

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王海军,1,2, 武悦1, 邓羽,3, 徐姗41.武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,武汉 430079
2.武汉大学地理信息系统教育部重点实验室,武汉 430079
3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
4.中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院,北京 100193

Model construction of urban agglomeration expansion simulation considering urban flow and hierarchical characteristics

WANG Haijun,1,2, WU Yue1, DENG Yu,3, XU Shan41. School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
2. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems, Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
4. College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China

通讯作者: 邓羽(1985-), 男, 湖北人, 博士, 副研究员, 主要从事城市发展与空间管治研究。E-mail: dengy@igsnrr.ac.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171411)
Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS(2019055)

作者简介 About authors
王海军(1972-), 男, 陕西凤翔人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事地理模拟、国土空间规划和土地资源评价研究。E-mail: landgiswhj@163.com

关键词: 城市流;层级性;元胞自动机;驱动机制;城市群空间扩展;长江中游城市群

Since the launch of China's reform and opening up policy, the process of urbanization in China has been accelerated. With the development of cities, inter-city interactions have become increasingly close, and urban agglomerations tend to be integrated. Urban agglomerations are regional spaces with network relationships and hierarchies, and have always been the main units for China to promote urbanization and coordinated regional development. In this paper, we comprehensively consider the network and hierarchical characteristics of an urban agglomeration, while using urban flow to describe the interactions of the inter-city networks and the hierarchical generalized linear model (HGLM) to reveal the hierarchical driving mechanism of the urban agglomeration. By coupling the HGLM with a cellular automata (CA) model, we introduce the HGLM-CA model for the simulation of the spatial expansion of an urban agglomeration, and compare the simulation results with those of the logistic-CA model and the biogeography-based optimization CA (BBO-CA) model. According to the results, we further analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed HGLM-CA model. We selected the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China as the research area to conduct this empirical research, and simulated the spatial expansion of the urban agglomeration in 2017 on the basis of urban land-use data from 2007 and 2012. The results indicate that the spatial expansion of the urban agglomeration can be attributed to various driving factors. As a driving factor at the urban level, urban flow promotes the evolution of land use in the urban agglomeration, and also plays an important role in regulating cell-level factors, therefore, the cell-level factors of different cities show different driving effects. The HGLM-CA model can obtain a higher simulation accuracy than the logistic-CA model, which indicates that the simulation results for urban agglomeration expansion considering urban flow and hierarchical characteristics are more accurate. Compared with the intelligent algorithm model, i.e., BBO-CA, the HGLM-CA model obtains a lower simulation accuracy, but it can analyze the interaction of the various driving factors from a hierarchical perspective. It also has a strong explanatory effect for the spatial expansion mechanism of urban agglomerations.
Keywords:urban flow;hierarchical characteristics;cellular automata;driving mechanism;spatial expansion of urban agglomerations;urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River

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王海军, 武悦, 邓羽, 徐姗. 基于城市流和层级性的城市群扩展模型构建. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 3012-3024 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112010
WANG Haijun, WU Yue, DENG Yu, XU Shan. Model construction of urban agglomeration expansion simulation considering urban flow and hierarchical characteristics. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 3012-3024 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112010

1 引言


模拟与预测是研究城市群空间扩展的主要内容之一,对城市群发展趋势的识别、城市群未来格局的研判具有理论与实践价值。既有研究着眼于城市空间扩展模拟与预测,其中元胞自动机(Cellular Automata, CA)是模拟城市扩展的重要方法[4]。20世纪70年代Tobler[5]发现CA在解决地理问题上的优势,将其用于模拟底特律的城市扩展,使其在地理学领域发展起来。随着地理CA理论的深入探讨[6,7],CA模型得到进一步发展与完善,CA-Markov[8]、Logistic-CA[9]等模型均得到了广泛应用。现有研究大多关注CA模型与智能算法的耦合,通常将CA与多智能体(Multi-agent Systems, MAS)[10]、人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)[11,12]、最大熵模型(Maximum Entropy Model, MaxEnt)[13,14]、生物地理学优化算法(Biogeography-based Optimization, BBO)[15]等其他模型结合,以弥补CA模型本身缺陷,使模拟效果更接近于真实的城市扩展。上述研究通常以挖掘元胞转换规则、提高模型模拟精度为目标改进已有方法,大多关注单一城市空间扩展,忽略了城际交互影响。此外,与人工智能算法结合虽然会提高模拟精度,但智能算法多为黑箱模型,对城市扩展驱动机制解析能力较为欠缺。

