

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王宇凡,, 柴康妮, 卓云霞, 冯长春,北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Spatial variation of migrant population's housing quality and its determinants in China's prefecture-level cities

WANG Yufan,, CHAI Kangni, ZHUO Yunxia, FENG Changchun,College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

通讯作者: 冯长春(1957-), 男, 山西安泽人, 教授, 研究方向为区域发展与城镇化、城市与区域规划、土地与房地产经济。E-mail: fcc@urban.pku.edu.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771176)
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)(ES/P011055/1)

作者简介 About authors
王宇凡(1988-), 女, 天津人, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向为城市与经济地理。E-mail: wangyufan@urban.pku.edu.cn

基于2015年全国1%人口抽样调查和2014年流动人口动态监测调查(CMDS)数据,本文以房屋面积、设施条件、建筑年代和社区类型来衡量流动人口住房质量,运用空间统计工具探讨了中国310个地级及以上行政单元流动人口住房质量的空间分异特征,进而通过空间计量模型考察流动人口住房质量的影响因素。研究发现:① 流动人口住房整体水平虽不及本地居民,但差距并不悬殊;② 流动人口住房质量的空间差异明显,中部地区流动人口住房质量最高,东部、西部和东北地区在住房质量4个方面各有劣势;③ 按照行政等级和规模等级划分,中等城市流动人口住房质量最好,超大城市住房质量最差;④ 流动人口住房质量呈现出显著的空间正相关,但各指标高、低值集聚区的分布格局存在一定差异;⑤ 流动人口个体(内部特征)和流入地(外部特征)因素对流动人口住房质量具有显著影响,分别作用于不同的方面;⑥ 中小城市和大城市流动人口住房质量的决定因素及作用强度不尽相同。
关键词: 中国;城市;流动人口;住房质量;空间分异;影响因素

Based on data from the 1% National Population Sample Survey 2015 and the 2014 China Migrant Population Dynamic Survey (CMDS), the paper selects four indicators to measure housing quality of the migrant population including floor area, housing facilities, construction period and living communities (urban or rural) and discusses the phenomenon about spatial differentiation of migrant populations' housing quality in 310 prefecture- and provincial-level cities in China, using GIS spatial analysis methods such as Moran's I coefficient and Getis-Ord Gi*. Besides, we investigate the influencing factors of migrant populations' housing quality. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) Compared with the local residents, the housing quality of the migrants is not that worse. (2) The spatial distribution of housing quality of migrant population presents marked spatial differentiation on cities of different levels and scales, population sizes and geographical divisions. (3) The results of spatial autocorrelation analysis demonstrate that there is a significant positive spatial correlation in the indicators of the migrant population's housing quality on a national scale, and identify the phenomenon of their spatial clustering and the centers of such spatial clustering. (4) The housing quality is influenced by both internal factors of migrant population and external factors of in-flow cities. (5) Population, economic development and the housing market play different roles in the housing quality of migrant population.
Keywords:China;cities;migrant population;housing quality;spatial differentiation;influencing factor

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王宇凡, 柴康妮, 卓云霞, 冯长春. 中国城市流动人口住房质量的空间分异与影响因素. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 2944-2963 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112006
WANG Yufan, CHAI Kangni, ZHUO Yunxia, FENG Changchun. Spatial variation of migrant population's housing quality and its determinants in China's prefecture-level cities. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 2944-2963 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112006

1 引言

随着中国城镇住房制度改革和房地产市场的快速发展,城镇居民的住房质量不断改善,人均住房建筑面积于2019年达到了39.8 m2,比2002年增长了62.1%[1]。然而城镇的流动人口并不像当地居民可以从城市较好的基础设施和建设投资中直接受益[2]。相对于城市本地居民,流动人口无论是在居住面积、住房设施还是居住社区类型方面都处于弱势地位[3,4,5]。对流动人口而言,良好的居住条件是在城市安居乐业的重要前提[6,7]。对城市而言,改善流动人口的住房质量有利于促进流动人口的社会融入,提升城市的吸引力与竞争力[8,9]


