

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

陈磊磊*,2),, 卢闯*, 徐延明, 赵文畅, 陈海波
* 信阳师范学院 建筑与土木工程学院,河南信阳 464000
† 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系,合肥 230027


ChenLeilei*,2),, LuChuang*, XuYanming, ZhaoWenchang, ChenHaibo
* College of architecture and civil engineering, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, Henan, China
† Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China

通讯作者:2) 陈磊磊,副教授,主要研究方向:计算力学. E-mail:chenllei@mail.ustc.edu.cn

版权声明:2019力学学报期刊社 所有
基金资助:1) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11702238).



Isogeometric analysis (IGA) realizes the seamless integration of CAD and CAE by using spline basis functions to represent geometric models and implement the numerical analysis, and is widely used in elastic mechanics, electromagnetic field, potential problem and other fields. However, it is difficult to construct directly a complex structure by using IGA. The subdivision surface method can be used to subdivide and fit the discrete mesh of a traditional model in order to construct smooth surfaces. Such a method is suitable for complicated problems. This method has the following advantages: (1) It is suitable for any topological structure; (2) The numerical calculation is stable; (3) It is simple to implement; (4) Local refinement and continuity control. Because of its flexibility and convenience in the construction of complex structural models, this method has been widely used in aerospace, automobile, animation, game making and other modeling fields. The subdivision surface method (SSM) and the boundary element method (BEM) were integrated to perform structural acoustic analysis. The box-spline interpolation of SSM was used for both geometric interpolation and physical interpolation, achieving high-order approximation of the structural surface and physical field. The acoustic scattering of the structure of adhesive sound absorption materials was taken as an example to test the effectiveness of the algorithm. The above analysis was combined with the method of moving asymptotes (MMA) algorithm to conduct a topological optimization of the distribution of sound absorption materials. In this study, the adjoint variable method and the acoustic BEM were used to analyze the sensitivity of the distribution of sound absorption materials on the surface of the structure. Each update of design variables brings small changes in the layout of sound absorbing materials, and ultimately the optimal solution is obtained. The resulting solvers provide an efficient computational tool for topology optimization design. The proposed algorithm is then applied to some numerical examples to illustrate the potential for engineering optimization design.

Keywords:subdivision surface;boundary element method;adjoint variable method;moving asymptotes method;topology optimization

PDF (8748KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
陈磊磊, 卢闯, 徐延明, 赵文畅, 陈海波. 细分曲面边界元法的黏附吸声材料结构拓扑优化分析[J]. 力学学报, 2019, 51(3): 884-893 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-18-354
Chen Leilei, Lu Chuang, Xu Yanming, Zhao Wenchang, Chen Haibo. TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION ANALYSIS OF ADHESIVE SOUND ABSORBING MATERIALS STRUCTURE WITH SUBDIVISION SURFACE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019, 51(3): 884-893 https://doi.org/10.6052/0459-1879-18-354

引 言

采用细分曲面法,能够将任意拓扑结构的不连续离散网格构建成整体光滑曲面,克服了采用NURBS[1]方法建模时遇到的曲面片拼接困难的问题.细分曲面法的实质是采用一定的细分规则对多边形网格重复进行细分处理,直到达到细分收敛极限.基本思路是:(1)根据结构模型的初始控制网格类型,选取不同的细分方法进行细分操作,如Catmull-Clark模式[2]、Doo-Sabin模式[3]、Loop模式[4]、Butterfly模式[5]和$\sqrt3$模式[6]等;(2) 通过细分操作,得到新一级网格信息;(3)重复细分操作直至达到细分收敛极限,最后进行拟合操作获得极限光滑曲面.该方法目前已被广泛应用于卡通动画、3D打印、计算机图形学和工程曲面建模[7]等领域中.在工程数值分析中,Cirak等[8-9]首次将细分曲面与有限元法相结合,进行薄壳结构的动力学响应分析.
将细分曲面与边界元相结合,能自适应获得满足不同精度要求的细分层次网格信息,省去了前处理中耗时耗力的模型重复离散过程.覃先云等[18 -20]提出了基于参数曲面的边界面法.Liu等[21]将细分曲面法与耦合有限元和边界元法相结合进行薄壳结构声振耦合问题求解.本文将细分曲面法与边界元法相结合,进行黏附吸声材料结构的声学散射[22]分析.实际上,黏附吸声材料虽然已经被广泛使用,但由于工业设计的诸多要求限制,如结构的重量、尺寸和成本造价等,通常难以在结构表面进行全覆盖.因此,在给定的材料体积约束下获得降噪效果最优的材料分布是非常有实际工程意义的.

1 细分曲面法


1.1 Loop细分规则

-->Fig. 11-4 split of triangular meshes

然后分两种情况计算生成新顶点坐标:(1)细分过程中在原始网格边上插入的中间节点$X_E$;(2)细分后由原始网格顶点映射得到新顶点$X_F $,如图2所示.具体插值计算表达式如下.
-->Fig. 2New vertices distribution map

(1) 边界边中间顶点
$$X_E^{l{ + }1} = \frac{1}{2}(X_1^l + X_2^l) (1)$$
$$X_E^{l{ + }1} = \frac{1}{8}(3X_1^l + 3X_3^l +X_2^l + X_4^l ) (2)$$
(2) 边界端点生成新顶点
$$X_F^{l{ + }1} = \frac{1}{8}(X_1^l + X_2^l) + \frac{3}{4}X_F^l (3)$$
$$\left.\begin{array}{l} X_F^{l + 1} = (1 - Nw)X_F^l + w\sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {X_i^l } \\ w = \dfrac{1}{N}\left[ {\dfrac{5}{8} - \left( {\dfrac{3}{8} + \dfrac{1}{4}\cos\dfrac{2\pi }{N}} \right)^2} \right] \end{array}\right\} (4)$$
-->Fig. 3Subdivision once for two adjacent triangular models