作为城市发展到成熟阶段的最高空间组织形式,城市群中城市网络[16]与城市层级[17]并存。因此城市群空间扩展模拟不同于单一城市的模拟,既要考虑城市间的网络交互,又要顾及城市群的层级性。在城市空间扩展模型中,城市网络交互通常指城市间经济、人口等各类要素的流动,即“城市流”,是城市间交互与联系的重要形式。既有研究已经考虑到城市交互作用的影响,主要从以下两个方面开展研究:① 通过表征城市流对传统CA模型进行改进,如何建华等[18]量化城市流后将其作为转换规则嵌入CA模型,实现了城市群联动增长,发现考虑城市流后模拟精度得到提高;何力等[19]结合城市流与重力模型,对武汉城市圈进行模拟预测,得出城市流对城市群土地利用变化具有显著影响的结论;Xia等引入双向流改进了传统引力模型[20],从宏观、中观、微观3个角度构建模型[21],证实城市流是城市群扩展重要的驱动因素,考虑城市流的模拟结果更为准确;② 结合交互性模型反映城际远程联系,预测不同区域的城市土地需求量,融入CA转换规则中,如Chen等[22]结合MRIO模型刻画城市土地要素的流动,在估算城市土地供需关系的基础上模拟全国范围内的城市扩展,取得较好的模拟结果。由此可见,模拟城市群等大尺度区域的空间扩展时,城市流是不可忽略的因素之一。目前城市的层级性逐渐得到学术界关注,对城市层级的理解见仁见智,相关研究从不同角度切入:孙毅中等[23]面向多层次规划管控,根据城市规划体系中的层级关系构建多层次矢量CA,用于模拟江阴市土地利用变化;Shu等[24]从土地利用系统的层级特征出发,分为元胞与乡镇两个层级,通过构建多层逻辑CA模拟徐州市铜山区的城市扩展。上述研究涉及城市层级性的研究均具有更好的模拟效果,但既有研究的空间尺度普遍较小,多限于城市尺度内空间组团的模拟,未关注到城市群扩展的层级性问题。城市群体系由多个城市集聚而成,空间范围广,内部要素流动频繁,是多核心、多层次的复杂系统。因此城市群尺度下的城市流与层级性的作用更加突显,是城市群空间扩展研究中不可忽视的重要因素。

本文在研究城市群空间扩展时考虑城市网络交互的影响,运用城市流刻画城市群内部的交互作用,同时顾及城市群的层级性特征,采用分层广义线性模型(Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model, HGLM)研究城市群演变的分层驱动机制,构建HGLM-CA模型模拟城市群空间扩展情况。选取长江中游城市群为研究区展开实证研究,解释城市群空间扩展分层驱动机制,并将模拟结果与Logistic-CA模型、BBO-CA模型进行对比,探讨HGLM-CA模型的优势与不足。

