Chen Shaolin2), Ke Xiaofei, Zhang HongxiangDepartment of Civil Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China收稿日期:2018-10-12接受日期:2018-12-18网络出版日期:2019-03-18
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The simulation of seismic wavefield at seafloor and seismic response of marine structures involves the coupling between seawater, saturated seabed, elastic bedrock and structure. That means, we target simulation where several types of equations are involved such as fluid, solid and saturated porous media equation. The conventional method for this fluid-solid-saturated porous media interaction problem is to use exsisting solvers of different equations and coupling method, which needs data mapping, communication and coupling algorithm between different solvers. Here, we present an alternative method, in which the coulping between different solvers is avoided. In fact, when porosity equals to one and zero, the saturated porous media is reduced to fluid and solid respectively, so we can use the porous media equation to describe the ideal fluid and solid, and the coupling between porous media, solid and fluid turns to the coupling between porous media with different porosity. Based on this idea, firstly the Biot's equations are approximated by Galerkin scheme and the explicit lumped-mass FEM is chosen, that are well suited to parallel computation. Then considering the traction and velocity continuity on the interface between porous media with different porosity, the coupled algorithm is derived, which is proved to be suitable for the coupling between fluid,solid and saturated porous media. Thus, the coupling problem between fluid, solid and saturated porous media can be brought into a unified framework, in which only the solver of saturated porous media is used. The three-dimensional parallel code for this proposed method is programed, examples for analysis of layered water-saturated seabed, water-bedrock, and water-saturated seabed-bedrock semi-infinite systems subjected to plane P-SV wave are given, and the proposed unified framework is verified through comparison between the results obtained through the proposed unified framework combined with tansmitting boundary condition and those obtained through tansfer matrix method.
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陈少林, 柯小飞, 张洪翔. 海洋地震工程流固耦合问题统一计算框架 1). 力学学报[J], 2019, 51(2): 594-606 DOI:10.6052/0459-1879-18-333
Chen Shaolin, Ke Xiaofei, Zhang Hongxiang.
引 言
Fig.1Schematic diagram of media relations
1 基本理论
1.1 一般饱和多孔介质情形
其中,${\bf{L}}_{\rm s}$和${\bf{L}}_{\rm w}$为微分算子矩阵;${{ {\sigma }'}}$为有效应力矢量,$\tau$为平均孔压,以拉为正;$P$为孔隙水压,以压为正;${{U}}$和${{u}}$分别为液相和固相的位移矢量,${{\dot {U}}}$和${{\dot {u}}}$为速度,${{\ddot {U}}}$和${{ \ddot {u}}}$为加速度;$\rho _{\rm s}$和$\rho _{\rm w}$分别为固相和液相的密度,$\beta$为孔隙率,$b = {\beta ^2\mu _0 } / k_0$,$k_0$为流体渗透系数,$\mu _0$为动黏度系数;$E_{\rm w}$为流体的体变模量,$e^{\rm s}$和$e^{\rm w}$分别为固相和液相的体应变,${{e}}$为固相的应变矢量.${\bf{L}}_{\rm s}$和${\bf{L}}_{\rm w}$分别为