1.2 细分后的曲面拟合分析

1.2.1 规则单元块的拟合
对细分极限网格进行拟合操作,可构造出极限光滑曲面.3个顶点价数都等于6的三角形单元叫做规则单元.对规则单元进行拟合操作,首先需对该单元及周边与其相关联的单元顶点按图4重新编号,图中黑色单元为被拟合单元.将拟合单元中3个顶点的编号分别设定为4,7和8,第一条边$l_{47}$的两个对顶点编号设定为3和8,边$l_{34}$的两个对顶点编号为1和7、边$l_{37} $的两个对顶点编号为6和4.同理可由第二条边$l_{78} $和第三条边$l_{84}$得到编号为11,10,12,5,9和2这些顶点.最终可获得规则三角形单元12个控制点对应的全局编号.
-->Fig. 4Control vertex patch of regular triangular elements

$$X(v,w) =\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{12} {B(v,w)X_i } (5)$$
式中,$B(v,w)$是箱样条基函数, $X_i$是规则单元控制点坐标向量,参数域满足下式
$${\varGamma }= \left\{{(v,w)\left| {v \in (0,1),w \in (0,1 - v)} \right.}\right\} (6)$$
1.2.2 不规则单元块的拟合
初始网格中可能存在价数$N \ne\mbox{6}$的不规则顶点,包含不规则顶点的单元称作不规则单元.在对不规则三角形单元进行曲面拟合时,首先需要对该单元及与其相关联邻近单元的顶点重新编号,如图5所示.设定该拟合单元中3个顶点的编号分别为1,2和$N +1$,然后根据每条边的对顶点信息获得图5中局部编号为$N + 2$,$N +3$,$N + 4$,$N + 5$和$N + 6$顶点的全局编号.另外,对于不规则顶点1的处理需特殊对待.由边$N$找到编号为3的顶点,之后通过边$l_{13}$找到顶点4、由边$l_{14} $找到顶点5,依此类推直至找到顶点$N$.通过此类操作,最终可获得不规则三角形单元$N + 6$个控制点的全局编号.
图5不规则三角形单元控制网格顶点排序$N + 6$
-->Fig. 5Control vertex patch of irregular triangular elements $(N+6)$

-->Fig. 6Repeated subdivision of irregular elements

1.3 实际模型演示

通过3DMax,Maya和Catia等三维设计软件构建初始网格模型,然后根据需要对网格进行全局或局部细分,构造出光滑模型.在图7中,初始网格模型是一个四面体结构,图7(b)和图7(c)分别为细分3次和细分收敛极限模型,可见随着细分次数的增加, 四面体每个面由于权值的影响往里收缩,面片以4倍的速率增大,四面体的表面逐渐变得光滑,最终达到极限收敛状态,更多复杂模型细分结果见图8.
-->Fig. 7Loop subdivision of a tetrahedron model

-->Fig. 8Loop subdivision of complex models

2 细分曲面边界元法

$$\nabla ^2p(x) + k^2p(x) = 0,\quad \forall x \in \varOmega (7)$$
式中,$\nabla ^2$为拉普拉斯算子,$p$为声压,$k = \omega/c$为波数,$\omega $为圆频率,$c$为波速.使用格林第二等式变换并将域内点$x$逼近边界,可以得到点$x$处的边界积分方程
$$ c(x)p(x) + \int_\varGamma {\dfrac{\partial G(x,y)}{\partial { n}(y)}p(y){\rm d}\varGamma (y) = } $$
$$\quad \int_\varGamma{G(x,y)q(y){\rm d}\varGamma (y) + p_i (x)} (8)$$
式中,$x$是源点,$y$是场点,${ n}(y)$为点$y$处外法线向量,$q(y) = {\partial p(y)} /{\partial { n} (y)}$. 对于三维声场问题,格林函数$G(x)$及其法向导数分别为
$$G(x,y) = \dfrac{\mbox{e}^{{\rm i}kr}}{4\pi r}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$
$$ \dfrac{\partial G(x,y)}{\partial { n} (y)} = -\frac{\mbox{e}^{{\rm i}kr}}{4\pi r^2}(1 -\mbox{i}kr)\dfrac{\partial r}{\partial { n} (y)} (9)$$
式中,$r = \left| {x - y} \right|$表示源点和场点间的距离.为了模拟结构表面粘附吸声材料的吸声特性,引入阻抗边界条件,如下
$$q(y) = \frac{\partial p(y)}{\partial { n} (y)}\mbox{= i}{\kern 1pt} k\beta (y)p(y) (10)$$
$$c(x)p(x) + \int_\varGamma {\left[ {\frac{\partial G(x,y)}{\partial{ n} (y)} - \mbox{i}k\beta (y)G(x,y)} \right]} p(y){\rm d}\varGamma (y) = p_i (x) (11)$$
$$ c(x)p(x) = \sum\limits_{m = 1}^{N_e } {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N + 6}{\mbox{i}k\beta _n^m (y(v,w))} } p_n^m (y(v,w))\cdot~~~~~~~$$
$$\int_{\varGamma _m } {\varPhi _n }(y(v,w))G(x,y(v,w)){\rm d}\varGamma _m - ~~~~~~~~~~~~$$
$$\sum\limits_{m = 1}^{N_e } {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N + 6}{p_n^m (y(v,w)){\kern 1pt} } } \cdot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$
$$\int_{\varGamma _m } {\varPhi _n } (y(v,w))\frac{\partial G(x,y(v,w))}{\partial { n} (y(v,w))}{\rm d}\varGamma _m + p_i(x) (12)$$
式中,$\varPhi _n $是插值形函数,采用的是Loop细分的箱样条基函数.$N + 6$表示积分单元$\varGamma _m $周边相关联单元顶点数.假设导纳在单元上为常量,集合所有配点处的离散方程,可得到如下表达式
$$({ H} - { { GB}}){ p} = { p}_{\rm i} (13)$$
式中,${ H}$和${ G}$是边界元系数矩阵,${ p}$是声压向量,${ p}_{\rm i} $是配点处入射波向量,${ B}$为导纳矩阵,可表示为
$${ B} = \mbox{i}k\left[{{\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\beta _1 } & &\\& \ddots &\\&& {\beta _{N_e } } \\\end{array} }} \right] (14)$$