总体看来,现有研究对流动人口住房质量空间格局的关注较少,在为数不多的研究中,分析尺度为省级[4]。此外,现有研究较为充分地考察了流动人口个体和家庭属性、社会经济地位、流动特征等因素对住房质量的影响,但对流动人口所在城市的社会经济发展水平、房地产市场特征等宏观背景的探讨相对缺乏。因此,本文基于2015年全国1%人口抽样调查和2014年的流动人口动态监测调查(China Migrants Dynamic Survey, CMDS)数据,以城市为研究单元分析流动人口住房质量的空间格局,并进一步运用空间计量模型探究流动人口住房质量空间分异产生的原因。除流动人口内部特征外,还注重考察流入地外部特征对该城市流动人口住房质量的影响。随着中国住房市场从增量转向存量,维持房地产市场健康可持续发展主要依赖于激发居民的改善性需求,了解流动人口住房质量的空间格局和影响因素有助于今后制定因地制宜、因人制宜的住房更新政策,从而更好地帮助流动人口改善住房状况,向安居乐业的目标迈进。

2 研究思路框架与数据方法

2.1 研究框架与变量选择

梳理解释流动人口住房问题影响因素的经典理论,主要包括新古典经济学宏观及微观理论[13, 17-18]、效用经济学理论[12, 14, 19-22]、家庭生命周期理论[18-19, 22-23]、人力资本理论[12-15, 18-19, 21-26]、社会融合理论[11, 15-16, 26-29]、社会分层理论[10-11, 15-18, 26-32]、制度文化理论[12-15, 18-19, 21-22, 25-32]等。基于相关理论,本文选用流动人口和流入地的一系列内部和外部因素来分析流动人口住房质量及其空间差异特征的影响因素(表1)。流动人口特征包括户籍制度、家庭人口、流动属性、教育经济等方面,流入地特征包括人口、经济、住房市场等方面。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The analytical framework of the determinants of migrant population's housing quality based on the theories




流动人口的特殊性在于其流动的属性。社会融合理论认为社会中的异质性或外来群体与主流群体在文化习俗、价值观念、生活方式等方面存在着不同程度的差异,前者对后者的融合程度是决定其在社会中行为模式的关键因素。在流入城市停留时间长,打算长期定居的流动人口的心理和生活方式都接近本地居民,有能力也愿意在城市里的住房上进行投入,从而具有更高的住房质量[4, 11]。根据迁移目的的不同,流动人口对于住房质量的需求也将有所差异。在实证过程中,本文将流动人口特有的流动属性纳入分析框架,衡量指标包括流动人口的迁移目的、在流入地的停留时间和停留意愿。本文预期在迁移目的为务工经商、停留时间较长、具备长期停留意愿的流动人口占比更高的城市中,流动人口普遍会选择质量更好的住房。




2.2 研究数据




借鉴已有研究[11, 16-17],根据数据可得性,本文将城市流动人口的住房质量分为4个维度:① 房屋面积:反映流动人口居住的拥挤程度,房屋面积越大往往居住越舒适。选取城市中全部流动人口受访者家庭住房建筑面积的平均值作为房屋面积指标。② 设施条件:房屋内的设施条件反映流动人口居住的便捷程度,其中独立使用的厨房和厕所有利于实现家庭私密性生活,也是当前流动人口住房设施中较为欠缺的方面[4]。选取城市中有独立使用厨房的流动人口占全部流动人口之比与城市中有独立使用厕所的流动人口占全部流动人口之比的乘积作为设施条件指标。③ 建筑年代:建筑年代与住房质量密切相关,较早期的建筑可能存在年久失修、设施老化等问题。选取城市中住房建成年代在2000年后的流动人口占全部流动人口之比作为建筑年代指标。④ 社区性质:社区性质反映了流动人口居住的邻里环境,与村委会社区相比,居委会社区在治安环境和获得城市的公共设施配套等方面更具有优势,从而居住质量相对更高。选取社区性质为居委会的流动人口占全部流动人口之比作为社区性质指标。


2.3 研究方法

(1)全局莫兰指数。通过衡量全局空间自相关的莫兰指数(Global Moran's I)分析表征流动人口住房质量的4项指标及综合指数在空间上的分布是否具有非随机的集聚性。计算公式如下:

式中:xixj分别为城市ij的流动人口住房质量4项指标及综合指数; x¯为流动人口住房质量4项指标及综合指数的平均值;n为空间要素总数,即城市样本数量; S2为空间要素方差;wij为空间权重矩阵的(i, j)元素,用来度量城市i和城市j之间的距离。莫兰指数I的取值介于[-1, 1]之间,大于0表示正向空间自相关,小于0表示负向空间自相关,等于0则表明不存在空间自相关。

