results of diffusion equation

在此要说明的是,由于界面梯度的平均梯度法(average method)在笛卡尔网格上会发生奇偶失联,无法保证二阶精度,本节不采用这一黏性项处理方法.具体分析可以参考文献[46].

3 简单算例的验证

本节采用美国宇航局湍流模型验证与确认算例库(NASA TMR)[40-42]中的二维湍流平板、二维Bump流动、二维翼型近尾迹流动等3个简单亚声速湍流算例对HyperFLOW进行验证与确认.其中,二维Bump流动算例被DPW V和HiLiftPW-2采用作为湍流模型基础验证算例;说明这些简单算例在代码和算法验证方面具有重要的作用.

3.1 二维湍流平板

二维湍流平板计算工况为:$Ma = 0.2$,$Re _{\rm c} = 5.0 \times 10^6$,$c=1$. 计算网格示意图如图4所示.
-->Fig. 4Anisotropic quadrilateral grids of a flate plate

图5给出了各向异性矩形网格上的网格收敛性测试结果,图中同时给出了CFL3D和FUN3D的测试结果[41-42],CFL3D和FUN3D均采用了Roe格式、UMUSCL重构(CFL3D中$\kappa = 0.333~3$,FUN3D中$\kappa =0.5)$、SA湍流模型对流项采用一阶迎风离散.本文所采用的算法与CFL3D和FUN3D基本相同.
-->Fig. 5Grid convergence tests of turbulent flat plate

图 62D Bump 算例各向异性网格示意图
-->Fig. 6Anisotropic quadrilateral grids of 2D Bump

根据文献[43,44]给出的分析方法,在最密的三套网格上计算阻力系数的观测精度阶(observed order of accuracy, $p)$和网格收敛性指数GCI.
观测精度阶$p$表征的是最密的三套网格上数值结果的实际数值精度阶, 而网格收敛性指数GCI表征的是数值结果的相对不确定度的大小. 表1给出数据还包括最密的两套网格结果之间的相对误差$e_{\rm a}^{21}$,以及外插结果与最密网格结果之间的相对误差$e_{\rm ext}^{21}$,这两个相对误差表征的是数值结果的网格无关性程度. 以上4个量在网格收敛性研究中具有重要的作用,其具体算法比较成熟, 读者可以参考文献[43,44],本文不再赘述.
Table 1
表1平板湍流算例观测精度阶和 GCI
Table 1Observed order and GCI of 2D flat plate case

表1结果显示:HyperFLOW数值结果的网格收敛性与CFL3D接近,观测精度阶$p$接近二阶,与设计精度阶非常接近, 而相对误差$e_{\rm a}^{21}$和$e_{ext}^{21}$也非常小,证明HyperFLOW数值结果在密网格上已经具有较好的网格无关性,网格收敛性指数GCI为0.028%,最密网格的数值结果的不确定度较小.

3.2 二维 Bump 算例

二维~Bump 算例计算工况为:$Ma=0.2$,$Re_{\rm L}=3.0\times 10^{6}$,$L=1$,攻角为~$0^ \circ $,$T_{\rm ref}=300$ K. Bump局部网格如图 6 所示.
图 72D Bump 网格收敛性测试结果
-->Fig. 7Grid convergence tests of 2D Bump

图 82D ANW 算例各向异性四边形网格示意
-->Fig. 8Anisotropic quadrilateral grids of the 2D ANW case

表2给出了最密的三套网格上升阻力系数的观测精度阶$p$和网格收敛性指数GCI. 结果显示,HyperFLOW计算结果的相对误差$e_{\rm a}^{21}$和$e_{\rm ext}^{21}$较小,显示出密网格结果和外插结果较好的网格无关性. 同时,计算结果的网格收敛性指数GCI较小,结果的相对不确定度较小. HyperFLOW升力系数的观测精度阶只有0.68阶,略低于CFL3D和FUN3D的观测精度阶,可能是由于各向异性网格加密非自相似导致, 这也可能导致了FUN3D的阻力系数在最密的3套网格上不单调收敛,而CFL3D和HyperFLOW的升力系数观测精度阶均超过二阶.
Table 2
表22D Bump 算例观测精度阶和 GCI
Table 2Observed order and GCI of 2D Bump case


3.3 二维翼型近尾迹流动

二维翼型近尾迹流动 (2D airfoil near wake, ANW)的计算条件为:$Ma=0.088$,$Re_{\rm c}=1.2\times 10^{6}$,$c=1$,攻角为$0^\circ$,$T_{\rm ref}=300$K,网格示意如图~8 所示.
图 92D ANW 网格收敛性测试结果
-->Fig. 9Grid convergence tests of 2D airfoil near wake

同样,表3给出了升力系数、阻力系数的观测精度阶和网格收敛性指数.结果显示,升力系数的观测精度阶均接近一阶,而阻力系数的观测精度阶均接近二阶,HyperFLOW升力系数的相对误差$e_{\rm a}^{21}$和$e_{\rm ext}^{21}$及GCI与CFL3D的结果相近,阻力的GCI不确定度与FUN3D接近.证实HyperFLOW数值结果与CFL3D和FUN3D具有相当的计算精度阶和不确定度.
Table 3
表32D ANW 算例观测精度阶和 GCI
Table 3Observed order and GCI of 2D ANW case


4 DPW VI CRM 标模验证与确认

4.1 CRM 标模算例介绍

DPW VI的研究内容和结论可以参考文献[14,15],本文选取DPW VI的定升力系数的网格收敛性研究(case2)和气动力极曲线预测(case3)两个算例.
计算工况为:$Ma = 0.85$,$Re = 5.0\times 10^6$,$T_{\rm ref} = 100^ \circ$F. 其中case2固定升力系数$C_{\rm L} = 0.5\pm 0.000~1$,\linebreak DPW VI官方提供了Wing/Body(WB)构型和Wing/Body/Nacelle/Pylon (WBNP)两种构型,由于计算量较大,本文仅仅选择WB构型对HyperFLOW软件平台进行验证与确认.
Table 4
Table 4Grid information of CRM case