其中,${{\bar {u}}}$和${{\bar {U}}}$分别为在边界上给定的固相和液相位移.${{\bar {\sigma }}}$和$\bar {P}$分别为边界上固相平均应力和真实孔压的给定值;${{n}}$为沿边界外法线的方向矢量,${{\hat {n}}}$为由方向导数组成的矩阵,其形式如下
其中,${{M}}_{{\rm s}i}$和${{M}}_{{\rm w}i}$分别为集中在i节点上的固相质量和液相质量;${{F}}_i^{\rm s}$和${{F}}_i^{\rm w}$分别为集中在节点i的固、液相本构力;${{ T}}_i^{\rm s}$和${{T}}_i^{\rm w}$分别为集中在节点i的固、液相黏性阻力;${{S}}_i^{\rm s}$和${{S}}_i^{\rm w}$分别作用在节点i的固、液相边界力.在同一介质内,由于所有位移和应力都连续,通过单元界面作用在它们之上的应力大小相等、方向相反,在单元组装的过程中,内部节点的${{S}}_i^{\rm s}$和${{S}}_i^{\rm w}$均为零.它们由下面的式子计算得到
若节点i为内部节点(非界面点),${{S}}_i^{\rm s}$和${{S}}_i^{\rm w}$均为零,给定本构关系,可对式(7)、式(8)式采用时步积分求解[28].这里讨论节点i为两种不同介质的界面点情形,如图2所示.采用隔离体概念,则介质一中界面点i的动力方程由式(7)、式(8)描述,介质二中界面点k的动力方程表示如下(除微分算子和形函数外,其他物理量均带上划线,以区别于介质一)
Fig.2Schematic diagram of interfacial force
此时,${{S}}_i^{\rm s}$和${{S}}_i^{\rm w}$为介质二作用在界面点i上的界面力,${{\bar {S}}}_k^{\rm s}$和${{\bar {S}}}_k^{\rm w}$为介质一作用在界面点k上的界面力,它们之间的关系由如下界面连续条件[30]确定
其中,式(13c)中的${k}'$为阻滞系数,这里假设两种介质的孔隙完全连通,${k}' = 0$.另外,假设系统的初始值为零,则式(13d)、式(13e)中的速度可换成位移和加速度,本文的推导中采用这一假设.将式(7)和式(10)中x方向的方程相加,考虑到式(13d)和式(13b),以及${ {\hat {n}}} =-{{ \bar{\hat {n}}}}$,有
这里以水平成层介质为例,则方向导数$n_x = n_y =-\bar {n}_x =-\bar {n}_y = 0$,$n_z =-\bar {n}_z = 1$,由式(9h)、式(12h)可知,$S_{ix}^{\rm w} = S_{iy}^{\rm w} = 0$ ,$\bar {S}_{ix}^{\rm w} = \bar {S}_{iy}^{\rm w} = 0$.因此,i点和k点在x,y方向的液相方程如下
取式(7)、式(8)、式(10)、式(11)式的z方向方程相加,考虑到$n_x = n_y =-\bar {n}_x =-\bar {n}_y = 0$,$n_z =-\bar {n}_z = 1$,由式(13a)可知,$S_{iz}^{\rm s} + S_{iz}^{\rm w} + \bar {S}_{kz}^{\rm s} + \bar {S}_{kz}^{\rm w} = 0$,故可得
将式(8)乘以$\bar {\beta }$,加上式(11)乘以$\beta$,取z方向的方程.由式(9h)、式(12h)和式(13c)可知,$\bar {\beta }S_{iz}^{\rm w} + \beta \bar {S}_{kz}^{\rm w} = 0$,故可得
将式(13e)代入式(20)和式(21),消去$\ddot {u}_{iz}$、$\ddot {U}_{iz}$,整理得
其中,上标$p$表示$t = p\Delta t$时刻.对式(14)~式(19)以及式(25)和式(26)式采用上述时步积分格式,可得
得到$\bar {u}_{kx}^{(p + 1)}$,$\bar {u}_{ky}^{(p + 1)}$,$\bar {u}_{kz}^{(p + 1)}$,$\bar {U}_{kz}^{(p + 1)}$后,由式(13d)和式(13e)可进一步求得$u_{ix}^{(p + 1)}$,$u_{iy}^{(p + 1)}$,$u_{iz}^{(p + 1)}$,$U_{iz}^{(p + 1)}$
1.2 特殊情形
1.2.1 流体-饱和土情形考虑饱和土上覆流体情形.此时,图2中介质二为饱和多孔介质,介质一为流体,$\beta = 1$,${{M}}_{{\rm s}i} = {\bf 0}$.考虑无黏的理想流体,动黏度系数为零,则$b = 0$,${{T}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{T}}_i^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$;不存在固相,固相骨架模量可取为零,则${{F}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{S}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$;由此,式(7)自动满足,式(8)退化为如下理想流体方程
将$\beta = 1$,${{M}}_{{\rm s}i} = {\bf 0}$,${{F}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{ T}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{T}}_i^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{F}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{ S}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$代入式(24)和式(29),可分别得到式(33)和式(32).因此流体-饱和土耦合情形是两种不同多孔介质耦合情形的特例,可直接由1.1节中的理论进行分析.