3 基于细分曲面边界元法的优化分析

3.1 优化问题定义

$$\left. \begin{array}{llll} \min & \varPi = { p}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} { p}_{\rm f} \\ \mbox{s.t.}&\sum\limits_{e = 1}^{N_e }{\rho _e v_e - f_{\rm v} } \sum\limits_{e = 1}^{N_e } {v_e \le 0} \\ &0 \le \rho _{\min } \le \rho _e \le 1 \end{array}\right\} (15) $$
式中,${ p}_{\rm f} $表示考察点处的声压向量,$({\kern 1pt}{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} )^{\rm H}$表示向量的共轭转置. $\rho _e$和$v_e$分别表示单元$e~(e = 1,2,\cdots,N_e )$的变密度和体积.$f_{\rm v} $表示体积分数约束,$\rho _{\min }$为计算中避免奇异值的下限. 声压${ p}_{\rm f}$可通过域内积分方程计算
$${ p}_{\rm f} = - ({ H}_{\rm f} -{ G}_{\rm f} { B}){ p} + { p}_{\rm f}^i (16)$$
式中,矩阵${ H}_{\rm f}, { G}_{\rm f}$和向量${ p}_{\rm f}^i $与式(13)中对应项含义相同,不同之处在于此时源点位于域外.

3.2 设计敏感度分析

$$ \begin{array}{lll} \varPi = \varPi ({ p}_{\rm f} ) + \lambda _1^{\rm T} \left[ {({ H} - { {GB}}){ p} - { p}_i } \right]+\\ \quad \lambda _2^{\rm T} \left[ {{ p}_{\rm f} + ({ H}_{\rm f} - { G}_{\rm f} { B}){ p} - { p}_{\rm f}^i } \right] \\ \end{array} (17)$$
式中,$\lambda _1^{\rm T} $和$\lambda _2^{\rm T}$为任意选取的伴随向量. 直接对上式微分可得
$$ \dfrac{\partial {\varPi} }{\partial \rho _e } = \dfrac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} }{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}}_{\rm f} + {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} \dfrac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e } + \dfrac{\partial { \lambda} _1^{\rm T} }{\partial \rho _e }\left[ {({{ H}} - { {GB}}){ { p}} - {{ p}}_i } \right]\mbox{ + } ~~~~~~$$ $$\dfrac{\partial { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} }{\partial \rho _e }\left[ {{{ p}}_{\rm f} + ({{ H}}_{\rm f} - {{ G}}_{\rm f} {{ B}}){{ p}} - {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm i} } \right]+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$
$${ \lambda} _1^{\rm T} \Big[\left(\dfrac{\partial {{ H}}}{\partial \rho _e } \!-\! \frac{\partial {{ G}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ B}} \!-\! {{ G}}\frac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }\right){{ p}} \!+\!\left({{ H}} - { {GB}}\right)\frac{\partial {{ p}}}{\partial \rho _e } -\! $$
$$\dfrac{\partial {{ p}}_i }{\partial \rho _e } \Big]\mbox{ + } { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} \Big[ \dfrac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e } \!+\! \left(\dfrac{\partial {{ H}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e } - \dfrac{\partial {{ G}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e }{{ B}} - {{ G}}_{\rm f} \dfrac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }\right){{ p}} +$$
$$({{ H}}_{\rm f} - {{ G}}_{\rm f} {{ B}})\dfrac{\partial {{ p}}}{\partial \rho _e } - \frac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm i} }{\partial \rho _e } \Big] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (18) $$
式中, $({{ H}} - {{ {GB}}}){{ p}} - {{ p}}_i \mbox{ = }{\bf 0}$和${{ p}}_{\rm f} + ({{ H}}_{\rm f} - {{ G}}_{\rm f} {{ B}}){ p} - {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm i} \mbox{ = }{\bf 0}$. 由于边界元系数矩阵仅由几何信息决定,和本文考虑的设计变量无关,因此${\partial {{ G}}} /{\partial \rho _e }$,${\partial {{ H}}} / {\partial \rho _e }$,${\partial { G}_{\rm f}} /{\partial \rho _e }$和${\partial {{ H}}_{\rm f} } /{\partial \rho _e }$都为零. 此外,本文考虑的声激励和设计变量无关,${\partial {{ p}}_{\rm i} } /{\partial \rho _e }$和${\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm i} } /{\partial \rho _e }$同样为零. 因此,式(18)可简化为
$$ \dfrac{\partial \varPi }{\partial \rho _e } = \frac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} }{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}}_{\rm f} + {{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} \frac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e } + { \lambda} _1^{\rm T} \left[ {({{ H}} - {{ {GB}}})\dfrac{\partial { p}}{\partial \rho _e } - {{ G}}\dfrac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}}} \right]\mbox{ + } $$
$$ { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} \left[ {\dfrac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e } + ({{ H}}_{\rm f} - {{ G}}_{\rm f} {{ B}})\dfrac{\partial {{ p}}}{\partial \rho _e } - {{ G}}_{\rm f} \dfrac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}}} \right]~~~~~~~ (19)$$
$$\dfrac{\partial \varPi }{\partial \rho _e } = - \Re \left({ \lambda} _1^{\rm T} { { G}}\dfrac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}} + { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} {{ G}}_{\rm f} \dfrac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}}\right) +~~~~~~~$$
$$ \Re \left[ {({ \lambda} _2^{\rm T} + 2{{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} )\dfrac{\partial {{ p}}_{\rm f} }{\partial \rho _e }} \right]\mbox{ + } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$
$$\Re \left\{ {\left[ {{ \lambda} _1^{\rm T} ({{ H}} - {{ {GB}}}) + { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} ({{ H}}_{\rm f} - {{ G}}_{\rm f} {{ B}})} \right]\dfrac{\partial {{ p}}}{\partial \rho _e }} \right\} (20)$$
式中,$\Re $表示取复数的实部. 正如前面所提,伴随向量${ \lambda}_1^{\rm T} $和${ \lambda }_2^{\rm T}$可任意选取,使其满足以下方程
$$\left.{\begin{array}{l} { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} + 2{{ p}}_{\rm f}^{\rm H} = {\bf 0} \\ { \lambda} _1^{\rm T} {{({ H}}} - {{ {GB})}} + { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} {{({ H}}}_f - {{ G}}_f {{ B)}} = {\bf 0} \end{array}} \right\} (21)$$
$$\frac{\partial \varPi }{\partial \rho _e } = - \Re \left({ \lambda} _1^{\rm T} {{ G}}\frac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}} + { \lambda} _2^{\rm T} {{ G}}_f \frac{\partial {{ B}}}{\partial \rho _e }{{ p}}\right) (22) $$
式中,${ \lambda} _1^{\rm T} {{ G}}$可以由快速多极算法(FMM)计算得到.当场点数目远小于配点的数目时,${ \lambda}_1^{\rm T} {{ G}}_f$计算量并不大,否则可同样使用FMM加速计算.