4.2 CRM标模算例结果分析

根据DPW的经验,原始SA湍流模型无法准确模拟CRM翼身结合部的分离泡,可以引入Quadratic Constitutive Relation(QCR)修正提高模拟精度,因此本算例主要采用SA-QCR2000湍流模型[48].
图10分别给出了HyperFLOW计算得到的阻力系数、力矩系数网格收敛性结果,同时给出了部分其他DPW VI参会者提交的结果[16](图中标记为DPW VI Participants).结果显示,HyperFLOW的计算结果落在参会者提交的结果之间.
图 10CRM定升力系数网格收敛性测试结果
-->Fig. 10Grid convergence tests of CRM

Table 5
Table 5Observed order and GCI of CRM case

表5的结果显示:HyperFLOW计算结果攻角的观测精度阶保持在二阶以上,且密网格收敛解的相对误差$e_{\rm a}^{21}$和外插结果相对误差$e_{\rm ext}^{21}$也较小,显示出密网格上计算结果已经达到较好的网格无关性.
图11给出了WB构型的升力系数曲线、阻力系数曲线、力矩系数曲线及升阻极曲线,同时给出了DPW VI参会者结果的上下限值曲线[16].结果显示,HyperFLOW的计算结果均落在DPW其他参会者的计算结果的上下限之间,证明HyperFLOW的数值结果具有较好的可信度.
-->Fig. 11Aerodynamic forces and moments of CRM

图 12翼身结合部流线(SA和SA-QCR对比)
-->Fig. 12Side of body streamlines by SA and SA-QCR

5 结 论

(1) 在选择合适的方法时,HyperFLOW软件平台中无黏通量格式和黏性通量格式均能在任意非结构网格上达到设计的二阶精度.
(2) HyperFLOW软件平台对于简单湍流问题的模拟能力达到了与FUN3D相当的水平,具有较好的网格收敛性、计算精度和不确定度.
(3) HyperFLOW软件平台具备实际复杂外形非结构网格亚跨声速湍流的模拟能力,同时具备良好的可信度.
致 谢
感谢中国空气动力研究与发展中心的张耀冰博士、陈江涛博士提供了DPW VI CRM模型的非结构计算网格及相关指导.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