1.2.2 饱和土-干基岩情形
图2中的介质二若为不透水的基岩,不存在液相,则$\bar {\beta } = 0$,${{\bar {M}}}_{{\rm w}k} = {\bf 0}$;液相体积模量和固液之间的黏性力取为零,则${{\bar {F}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {T}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {T}}}_k^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {S}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,方程(11)自动满足,式(10)退化为如下干基岩方程
将$\bar {\beta } = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {M}}}_{{\rm w}k} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {F}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {T}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {T}}}_k^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {S}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$代入式(24)和式(29),可分别得到式(37)和式(36).因此饱和土-干基岩耦合情形也是两种不同多孔介质耦合情形的特例,可直接由2.1节中的理论进行分析.
1.2.3 流体-干基岩情形
同样,将$\beta = 1$,${{M}}_{{\rm s}i} = {\bf 0}$,${{F}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{T}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{T}}_i^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{S}}_i^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,以及$\bar {\beta } = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {M}}}_{{\rm w}k} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {F}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {T}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {T}}}_k^{\rm s} = {\bf 0}$,${{\bar {S}}}_k^{\rm w} = {\bf 0}$代入式(24)和式(29),可分别得到式(40)和式(39).因此,流体-干基岩耦合情形同样是两种不同多孔介质耦合情形的特例.
1.3 实施方法
以图3(a)所示的模型为例,考虑海水-饱和海床-基岩水平成层体系在平面P-SV波垂直入射时的反应.对于该问题,可采用Thomson-Haskell传递矩阵方法(transfer matrix method,TMM)求得解析 解[31-33],称为自由场,做为有限元数值解的验证依据.图3
Fig.3Schematic diagram of model
2 算例验证
其中,$E_{\rm u}$和$E_{\rm b}$分别为不排水和排水时饱和多孔介质的压缩模量,$E_{\rm w}$为孔隙流体的压缩模量,$k_0$为渗透系数.
下面所有算例模型x,y方向尺寸为40 m×40 m,单元尺寸$\Delta x = 1$ m,时间步距为$\Delta t = 0.000~2$ s,输入图4所示的单位脉冲,$\Delta x \le \lambda _{\min } / 10$,满足精度要求,其中$\lambda _{\min }$为所需模拟的最小波长.所有材料参数见表1.
Fig.4Input pulse
Table 1
Table 1
Media | Prosity yS | 仲 | Ps/(kg.m_3) | Pw/(kg.m_3) | V | G/MPa | Ew/GPa | M/GPa | a | k0 / ^m2 |
seawater | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1000 | 0.49 | 0 | 2.25 | 2.25 | 1 | 1 |
saturated soil | 0.26 | 0.001 | 2000 | 1000 | 0.49 | 83.2 | 2.25 | 4.78 | 0.697 | 10_7 |
bedrock | 0 | 0 | 2500 | 0 | 0.2 | 480 | 0 | — | 0 | 0 |
2.1 海水-干土情形
Fig.5Seawater-bedrock model
Fig.6Displacement of seawater-bedrock system for P wave incidence
Fig.7Displacement of seawater-bedrock system for SV wave incidence
2.2 海水-饱和土情形
Fig.8Seawater-saturated soil model
Fig.9Displacement of seawater-saturated soil system for P wave incidence
Fig.10Displacement of seawater-saturated soil system for SV wave incidence
2.3 海水-饱和海床-基岩情形(并行算例)
大规模计算通常采用并行技术以提高效率.这里,对于海水-饱和海床-基岩模型,我们采用串行和并行(三进程,如图11所示)两种计算方法.两进程的计算区域重叠一层单元(如图11中阴影部分),i点为进程1的内部点,为进程2的边界点,因此在进程1中计算i点的响应,通过MPI通讯协议传递给进程2,同样$j$点的响应在进程2计算,然后传递给进程1.将计算结果与解析解进行对比,见图13和图14.由图可知,除了SV波垂直入射时,饱和土液相位移略有误差外,其余响应均与解析解重合.串行和并行计算时间分别为91 min和34 min,并行计算时间大致为串行的1/3,大大提高了计算效率.图11
Fig.11Schematic diagram of parallel computation
Fig.12Seawater-saturated soil-bedrock
Fig.13Displacement of seawater-saturated soil-bedrock system for P wave incidence
Fig.14Displacement of seawater-saturated soil-bedrock system for SV wave incidence
3 结 论
参考文献 原文顺序
ABSTRACT Feasibility studies on simulating seismic-wave propagation in media for a suboceanic earthquake, including both land and ocean-bottom topographies and a seawater layer, are scarce. Some of the conventional staggered-grid finite-difference method (FDM) simulations use a simplified structure model without a seawater layer and with a flat ocean-bottom topography. In this study, we apply our heterogeneity, oceanic layer, and topography scheme (HOT)-FDM and a 3D structure model including land and ocean-bottom topographies, a seawater layer, and a fluid-solid boundary condition to an aftershock (M-w 5.8) of the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake. We