3.3 导纳模型

$$\overline z = 1 + 0.069~9\left(\frac{f}{\sigma }\right)^{ - 0.632} +\mbox{0.107~~1i}\left(\frac{f}{\sigma }\right)^{ - 0.632} (23)$$
式中,$\sigma $是材料的流阻率$({{\rm N }\cdot {\rm s}} /{{\rm m}^4})$,$f$是频率(Hz). 对应归一化导纳值为
$$\beta _0{ =}\frac{1}{\overline {z}} (24)$$
$$\beta _e = \beta _0 \rho _e^\eta (25)$$
式中,$\eta $为惩罚因子.其作用是使得中间密度向0或1逼近,一般取值为3.尽管SIMP方法能够惩罚中间密度,最终结果仍可能出现灰色单元,本文将采用Heaviside[36]函数对中间密度值进行二次惩罚,以克服这一问题.

3.4 设计变量更新法

$${change} = \frac{\left| {\varPi ^{i + 1} - \varPi ^i} \right|}{\varPi ^i}< \tau (26)$$
式中,$\varPi ^i$表示目标函数在第$i$次迭代时的值,优化过程如下

4 数值算例分析

4.1 BeTSSi-Sub薄壁艇模型

为了验证所提优化算法的可靠性,本文将对复杂结构表面吸声材料的分布进行优化设计.分析结构采用2002年的世界数字仿真大会上提供的BeTSSi-Sub薄壁艇模型.平面波沿$x$轴正向传播,入射波幅值为1.0 Pa. 艇壁厚度取0.05 m.坐标原点位于艇艏与艇体连接处截面圆圆心,$x$轴正方向由艇艏指向艇艉,优化目标为最小化点(60,0, 0)处的声压幅值. 结构离散为13~128个三角形单元,如图9所示
-->Fig. 9Mesh of the submarine model

首先考虑潜艇在平面波沿着$x$轴正方向入射情况下,吸声材料的优化分布问题.激励频率为50 Hz,体积比约束设定为0.5.优化过程中目标函数和材料的体积分数变化趋势分别如图10图11所示.
-->Fig. 10The change of objective function with iteration step

-->Fig. 11The change of material volume fraction with iteration step

图1250 Hz时潜艇表面吸声材料的最优分布
-->Fig. 12The optimal distribution of sound absorption materials on submarine surface at 50 Hz

-->Fig. 13Distribution of acoustic pressure with optimal distribution of sound absorbing materials

-->Fig. 14The optimal distribution of sound absorption materials on submarine surface at different excitation frequencies

4.2 飞行器模型

-->Fig. 15Mesh of the aircraft model

我们同样考虑飞行器在平面波入射情况下,吸声材料的优化分布问题.激励频率为100 Hz,体积比约束设定为0.5.
图16100 Hz时飞行器表面吸声材料的最优分布
-->Fig. 16The optimal distribution of sound absorption materials on aircraft surface at 100 Hz

-->Fig. 17Distribution of acoustic pressure level at optimal distribution of sound absorbing materials

图1850 Hz时飞行器表面吸声材料的最优分布
-->Fig. 18The optimal distribution of sound absorption materials on aircraft surface at 50 Hz

图19150 Hz时飞行器表面吸声材料的最优分布
-->Fig. 19The optimal distribution of sound absorption materials on aircraft surface at 150 Hz

图20200 Hz时飞行器表面吸声材料的最优分布
-->Fig. 20The optimal distribution of sound absorption materials on aircraft surface at 200 Hz

