Theoretical framework and research priorities on food system couplings in an urbanization context
MA Enpu

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马恩朴(1989-), 男, 贵州毕节人, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向为人地系统耦合、食物系统与城乡可持续发展。E-mail:

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马恩朴, 蔡建明, 郭华, 林静, 廖柳文, 韩燕. 城市化背景下食物系统耦合研究的理论框架及优先方向. 地理学报, 2021, 76(10): 2343-2359 doi:10.11821/dlxb202110002
MA Enpu, CAI Jianming, GUO Hua, LIN Jing, LIAO Liuwen, HAN Yan.
1 引言
食物是确保人类社会可持续发展的关键物质基础,在《2030年可持续发展议程》中,“零饥饿、食物安全、营养改善和可持续农业”对其他可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)的实现具有不可取代的基础支撑作用[1]。食物作为人类所需营养物质和能量的来源,无论其经过多么复杂精细的加工过程,生产食物的原材料终究来自生态系统。因此,获取和利用食物可谓人类与生态系统之间最基本、最久远的互动形式,食物系统是建立这种人地互动关系、实现食物营养价值和经济价值的基本渠道。它是由初级农产品生产、食物加工、流通、消费和废弃物处理等社会分工环节及消费活动共同组成的“开放复杂巨系统”[2]。食物系统本质上是食物生命周期内劳动地域分工形成的社会—经济—生态复合子系统,是生态系统服务流及其价值实现的“社会—经济—空间”组织形式。近期,人地系统耦合研究已成为地学领域关注的前沿议题,其聚焦于人地系统的可持续性,以“耦合、互馈、集成、模拟”作为人地系统耦合机理与区域可持续发展模拟研究的关键要点[3]。正在兴起的人地系统耦合研究为何重要、以及人地系统耦合研究如何介入食物系统以推动近远程耦合理论研究的深化和具体化,需要从人类与环境互动方式的变化及其驱动力、以及学术研究进展方面寻找答案。
就一般规律和人地互动方式而言,从劳动分工到劳动地域分工、再到地域分工的扁平化,是农业时代向工业时代及信息时代转变的根本特征。这一过程伴随着人类活动范围的不断扩大以及社会经济运行机制的根本变革。随着城市化进程进入后半段,过去基于当地生态系统服务的乡村社会已经转变为以非生态系统服务( 非生态系统服务是指人类从社会组织机构而非生态系统中获取的惠益,例如金融、教育与咨询服务等。)和远距离资源调度为基础的城市社会,人类与地理环境的互动方式随之发生了深刻变化,越来越多的区域通过资源要素流与其他区域关联起来,使得跨越空间距离的人地系统相互作用变得十分普遍[4]。这些变化主要源于4类驱动过程的交互作用。① 地域功能分化以及生产与消费的空间分离使得区域间资源要素流动成为区域可持续发展的内在需求。受地理环境空间差异和人类活动区位选择相互作用的影响,陆地表层逐步分化为不同的地域功能类型[5,6,7,8]。同时,以要素优化配置和发挥比较优势为主要目的的空间分工及专业化生产是生产活动与消费之间发生空间分离的核心机制,集聚经济与规模经济效应进一步强化了生产与消费的空间分离[9]。无论从效率角度还是公平角度看,在地域功能分化以后,不同主体功能区之间资源要素的自由流动均变得十分迫切和必要。