(2)空间回归模型。空间回归模型由于能够有效解决回归模型中复杂的空间自相关性问题,本文分别采用普通最小二乘线性回归模型(Ordinary Least Square, OLS)、空间滞后回归模型(Spatial Lag Model, SLM)和空间误差回归模型(Spatial Error Model, SEM)分析,并择优选用。SLM模型主要探讨各变量在一个地区是否有扩散现象(溢出效应),将空间依赖看作本质现象。SEM模型能够度量邻接地区因变量的误差冲击对本地区观察值的影响程度。对于上述两种模型的估计采用极大似然估计法(Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE)。当确信每个个体的观测值受其周围值的直接影响时,采用SLM模型更合适;当确信观测值并没有直接受到周围观测值的直接影响,而是因为某些在模型识别中忽略的空间聚集特征影响了个体的观测值及其周围值,采用SEM模型更合适。

3 中国流动人口住房质量空间分异特征

3.1 流动人口住房质量空间差异

2015年中国流动人口家庭房屋面积平均值为98 m2,低于城镇本地家庭平均房屋面积(123 m2)。但从人均角度看,2015年流动人口在流入地的平均家庭规模为2.61人[18],人均居住面积约为37 m2,甚至略高于同期城镇居民水平(33 m2)。住房内有独立使用的厨房的流动人口占比为86.2%,有独立使用的厕所的流动人口占比为81.6%,而2010年城镇居民拥有独立厨房和厕所的比例分别为87.1%和77.9%[19],可见流动人口与城镇居民独立厨卫拥有率差异较小。流动人口主要居住在居委会社区,占全部流动人口的比例为69.9%。居住在2000年以后建成的房屋的流动人口家庭占比为58.4%。总体而言,流动人口的住房质量与城镇本地居民差距并不悬殊。




Fig. 1Spatial distribution of migrant population's housing quality of prefecture- and provincial-level cities in 2015

将样本按照东部、中部、西部、东北四大地理区域划分(①东部、中部、西部、东北四大区按照国家统计局公布的《东西中部和东北地区划分方法》进行划分,详见 http://www.stats.gov.cn/ztjc/zthd/sjtjr/dejtjkfr/tjkp/201106/t20110613_71947.htm.)进行分析(图2)。中部地区流动人口住房质量最高,东部、西部和东北地区在住房质量4个方面各有优劣势。房屋面积方面,中部地区最优,流动人口家庭房屋面积平均值达到约110 m2。设施条件亦是中部地区最好,西部地区最差。建筑年代的地区差异并不明显,西部地区略有优势。从社区性质来看,中部地区优势明显,83%的流动人口居住在居委会社区,东部地区仅为62%。总体来看,中部地区房屋面积大,设施条件好,居住在居委会社区流动人口占比高,住房质量最好;东部地区较大比例的流动人口居住在村委会社区;西部地区流动人口住房设施配置不足,有较大比例的流动人口需要与其他人共享厨房和厕所;东北地区流动人口人均住房面积较小,居住较为拥挤。



Fig. 2Differentiation characteristics of migrant population's housing quality of cities in different regions of China in 2015

3.2 流动人口住房质量城市等级差异




Fig. 3Differentiation characteristics of migrant population's housing quality of cities of China in different hierarchies in 2015

基于国务院于2014年发布的《国务院关于调整城市规模划分标准的通知》(国发[2014]51号),以城区常住人口为统计口径,将城市划分为5类。中等城市流动人口住房质量最佳,其次是小城市、大城市和特大城市,超大城市住房质量最差。随着城市规模增大,设施条件呈现出非对称的“M”型分布格局(图4),即中等城市和特大城市流动人口住房设施条件最优而小城市和超大城市设施条件最差。除超大城市流动人口住房建成年代较早外,建筑年代的分布相对均衡。社区性质方面各规模等级城市流动人口居住在居委会社区的比例均位于75%附近,但大城市例外,仅为66%。房屋面积则随着城市规模等级的增大而减小,即小城市流动人口房屋面积最大,达到103 m2,超大城市流动人口房屋面积最小,仅为61 m2。整体而言,在中等城市流动人口更容易获得面积较大、设施齐全、位于居委会社区的住房;小城市、大城市和特大城市分别在设施条件、社区性质、住房面积方面存在劣势;在超大城市,流动人口居住较为拥挤、房屋老旧、设施缺乏。