5 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2005, 194(39): 4135-4195
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The concept of isogeometric analysis is proposed. Basis functions generated from NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) are employed to construct an exact geometric model. For purposes of analysis, the basis is refined and/or its order elevated without changing the geometry or its parameterization. Analogues of finite element h- and p-refinement schemes are presented and a new, more efficient, higher-order concept, k-refinement, is introduced. Refinements are easily implemented and exact geometry is maintained at all levels without the necessity of subsequent communication with a CAD (Computer Aided Design) description. In the context of structural mechanics, it is established that the basis functions are complete with respect to affine transformations, meaning that all rigid body motions and constant strain states are exactly represented. Standard patch tests are likewise satisfied. Numerical examples exhibit optimal rates of convergence for linear elasticity problems and convergence to thin elastic shell solutions. A k-refinement strategy is shown to converge toward monotone solutions for advection鈥揹iffusion processes with sharp internal and boundary layers, a very surprising result. It is argued that isogeometric analysis is a viable alternative to standard, polynomial-based, finite element analysis and possesses several advantages.
[2]Burkhart D, Hamann B, Umlauf G.Iso-geometric finite element analysis based on catmull-clark subdivision solids
. Computer Graphics Forum, 2010, 29(5): 1575-1584
DOIURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
We present a volumetric iso-geometric finite element analysis based on Catmull-Clark solids. This concept allows one to use the same representation for the modeling, the physical simulation, and the visualization, which optimizes the design process and narrows the gap between CAD and CAE. In our method the boundary of the solid model is a Catmull-Clark surface with optional corners and creases to support the modeling phase. The crucial point in the simulation phase is the need to perform efficient integration for the elements. We propose a method similar to the standard subdivision surface evaluation technique, such that numerical quadrature can be used.Experiments show that our approach converges faster than methods based on tri-linear and tri-quadratic elements. However, the topological structure of Catmull-Clark elements is as simple as the structure of linear elements. Furthermore, the Catmull-Clark elements we use are C2-continuous on the boundary and in the interior except for irregular vertices and edges.
[3]Doo D, Sabin M.Behaviour of recursive division surfaces near extraordinary points
. Computer Aided Design, 1978, 10(6): 356-360
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The behaviour of the limits surface defined by a recursive division construction can be analysed in terms of the eigenvalues of a set of matrices. This analysis predicts effects actually observed, and leads to suggestions for the further improvement of the method.
[4]B?hm W, Farin G, Kahmann J.A survey of curve and surface methods in CAGD
. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2015, 1(1): 1-60
DOIURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
ABSTRACT CAGD - short for Computer Aided Geometric Design - is concerned with the approximation and representation of curves and surfaces that arise when these objects have to be processed by a computer. Designing curves and surfaces plays an important role in the construction of quite different products such as car bodies, ship hulls, airplane fuselages and wings, propeller blades, shoe insoles, bottles, etc, etc, but also in the description of geological, physical and even medical phenomena. In this survey we mainly present methods for the generation of curves and surfaces, not for subsequent operations such as viewing, intersections, etc. Also not covered are generation methods that construct curves and surfaces from other such objects, such as fillet curves/surfaces, offset curves/surfaces etc.
[5]Dyn N.A butterfly subdivision scheme for surface interpolation with tension control
. Acm Trans Graph, 1990, 9(2): 160-169
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]
[6]Kobbelt L.$\sqrt 3 $-subdivision
. Proceedings of Acm Siggraph, 2000, 18(1): 103-112
[本文引用: 1]
[7]Güdükbay U, Durup$\imath $nar F. Three-dimensional Scene Representations: Modeling, Animation, and Rendering Techniques. Three-Dimensional Television
. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer 2008: 165-200
[本文引用: 1]
[8]Cirak F, Ortiz M, Schr?der P.Subdivision surfaces: a new paradigm for thin-shell finite-element analysis
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2000, 47(12): 2039-2072
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]
[9]Bandara K, Rüberg T, Cirak F.Shape optimisation with multiresolution subdivision surfaces and immersed finite elements
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 300: 510-539
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We develop a new optimisation technique that combines multiresolution subdivision surfaces for boundary description with immersed finite elements for the discretisation of the primal and adjoint problems of optimisation. Similar to wavelets, multiresolution surfaces represent the domain boundary using a coarse control mesh and a sequence of detail vectors. Based on the multiresolution decomposition efficient and fast algorithms are available for reconstructing control meshes of varying fineness. During shape optimisation the vertex coordinates of control meshes are updated using the computed shape gradient information. By virtue of the multiresolution editing semantics, updating the coarse control mesh vertex coordinates leads to large-scale geometry changes and, conversely, updating the fine control mesh coordinates leads to small-scale geometry changes. In our computations we start by optimising the coarsest control mesh and refine it each time the cost function reaches a minimum. This approach effectively prevents the appearance of non-physical boundary geometry oscillations and control mesh pathologies, like inverted elements. Independent of the fineness of the control mesh used for optimisation, on the immersed finite element grid the domain boundary is always represented with a relatively fine control mesh of fixed resolution. With the immersed finite element method there is no need to maintain an analysis suitable domain mesh. In some of the presented two and three-dimensional elasticity examples the topology derivative is used for introducing new holes inside the domain. The merging or removing of holes is not considered.
[10]姚振汉, 王海涛. 边界元法. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2010: 101-155 [本文引用: 1]