2 研究方法

2.1 分层广义线性模型

分层广义线性模型(Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models, HGLM),也称非线性分层模型,由分层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model, HLM)发展而来。HLM的因变量局限于连续型数据,HGLM在此基础上进行改进,可以处理二元因变量。HLM系列模型是同时考虑总体因素与个体因素的统计分析方法,能够处理具有层级特征的数据。传统Logistic回归只能考虑单个层级下的因素,通常忽略层级差异,将高层级因素分解到低层级进行研究,使得从同一整体取得样本具有相关性,不满足独立性假设。HLM克服传统Logistic的缺陷,将个体层回归分析后得到的参数,进行聚合后在总体层再次进行回归分析,也被称为“回归的回归”,能有效处理层级特征数据[25]。在实际应用中,HLM系列模型对样本的群组个数有一定要求[26],组数过少可能导致模型无法收敛。

多层结构数据是普遍存在的[27]。在城市群空间扩展问题中,城市群具有层级特征,用地单元(元胞)镶嵌于城市,元胞转换概率由于所在城市的不同而有所差异,因此用于描述元胞特征的自变量为个体变量,位于较低层级(level 1),用于描述城市特征的自变量为组变量,位于总体层,层级较高(level 2),同一城市内组变量的值相同。本文将城市群分为元胞层(level 1)与城市层(level 2)两个层级进行研究,公式如下:

level 1:

level 2:

式中:PSij(yij = 1)为元胞转变为城市用地的适宜性;ηij为描述元胞状态转变的向量;Xnij为元胞层(level 1)中位于城市j的元胞i的第n个自变量;k为元胞层中自变量的个数; β0j为随机截距;βnjXnij的回归系数;Wmj为城市层(level 2)中城市j的第m个自变量;l为城市层中自变量个数;γ00γn0分别为β0jβnj的截距;γ0mγnmWmj的回归系数;μ0jμnj为残差项。

2.2 HGLM-CA模型

2.2.1 基于HGLM的权重参数获取 应用HGLM的第一步是建立空模型(Null Model),目的是通过计算组内相关系数(Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, ICC),判断数据是否适合分层研究。ICC为组间方差占总方差的比例,ICC值越大,说明群组之间产生的差异对因变量的影响越大,即元胞状态转变概率受到城市层因素的影响越大,城市层因素越不能被忽视。一般来说,ICC < 0.059时为低度组内相关,0.059 ≤ ICC < 0.138时为中度组内相关,ICC ≥ 0.138时为高度组内相关。公式如下:

式中:ICC为组内相关系数; τ00为组间方差; σ2为组内方差。




Fig. 1Flow chart of parameter acquisition based on HGLM

2.2.2 城市群CA转换规则 定义转换规则是CA的核心[28],本文综合考虑元胞状态转变适宜性、约束条件以及邻域作用三方面的影响构建CA模型转换规则。由于后续实验中涉及到不同模型精度对比,暂不将随机效应纳入转换规则。公式如下:




设定转换阈值,判断元胞状态是否发生改变。根据元胞转换数量与迭代次数,得到每次迭代需要转换的元胞个数。计算元胞转换概率P,按概率大小排列可转换的元胞。本文选取对应迭代个数的元胞概率为转换阈值Pthreshold,判断元胞状态是否发生改变。元胞在下一时刻的状态 Sijt+1为:




Fig. 2Framework of HGLM-CA model

3 案例分析

3.1 研究区与数据来源




Fig. 3Location of the study area (urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River)

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The main sources of data
土地利用数据城市区域不透水面数据,利用不透水表面映射算法和GEE得到,分辨率为30 m×30 m,将不透水面视为城市用地,其他为非城市用地,重采样为90 m×90 m由清华大学宫鹏等[30]研究公布(http://data.ess.tsinghua.edu.cn/)
道路数据包括铁路、高速公路、国道在内的shp格式数据中国科学院资源环境科学与数据中心( http://www.resdc.cn/
DEM数据基于最新的SRTM V4.1数据经整理拼接生成,分辨率为90 m×90 m中国科学院资源环境科学与数据中心( http://www.resdc.cn/


3.2 HGLM-CA模型运行与模拟




Fig. 4Driving factors of urban agglomeration spatial expansion in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River