Fig. 4Differentiation characteristics of migrant population's housing quality of cities in China on different scales in 2015

3.3 流动人口住房质量空间集聚特征


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Test results of Moran's I of migrant population's housing quality in China
Moran's IPZ


利用Getis-Ord Gi*指数进一步识别流动人口住房质量的高值聚集区和低值聚集区(图5),主要规律如下:



Fig. 5Hot spot analysis of migrant population's housing quality of prefecture- and provincial-level cities of China in 2015






4 流动人口住房质量的影响因素分析

4.1 变量选择与回归分析

结合近年来国内外该领域的实证成果[10-12, 16, 26-32],本文从流动人口特征(内部因素)和流入地特征(外部因素)两个角度解释流动人口的住房质量[29, 31]。选取变量如表3所示。

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Descriptive statistics of variables


首先构建传统OLS回归对各解释变量与被解释变量间的关系进行估计,在VIF检验中,所有变量的VIF值均小于6,平均VIF值为3.2,不存在多重共线性的问题。对OLS模型估计结果进行Lagrange Multiplier检验。对于AreaBuildage因变量,LM lag比LM error更显著,且Robust LM lag比Robust LM error更显著,说明SLM优于SEM;对于Facility因变量,LM error、Robust LM error比LM lag、Robust LM lag更显著,说明SEM优于SLM。而因变量为Community时,4项检验结果均不显著。因此,对于AreaBuildage因变量使用SLM进行回归,对于Facility因变量使用SEM进行回归,对于Community因变量使用OLS模型进行回归。


Tab. 4
Tab. 4Overall results of regression models of migrant population's housing quality in China


4.2 流入地流动人口属性的影响分析






4.3 流入地规模和市场的影响分析




4.4 不同规模城市的影响及其异质性

除上述流入地人口、经济和房地产市场的影响外,流动人口的住房选择是还在特定的制度背景中做出的。在落户较高的流入地,流动人口面临更强的排斥,也更容易产生“过客心理”;反之,流动人口更可能实现社会融入,在流入地安定下来。从而这两类城市中流动人口的住房选择偏好各异,影响其住房质量的因素也就有所不同。根据《国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020)》,城区常住人口小于100万的中小城市的落户限制被放开,而大城市、特大城市和超大城市的落户门槛则仍然存在。因此本文将所有地级市划分为中小城市、大城市两类,分别进行回归。参照连玉君等[39]的做法,采用基于似无相关模型(Seemingly Unrelated Regression, SUR)的检验估计组间系数差异(表5)。

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Overall results of regression models of migrant population's housing quality in China: Heterogeneity between cities of different scales





5 结论与讨论


(1)根据房屋面积、设施条件、建筑年代和社区性质衡量流动人口的住房质量,中国城市流动人口住房质量的整体水平并不低。2014年中国流动人口家庭居住面积约为98 m2,住房内有独立使用的厨房和厕所的流动人口家庭占比分别为86.2%和81.6%,有69.9%的流动人口居住在居委会社区,居住在2000年以后建成的房屋的流动人口占比为58.4%。






本文结论对于全国及地方制定面向流动人口的住房政策具有一定的启示性:① 流动人口的住房质量存在明显的地区分异,政府在分配保障性财政转移支付时应对此予以充分考虑。当前中央财政保障性转移支付的补助重点在中西部财政困难地区,这与人口流动规律相背[40]。中西部地区流动人口住房质量不是最低的,反而在东部沿海,尤其是京津冀、长三角和珠三角等经济较发达地区在住房面积、设施条件和社区性质的一个或多个方面存在明显的低值集聚。这些地区流动人口密集,地方政府大规模改善流动人口住房质量的动力和能力有限,需要中央政府提供资金支持和政策激励。因此要建立面向流动人口住房保障的中央财政转移支付制度,缩小地区间流动人口住房水平差异,并激励地方政府加大对流动人口的住房保障投入。② 各地在流动人口住房质量的不同维度各有优劣势,应因地制宜,明确各自的政策重点。如东部地区、超大城市和特大城市重在改善流动人口居住的邻里环境,在城中村改造中充分考虑流动人口的居住需求,为其提供可支付的正规住房;西部地区、中小城市应提高城市住房建设水平,为流动人口提供住房设施完善的健康住房;东北地区则需要推进存量住房更新改造、提高住房品质,缓解流动人口居住拥挤的问题。③ 流动人口的住房质量具有群体差异,城市政府应针对当地流动人口的群体特征,满足流动人口多层次的住房需求,如对于跨省流动人口、乡—城流动人口比例大,流动人口平均居住时间短,流动性强的城市,可以在流动人口聚居区建设一批价格低廉但符合基本安全卫生标准,设施相对完善,能够满足流动人口健康生活需要的简易住房,简化租房手续,鼓励流动人口租住,改善其居住条件;而对于省内流动人口、城—城流动人口比例大,流动人口平均居住时间长,定居意愿强烈的城市,应加大商品住房的供给,并通过政策优惠降低流动人口购买、租住高质量住房的门槛。