(Yao Zhenghan, Wang Haitao. Boundary Element Methods.Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2010: 101-150 (in Chinese)) [本文引用: 1]
[11]周琪, 陈永强. 轴对称薄壁结构自由振动的边界元分析
. 力学学报, 2019, 51(1): 146-158
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Zhou Qi, Chen Yongqiang.Free vibration analysis of thin-walled axisymmetric structures with boundary element method
. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019, 51(1): 146-158 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[12]李珺璞, 陈文. 一种模拟大规模高频声场的双层奇异边界法
. 力学学报, 2018, 50(4): 961-969
大规模高频声场的数值模拟是一项非常有计算挑战性的课题. 为了解决传统边界型离散方法由于全局支撑的满阵限制, 不易应用于大规模高频声场模拟的计算瓶颈, 本文提出了一种用于模拟大规模高频声场的双层奇异边界法. 在该方法中, 通过引入双层结构, 细网格上的全局支撑的满阵被转化为局部支撑的大规模稀疏矩阵, 传统奇异边界法模拟大规模问题时所面临的高计算量以及过度存储需求遂得以解决. 其次, 双层奇异边界法仅通过粗网格评估远场作用, 且独立于特定的插值核函数. 相较于快速多级方法, 该方法具有更强的适应性和灵活性, 且多层结构使该方法具有一定的预调节作用, 非常适合求解具有大规模、高秩、高条件数特点的高频波矩阵. 在其后的散射球模型算例中, 双层奇异边界法配置10万个节点, 成功模拟了无量纲波数高达160的声散射问题. 在对于人头模型的声散射特性分析中, 双层奇异边界法比COMSOL软件计算速度快了约78.13%. 当配置8万个节点时, 双层奇异边界法成功模拟了频率高达25 kHz 的工况, 该频率已远远超出了人耳的听力极限.
(Li Junpu, Chen Wen.A dual-level singular boundary method for large-scale high frequency sound field analysis
. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2018, 50(4): 961-969 (in Chinese))
大规模高频声场的数值模拟是一项非常有计算挑战性的课题. 为了解决传统边界型离散方法由于全局支撑的满阵限制, 不易应用于大规模高频声场模拟的计算瓶颈, 本文提出了一种用于模拟大规模高频声场的双层奇异边界法. 在该方法中, 通过引入双层结构, 细网格上的全局支撑的满阵被转化为局部支撑的大规模稀疏矩阵, 传统奇异边界法模拟大规模问题时所面临的高计算量以及过度存储需求遂得以解决. 其次, 双层奇异边界法仅通过粗网格评估远场作用, 且独立于特定的插值核函数. 相较于快速多级方法, 该方法具有更强的适应性和灵活性, 且多层结构使该方法具有一定的预调节作用, 非常适合求解具有大规模、高秩、高条件数特点的高频波矩阵. 在其后的散射球模型算例中, 双层奇异边界法配置10万个节点, 成功模拟了无量纲波数高达160的声散射问题. 在对于人头模型的声散射特性分析中, 双层奇异边界法比COMSOL软件计算速度快了约78.13%. 当配置8万个节点时, 双层奇异边界法成功模拟了频率高达25 kHz 的工况, 该频率已远远超出了人耳的听力极限.
[13]王俊鹏, 校金友, 文立华. 大规模边界元模态分析的高效数值方法
. 力学学报, 2017, 49(5): 1070-1080
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Wang Junpeng, Xiao Jinyou, Wen Lihua.An efficient numerical method for large-scale modal analysis using boundary element method
. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2017, 49(5): 1070-1080 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[14]Chen L, Zheng C, Chen H.FEM/wideband FMBEM coupling for structural--acoustic design sensitivity analysis
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 276(7): 1-19
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A coupling algorithm based on the finite element method (FEM) and the wideband fast multipole boundary element method (wideband FMBEM) is proposed for acoustic fluid–structure interaction simulation and structural–acoustic design sensitivity analysis by using the direct differentiation method. The wideband fast multipole method (FMM), which is developed by combining the original FMM and the diagonal form FMM, is used to accelerate the calculation of the matrix–vector products in boundary element analysis. The iterative solver generalized minimal residual method is applied to accelerate the calculation of the solution to the linear system of equations. The FEM/wideband FMBEM algorithm makes it possible to predict the effects of arbitrarily shaped vibrating structures on the sound field numerically. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
[15]陈磊磊, 陈海波, 郑昌军. 基于有限元与宽频快速多极边界元的二维流固耦合声场分析
. 工程力学, 2014, 31(8): 63-69
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Chen Leilei, Chen Haibo, Zhang Changjun, et al.FEM/Wideband FMBEM coupling analysis for two dimensional acoustic fluid-structure interaction problems
. Engineering Mechanics, 2014, 31(8): 63-69 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[16]牛忠荣, 胡宗军, 葛仁余. 二维边界元法高阶元几乎奇异积分半解析算法
. 力学学报, 2013, 45(6): 897-907
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>针对边界元法中高阶单元中几乎奇异积分计算难题,解剖了二维边界元法高阶单元的几何特征,定义源点相对高阶单元的接近度。将高阶单元上奇异积分核函数用近似奇异函数逼近,从而分离出积分核中主导的奇异函数部分,其奇异积分核分解为规则核函 数和奇异核函数两项积分之和。规则核函数用常规高斯数值积分,再对奇异核函数积分导出解析公式,从而建立了一种新的半解析法,用于高阶边界单元上几乎强奇异和超奇异积分计算。给出3个算例,采用边界元法高阶单元的半解析法计算了弹性力学薄体结构和近边界点位移/应力,并与线性边界元正则化算法结果作了比较,结果表明提出的二次元的半解析算法更加有效。特别是分析薄体结构,采用正则化算法的线性边界元分析比有限元有显著优势,而用提出的二次边界元半解析算法分析比其线性元的有效接近度又减小了4个量级。</p>
(Niu Zhongrong, Hu Zongjun, Ge Renyu, et al.A new semi-analysis algorithm of nearly singular integrals in high order boundary element analysis of 2D elasticity
. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013, 45(6): 897-907 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>针对边界元法中高阶单元中几乎奇异积分计算难题,解剖了二维边界元法高阶单元的几何特征,定义源点相对高阶单元的接近度。将高阶单元上奇异积分核函数用近似奇异函数逼近,从而分离出积分核中主导的奇异函数部分,其奇异积分核分解为规则核函 数和奇异核函数两项积分之和。规则核函数用常规高斯数值积分,再对奇异核函数积分导出解析公式,从而建立了一种新的半解析法,用于高阶边界单元上几乎强奇异和超奇异积分计算。给出3个算例,采用边界元法高阶单元的半解析法计算了弹性力学薄体结构和近边界点位移/应力,并与线性边界元正则化算法结果作了比较,结果表明提出的二次元的半解析算法更加有效。特别是分析薄体结构,采用正则化算法的线性边界元分析比有限元有显著优势,而用提出的二次边界元半解析算法分析比其线性元的有效接近度又减小了4个量级。</p>
[17]高效伟, 冯伟哲, 杨恺. 边界元中计算任意高阶奇异线积分的直接法
. 力学学报, 2014, 46(3): 428-435
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Gao Xiaowei, Feng Weizhe, Yang Kai.A direct method for evaluating line integrals with arbitrary high order of singularities
. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2014, 46(3): 428-435 (in Chinese))
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[18]覃先云, 张见明, 庄超. 基于参数曲面三维势问题的边界面法
. 计算力学学报, 2011, 28(3): 326-331
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This work presents a new implementation of the boundary element method (BEM), here called the boundary face method (BFM). The conventional BEM uses the standard elements for boundary integration and approximation of the geometry, and thus introduces errors of geometry. In this paper, the boundary faces of the geometry are discretized by patches in parametric space. Both boundary integration and variable approximation are also performed in the parametric space. The geometric data at Gaussian integration points, such as the coordinates, the Jacobians and the out normals are calculated directly from the faces rather than from elements, and thus no geometric error will be introduced. The BFM has real potential to seamlessly interact with CAD software, because its implementation can be directly based on a CAD model through its Brep data. Numerical examples for 3D potential problems demonstrate that the new method provides not only more accurate results than the conventional BEM, but also a new way toward automatic simulation, as simulations can be greatly simplified with our method.
(Qin Xianyun, Zhang Jianming, Zhuang Chao.A boundary face method for 3D potential problems based on parametric surface
. Computational Mechanics, 2011, 28(3): 326-331 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This work presents a new implementation of the boundary element method (BEM), here called the boundary face method (BFM). The conventional BEM uses the standard elements for boundary integration and approximation of the geometry, and thus introduces errors of geometry. In this paper, the boundary faces of the geometry are discretized by patches in parametric space. Both boundary integration and variable approximation are also performed in the parametric space. The geometric data at Gaussian integration points, such as the coordinates, the Jacobians and the out normals are calculated directly from the faces rather than from elements, and thus no geometric error will be introduced. The BFM has real potential to seamlessly interact with CAD software, because its implementation can be directly based on a CAD model through its Brep data. Numerical examples for 3D potential problems demonstrate that the new method provides not only more accurate results than the conventional BEM, but also a new way toward automatic simulation, as simulations can be greatly simplified with our method.