attempt to reproduce observations at seismic stations near the coast and then simulate waveforms in the ocean-bottom stations. Our results show that a large difference between the cases with and without topographies can be seen in the coda part after the S wave in the simulated waveforms in terms of amplitudes and elongations. The synthetic waveforms in the model with topographies are in agreement with the observed waveforms. Our results also show that a significant difference in the amplification of the coda part between the cases with and without the seawater layer can be found at the ocean-bottom stations. This coda part is the S-and Rayleigh-wave propagation associated with the ocean and the underlying sediment layers. Our results show that a realistic model with topographies and a seawater layer is needed in FDM simulations in order to precisely reproduce observed waveforms or predict seismic motion for a suboceanic earthquake.
We studied the effect of the oceanic water layer on strong ground motion simulations. Source faults of subduction zone earthquakes, such as the Nankai-Tonankai earthquake, West Japan, are situated in the offshore area, under a thick water layer. The necessity of including the oceanic water layer in the velocity model for simulations employing the finite difference method is debated by many researchers, and consideration given to the possibility of neglecting by this layer, which would reduce the computation time and stabilize the calculations. Although the oceanic water layer has a low velocity and density, it can affect surface wave generation. In this study, for demonstration purposes, we calculated and compared strong ground motions from three source fault models, placed into the boundary between the crust and subducting plate, where source rupture of the Tonankai earthquake is expected. Simulations were made for two realistic three-dimensional velocity models: without and with the oceanic water layer. The model without the oceanic water layer was constructed simply by subtracting the depth of the oceanic layer from the depth of all velocity interfaces under the ocean. This procedure keeps the thickness of the layers (oceanic sediments, surface low-velocity layer, upper crust, and lower crust) the same as in the model with the oceanic layer and reduces simulation errors. Simulations were made for the set of sites on a line across the subduction zone and directed to the Osaka basin. The results show that the water layer has a strong effect on the fundamental mode of the Rayleigh wave, which can be generated by the shallow (approx. 5 km) source. Considering that all asperities of the expected Nankai-Tonankai earthquake are deep (> 10 km), we conclude that the effect of the water layer can be neglected for ground motions at land sites.
Abstract 61 ” as the governing equation for porous seabed foundation, the seismic response of a composite breakwater and its porous seabed foundation under the seismic wave recorded in the Japan 311 off the pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (M L =029.0) is investigated using a FEM numerical model. The numerical results indicate that the seismic response of composite breakwater is very strong in the earthquake process. The amplification of the input seismic wave occurs both in seabed foundation and composite breakwater; and this amplification is positively related to the buried depth of points. The horizontal seismic response is much strong than the vertical seismic response. The seismic wave induced excess pore pressure and effective stresses in seabed foundation vibrates; the vibration amplitude is also positively related to the buried depth of points. Under strong seismic loading, the surface region of seabed foundation could liquefy. The parametric study shows that the young’s modulus of seabed foundation has significant effect on the seismic response of composite breakwater.