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Geographical Research, 2014, 33(5): 887-898.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201405008 [本文引用: 5]
China's rapid urbanization and economic development have given rise to the fast growth of the floating population, and housing is a key issue in the process of their integration into the destination cities. This paper intends to explore this topic by analyzing the spatial patterns of housing conditions of the floating population. Based on the sixth census data, the paper selects six indicators to measure housing conditions of the floating population: the home-ownership rate, the rental-housing rate, the floor area index, the housing facilities index (constructed by summing up the situation of five variables: availability of running water, washroom, bathroom, kitchen, and the type of fuel), the index of privacy (constructed by summing up the situation of two variables: the function of the dwelling and the number of the dwelling's floors), and the housing consumption index. It uses the methods of Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster to examine the spatial distribution and agglomeration patterns of the floating population's housing conditions. The results of the calculation show that compared with urban permanent residents, members of the floating population are much more likely to live in rental homes;their housing conditions are generally worse;and their rental expenses are higher. The spatial variation of the homeownership rate, the rental-housing rate, and the housing facilities index is mainly manifested as north-south differences;the floor area index, and the index of privacy show marked difference between eastern and western China. The low-value centers of the housing consumption index are located in Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Hubei and Anhui provinces, while the high-value centers are located in Beijing. Furthermore the results of Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis demonstrate that there is a significant positive spatial correlation in the indicators of the floating population's housing conditions on a national scale, and identify the phenomenon of their spatial clustering and the centers of such spatial clustering. The analysis of Hierarchical Clustering identifies the housing conditions of the floating population into four distinctive groups, and suggests that the housing conditions of the floating population in the inner and east parts of China are better than those in the outer and west parts, and such a spatial variation extends from the north to the south. Finally, on the basis of the above findings, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions for improving the housing conditions of the floating population.
[林李月, 朱宇, 梁鹏飞, . 基于六普数据的中国流动人口住房状况的空间格局
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[本文引用: 5]

Li Zhigang. Housing conditions, patterns and mechanisms of second generation migrants in urban China: A case study of six large cities
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(2): 189-200.

DOI:10.11821/xb201202005 [本文引用: 5]
With a database based on 3168 copies of questionnaires collected from six Chinese cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenyang, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Zhengzhou, this study examines housing conditions, patterns and determinants of second-generation migrants of urban China. With a series of quantitative analysis, it is found that three types of Chinese new migrants, labor migrants, intellectual migrants, and investor migrants have different housing conditions. For instance, the average housing area of new migrants is about 20.69 sq. m., while that of the intellectual migrants is the biggest (24.87 sq. m.) and that of the labor migrants is the smallest (16.26 sq. m.). In terms of the quality of housing facilities, the score of the facility index for the new migrants in general is by no means high, about 0.35. Moreover, investor migrants hold the best facilities, while labor migrants hold the worst, and intellectual migrants is in between. It is indicated that housing conditions of new migrants are largely differentiated. Second, after three decades of market reform, housing conditions and patterns of new migrants are still mainly determined by institutional factors such as hukou. In addition, housing facility qualities are mainly influenced by such factors as hukou status, income, educational background, marriage, age and migrant types, and hukou is the major determinant for the housing facility quality of second generation migrants.
[李志刚. 中国大都市新移民的住房模式与影响机制
地理学报, 2012, 67(2): 189-200.]