[19]Zhang J, Lin W, Dong Y.A dual interpolation boundary face method for elasticity problems, European Journal of Mechanics -A/
Solids, 2019, 73: 500-511
[20]Zhang J, Lin W, Dong Y.A double-layer interpolation method for implementation of BEM analysis of problems in potential theory
. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 51: 250-269
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A double-layer interpolation method (DLIM) is proposed to improve the performance of the boundary element method (BEM). In the DLIM, the nodes of an element are sorted into two groups: (i) nodes inside the element, called source nodes, and (ii) nodes on the vertices and edges of the element, called virtual nodes. With only source nodes, the element becomes a conventional discontinuous element. Taking into account both source and virtual nodes, the element becomes a standard continuous element. The physical variables are interpolated by continuous elements (first-layer interpolation), while the boundary integral equations are collocated at the source nodes only. We further established additional constraint equations between source and virtual nodes using a moving least-squares (MLS) approximation (second-layer interpolation). Using these constraints, a square coefficient matrix of the overall system of linear equations was finally achieved. The DLIM keeps the main advantages of MLS, such as significantly alleviating the meshing task, while providing much better accuracy than the traditional BEM. The method has been used successfully for solving potential problems in two dimensions. Several numerical examples in comparison with other methods have demonstrated the accuracy and efficiency of our method.
[21]Liu Z, Majeed M, Cirak F, et al.Isogeometric FEM-BEM coupled structural-acoustic analysis of shells using subdivision surfaces
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018, 113(9): 1507-1530
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract: We introduce a coupled finite and boundary element formulation for acoustic scattering analysis over thin shell structures. A triangular Loop subdivision surface discretisation is used for both geometry and analysis fields. The Kirchhoff-Love shell equation is discretised with the finite element method and the Helmholtz equation for the acoustic field with the boundary element method. The use of the boundary element formulation allows the elegant handling of infinite domains and precludes the need for volumetric meshing. In the present work the subdivision control meshes for the shell displacements and the acoustic pressures have the same resolution. The corresponding smooth subdivision basis functions have the $C^1$ continuity property required for the Kirchhoff-Love formulation and are highly efficient for the acoustic field computations. We validate the proposed isogeometric formulation through a closed-form solution of acoustic scattering over a thin shell sphere. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to handle complex geometries with arbitrary topology that provides an integrated isogeometric design and analysis workflow for coupled structural-acoustic analysis of shells.
[22]Cummer S A, Christensen J, Alù A.Controlling sound with acoustic metamaterials
. Nature Reviews Materials, 2016, 1(3): 16001
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Acoustic metamaterials can manipulate and control sound waves in ways that are not possible in conventional materials. Metamaterials with zero, or even negative, refractive index for sound offer new possibilities for acoustic imaging and for the control of sound at subwavelength scales. The combination of transformation acoustics theory and highly anisotropic acoustic metamaterials enables precise control over the deformation of sound fields, which can be used, for example, to hide or cloak objects from incident acoustic energy. Active acoustic metamaterials use external control to create effective material properties that are not possible with passive structures and have led to the development of dynamically reconfigurable, loss-compensating and parity鈥搕ime-symmetric materials for sound manipulation. Challenges remain, including the development of efficient techniques for fabricating large-scale metamaterial structures and converting laboratory experiments into useful devices. In this Review, we outline the designs and properties of materials with unusual acoustic parameters (for example, negative refractive index), discuss examples of extreme manipulation of sound and, finally, provide an overview of future directions in the field.
[23]Zhao W, Chen L, Zheng C, et al.Design of absorbing material distribution for sound barrier using topology optimization
. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017, 56(2): 315-329
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A topology optimization approach based on the boundary element method (BEM) and the optimality criteria (OC) method is proposed for the optimal design of sound absorbing material distribution within sound barrier structures. The acoustical effect of the absorbing material is simplified as the acoustical impedance boundary condition. Based on the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method, a topology optimization model is established by selecting the densities of absorbing material elements as design variables, volumes of absorbing material as constraints, and the minimization of sound pressure at reference surface as design objective. A smoothed Heaviside-like function is proposed to help the SIMP method to obtain a clear 0鈥1 distribution. The BEM is applied for acoustic analysis and the sensitivities with respect to design variables are obtained by the direct differentiation method. The Burton鈥揗iller formulation is used to overcome the fictitious eigen-frequency problem for exterior boundary-value problems. A relaxed form of OC is used for solving the optimization problem to find the optimal absorbing material distribution. Numerical tests are provided to illustrate the application of the optimization procedure for 2D sound barriers. Results show that the optimal distribution of the sound absorbing material is strongly frequency dependent, and performing an optimization in a frequency band is generally needed.
[24]Pollini N, Lavan O, Amir O.Adjoint sensitivity analysis and optimization of hysteretic dynamic systems with nonlinear viscous dampers
. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017(12): 1-17
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In this paper we discuss the adjoint sensitivity analysis and optimization of hysteretic systems equipped with nonlinear viscous dampers and subjected to transient excitation. The viscous dampers are...
[25]Zheng C, Matsumoto T, Takahashi T, et al.A wideband fast multipole boundary element method for three dimensional acoustic shape sensitivity analysis based on direct differentiation method
. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2012, 36(3): 361-371
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
78 A wideband fast multipole boundary element approach for 3D acoustic shape sensitivity analysis. 78 Boundary integral equations of sensitivity coefficients based on Burton–Miller's method. 78 Analytical evaluation of hypersingular integrals for constant element for efficient treatment. 78 Demonstrations of accuracy and efficiency of the approach through numerical examples.
[26]Kim NH, Dong J, Choi KK, et al.Design sensitivity analysis for a sequential structural-acoustic problem
. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2003, 263(3): 569-591
[27]Goo S, Wang S, Kook J, et al.Topology optimization of bounded acoustic problems using the hybrid finite element-wave based method
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 313: 834-856
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]
[28]Denli H, Sun JQ.Structural-acoustic optimization of sandwich cylindrical shells for minimum interior sound transmission
. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 316(1): 32-49
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents an optimization study of cylindrical sandwich shells to minimize the transmitted sound into the interior induced by the exterior acoustic excitations. The boundary elements and finite elements are, respectively, used to model the interior and exterior acoustics and the vibration of the shell. The design parameters of the optimization are the reinforcement angles of the orthotropic composite materials of the skins and core. The sensitivity analysis of the objective function with respect to the design variables is computed by the adjoint-variable technique. The optimizations of the shell at a single frequency and in a band of frequencies are investigated. From the promising optimization results it is seen that the reinforcement angles in the composite sandwich layers are effective structural design parameters to minimize the sound transmission into the interior without giving up the structural rigidity, particularly at low frequencies where the structural damping is not effective.
[29]Chen L, Liu C, Zhao W, et al.An isogeometric approach two dimensional acoustic design sensitivity analysis and topology optimization analysis for absorbing material distribution
. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 336: 507-532
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]
[30]Zhao W, Zheng C, Liu C, et al.Minimization of sound radiation in fully coupled structural-acoustic systems using FEM-BEM based topology optimization
. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 58(1): 115-128
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A topology optimization approach is proposed for the optimal design of bi-material distribution on underwater shell structures. The coupled finite element method (FEM) / boundary element method (BEM)...
[31]Svanberg K.The method of moving asymptotes-a new method for structural optimization
. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1987, 24(2): 359-373
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]
[32]Stam J.Exact evaluation of Loop subdivision surfaces at arbitrary parameter values
// International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1998: 111-124
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Abstract In this paper we disprove the belief widespread within the computer graphics community that Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces cannot be evaluated directly without explicitly subdividing. We show that the surface and all its derivatives can be evaluated in terms of a set of eigenbasis functions which depend only on the subdivision scheme and we derive analytical expressions for these basis functions. In particular, on the regular part of the control mesh where Catmull-Clark surfaces are bi-cubic B-splines, the eigenbasis is equal to the power basis. Also, our technique is both efficient and easy to implement. We have used our implementation to compute high quality curvature plots of subdivision surfaces. The cost of our evaluation scheme is comparable to that of a bi-cubic spline. Therefore, our method allows many algorithms developed for parametric surfaces to be applied to Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. This makes subdivision surfaces an even more attractive tool for free-form surface modeling. 1
[33]张健飞, 姜弘道. 适合于求解边界元方程组的GMRES算法的实用化和并行化研究
. 计算力学学报, 2004, 21(5): 620-624
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Zhang Jianfei, Jiang Hongdao.Study on the utilization and parallelization of the GMRES algorithm for BEM systems solution
. Computational Mechanics, 2004, 21(5): 620-624 (in Chinese))
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[34]Berardi U, Iannace G.Predicting the sound absorption of natural materials: Best-fit inverse laws for the acoustic impedance and the propagation constant
. Applied Acoustics, 2017, 115: 131-138
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Natural materials are becoming a valid option for sound absorption treatments. In particular, among them, natural fibers have received increasing attention given their good thermal insulation properties, lack of harmful effects on health, and availability in large quantities. This paper discusses an inverse method to predict the acoustical properties of nine natural fibers. Six vegetative fibers: kenaf, wood, hemp, coconut, straw, and cane; one animal fiber, sheep wool; recycled cardboard; and granular cork are investigated. The absorption coefficient and the flow resistance for samples of different thickness have been measured. Moving from the Delany-Bazley model, this study compares the impedance tube results with the theoretically predicted ones. Then, using a least-square fit procedure based on the Nelder-Mead method, the coefficients that best predict both the acoustic impedance and the propagation constant laws are calculated. The inverse approach used in this paper allows to determine different physical parameters and to obtain formulas to include the investigated natural fibers in software modelling for room acoustics applications.
[35]刘书田, 贺丹. 基于SIMP插值模型的渐进结构优化方法
. 计算力学学报, 2009, 26(6): 761-765
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
(Liu Shutian, He Dan.SIMP-based evolutionary structural optimization method for topology optimization
. Computational Mechanics, 2009, 26(6): 761-765 (in Chinese))
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[36]Xu S, Cai Y, Cheng G.Volume preserving nonlinear density filter based on heaviside functions
. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 41(4): 495-505
DOIURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
To prevent numerical instabilities and ensure manufacturability, restrictions should be applied in topology optimization. In this paper, a volume preserving density filter based on Heaviside functions is presented. Different from earlier Heaviside density filters, this filter is volume preserving, which ensures efficiency and stability in optimization. The new filter is compared with four other filters through a compliance minimization problem.
相关话题/计算 结构 优化 设计 力学