3.3 城市群空间扩展分层驱动机制

城市群空间扩展是驱动因素共同作用的结果,分析驱动机制对城市群发展规划具有重要意义[33]。本文借助HLM 6.08软件构建HGLM,分析长江中游城市群的分层驱动机制。首先构建空模型进行方差分析,初步运行结果如表2所示。通过表2可知,截距平均值(γ00)与斜率平均值(μ0)均存在(P < 0.01)。组间方差为0.431,逻辑回归残差方差通常为π2/3,可得ICC = 0.116,为中度组内相关,说明有11.6%的方差是由元胞所在城市不同而造成的,因此不同城市间的差异不可忽视,有必要进行分层分析。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2ANOVA results of HGLM


通过构建随机协变量模型、随机截距模型及完整模型,进行多次试验筛选自变量,将其分为解释变量与控制变量两类。城市群空间扩展驱动因素层级划分如下:元胞层(level 1)自变量包括距市中心距离、距区县中心距离、距铁路距离、高程、坡度、距水域距离、距国道距离、距高速距离,其中距市中心、区县中心、铁路的距离作为解释变量,其他变量为控制变量,不考虑城市层变量对其影响。城市层(level 2)为城市流强度,城市流强度因所在城市而异,同一城市内城市流强度相同。因变量为二分变量,1表示元胞转变为城市用地,0表示元胞状态未改变。最终构建HGLM框架如图5所示,运行HGLM后得到参数识别结果(表3)。



Fig. 5Schematic diagram of HGLM

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Variable parameter identification results of HGLM
level 1截距β0高程


从参数识别结果可知,城市流与元胞状态转变概率呈正相关(γ01 > 0),说明城市流对城市群空间扩展的影响显著,城市中城市流强度越高,该城市内的元胞越容易转变为城市用地。自变量中,距市中心距离系数β1权重最大,反映出市中心对元胞转变概率有较大影响。市中心距离γ10以及城市流对市中心距离的作用γ11与元胞状态转变概率均呈负相关关系,说明城市流的存在,加剧了距市中心距离这一变量的影响,使得距市中心较近的土地单元,更容易转变为城市用地,而距市中心较远的土地转变为城市用地更加困难,这种现象在城市流强度越高的区域越明显。距区县中心距离对城市群空间扩展的影响仅次于市中心,但城市流对区县中心的作用不显著(γ21 = -1.790,P > 0.1)。道路因素中铁路对城市扩展的贡献较大,同时城市流对铁路的调节作用十分明显,使铁路对元胞转变概率的影响在不同城市中呈现不同的效果。由于元胞转换概率与距铁路距离γ30呈负相关,而与城市流对距铁路距离的作用γ31呈正相关,因而在城市流强度较低的城市中,城市流作用较为微弱,会弱化铁路对元胞转变概率的影响程度;在城市流强度较高的地区,随着城市流的增强,城市流对铁路因素的影响逐渐显现,极有可能使距铁路距离系数β3由负转正。因此,在经济社会发展水平较高的城市中会出现距铁路越远的土地单元转变为城市用地的概率反而越大的现象。控制变量中,高程γ40、坡度γ50对城市群空间扩展的影响较大,反映出地形因素仍是制约城市发展的重要因素之一,地形地貌对塑造城市形态起到一定作用。由HGLM分析结果可知,作为高层(城市层)因素的城市流不仅对元胞转换概率有显著的正向影响,同时会调节低层(元胞层)自变量对元胞转换概率的影响程度,使同一种驱动因素在不同城市中呈现出不同的影响效果。

3.4 HGLM-CA模拟结果分析




Fig. 6Comparison of the simulation result of the urban spatial expansion model in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Comparison of the simulation accuracy of the urban spatial expansion model in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in 2017