[1]Park MA, Lee-Rausch EM, Rumsey CL. FUN3D and CFL3D computations for the first high lift prediction workshop
. AIAA Paper 2011-936, 2011
DOIURL [本文引用: 4]摘要
ABSTRACT Two Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes codes were used to compute flow over the NASA Trapezoidal Wing at high lift conditions for the 1 st AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop, held in Chicago in June 2010. The unstructured-grid code FUN3D and the structured-grid code CFL3D were applied to several different grid systems. The effects of code, grid system, turbulence model, viscous term treatment, and brackets were studied. The SST model on this configuration predicted lower lift than the Spalart-Allmaras model at high angles of attack; the Spalart-Allmaras model agreed better with experiment. Neglecting viscous cross-derivative terms caused poorer prediction in the wing tip vortex region. Output-based grid adaptation was applied to the unstructured-grid solutions. The adapted grids better resolved wake structures and reduced flap flow separation, which was also observed in uniform grid refinement studies. Limitations of the adaptation method as well as areas for future improvement were identified.
[2]Park MA, Laflin KR, Chaffin MS, et al. CFL3D, FUN3D, NSU3D contributions to the fifth drag prediction workshop
. AIAA Paper 2013-0050, 2013
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 07 - 10 January 2013, Grapevine (Dallas/Ft. Worth Region), Texas AIAA 2013-0050 CFL3D, FUN3D, and NSU3D Contributions to the Fifth Drag Prediction Workshop Michael A. Park65 NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681 Kelly R. Laflin69 and Mark S. Chaffin60 Cessna Aircraft Company, Wichita, KS, 67218 Nicholas Powell § Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Savannah, GA 31402 David W. Levy09 Cessna Aircraft Company, Wichita, KS, 67218 Results presented at the Fifth Drag Prediction Workshop using CFL3D, FUN3D, and NSU3D are described. These are calculations on the workshop provided grids and drag adapted grids. The NSU3D results have been updated to reflect an improvement to skin friction calculation on skewed grids. FUN3D results generated after the workshop are included for custom participant generated grids and a grid from a previous workshop. Uni- form grid refinement at the design condition shows a tight grouping in calculated drag, where the variation in the pressure component of drag is larger than the skin friction com- ponent. At this design condition, A fine-grid drag value was predicted with a smaller drag adjoint adapted grid via tetrahedral adaption to a metric and mixed-element subdivision. The buffet study produced larger variation than the design case, which is attributed to large differences in the predicted side-of-body separation extent. Various modeling and discretization approaches had a strong impact on predicted side-of-body separation. This large wing root separation bubble was not observed in wind tunnel tests indicating that more work is necessary in modeling wing root juncture flows to predict experiments. I. Introduction The AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop (DPW) series has been an invaluable forum to evaluate Computa- tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools. A detailed history of the DPW series and its objective are available from Vassberg et al.1 and Morrison.2 An abbreviated history and summary of key results are provided here to provide context for this DPW-V contribution. The objectives for these workshops include the assessment of the the state-of-the-art computational methods as practical aerodynamic tools for aircraft force and moment prediction of industry relevant geometries, the provision of an impartial forum for evaluating the effectiveness of existing computer codes and modeling techniques using Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solvers, and identification of areas needing additional research and development. DPW-I3 solicited CFD predictions of the lift, drag, and pitching moment for a subsonic transport wing body, the DLR-F4. The conclusions of Levy et al.3 set the tone for the subsequent workshops, "The overall level of scatter is too high and needs to be reduced to determine overall accuracy and trends with grid type, turbulence model, etc. Future work should try to identify sources of the scatter, for example, grid quality." DPW-II4 focused on grid refinement studies and the prediction of installed pylon-nacelle drag increments for 65Research Scientist, Computational AeroSciences Branch, AIAA Senior Member. 69Senior Specialist Engineer, AeroSciences, AIAA Associate Fellow. 60Specialist Engineer, AeroSciences, AIAA Senior Member. §Engineer II, Applied Aerodynamics, AIAA Member. 09Principal Engineer, AeroSciences, AIAA Associate Fellow. 1 of 22 This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics the DLR-F6 wing-body and wing-body-nacelle-pylon configurations. The DLR-F6 has substantial areas of separation at the wing-body juncture and at the wing-pylon juncture. These regions of flow separation were considered a likely culprit for the observed lack of grid convergence.4, 5 DPW-III6 introduced two wing only configurations and retained the DLR-F6 wing-body with the addition of a new wing-body fairing designed to eliminate the side-of-body separation. Details of the FX2B fairing design are documented by Vassberg, Sclafani, and DeHann7 and verified in a wind tunnel test.8 A higher Reynolds number was specified in DPW-III to reduce the wing upper-surface trailing-edge flow separation. DPW-III was held between the design and test of the fairing, so this workshop was truly a prediction. After the workshop was complete, the test data was compared9 to the results submitted to DPW-III. The DPW-III cases showed a reduction in variation with grid refinement.10 However, the configuration including the FX2B fairing without wing-root separation had a similar level of variation as the the DLR- F6 configuration with wing-root separation. Eliminating the wing root separation region did not reduce variation. Morrison and Hemsch10 conclude, "After three workshops, it is still clear that grids remain a first order effect and obtaining high quality grids is the first step t
[3]Rumsey CL, Thomas JL.Application of FUN3D and CFL3D to the 3rd workshop on CFD uncertainty analysis
. NASA/TM-2008-215537, 2008
[本文引用: 4]
[4]Cambier L, Veuillot JP. Status of the elsA CFD software for flow simulation and multidisciplinary applications
. AIAA Paper 2008-664, 2008
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract This paper gives an overview of the elsA Onera software for complex external and internal flow simulations and multidisciplinary applications. The objectives of the elsA software co-operative project are presented. The paper outlines capabilities of the software. A first set of recent applications illustrates some important features: fundamental applications for RSM turbulence modeling, wing/fuselage and tilt-rotor configurations for advanced multi-block techniques, transport aircraft for fluid/structure coupling, power-plant integration for calculation of sensitivities, wing buffet prediction for Detached Eddy Simulation. Then, a second set of applications shows the diversity of configurations which are today addressed by elsA: optimisation of a supersonic transport aircraft, high lift aircraft configuration, helicopter rotor-fuselage interaction, compressor and turbine stages, heat transfer analysis in a nozzle guide vane, space vehicle configuration. The paper finally outlines the perspectives of development of the elsA software.
[5]Cambier L, Gazaix M. elsA: An efficient object-oriented solution to CFD complexity
.AIAA Paper 02-13597, 2002
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The development of the new generation software package elsA was initiated in 1997 at ONERA. The aim is to group a very broad range of CFD capabilities together in an interoperable and evolving software package, designed both as a tool to tackle industrial problems and as a platform for further innovative CFD developments. To meet this challenge, the project team has chosen an Object Oriented (oo) design method as well as an oo implementation. The paper describes the main features of the oo design, some key points in managing the software development project, an outline of the solver capabilities and real-world application results dealing with external and internal aerodynamics (aircrafts, helicopters, turbomachinery). The broadness of the examples given here, together with good CPU efficiency, clearly demonstrates the benefits of a full oo approach. 漏 2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
[6]Langer S, Schwoppe A, Kroll N. The DLR Flow Solver TAU-Status and Recent Algorithmic Developments