[本文引用: 5]

Feng Changchun, Li Tianjiao, Cao Guangzhong, et al. Housing outcomes of family migrants at the place of destination
Geographical Research, 2017, 36(4): 633-646.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201704003 [本文引用: 3]
Nowadays family migration has become the main migration pattern of floating population in China, which may raise new requirements for residential independence, tenure and quality in the cities. For some researchers, the migrant households were generally considered as passive recipients of housing inequality, and the institutional barrier of Hukou were no doubt still the decisive factors for migrants' housing outcomes. However, other researchers start to challenge this perspective, and argue that migrants should be considered as enabling agents with coping strategies in the housing market since the influence of Hukou system in migrants' housing outcomes is declining. Under this context, this paper tries to explore the role of family strategy in family migrants' housing outcomes, and whether this conclusion differentiates among various households. Based on a questionnaire survey which covered 2394 migrants and their households in 12 cities of the Bohai Rim Region, the Yangtze River Delta Region, the Pearl River Delta Region, and the Chengdu-Chongqing Region, this paper uses logistic regression model to explore family migrants' urban housing outcome in terms of housing tenure and quality and the mechanism for this. The result shows, different household arrangements lead to diversification of housing outcome, which means that the ownership and housing quality differs significantly among sole migrants, couple migrants, two-generation migrants, and three-generation migrants. The three-generation migrant households, as expected, have the highest ownership percentage and residential quality among all types of migrant households, while the sole and couple migrants suffer from the poor residential conditions. This housing outcome should be explained by factors such as socio-economic characteristics, household arrangements, geographic environment, migrants' connection with the original hometown and adaptation to current destination. Especially, when considering the effect of migrants' sense of belonging, plan to settle down in the destination and connection with hometown, the effect of Hukou is weakened. Different household arrangements have different barriers and strategies, which leads to the divergence of housing outcomes. The implication from this research is that the governments should make gradient regulation policy for the diverse family migrants, and lead them to settle stably step by step.
[冯长春, 李天娇, 曹广忠, . 家庭式迁移的流动人口住房状况
地理研究, 2017, 36(4): 633-646.]

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Niu G, Zhao G C. Living condition among China's rural-urban migrants: Recent dynamics and the inland-coastal differential
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Zhao Yeqin, Meng Zhaomin. Floating population: Social stratification and housing quality: Evidence from the six census data of Changning District in Shanghai
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Liu Zuyun, Mao Xiaoping. Housing stratification in urban China: A study based on a Guangzhou household questionnaire survey
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Wang Xinxian. The analysis of evolution of spatial pattern of China's floating population and its influencing factors
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[王新贤. 中国流动人口空间格局演变及影响因素分析
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Liu Tao, Qi Yuanjing, Cao Guangzhong. China's floating population in the 21st century: Uneven landscape, influencing factors, and effects on urbanization
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(4): 567-581.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201504005 [本文引用: 5]
China has witnessed unprecedented urbanization over the past decades. The rapid expansion of urban population has been dominated by the floating population from rural areas, of which the spatiotemporal patterns, driving forces, and multidimensional effects have been scrutinized and evaluated by voluminous empirical studies. However, the urban and economic development mode has been reshaped by the globalization and marketization processes and the socioeconomic space has been restructured as a consequence. How has the spatial pattern of floating population evolved against these backdrops? How has the evolution been driven by the interaction of state and market forces? What have been the contribution of population mobility to the urbanization of origin and destination regions and the evolution of China's urban system? The latest national censuses conducted in 2000 and 2010 offer the opportunity to systematically answer these questions. Analysis based on the county-level data comes to conclusions as follows. (1) The spatial pattern of floating population remained stable over the first decade of the 21st century. Three coastal mega-city regions, namely the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, were major concentration areas. As the emergence and rapid development of other coastal mega-city regions, the coastal concentration area of floating population tended to geographically united as a whole, whereas the spatial distribution within each region variegated significantly. (2) Floating population gradually moved into provincial capitals and other big cities in interior regions and its distribution center of gravity moved northward around 110 km during the study period. (3) Compared with extensively investigated inter-provincial migrants, intra-provincial migrants had higher intention and ability to permanently live in cities they worked in and thus might become the main force of China's urbanization in the coming decades. (4) The spatial pattern of floating population was shaped jointly by the state and market forces in transitional China. While the impacts of state forces have been surpassed by market forces in the country as a whole, they are still important in shaping the development space of central and western China. (5) The massive mobility of population contributed a large proportion to the increase of urbanization levels of both origin and destination regions and reshaped China's urban system in terms of its hierarchical organization and spatial structure.
[刘涛, 齐元静, 曹广忠. 中国流动人口空间格局演变机制及城镇化效应: 基于2000和2010年人口普查分县数据的分析
地理学报, 2015, 70(4): 567-581.]

