Stable variable mass mechanical systems constructed by using a gradient system with negative-definite matrix
LiYan-Min1,*,, ZhangTing-Ting2, MeiFeng-Xiang3 1 Department of Physics and Information Engineering, Shangqiu Normal University, Shangqiu 476000, China2 School of Mathematics and Physics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China3 School of Aerospace, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 中图分类号:O316 文献标识码:A
关键词:变质量系统;梯度系统;稳定性 Abstract With the development of science and technology, it is more and more important to study the dynamics of variable mass system such as jet aircraft and rocket, and it is always hoped that the solutions of the variable mass system are stable or asymptotically stable. It is difficult to study the stability by using Lyapunov direct methods because of the difficulty of constructing Lyapunov functions directly from the differential equations of the mechanical system. This paper presents an indirect method for studying stability, that is, gradient system method. This method can not only reveal the internal structure of dynamic system, but also help to explore the dynamic behavior such as the stability, asymptotic and bifurcation. The function V of the gradient system is usually taken as a Lyapunov function, so the gradient system is more suitable to be studied with the Lyapunov function. The equations of motion for the holonomic mechanical system with variable mass are listed, and all generalized accelerations are obtained in the case of non-singular system. A class of gradient system with negative-definite matrix is proposed, and the stability of the solutions of the gradient system is studied. This kind of gradient system and variable mass mechanical system are combined, then the conditions under which the solutions of the mechanical systems with variable mass can be stable or asymptotically stable are given. Further the mechanical system with variable mass whose solution is stable or asymptotically stable is constructed by using the gradient system with non-symmetrical negative-definite matrix. Through specific examples, it is studied that the solutions of the single degree of freedom motion of a variable mass system are stable or asymptotically stable under some conditions of the laws of mass change, particle separation velocity and force. The method is also suitable for the study of other constrained mechanical systems.
梯度系统具有较强的物理意义, 二阶梯度系统是物理上标准的振动模型. 如果一个力学系统可以化成梯度系统,那么就可借助梯度系统的性质来研究该力学系统的积分、解的稳定性和渐进行为. 约束力学系统稳定性研究是一项重要而又困难的课题, 从微分方程出发直接构成Lyapunov函数往往很难实现. 本文利用矩阵为负定的梯度系统(6)构造出解为稳定的或渐近稳定的一些变质量系统. 为变质量力学系统解的稳定性研究提供了一种新的方法. 所举例子是简单低阶的. 对复杂高阶的系统,构造起来困难较大,但方法是一样的. 本文的构造方法也适合其它类型的动力学系统. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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