. AIAA Paper2014-0080, 2014
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The only implicit smoothing method implemented in the DLR Flow Solver TAU is the LU-SGS method. It was chosen several years ago because of its low memory requirements and low operation counts. Since in the past for many examples a severe restriction of the CFL number and loss of robustness was observed, it is the goal of this paper to revisit the LU-SGS implementation and to discuss several alternative implicit smoothing strategies used within an agglomeration multigrid for unstructured meshes. Starting point is a full implicit multistage Runge-Kutta method. Based on this method we develop and suggest several additional features and simplifications such that the implicit method is applicable to high Reynolds number viscous flows, that is the required matrices fit into the fast memory of our cluster hardware and the arising linear systems can be approximately solved efficiently. To this end we focus on simplifications of the Jacobian as well as efficient iterative approximate solution methods. To significantly improve the approximate linear solution methods we take care of grid anisotropy for both approximately solving the linear systems and agglomeration strategy. The procedure creating coarse grid meshes is extended by strategies identifying structured parts of the mesh. This seems to improve the quality of coarse grid meshes in the way that an overall better reliability of multigrid can be observed. Furthermore we exploit grid information within the iterative solution methods for the linear systems. Numerical examples demonstrate the gain with respect to reliability and efficiency.
[7]ANSYS Fluent14.0 Help. ANSYS Inc, 2011 [本文引用: 1]
[8]ANSYS CFX14.0 Help. ANSYS Inc, 2011 [本文引用: 1]
[9]王运涛, 王光学, 张玉伦. TRIP2.0软件的确认:DPW II复杂组合体的数值模拟
. 航空学报, 2008, 29(1): 34-40
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
采用“亚跨超声速计算流体力学软件平台”(TRIP2.0)数值模拟了阻力预测小组(AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop Ⅱ,DPWⅡ)翼/身/架/舱复杂组合体运输机构型,数值模拟采用的多块对接网格、测压和测力的试验结果均来自DPWⅡ,对比计算采用了CFL3D的结果。重点针对DLR-F6翼/身/架/舱复杂组合体构型,详细研究了网格密度和湍流模型对总体气动特性和压力分布的影响,计算结果与相应的试验结果取得了较好的一致。采用SA一方程和SST两方程模型均得到了网格收敛结果;不同的湍流模型对压差阻力影响较小,对摩擦阻力影响较大;不同的网格密度和湍流模型对压力分布有一定的影响。
(Wang Yuntao, Wang Guangxue, Zhang Yulun.Validation of TRIP2.0: Numerical simulation of DPW II complex configuration
. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2008, 29(1): 34-40 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
采用“亚跨超声速计算流体力学软件平台”(TRIP2.0)数值模拟了阻力预测小组(AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop Ⅱ,DPWⅡ)翼/身/架/舱复杂组合体运输机构型,数值模拟采用的多块对接网格、测压和测力的试验结果均来自DPWⅡ,对比计算采用了CFL3D的结果。重点针对DLR-F6翼/身/架/舱复杂组合体构型,详细研究了网格密度和湍流模型对总体气动特性和压力分布的影响,计算结果与相应的试验结果取得了较好的一致。采用SA一方程和SST两方程模型均得到了网格收敛结果;不同的湍流模型对压差阻力影响较小,对摩擦阻力影响较大;不同的网格密度和湍流模型对压力分布有一定的影响。
[10]Chen JT, Zhang YB, Zhou NC, et al.Numerical investigation of the high-lift configuration with MFlow solver
. AIAA Journal, 2015, 52(4): 1051-1061
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Flip-chip technology has been widely accepted as a solution for electronic packaging of high-pin-count devices. Due to the demand for smaller and thinner package dimensions, coreless build-up substrat
[11]He X, Zhao Z, Ma R, et al.Validation of HyperFLOW in subsonic and transonic flow
. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2016, 34(2): 267-275
DOIURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
HyperFLOW,a structured/unstructured hybrid CFD software,is introduced in this paper.For HyperFLOW,the structured solver runs on structured grids,while the unstructured solver runs on unstructured grids,in order to fully take advantages of both grids and solvers.The architecture of HyperFLOW is briefly introduced firstly.Then,some typical cases are tested to validate both the structured and unstructured solver,including the Trap-Wing configuration from HiLiftPW-I and the DLR-F6wing-body configuration from DPW-II.The performance of grid convergence is studied for both solvers.The numerical results demonstrate that HyperFLOW has good grid convergence property on both structured and unstructured grids.The computational results match well with the reference and experimental data,indicating acceptable credibility.
[12]He X, He XY, He L, et al.HyperFLOW: A structured/unstructured hybrid integrated computational environment for multi-purpose fluid simulation
. Procedia Engineering, 2015, 126: 645-649
DOIURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
HyperFLOW is a structured/unstructured hybrid integrated computational environment for multi-purpose fluid simulation. In this paper, the objectives, frame structure of HyperFLOW are introduced briefly. And then, a number of test cases are simulated to demonstrate the capability of HyperFLOW, including compressible RANS simulations, time-accurate simulations with dynamic meshes, chemical non-equilibrium simulations and so on. All those test cases demonstrate that HyperFLOW has a good performance as an integrated platform.
[13]邓小刚, 宗文刚, 张来平. 计算流体力学中的验证与确认
. 力学进展, 2007, 37(2): 279-288
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
计算流体力学(CFD)在航空航天等诸多领域的应用越来越广泛.特别是近年来, CFD在实际飞行器的设计中扮演着越来越重要的角色, 许多设计参数直接来源于CFD的计算结果.由此, 飞行器设计师对CFD提供结果的可信度提出了更高的要求.验证(verification)与确认(validation)是评价数值解精度和可信度的主要手段.本文综述了国内外开展CFD验证与确认研究的进展.在引言中论述了开展CFD验证与确认的重要性和必要性, 简述了国内外CFD验证与确认研究的历史和发展现状.第2节中讨论了CFD验证与确认的一些基本概念,以及这些概念定义的形成过程, 并指出了进行CFD验证与确认的基本步骤.第3节和第4节分别讨论了CFD验证与确认的方法, 如CFD验证中的精确解比较方法, 制造解比较方法, 网格收敛性研究;CFD确认中的层次结构, 流动分类法, 确认实验指南.在第5节中我们列举了几个CFD验证与确认的应用实例.最后, 对我国开展CFD验证与确认研究工作提出了若干建议, 包括:(1)开展流动分类法研究,(2)推行软件质量工程方法,(3)开展规范精细的实验, 建立国内的网络数据库.
(Deng Xiaogang, Zong Wengang, Zhang Laiping, et al.Verification and validation in computational fluid dynamics
. Advances in Mechanics, 2007, 37(2): 279-288 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
计算流体力学(CFD)在航空航天等诸多领域的应用越来越广泛.特别是近年来, CFD在实际飞行器的设计中扮演着越来越重要的角色, 许多设计参数直接来源于CFD的计算结果.由此, 飞行器设计师对CFD提供结果的可信度提出了更高的要求.验证(verification)与确认(validation)是评价数值解精度和可信度的主要手段.本文综述了国内外开展CFD验证与确认研究的进展.在引言中论述了开展CFD验证与确认的重要性和必要性, 简述了国内外CFD验证与确认研究的历史和发展现状.第2节中讨论了CFD验证与确认的一些基本概念,以及这些概念定义的形成过程, 并指出了进行CFD验证与确认的基本步骤.第3节和第4节分别讨论了CFD验证与确认的方法, 如CFD验证中的精确解比较方法, 制造解比较方法, 网格收敛性研究;CFD确认中的层次结构, 流动分类法, 确认实验指南.在第5节中我们列举了几个CFD验证与确认的应用实例.最后, 对我国开展CFD验证与确认研究工作提出了若干建议, 包括:(1)开展流动分类法研究,(2)推行软件质量工程方法,(3)开展规范精细的实验, 建立国内的网络数据库.
[14]Porter JL, Agarwal R, Azad RS, et al.Guide for the verification and validation of computational fluid dynamics Simulation
. AIAA G-077-1998, 1998
[本文引用: 2]
[15]Roy CJ, Tinoco EN. Summary of data from the Sixth AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop: Case 1 Code Verification
. AIAA Paper 2017-1206, 2017
[本文引用: 2]
[16]Tinoco EN, Brodersen OP, Keye S, et al. Summary of data from the Sixth AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop: CRM Cases 2 to 5. AIAA Paper 2017-1208
, 2017
[本文引用: 4]
[17]Rumsey CL, Slotnick JP. Overview and summary of the Second AIAA High-Lift Prediction Workshop
. AIAA Paper 2014-0747, 2014
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The second AIAA CFD High-Lift Prediction Workshop was held in San Diego, California, in June 2013. The goals of the workshop continued in the tradition of the first high-lift workshop: to assess the numerical prediction capability of current-generation computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology for swept, medium/high-aspect-ratio wings in landing/takeoff (high-lift) configurations. This workshop analyzed the flow over the DLR-F11 model in landing configuration at two different Reynolds numbers. Twenty-six participants submitted a total of 48 data sets of CFD results. A variety of grid systems (both structured and unstructured) were used. Trends due to grid density and Reynolds number were analyzed, and effects of support brackets were also included. This paper analyzes the combined results from all workshop participants. Comparisons with experimental data are made. A statistical summary of the CFD results is also included.
[18]Rumsey CL, Slotnick JP, Sclafani AJ. Overview and summary of the Third AIAA High-Lift Prediction Workshop
. AIAA Paper 2018-1258, 2018
[本文引用: 1]
[19]Eca L, Hoekstra M, Roache P, et al. Code verification, solution verification and validation: An overview of the 3rd Lisbon Workshop. AIAA Paper 2009-3647, 2009 [本文引用: 1]
[20]白文, 李立, 李周明. CFD验证、确认和共享基准数据库
. 中国航空学报(英文版), 2006, 19(2): 160-167
URLMagsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
(Bai Wen, Li Li, Li Zhouming, et al.CFD V&V and Open Benchmark Database
. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2006, 19(2): 160-167 (in Chinese))
URLMagsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
[21]王年华, 常兴华, 赵钟. 基于HyperFLOW平台的客机标模CHN-T1气动性能预测及可信度研究
. 空气动力学学报, 2019, 37(2): -
[本文引用: 1]