[本文引用: 5]

Zhang Haifeng, Zhang Jiazi, Yao Xianguo. Spatial evolution of housing cost and its effect on labor migration in China
Economic Geography, 2019, 39(7): 31-38.

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[张海峰, 张家滋, 姚先国. 我国住房成本的空间演化与劳动力流动决策影响
经济地理, 2019, 39(7): 31-38.]

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Yang Juhua, Chen Chuanbo. Characteristics of family of migrants at the place of destination
Population Journal, 2013, 35(5): 48-62.

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[杨菊华, 陈传波. 流动家庭的现状与特征分析
人口学刊, 2013, 35(5): 48-62.]

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[刘超. 我国城镇居民家庭住房方便程度分析
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Ma Xiaohong, Duan Chengrong, Guo Jing. The comparisons of four types of floating population
China Journal of Population Science, 2014(5): 36-46.

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[马小红, 段成荣, 郭静. 四类流动人口的比较研究
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Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu. Housing conditions of floating population under the status of circulation: A case study of Fujian province
Population Research, 2008, 32(3): 48-56.

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[林李月, 朱宇. 两栖状态下流动人口的居住状态及其制约因素: 以福建省为例
人口研究, 2008, 32(3): 48-56.]

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Li Chen. Study on assessment China's urban human settlements
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[D]. 上海: 华东师范大学, 2015: 113-118.]

Liu Tingting, Li Hanwei, Gao Kai. A study of housing selection of the floating population with family migration and its influencing factors: A case of Shanghai
South China Population, 2014, 29(3): 17-27.

[刘婷婷, 李含伟, 高凯. 家庭随迁流动人口住房选择及其影响因素分析: 以上海市为例
南方人口, 2014, 29(3): 17-27.]

Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu. Spatial variation and its determinants of migrants' Hukou transfer intention of China's prefecture- and provincial-level cities: Evidence from the 2012 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(10): 1696-1709.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201610003 [本文引用: 2]
Based on data from the 2012 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey and related statistics, this article examines the spatial pattern and its determinants of migrants' intention of hukou transfer of China's 276 prefecture- and provincial-level cities, using GIS spatial analysis and statistical modelling. The results show that the overall level of migrants' hukou transfer intention of the cities is not high, and varies significantly among different cities. The intention of migrants' hukou transfer increases as the administrative level and/or the size of their destination cities increase. Meanwhile, migrants' hukou transfer intention is generally higher in coastal mega-city regions than in other cities, but it is also relatively high in some provincial capital cities and small and medium-sized cities in some inland regions with good transport location and resource endowment. The spatial pattern of migrants' intention of hukou transfer is shaped jointly by both the characteristics of the destination cities and migrants themselves characteristics, with the former exerting more influence than the latter. High level of socioeconomic development and good location of the destination cities can effectively promote their migrants' intention of hukou transfer; however, their level of basic public services does not have the same effect. The degree of migrants' social integration in the destination cities also exerts positive effects on their hukou transfer intention. However, having medical insurance, the concentration in the secondary labor market and higher household income are negatively related to such intention; furthermore, the individual and family characteristics of migrants do not have a significant impact on it. Finally, on the basis of the above findings, we put forward some suggestions for relevant policy making.
[林李月, 朱宇. 中国城市流动人口户籍迁移意愿的空间格局及影响因素: 基于2012年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据
地理学报, 2016, 71(10): 1696-1709.]

[本文引用: 2]

Yang Juhua. Migration and living apart in China: Economic rationality vs. institutional barriers
Population Journal, 2015, 37(1): 26-40.

[杨菊华. 人口流动与居住分离: 经济理性抑或制度制约
人口学刊, 2015, 37(1): 26-40.]