实际上,不同主体功能区之间资源要素的合理流动是实现空间均衡的重要前提[5],例如,农产品在农业主产区和城市化区域之间的自由流动及其价值体现(即利润)的合理分配不仅有利于城市食物安全,也有助于促进农村经济发展。② 普遍存在的城市化现象使人类需求越来越集中到陆地表层的特定区域,这些区域的人类需求在城市化过程中不断增长,而当地生态系统服务则因城市扩张而持续减少。最终,城市化区域对食物、水、能源等生态系统服务及其他工业制品的需求都将超过当地区域的供给能力,转而需要从其他区域获得供应;同时,城市作为不同尺度空间中的财富中心、决策中心以及知识创新与技术变革的高地,也向其他区域输出资金、技术和信息等生产要素。这使得城市化区域成为“流空间”中“源、汇”共生的枢纽型区域板块[7]。③ 居民消费结构升级使消费品市场呈现出需求多元化、分层差异化等新特征,客观上也要求扩大包括食物在内的消费品供给来源,使更多区域成为城市开放系统的一部分。④ 不断完善的交通基础设施改变了人类与自然耦合系统之间的时空关系,其形成的“空间收敛”效应不断弱化距离对人类活动的影响,促进了资源要素在更大范围内的优化配置[10],是区域间资源要素流形成及加速的直接驱动因素。
从历史视角看,稳定的食物来源是人类定居的基本前提,定居则加速了依存经济(采集、狩猎)向食物生产经济的转变[11]。可见,食物系统的形成与人类定居同源共生,从最简单的“采集→食用”到如今高度复杂的食物供应链网络,食物系统在要素、结构、功能和尺度方面随着人类定居方式的升级发生了极大变化。城市作为以剩余农产品为物质基础并且日益主导人类生活的定居方式,在食物系统的尺度扩张和分工细化方面发挥着关键驱动作用。然而,城市化与食物系统之间诸多潜在的联系并未得到充分探索,目前已明确建立并被广泛研究的仅限于“建成区扩张—农地损失”和“收入变化—饮食构成”两组关系[12]。其他亟待研究的问题包括:城市化如何驱动食物系统变化?食物系统变化蕴含怎样的人地耦合关系?食物系统近远程耦合产生怎样的社会经济与环境影响?以及应对这些影响需要制定怎样的权衡策略等。鉴于此,本文基于近远程耦合[4, 13-19]与食物系统[2, 20]领域的研究现状,以城市化作为主要驱动力背景,将食物系统要素与远程耦合框架相结合,建立城市化驱动下食物系统近远程耦合的理论框架,并提出食物系统耦合研究的优先方向和技术路径,以促进人地系统耦合理论研究的深化和具体化。
2 食物系统近远程耦合理论的科学基础
2.1 多向度联系特质是食物系统融入远程耦合框架的内在依据

Fig. 1Cross-interface interaction of the driving forces in food system changes and its feedback
2.2 全球化与城市化是食物系统融入远程耦合框架的外在条件
受全球化和城市化等外部驱动因素影响,食物系统一直处于某种程度的变化当中。早在18世纪以前,食物供应就已经开始全球化。随着工业革命出现,这种供应方式获得了新的优势,此后食物开始在全球生产和贸易体系中登场,并通过全球性机构实施管理[32]。这种全球化趋势在第二次世界大战后随着贸易自由化和市场范围扩大而进一步加快,自20世纪80年代,特别是1994年乌拉圭回合农业协议通过以来,农产品的贸易自由化趋势总体上在不断增强[33]。这种趋势使食物系统的演化条件发生了4个方面的变化:① 劳动力、资本、技术等生产要素的流动改变了人们与食物的相互关系,因为这些要素流动跨越了国界;② 从生产到消费的纵向一体化不再是组织食物系统的唯一模式,更具有流动性的、多维度的横向关系网络模式也同样有效[31];③ 通过比较国际市场上的生产成本和产品价格,经营者更倾向于在生产成本较低的地方投资农业,然后通过物流在更有利可图的地方销售农产品[33];④ 在经营者中,跨国公司的出现使得食物与生产地的“脱钩”变得更加复杂,也导致适当监管对策的制定变得更加困难[31]。