(Wang Nianhua, Chang Xinghua, Zhao Zhong, et al. Aerodynamic performance prediction and credibility study of the transport model CHN-T1 based on HyperFLOW solver
. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2019, 37(2): -(in Chinese))
[本文引用: 1]
[22]Iannelli J.An exact non-linear Navier-Stokes compressible-flow solution for CFD code verification
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2013, 72: 157-176
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
An exact similarity solution of the compressible-flow NavierStokes equations is presented, which embeds supersonic, transonic, and subsonic regions. Describing the viscous and heat-conducting high-gradient flow in a shock wave, the solution accommodates non-linear temperature-dependent viscosity as well as heat-conduction coefficients and provides the variation of all the flow variables and their derivatives. Also presented are methods to obtain time-dependent and/or multi-dimensional solutions as well as verification benchmarks of increasing severity. Comparisons between the developed analytical solution and CFD solutions of the NavierStokes equations, with determination of convergence rates and orders of accuracy of these solutions, illustrate the utility of the developed exact solution for verification purposes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[23]Ghia U, Bayyuk S, Roy C, et al. The AIAA code verification project-test cases for CFD code verification
. AIAA Paper 2010-125, 2010
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents a collection of fluid mechanics problems with exact solutions which can be used to verify the numerical accuracy of solutions obtained by CFD codes. This document is a product of the AIAA Committee On Standards (COS). It is intended to serve as the start of a catalog of exact solutions for fluid mechanics problems, and as a complement to the Verification and Validation Guide prepared by the AIAA. While the solutions presented in this paper do not necessarily test all aspects of a code or all terms of the governing equations, they constitute fundamentals tests for identifying coding errors. Hence, documenting these solutions is an important step towards consolidating significant verification cases. A.
[24]Maruli VK, Burg COE. Verification of 2D Navier-Stokes codes by the method of manufactured solutions
. AIAA Paper 2002-3109, 2002
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The modified Laplacian has been used to move unstructured grids in response to changes in the surface grid for a variety of grid movement applications including store separation, aero-elastic wing deformation and free surface flow simulations. However, the use of the modified Laplacian can result in elements with negative areas/volumes, because it has no inherent mechanism to prevent inversion... [Show full abstract]
[25]Eca L. Klaij CM, Vaz G, et al.On code verification of RANS solvers
. Journal of Computational Physics, 2016, 310: 418-439
This article discusses Code Verification of Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) solvers that rely on face based finite volume discretizations for volumes of arbitrary shape. The study includes test cases with known analytical solutions (generated with the method of manufactured solutions) corresponding to laminar and turbulent flow, with the latter using eddy-viscosity turbulence models. The procedure to perform Code Verification based on grid refinement studies is discussed and the requirements for its correct application are illustrated in a simple one-dimensional problem. It is shown that geometrically similar grids are recommended for proper Code Verification and so the data should not have scatter making the use of least square fits unnecessary. Results show that it may be advantageous to determine the extrapolated error to cell size/time step zero instead of assuming that it is zero, especially when it is hard to determine the asymptotic order of grid convergence. In the RANS examples, several of the features of the ReFRESCO solver are checked including the effects of the available turbulence models in the convergence properties of the code. It is shown that it is required to account for non-orthogonality effects in the discretization of the diffusion terms and that the turbulence quantities transport equations can deteriorate the order of grid convergence of mean flow quantities.
[26]Petri L, Sartori P, Rogenski J, et al.Verification and validation of a direct numerical simulation code
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 291: 266-279
61Verification of a boundary layer numerical code by the Method of Manufactured Solutions.61Convergence order analysis of a boundary layer numerical code.61Validation of a boundary layer numerical code through comparison with experimental data.61Agreement between boundary layer numerical code and Linear Stability Theory results.61Use of high-order approximations.
[27]Veluri SP, Roy CJ, Hebert S, et al. Verification of the Loci-CHEM CFD code using the method of manufactured solutions
. AIAA Paper 2008-661, 2008