61Two-dimensional seismic behaviors of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT) are examined.61The effects of seawater upon the seismic behaviors of an SFT system are investigated.61The depth of the ocean water is one of the important factors for the SFT system.61Behaviors of the SFT system are affected by the location of the tunnel in the water.61The energy absorption by seabed influences the dynamic responses of the SFT system.
Partitioned procedures and staggered algorithms are often adopted for the solution of coupled fluid/structure interaction problems in the time domain. In this paper, we overview two sequential and parallel partitioned procedures that are popular in computational nonlinear aeroelasticity, and address their limitation in terms of accuracy and numerical stability. We propose two alternative serial and parallel staggered algorithms for the solution of coupled transient aeroelastic problems, and demonstrate their superior accuracy and computational efficiency with the flutter analysis of the AGARD Wing 445.6. We contrast our results with those computed by other investigators and validate them with experimental data.
A methodology for designing formally second-order time-accurate and yet loosely-coupled partitioned procedures for the solution of nonlinear fluid tructure interaction (FSI) problems on moving grids is presented. Its key components are a fluid time-integrator that is provably second-order time-accurate on moving grids, the midpoint rule for advancing in time the solution of the structural dynamics equations of motion, a second-order structure predictor for bypassing the inner-iterations encountered in strongly-coupled solution procedures, and a carefully designed algorithm for time-integrating the motion of the fluid-mesh. Following this methodology, two different loosely-coupled schemes are constructed for the solution of transient nonlinear FSI problems and proved to be second-order time-accurate. Three-dimensional numerical results pertaining to the simulation of the aeroelastic response to a gravity excitation of a complete F-16 configuration are also presented. In addition to confirming the theoretical results discussed in this paper, these numerical results highlight a very stable behavior of the designed loosely-coupled partitioned procedures.
The objective in this paper is to present some developments for the analysis of Navier-Stokes incompressible and compressible fluid flows with structural interactions. The incompressible fluid is discretized with a new solution approach, a flow-condition-based interpolation finite element scheme. The high-speed compressible fluids are solved using standard finite volume methods. The fluids are fully coupled to general structures that can undergo highly non-linear response due to large deformations, inelasticity, contact and temperature. Particular focus is given on the scheme used to couple the fluid media with the structures. The fluids can also be modelled as low-speed compressible or slightly compressible media, which are important models in engineering practice. Some solutions obtained using ADINA are presented to indicate the analyses that can be performed
Partitioned simulations of fluid–structure interaction can be solved for the interface’s position with Newton–Raphson iterations but obtaining the exact Jacobian is impossible if the solvers are “black boxes”. It is demonstrated that only an approximate Jacobian is needed, as long as it describes the reaction to certain components of the error on the interface’s position. Based on this insight, a quasi-Newton coupling algorithm with an approximation for the inverse of the Jacobian (IQN-ILS) has been developed and compared with a monolithic solver in previous work. Here, IQN-ILS is compared with other partitioned schemes such as IBQN-LS, Aitken relaxation and Interface-GMRES(R).
The interactions between incompressible fluid flows and immersed structures are nonlinear multi-physics phenomena that have applications to a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines. In this article, we review representative numerical methods based on conforming and non-conforming meshes that are currently available for computing fluid-structure interaction problems, with an emphasis on some of the recent developments in the field. A goal is to categorize the selected methods and assess their accuracy and efficiency. We discuss challenges faced by researchers in this field, and we emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary effort for advancing the study in fluid-structure interactions.