4 结论






参考文献 原文顺序

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[王海军, 夏畅, 张安琪, . 利用生物地理学优化算法获取城市扩展元胞自动机模型参数
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Wu Kang, Fang Chuanglin, Zhao Miaoxi. The spatial organization and structure complexity of Chinese intercity networks
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DOI:10.11821/dlyj201504010 [本文引用: 1]
Fuelled by globalization, informatization and rapid urbanization, the Chinese urban system has witnessed dramatic changes in the past four decades, which shows a combined changing characteristic in both expanded geographical scope and intensified intercity connections. This paper investigates an integrated network-based approaches and spatial analysis to explore the spatial organization process and the basic regularity of Chinese intercity networks. More specifically, this study examines how 330 Chinese cities are connected through 108,570 ownership linkages of 307,915 local corporations for the year 2010. Major findings include: (1) the backbone of the Chinese intercity corporate network is diamond-shaped and anchored by four major metropolitan areas (Beijing in the North; Shanghai, East; Guangzhou-Shenzhen, South; Chengdu, West), intercity network strengths reveal a significant spatial heterogeneity; (2) urban network organization is a complicated process that involve both preferential attachment and geographic proximity interactions; (3) the overall structure of the intercity corporate networks undergo a transition process that from a simple random period to a complex but orderly one and also features small-world network properties; (4) city degree distribution of Chinese intercity networks is characterized by weak assortativity and rich-club effects; and (5) a combination interpretation of clustering coefficient and degree distribution identifies hierarchical and regional tendencies.
[吴康, 方创琳, 赵渺希. 中国城市网络的空间组织及其复杂性结构特征
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Zhang Kaihuang, Qian Qinglan, Yang Qingsheng. An analysis of multilevel variables influencing China's land urbanization process
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2020, 75(1): 179-193.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202001013 [本文引用: 1]
In recent years, land urbanization, as a spatial manifestation of China's expanding urbanization, has emerged as a core research field within urban geography and land science. Provincial administrative departments within China's distinctive administrative system significantly influence municipal administrative departments and urbanization levels. Individual-level influencing factors cannot fully explain the Chinese mode of urbanization. Therefore, a multilevel linear model was developed to identify factors influencing China's land urbanization process. The results indicated that in 2005, factor inputs, in particular, and public service critically influenced land urbanization in municipal urban areas. By 2016, economic development levels had superseded factor inputs, public service, and population agglomeration as the key influencing factor. At the provincial level, differences in economic development levels critically influenced land urbanization. The provincial government's prioritization of ecological and agricultural resource conservation had a significant negative impact on city-level factors and urban built-up areas. The relationship between the government's developmental attitude, geographical locations, and city-level factors was complex and varied according to regional development levels. A further finding was that since China's reform and opening-up policy was initiated in 1978, land urbanization has been driven by industrialization and urbanization, gradually shifting from government-led to economy-driven stage. Thus, a multilevel study of land urbanization reveals mechanisms and cross-level relationships among different factors that influence levels of land urbanization. Moreover, it provides a theoretical basis for rational policy formulation.
[张凯煌, 千庆兰, 杨青生. 中国城市土地城镇化多层级影响因素分析
地理学报, 2020, 75(1): 179-193.]

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He Jianhua, Shi Xuan, Gong Jian, et al. Modeling the spatial expansion of urban agglomeration considering their spatial interaction: A case study of Wuhan metropolitan area
Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2016, 41(4): 462-467.

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[何建华, 施璇, 龚健, . 顾及空间交互作用的城市群联动空间增长模拟: 以武汉都市区为例
武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2016, 41(4): 462-467.]