Abstract Loci CHEM is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code developed using the Loci Framework that can simulate three-dimensional flows of chemically reacting mixtures of thermally perfect gases. It is a library of Loci rules that consists of reusable rules that can be dynamically reconfigured to solve a variety of problems. The present study involves the verification of Euler and Navier-Stokes equations and their associated sub-models in Loci- CHEM on different mesh types using the Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS). MMS is the most general approach for ensuring that there are no mistakes (i.e. bugs) in the computer code and that the algorithms are consistent and convergent. The different meshes include both 2D and 3D meshes. The observed order of accuracy is calculated and compared with the formal order of accuracy of the chosen numerical method. The code is verified when the observed order of accuracy matches the formal order in the limit as the mesh is refined.
[28]Veluri SP, Roy CJ, Luke EA. Comprehensive code verification for an unstructured finite volume CFD code
. AIAA Paper 2010-127, 2010
A detailed code verification study of an unstructured finite volume CFD code is presented. The Method of Manufactured Solutions is used to generate exact solutions to the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations to verify the order of accuracy of the code. Testing is performed on different grid types including triangular and quadrilateral elements in 2D and tetrahedral, prismatic and hexahedral elements in 3D. The requirements for systematic mesh refinement are discussed, particularly in regards to unstructured meshes. Different code options verified include the baseline steady-state governing equations, transport models, turbulence models, boundary conditions and unsteady flows.
[29]余云龙, 林忠, 王瑞利. 辐射流体力学Lagrange方程组一类人为解构造方法
. 应用数学和力学, 2015, 36(1): 110-118
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Yu Yunlong, Lin Zhong, Wang Ruili, et al.A method of manufacturing solutions for verification of Lagrangian radiation hydrodynamics codes
. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2015, 36(1): 110-118 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[30]王瑞利, 林忠, 袁国兴. 科学计算程序的验证和确认
. 北京理工大学学报, 2010, 30(3): 353-360
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Wang Ruili, Lin Zhong, Yuan Guoxing.Verification and validation in scientific computing code
. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2010, 30(3): 353-360 (in Chinese))
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[31]王年华, 张来平, 赵钟. 基于制造解的非结构二阶有限体积离散格式的精度测试与验证
. 力学学报, 2017, 49(3): 627-637
DOIURL [本文引用: 4]摘要
随着计算机技术的飞速进步,计算流体力学得到迅猛发展,数值计算虽能够快速得到离散结果,但是数值结果的正确性与精度则需要通过严谨的方法来进行验证和确认.制造解方法和网格收敛性研究作为验证与确认的重要手段已经广泛应用于计算流体力学代码验证、精度分析、边界条件验证等方面.本文在实现标量制造解和分量制造解方法的基础上,通过将制造解方法精度测试结果与经典精确解(二维无黏等熵涡)精度测试结果进行对比,进一步证实了制造解精度测试方法的有效性,并将两种制造解方法应用于非结构网格二阶精度有限体积离散格式的精度测试与验证,对各种常用的梯度重构方法、对流通量格式、扩散通量格式进行了网格收敛性精度测试.结果显示,基于Green-Gauss公式的梯度重构方法在不规则网格上会出现精度降阶的情况,导致流动模拟精度严重下降,而基于最小二乘(least squares)的梯度重构方法对网格是否规则并不敏感.对流通量格式的精度测试显示,所测试的各种对流通量格式均能达到二阶精度,且各方法精度几乎相同;而扩散通量离散中界面梯度求解方法的选择对流动模拟精度有显著影响.
(Wang Nianhua, Zhang Laiping, Zhao Zhong, et al.Accuracy verification of unstructured second-order finite volume discretization schemes based on the method of manufactured solutions
. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2017, 49(3): 627-637 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 4]摘要
随着计算机技术的飞速进步,计算流体力学得到迅猛发展,数值计算虽能够快速得到离散结果,但是数值结果的正确性与精度则需要通过严谨的方法来进行验证和确认.制造解方法和网格收敛性研究作为验证与确认的重要手段已经广泛应用于计算流体力学代码验证、精度分析、边界条件验证等方面.本文在实现标量制造解和分量制造解方法的基础上,通过将制造解方法精度测试结果与经典精确解(二维无黏等熵涡)精度测试结果进行对比,进一步证实了制造解精度测试方法的有效性,并将两种制造解方法应用于非结构网格二阶精度有限体积离散格式的精度测试与验证,对各种常用的梯度重构方法、对流通量格式、扩散通量格式进行了网格收敛性精度测试.结果显示,基于Green-Gauss公式的梯度重构方法在不规则网格上会出现精度降阶的情况,导致流动模拟精度严重下降,而基于最小二乘(least squares)的梯度重构方法对网格是否规则并不敏感.对流通量格式的精度测试显示,所测试的各种对流通量格式均能达到二阶精度,且各方法精度几乎相同;而扩散通量离散中界面梯度求解方法的选择对流动模拟精度有显著影响.
[32]Richardson LF.The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems involving differential equations with an application to the stresses in a Masonry Dam.
Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 1908, 210: 307-357
[本文引用: 1]
[33]Roache PJ.Verification and Validation in Computational Science and Engineering.
Hermosa, Albuquerque, NM, 1998
[本文引用: 1]
[34]Roy CJ.Grid convergence error analysis for mixed order numerical schemes
. AIAA Journal, 2003, 41(4): 595-604
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
New developments are presented in the area of grid convergence error analysis for mixed-order numerical schemes. A mixed-order scheme is defined as a numerical method where the formal order of the truncation error varies either spatially, for example, at a shock wave, or for different terms in the governing equations, for example, third-order convection with second-order diffusion. The case examined is the Mach 8 inviscid flow of a calorically perfect gas over a spherically blunted cone. This flowfield contains a strong bow shock wave, where the formally second-order numerical scheme is reduced to first order via a flux-limiting procedure. The proposed mixed-order error analysis method allows for nonmonotonic behavior in the solution variables as the mesh is refined
[35]Roache PJ.Perspective: A method for uniform reporting of grid refinement studies
. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 1994, 116(3): 405-413
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]
[36]赵训友, 林景松, 童晓艳. 基于Richardson外推法的CFD中离散不确定度估计
. 系统仿真学报, 2014, 26(10): 2315-2320