In this work a fluid-structure interaction solver is developed in a partitioned approach using block Gauss-Seidel implicit scheme. Finite volume method is used to discretize the fluid flow problem on a moving mesh in an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation and by using an adaptive time step. The pressure-velocity coupling is performed by using the PIMPLE algorithm, a combination of both SIMPLE and PISO algorithms, which permits the use of larger time steps in a moving mesh. The structural elastic deformation is analyzed in a Lagrangian formulation using the St. Venant-Kirchhoff constitutive law, for non-linear large deformations. The solid structure is discretized by the finite volume method in an iterative segregated approach. The automatic mesh motion solver is based on Laplace smoothing equation with variable mesh diffusion. The strong coupling between the different solvers and the equilibrium on the fluid-structure interface are achieved by using an iterative implicit fixed-point algorithm with dynamic Aitken's relaxation method. The solver, which is called vorflexFoam, is developed using the open source C++ library OpenFOAM. The solver is validated on two different benchmarks largely used in the open literature. In the first one the structural deformation is induced by incompressibility. The second benchmark consists on a vortex excited elastic flap in a Von Karman vortex street. Finally, a more complex case is studied including two elastic flaps immersed in a pulsatile flow. The present solver detects accurately the interaction between the complex flow structures generated by the flaps and the effect of the flaps oscillations between each other. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Within the last decade, very sophisticated numerical methods for the iterative and partitioned solution of fluid tructure interaction problems have been developed that allow for high accuracy and very complex scenarios. The combination of these two aspects ccuracy and complexity emands very high computational grid resolutions and, thus, high performance computing methods designed for massively parallel hardware architectures. For those architectures, currently used coupling methods, which mainly work with a staggered execution of the fluid and the structure solver, i.e., the execution of one solver after the other in every outer iteration, lead to severe load imbalances: if the flow solver, e.g., scales on a very large number of processors but the structural solver does not due to its limited amount of data and required operations, almost all processors assigned to the coupled simulations are idle during the execution of the structure solver. We propose two new iterative coupling methods that allow for the simultaneous execution of flow and structure solvers. In both cases, we show that pure fixed-point iterations based on the parallel execution of the solvers do not lead to good results, but the combination of parallel solver execution and so-called quasi-Newton methods yields very efficient and robust methods. Those methods are known to be very efficient also for the stabilization of critical scenarios solved with the standard staggered solver execution. We demonstrate the competitive convergence of our methods for various established benchmark scenarios. Both methods are perfectly suited for use with black-box solvers because the quasi-Newton approach uses solely input and output information of the solvers to approximate the effect of the unknown Jacobians that would be required in a standard Newton solver.
In the emerging field of multi-physics simulations, we often face the challenge to establish new connections between physical fields, to add additional aspects to existing models, or to exchange a solver for one of the involved physical fields. If in such cases a fast prototyping of a coupled simulation environment is required, a partitioned setup using existing codes for each physical field is the optimal choice. As accurate models require also accurate numerics, multi-physics simulations typically use very high grid resolutions and, accordingly, are run on massively parallel computers. Here, we face the challenge to combine flexibility with parallel scalability and hardware efficiency. In this paper, we present the coupling tool preCICE which offers the complete coupling functionality required for a fast development of a multi-physics environment using existing, possibly black-box solvers. We hereby restrict ourselves to bidirectional surface coupling which is too expensive to be done via file communication, but in contrast to volume coupling still a candidate for distributed memory parallelism between the involved solvers. The paper gives an overview of the numerical functionalities implemented in preCICE as well as the user interfaces, i.e., the application programming interface and configuration options. Our numerical examples and the list of different open-source and commercial codes that have already been used with preCICE in coupled simulations show the high flexibility, the correctness, and the high performance and parallel scalability of coupled simulations with preCICE as the coupling unit.
We describe an added-mass partitioned (AMP) algorithm for solving fluid–structure interaction (FSI) problems involving inviscid compressible fluids interacting with nonlinear solids that undergo large rotations and displacements. The computational approach is a mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian scheme that makes use of deforming composite grids (DCG) to treat large changes in the geometry in an accurate, flexible, and robust manner. The current work extends the AMP algorithm developed in Banks et al. [1] for linearly elasticity to the case of nonlinear solids. To ensure stability for the case oflightsolids, the new AMP algorithm embeds an approximate solution of a nonlinear fluid–solid Riemann (FSR) problem into the interface treatment. The solution to the FSR problem is derived and shown to be of a similar form to that derived for linear solids: the state on the interface being fundamentally an impedance-weighted average of the fluid and solid states. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the AMP algorithm is stable even for light solids when added-mass effects are large. The accuracy and stability of the AMP scheme is verified by comparison to an exact solution using the method of analytical solutions and to a semi-analytical solution that is obtained for a rotating solid disk immersed in a fluid. The scheme is applied to the simulation of a planar shock impacting a light elliptical-shaped solid, and comparisons are made between solutions of the FSI problem for a neo-Hookean solid, a linearly elastic solid, and a rigid solid. The ability of the approach to handle large deformations is demonstrated for a problem of a high-speed flow past a light, thin, and flexible solid beam.