Gu Hengyu, Qin Xiaoling, Shen Tiyan. Spatial variation of migrant population's return intention and its determinants in China's prefecture and provincial level cities
Geographical Research, 2019, 38(8): 1877-1890.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020180473 [本文引用: 1]
In China, population migration has an influence on the level of economic and social development in various regions. In 2016, the scale of migrant population reached 245 million, which became an important factor affecting population changes. From the perspective of migrant populations' destinations, with the control of population scale in some big cities in China, and the sustained economic growth in the central and western regions, the problem of population reflux is attracting more and more attention from the society. The spatial differentiation and influencing factors of migrant populations' return intention are vital issues which are urgent to be investigated. Based on data from the 2016 China Migrant Population Dynamic Survey (CMDS), this paper discusses the phenomenon about spatial differentiation of migrant populations' return intention in 279 prefecture and provincial level cities in China, using GIS spatial analysis methods such as Moran's I coefficient, Getis-Ord Gi *. Besides, we investigate the influencing factors of migrant populations' return intention. Study comes to the following conclusions: (1) Compared with the residence intention and hukou transfer intention, the return intention of migrant population in China is lower (6.17%), and the majority of migrants (74.05%) are eager to take their own home towns as refluxing destination. The scale of cities, the level of cities and the return intention of migrant population present an asymmetric "U"-shaped pattern. (2) The spatial distribution of return intention presents an aggregation pattern with marked spatial differentiation. The return intention of migrant population in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration and Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration is higher than that in Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration and Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration. Among the four main geographical divisions, the return intention of urban floating population in the eastern region is the highest while that of the northeast region is the lowest. South China, central-south China and part of East China are hot spots of return intention while Northeast and North China are in a weak corner. (3) The return intention is influenced by both internal factors of migrant population and external factors of in-flow area. Educational level and economic development are both internal and external factors that simultaneously play different roles in return intention. (4) Family connection, social networks, housing and economic factors of migrant population are main forces that shape the spatial pattern of return intention. Family scale in in-flow area and home-ownership rates inhibit return intention while variables such as family scale in non-in-flow area, migrant times and the family's income and expenditure proportion exert a positive influence on return intention. Based on the above conclusions, this paper proposes strategies for relevant departments on the management of migrant population.
[古恒宇, 覃小玲, 沈体雁. 中国城市流动人口回流意愿的空间分异及影响因素
地理研究, 2019, 38(8): 1877-1890.]

[本文引用: 1]

Gu Hengyu, Meng Xin, Shen Tiyan, et al. Spatial variation of the determinants of China's urban floating population's settlement intention
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2020, 75(2): 240-254.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202002003 [本文引用: 3]
It is demonstrated that the determinants of China's urban floating population's settlement intention are different among geographic units, which seems to be ignored by previous researches. Based on the data from the 2015 national migrant population dynamic monitoring survey (CMDS) and related statistics, this article uses the Semiparametric Geographically Weighted Regression (SGWR) model and k-means cluster method to examine the spatial variation of the factors influencing floating population's settlement intention in 282 prefecture- and provincial- level cites of China. Results provide the following conclusions. (1) The settlement intention of urban floating population is mainly influenced by the floating population characteristics instead of the destination characteristics. (2) Social and economic factors are closely related to the floating population's settlement intention. Meanwhile, the demographic, family and mobility factors exert a significant impact on such an intention. To be specific, there exists an inhibitory effect on floating population's settlement intention in factors such as income, marriage, and cross provincial mobility. However, housing expenditure, participation rate, number of children and other factors can effectively contribute to such intention. (3) Zonal spatial differentiation patterns of the influencing factors' coefficients are illustrated by the SGWR model, which can be further divided into four categories ("E-W", "N-S", "NE-SW" and "SE-NW"): The positive influences of ethnic and family factors are decreasing from the northern to southern regions, while the influence of employment ratio in the secondary industry is declining from the northwest to the southeast regions, and the impacts of factors such as the number of children and per capita GDP are diminishing from the northeast to the southwest regions. In eastern developed areas, the settlement intention of floating population with higher income is comparatively lower, while migrants with higher housing expenditure in southern China have a stronger intention to settle down. (4) Four influencing zones are detected by the k-means method: Floating population's settlement intention in North China, Central China and East China is significantly affected by multiple factors; In the northwest region and part of the southwest region, migrants' settlement intention is mainly influenced by demographic and social factors; The northeast region and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia's floating population's willingness to stay is mainly related to economic and family factors; Apart from housing expenditure, coefficients of other factors are relatively small in southern China and part of the central, eastern and southwestern regions. Additionally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the service and management of the floating population in China.
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