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Zhao Xunyou, Lin Jinsong, Tong Xiaoyan.Discretization uncertainty estimation in CFD based on Richardson extrapolation method
. Journal of System Simulation, 2014, 26(10): 2315-2320 (in Chinese))
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[37]陈坚强, 张益荣. 基于Richardson插值法的CFD验证和确认方法的研究
. 空气动力学学报, 2012, 30(2): 176-183
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Chen Jianqiang, Zhang Yirong.Verification and validation in CFD based on the Richardson extrapolation method
. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2012, 30(2): 176-183 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[38]李钊, 陈海昕, 张宇飞. 基于广义Richardson外插方法的阻力预测精度分析
. 航空学报, 2015, 36(7): 2105-2114
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>利用计算流体力学(CFD)方法预测阻力是飞行器气动设计中的关键环节。采用广义Richardson外插方法分别对数值方法预测二维简单构型的压差阻力、摩擦阻力和三维复杂构型的总阻力的精度进行了分析。在NACA 0012翼型无黏绕流和平板湍流边界层两个算例中验证了NSAWET程序和广义Richardson外插方法,分别得到数值算法预测压差阻力和摩擦阻力能达到的名义精度。进而模拟三维通用研究模型(CRM)翼身组合体绕流,得到的阻力名义精确值在DPW 5的统计误差带范围之内;综合DPW 5的计算结果来看,不同CFD解算器的结果之间存在一定差别,阻力预测精度总体上不符合二阶。可见,标准Richardson方法采用的二阶精度假设难以普遍适用,有必要采用广义Richardson外插方法得到名义精度。针对不合理的名义精度,采用Roache建议的方法加以限制。广义Richardson外插方法有助于提高误差分析的合理性,可以进一步降低网格对阻力预测的影响。</p>
(Li Zhao, Chen Haixin, Zhang Yufei.Accuracy analysis of drag prediction based on generalized Richardson extrapolation
. Acta Aerodynamica et Astronautica Sinica, 2015, 36(7): 2105-2114 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>利用计算流体力学(CFD)方法预测阻力是飞行器气动设计中的关键环节。采用广义Richardson外插方法分别对数值方法预测二维简单构型的压差阻力、摩擦阻力和三维复杂构型的总阻力的精度进行了分析。在NACA 0012翼型无黏绕流和平板湍流边界层两个算例中验证了NSAWET程序和广义Richardson外插方法,分别得到数值算法预测压差阻力和摩擦阻力能达到的名义精度。进而模拟三维通用研究模型(CRM)翼身组合体绕流,得到的阻力名义精确值在DPW 5的统计误差带范围之内;综合DPW 5的计算结果来看,不同CFD解算器的结果之间存在一定差别,阻力预测精度总体上不符合二阶。可见,标准Richardson方法采用的二阶精度假设难以普遍适用,有必要采用广义Richardson外插方法得到名义精度。针对不合理的名义精度,采用Roache建议的方法加以限制。广义Richardson外插方法有助于提高误差分析的合理性,可以进一步降低网格对阻力预测的影响。</p>
[39]赵钟, 赫新, 张来平. HyperFLOW软件数值模拟TrapWing高升力外形
. 空气动力学学报, 2015, 33(5): 594-602
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
(Zhao Zhong, He Xin, Zhang Laiping, et al.Numerical research of NASA high-lift trap wing model based on HyperFLOW
. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2015, 33(5): 594-602 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[40]NASA Turbulence Modeling Resources, URL [本文引用: 3]
[41]Childs ML, Pulliam TH, Jespersen DC.OVERFLOW, Turbulence Modeling Resource verification results. NAS Technical Report: NAS-2014-03, 2014 [本文引用: 1]
[42]Rumsey CL. Recent developments on the turbulence modeling resource website
. AIAA Paper 2015-2927, 2015
DOIURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
summary papers written near the time that the site was initiated.13,14 In the next section, the website's main features are described. These main features include new aspects that may be unfamiliar to some readers. Then, in the summary, future plans for the website and open questions are discussed.
[43]Celik IB, Ghia U, Roache PJ, et al.Procedure for estimation and reporting of uncertainty due to discretization in CFD applications
. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2008, 130: 078001
DOIURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Since 1990, the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME has pursued activities concerning the detection, estimation and control of numerical uncertainty and/or error in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies. The first quality-control measures in this area were issued in 1986 (1986, ldquoEditorial Policy Statement on Control of Numerical Accuracyrdquo, ASME J. Fluids Eng., 108, p. 2) and revised in 1993 (1993, ldquoJournal of Fluids Engineering Editorial Policy Statement on the Control of Numerical Accuracyrdquo, ASME J. Fluids Eng., 115, pp. 339-340). Given the continued increase in CFD related publications, and the many significant advancements in computational techniques and computer technology, it has become necessary to revisit the issue and formulate a more detailed policy to further improve the quality of publications in this area. This brief note provides specific guidelines for prospective authors for calculation and reporting of discretization error estimates in CFD simulations where experimental data may or may not be available for comparison. The underlying perspective is that CFD-related studies will eventually aim to predict the outcome of a physical event for which experimental data is not available. It should be emphasized that the requirements outlined in this note do not preclude those already published in the previous two policy statements. It is also important to keep in mind that the procedure recommended in this note cannot possibly encompass all possible scenarios or applications.
[44]Oberkampf WL, Roy CJ.Verification and Validation in Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press, 2010 [本文引用: 3]
[45]王年华, 张来平, 马戎. 非结构网格质量对梯度重构及无黏流动模拟精度的影响
. 计算力学学报, 2017, 34(5): 555-563
DOIURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
综合利用理论分析和数值测试手段,研究了非结构格心型有限体积离散中梯度重构算法的计算精度,分别给出了非结构算法中常用的基于Green-Gauss公式(GG方法)和基于Least squares方法(LSQ方法)的梯度重构方法达到至少一阶精度的条件.其中,GG方法在面积分低阶项不能互相抵消的情况下,要求面心插值精度达到至少二阶;而LSQ方法对于任意网格均能实现梯度重构一阶精度.在各向同性网格上的梯度重构精度数值测试验证了数学推导结论;进一步通过制造解方法量化无粘流动数值离散误差,结合网格收敛性测试研究了网格质量(网格点随机扰动、网格弯曲度和网格倾斜度等因素)以及网格类型(三角形和四边形)对无粘流动模拟精度的影响,验证了理论分析结论.