Standard Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods for the simulation of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems fail due to excessive mesh deformations when the structural displacement is large. We propose a method that successfully deals with this problem, keeping the same mesh connectivity while enforcing mesh alignment with the structure. The proposed Extended ALE Method relies on a variational mesh optimization technique, where mesh alignment with the structure is achieved via a constraint. This gives rise to a constrained optimization problem for mesh optimization, which is solved whenever the mesh quality deteriorates. The performance of the proposed Extended ALE Method is demonstrated on a series of numerical examples involving 2D FSI problems with large displacements. Two way coupling between the fluid and structure is considered in all the examples. The FSI problems are solved using either a Dirichlet-Neumann algorithm, or a Robin-Neumann algorithm. The Dirichlet-Neumann algorithm is enhanced by an adaptive relaxation procedure based on Aitken's acceleration. We show that the proposed method has excellent performance in problems with large displacements, and that it agrees well with a standard ALE method in problems with mild displacement.
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A unified treatment of the mechanics of deformation and acoustic propagation in porous media is presented, and some new results and generalizations are derived. The writer's earlier theory of deformation of porous media derived from general principles of nonequilibrium thermodynamics is applied. The fluid﹕olid medium is treated as a complex physicalヽhemical system with resultant relaxation and viscoelastic properties of a very general nature. Specific relaxation models are discussed, and the general applicability of a correspondence principle is further emphasized. The theory of acoustic propagation is extended to include anisotropic media, solid dissipation, and other relaxation effects. Some typical examples of sources of dissipation other than fluid viscosity are considered.
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We present a recently developed approach for the modeling of fluid–solid–acoustic interaction problems. For the efficient numerical solution of the coupled three-field problem we apply the finite-element method. The mechanical and the acoustic fields are approximated by a standard Galerkin scheme. A residual-based stabilization method is chosen for the fluid field. The interaction of the Eulerian fluid field with the Lagrangian mechanical field is based on the Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method and is iteratively coupled in a strong sense. The solid–acoustic interaction is based on continuum mechanics, and the fluid–acoustic coupling on Lighthill’s analogy. The new steps of our scheme are verified through validation examples. Finally, a fluid–solid–acoustic simulation of the human phonation process is presented based on a realistic model.
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用理想流体介质模拟水层、流体饱和多孔介质模拟饱和土地层,在理 想流体介质与流体饱和多孔介质相连接边界的连续条件基础上,结合已有的对理想流体介质、流体饱和多孔介质进行动力反应分析的显式有限元方法,并考虑地层与 结构的动力相互作用,建立了进行水与场地、结构耦合动力分析的方法.利用该方法对沉管隧道的地震响应进行了研究,重点分析了水深、地质条件等因素对沉管隧 道地震反应的影响,并从中得出了一些可供相关人员进行沉管隧道抗震分析时参考的结论.
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用理想流体介质模拟水层、流体饱和多孔介质模拟饱和土地层,在理 想流体介质与流体饱和多孔介质相连接边界的连续条件基础上,结合已有的对理想流体介质、流体饱和多孔介质进行动力反应分析的显式有限元方法,并考虑地层与 结构的动力相互作用,建立了进行水与场地、结构耦合动力分析的方法.利用该方法对沉管隧道的地震响应进行了研究,重点分析了水深、地质条件等因素对沉管隧 道地震反应的影响,并从中得出了一些可供相关人员进行沉管隧道抗震分析时参考的结论.