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He Li, Liu Yaolin. Simulating urban cooperative expansion in the metropolitan region based on improved CA model: A case study of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, China
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[何力, 刘耀林. 基于城市流模型的城市群扩张模拟: 以武汉城市圈为例
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Sun Yizhong, Yang Jing, Song Shuying, et al. Modeling of multilevel vector cellular automata and its simulation of land use change
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2020, 75(10): 2164-2179.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202010009 [本文引用: 1]
Urban planning plays an important guiding role in land use change. The planning at all levels supports and complements each other, and influences the evolution of land-use pattern from top to bottom. Vector cellular automata, which takes irregular geographical entities as its basic units, can express the objective and complicated urban land use structure in a more realistic way, and has become one of the focus in the land use change research. However, when we face urban planning with the characteristics of hierarchical synergy, spatial guidance and controlled conductivity, some key issues are highlighted, such as the establishment of CA hierarchical system, the construction of hierarchical synergy and the acquisition of transition rules. After constructing the multilevel vector CA model, we chose Jiangyin City as the study area and its land use data covering the years 2007, 2012 and 2017 as the basic data to simulate the land use changes from 2012 to 2017. On the basis of multilevel vector cellular automata model, through the comparative analysis between the simulation results and the current situation of land use in 2017, the individual parameters of the model were modified to further improve the feasibility and applicability of the model, and then the urban land use pattern in 2022 was predicted. The simulation results indicated that the development of construction land in Central District has become saturated, while the expansions of construction land in Chengnan District, Chengdongnan District and Chengdong District were obvious. From an overall perspective, there was a tendency to gradually form a three-level urban-rural spatial settlement system "central city area-urban agglomeration-village". Using FoM index, we concluded that the simulation results had great simulation precision and the model had high feasibility and applicability, because the FoM values of the whole city and each district were almost greater than or close to 0.21. This shows that the simulation results are more accurate and the model is more effective in the simulation of land use change based on urban planning.
[孙毅中, 杨静, 宋书颖, . 多层次矢量元胞自动机建模及土地利用变化模拟
地理学报, 2020, 75(10): 2164-2179.]

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Wang Haijun, Zhai Lijun, Liu Yanfang, et al. Urban connection and function in Wuhan urban agglomeration based on multi-dimensional urban factor flows
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[王海军, 翟丽君, 刘艳芳, . 基于多维城市要素流的武汉城市圈城市联系与功能分析
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[本文引用: 1]

Wang Haijun, Zhang Bin, Liu Yaolin, et al. Multi-dimensional analysis of urban expansion patterns and their driving forces based on the center of gravity-GTWR model: A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018, 73(6): 1076-1092.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201806007 [本文引用: 1]
Research into urban expansion patterns and their driving forces is of great significance. Under the background of the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) urban agglomeration, it is important to study the temporal and spatial patterns of urban land expansion and the driving forces development. This paper uses land-use data of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration from 1990 to 2015 and reveals the multi-dimensional characteristics of the urban land expansion patterns. We then combine the urban spatial interaction and the spatial and temporal nonstationarity of the urban land expansion process and build the center of gravity-geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR) model by coupling the center of gravity model with the GTWR model. Using the center of gravity-GTWR model, we analyze the driving forces of urban land expansion at the city scale, and summarize the dominant mode and core driving forces of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration. The results show that: (1) Between 1990 and 2015, the expansion intensity of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration showed a down-up-down trend, and the peak period of expansion was in 2005-2010. Before 2005, high-speed development was seen in Beijing, Tianjin, Baoding, and Langfang, which were then followed by rapid development in Xingtai and Handan. (2) Although the center of gravity of cities in the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration showed a divergent trend, the local interaction between cities was enhanced, and the driving forces of urban land expansion showed a characteristic of spatial spillover. (3) The spatial development mode of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration changed from a dual-core development mode to a multi-core development mode, which was made up of three function cores: the transportation core in the northern part, the economic development core in the central part, and the investment core in the southern part. The integrated development between functional cores led to the multi-core development mode. (4) The center of gravity-GTWR model analyzes urban land expansion as a space-time dynamic system. The model proved to be feasible in the analysis of the driving forces of urban land expansion.
[王海军, 张彬, 刘耀林, . 基于重心-GTWR模型的京津冀城市群城镇扩展格局与驱动力多维解析
地理学报, 2018, 73(6): 1076-1092.]

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