(Wang Nianhua, Zhang Laiping, Ma Rong, et al.Mesh quality effects on the accuracy of gradient reconstruction and inviscid flow simulation on isotropic unstructured grids
. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2017, 34(5): 555-563 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
综合利用理论分析和数值测试手段,研究了非结构格心型有限体积离散中梯度重构算法的计算精度,分别给出了非结构算法中常用的基于Green-Gauss公式(GG方法)和基于Least squares方法(LSQ方法)的梯度重构方法达到至少一阶精度的条件.其中,GG方法在面积分低阶项不能互相抵消的情况下,要求面心插值精度达到至少二阶;而LSQ方法对于任意网格均能实现梯度重构一阶精度.在各向同性网格上的梯度重构精度数值测试验证了数学推导结论;进一步通过制造解方法量化无粘流动数值离散误差,结合网格收敛性测试研究了网格质量(网格点随机扰动、网格弯曲度和网格倾斜度等因素)以及网格类型(三角形和四边形)对无粘流动模拟精度的影响,验证了理论分析结论.
[46]王年华, 李明, 张来平. 非结构网格二阶有限体积法中黏性通量离散格式精度分析与改进
. 力学学报, 2018, 50(3): 527-537
DOIURL [本文引用: 5]摘要
(Wang Nianhua, Li Ming, Zhang Laiping.Accuracy analysis and improvement of viscous flux schemes in unstructured second-order finite-volume discretization
. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2018, 50(3): 527-537 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 5]摘要
[47]Roache PJ.Code verification by method of manufactured solutions
. Transactions of ASME, 2002, 124: 4-10
URL [本文引用: 1]
[48]Mani M, Babcock DA, Winkler CM, et al. Prediction of supersonic turbulent flow in a square duct
. AIAA Paper 2013-0860, 2013
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this paper we have confirmed that eddy viscosity turbulence models are inadequate to predict secondary vortical flows developed from corners in internal flows. To remedy this shortcoming, we have added the quadratic constitutive relation (QCR) of Spalart to the one-and two-equation SA and SST turbulence models, respectively. The results of QCR with the SA and SST turbulence models have been validated against experimental data of Davis and Gessner for supersonic flow through a square duct. The approach is shown to be simple to implement and overall agreement is seen to improve with the use of QCR.
[49]王运涛, 孙岩, 孟德虹. 包含支撑装置和机翼变形的CRM-WB构型气动特性数值模拟
. 航空学报, 2017, 38(10): 121202
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
CRM(Common Research Model)是第四届~第六届AIAA阻力预测研讨会(DPW)选择的参考外形。第四届和第五届DPW会议气动特性数值模拟结果的统计分析表明试验与计算之间存在明显差异。采用CFD方法和流固耦合(FSC)方法数值模拟了带支撑装置的CRM翼身组合体(CRM-WBS)构型的气动特性,以评估模型支撑装置和静气动弹性变形对CRM翼身组合体(CRM-WB)构型气动特性数值模拟结果的影响。通过与不包含支撑装置的CRM-WB构型的数值模拟结果和NASA Langley NTF风洞试验结果的对比分析,CRM-WBS构型的CFD计算结果表明,支撑装置导致机翼上翼面激波位置前移,升力系数、阻力系数、低头力矩系数下降。CRM-WBS构型的流固耦合计算结果表明,静气动弹性变形主要影响机翼上表面激波位置并显著降低外侧机翼激波位置前的负压值,进一步导致升力系数、阻力系数、低头力矩系数下降。包含支撑装置和静气动弹性变形的CRM-WB构型气动特性数值模拟结果更加接近试验结果。
( Wang Yuntao, Sun Yan, Meng Dehong, et al.Numerical simulation of aerodynamic characteristics of CRM WB configuration with support system and wing deformation
. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2017, 38(10): 121202 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
CRM(Common Research Model)是第四届~第六届AIAA阻力预测研讨会(DPW)选择的参考外形。第四届和第五届DPW会议气动特性数值模拟结果的统计分析表明试验与计算之间存在明显差异。采用CFD方法和流固耦合(FSC)方法数值模拟了带支撑装置的CRM翼身组合体(CRM-WBS)构型的气动特性,以评估模型支撑装置和静气动弹性变形对CRM翼身组合体(CRM-WB)构型气动特性数值模拟结果的影响。通过与不包含支撑装置的CRM-WB构型的数值模拟结果和NASA Langley NTF风洞试验结果的对比分析,CRM-WBS构型的CFD计算结果表明,支撑装置导致机翼上翼面激波位置前移,升力系数、阻力系数、低头力矩系数下降。CRM-WBS构型的流固耦合计算结果表明,静气动弹性变形主要影响机翼上表面激波位置并显著降低外侧机翼激波位置前的负压值,进一步导致升力系数、阻力系数、低头力矩系数下降。包含支撑装置和静气动弹性变形的CRM-WB构型气动特性数值模拟结果更加接近试验结果。
[50]陈树生, 刘丽媛, 阎超. CFD软件自动化验证确认云平台设计与实现
. 航空学报, 2017, 38(3): 120209
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
针对大型计算流体力学(CFD)软件的验证与确认,为了减少人工成本,提高软件质量和开发效率,并适应于未来高性能计算发展的要求,基于云计算思想,提出了自动化测试云平台的解决方案.该方案采用模块化的浏览器/服务器(B/S)网络架构;利用LAMP(Linux+ Apache+ MySQL+ PHP/Python)开发工具;建立了持续集成的专业数据库;构建了涵盖可靠集群监控、复杂作业调度及大规模并行计算功能的云端环境;实现了通过便捷的网络访问,自动加载测试算例、提交集群计算、监测实时进度、自动化后处理、输出分析结果,并提供丰富的实验对比图、误差分析报表和汇总报告等;完成了对大型CFD软件的自动化验证与确认.将该方案应用于某大规模并行计算的CFD软件,验证了该解决方案的可行性与实用性.
(Chen Shusheng, Liu Liyuan, Yan Chao, et al.Design and realization of automated testing cloud platform for CFD verification and validation
. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2017, 38(3): 120209 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
针对大型计算流体力学(CFD)软件的验证与确认,为了减少人工成本,提高软件质量和开发效率,并适应于未来高性能计算发展的要求,基于云计算思想,提出了自动化测试云平台的解决方案.该方案采用模块化的浏览器/服务器(B/S)网络架构;利用LAMP(Linux+ Apache+ MySQL+ PHP/Python)开发工具;建立了持续集成的专业数据库;构建了涵盖可靠集群监控、复杂作业调度及大规模并行计算功能的云端环境;实现了通过便捷的网络访问,自动加载测试算例、提交集群计算、监测实时进度、自动化后处理、输出分析结果,并提供丰富的实验对比图、误差分析报表和汇总报告等;完成了对大型CFD软件的自动化验证与确认.将该方案应用于某大规模并行计算的CFD软件,验证了该解决方案的可行性与实用性.
[51]何磊, 赫新, 马戎. 大型CFD软件自动化测试平台的初步设计与实现
. 空气动力学学报, 2016, 34(4): 418-425
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(He Lei, He Xin, Ma Rong, et al.Preliminary design and application of CFD software automatic testing platform
. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2016, 34(4): 418-425 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[52]张涵信, 查俊. 关于CFD验证确认中的不确定度和真值估算
. 空气动力学学报, 2010, 28(1): 39-45
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Zhang Hanxin, Zha Jun.The uncertainty and truth-value assessment in the verification and validation of CFD
. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2010, 28(1): 39-45 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[53]赵钟, 张来平, 何磊. 适用任意网格的大规模并行CFD计算框架PHengLEI
. 计算机学报, 2018, 41, 网络出版
[本文引用: 1]

(Zhao Zhong, Zhang Laiping, He Lei, et al.PHengLEI: A large scale parallel CFD framework for arbitrary grids. Chinese Journal of Computers
, 2018, 41, Published online (in Chinese))
[本文引用: 1]
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