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将邢浩洁和李鸿晶提出的多次透射公式(multi-transmitting formula,MTF)的谱元格式应用于均匀介质中线弹性SH波动问题的谱元模拟.假定紧邻人工边界的一层谱单元为具有直线边界的四边形单元,以保证每个人工边界节点都唯一对应一条指向内域的离散网格线.人工边界节点在某时刻的位移由该离散网格线上的节点在前若干时刻的位移确定,按照MTF谱元格式进行计算.通过平面波以一定角度传播的外源问题算例和点源脉冲自由扩散的内源问题算例,验证了方法的可行性以及对实际复杂波动问题的适用性.通过不同类型初值问题算例,在时域内分析了插值多项式阶次、人工波速和透射阶次三个参数对反射误差的影响.结果表明:插值多项式阶次较高的格式会表现出更好的精度,但总体上对反射误差的影响较小;人工波速对反射误差具有显著影响,当人工波速小于介质物理波速时反射误差较大,而当人工波速等于或稍大于介质物理波速时反射误差处于较低水平;透射阶次对反射误差具有决定性影响,表现在不失稳的情形下提高透射阶次能够迅速降低反射误差,但内源问题从三阶MTF开始出现飘移失稳,外源问题从二阶MTF开始出现轻微的飘移失稳.
将邢浩洁和李鸿晶提出的多次透射公式(multi-transmitting formula,MTF)的谱元格式应用于均匀介质中线弹性SH波动问题的谱元模拟.假定紧邻人工边界的一层谱单元为具有直线边界的四边形单元,以保证每个人工边界节点都唯一对应一条指向内域的离散网格线.人工边界节点在某时刻的位移由该离散网格线上的节点在前若干时刻的位移确定,按照MTF谱元格式进行计算.通过平面波以一定角度传播的外源问题算例和点源脉冲自由扩散的内源问题算例,验证了方法的可行性以及对实际复杂波动问题的适用性.通过不同类型初值问题算例,在时域内分析了插值多项式阶次、人工波速和透射阶次三个参数对反射误差的影响.结果表明:插值多项式阶次较高的格式会表现出更好的精度,但总体上对反射误差的影响较小;人工波速对反射误差具有显著影响,当人工波速小于介质物理波速时反射误差较大,而当人工波速等于或稍大于介质物理波速时反射误差处于较低水平;透射阶次对反射误差具有决定性影响,表现在不失稳的情形下提高透射阶次能够迅速降低反射误差,但内源问题从三阶MTF开始出现飘移失稳,外源问题从二阶MTF开始出现轻微的飘移失稳.
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本文将求解近场波动问题的一种解耦技术推广到两相介质,得到了一种求解两相介质近场波动问题的直接解耦方法,包括集中质量有限元模型、时域显式积分格式和局部人工边界条件. 首先应用加权残数法,并依据波动模拟的精度要求,得到了两相介质集中质量有限元模型. 然后,结合两相介质中波动的衰减特性,实现了透射边界在两相介质近场波动中的运用. 最后,通过数值实验,并与解析解对比,验证了本文方法的有效性.
Magsci [本文引用: 3]
本文将求解近场波动问题的一种解耦技术推广到两相介质,得到了一种求解两相介质近场波动问题的直接解耦方法,包括集中质量有限元模型、时域显式积分格式和局部人工边界条件. 首先应用加权残数法,并依据波动模拟的精度要求,得到了两相介质集中质量有限元模型. 然后,结合两相介质中波动的衰减特性,实现了透射边界在两相介质近场波动中的运用. 最后,通过数值实验,并与解析解对比,验证了本文方法的有效性.
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The transmission of a plane elastic wave at oblique incidence through a stratified solid medium consisting of any number of parallel plates of different material and thickness is studied theoretically. The matrix method is used to systematize the analysis and to present the equations in a form suitable for computation.
A matrix formalism developed by W. T. Thomson is used to obtain the phase velocity dispersion equations for elastic surface waves of Rayleigh and Love type on multi-layered solid media. The method is used to compute phase and group velocities of Rayleigh waves for two assumed three-layer and one two-layer model of the earth's crust in the continents. The computed group velocity curves are compared with published values of the group velocities at various frequencies of Rayleigh waves over continental paths. The scatter of the observed values is larger than the difference between the three computed curves. It is believed that not all of this scatter is due to observational errors but probably represents a real horizontal heterogeneity of the continental crusts. (Author)
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