这些新的演化条件使食物系统出现了空前的尺度扩张,农产品国际贸易快速增长,海外农业投资、远洋捕捞、虚拟水战略等迅速涌现,使食物系统中的人地耦合关系从区域扩展到了全球。食物系统演化的另一个重要驱动力是城市化,城市化的实质是在城乡之间建立连接并促进人口、资源、货物、信息、技术、资金与文化观念的流动。农产品物流作为这些要素流动的基本组成部分,或许也是城市起源以来最本质、最持久的城乡互动形式。众所周知,城市是一个开放的复杂巨系统,在开放系统中,城市与半城市化地区以及农村腹地之间的互动是城市地区的本质[34]。历史上看,剩余农产品是劳动生产率提高的产物,它构成了城市起源的物质基础。劳动生产率提高意味着较小比例的劳动力从事农业即可养活全社会的人口,因此更多的劳动力可以转移到工业等非农产业[35]。而非农产业的出现和集聚则孕育了城市的雏形,并成为当今城市的主要特征。随着技术创新推动农业生产效率的进一步提高,为乡村人口向城市转移创造了条件,城市人口开始不断增长。这意味着全社会食物需求的重心将逐步转移到城市。
实际上,在过去几十年里,人口、商品和服务的流动在越来越多地指向城市地区[36]。时至今日,随着半数以上的人口定居到城市中,城市显然已成为食物需求的重心所在。即便在城市化率相对较低的亚洲和西非地区,食物消费中2/3至3/4的需求仍源于城市驱动[37,38]。就食物系统的演化过程而言,城市化也带来4个方面的变化:① 城市化在空间上的典型过程是高密度建成区的扩张,由于全球60%以上的灌溉农田位于城市周边地区,使得城市扩张极易侵占耕作条件良好的优质农田[39],结果是城市辖区内供应的食物数量总体减少。② 城市化同时还意味着过去散布于广袤乡村的人口逐步集聚到特定的节点型区域(即城市化区域),随着城市人口增长,城市对食物的需求也快速增长,这一增一减最终导致城市辖区难以满足不断增长的食物需求。③ 居民收入水平是影响食物系统的重要因素之一[40]。城市化过程中大量非农就业的形成使进入城市的人口获得了更好的经济机会,居民收入水平不断提高,恩格尔系数持续下降,消费结构快速升级,这使得一些过去不常消费或消费较少的食物,如反季节蔬菜、进口食品和肉类等越来越多并最终常态化地进入了普通市民家庭。④ 影响消费者偏好和生活方式的社会经济趋势正在推动饮食选择和食物消费的重大变化[36]。虽然食物消费模式的变化是一种全球现象,但这些现象主要起源于城市地区[36]。例如,城市中的职住分离、家庭规模小型化[40]、餐饮行业互联网化、以及广告和城市环境均会影响食物系统。这些变化相互叠加的结果是:城市化区域的食物供应在数量和结构上都将面临突出挑战,随着全球大都市区持续扩张、城市人口不断增长以及农业用地日渐稀缺,城市将不得不从更加遥远的区域采购食品,从而使食物系统中的人地耦合从邻近逐步演化到更远距离。
3 城市化驱动下食物系统近远程耦合的理论框架
3.1 食物系统近远程耦合理论框架的建立
基于以上科学基础,本文紧扣城市化这一驱动力背景( 尽管在论证科学基础时部分涉及了全球化,但“全球化”在本文中仅作为不宜缺少的研究背景出现,并不参与理论框架的建立。另外,在塑造贸易路线并影响全球化格局的四大因素中[41],除地理特征以外,技术变革、贸易需求和政治环境均与城市密切相关,因此可认为城市化是食物系统演化中更为根本的驱动力。),以食物里程和食物域扩张为结合点,将远程耦合框架的5个关联组件(即系统、流、代理、原因、影响)和食物系统的6个环节(即生产、加工处理、分销、零售、消费、废物管理),以及城市化驱动下的城乡互动过程结合起来,构建城市化驱动下食物系统近远程耦合的理论框架(图2)。该理论框架将城市化与食物系统的变化直接联系起来,据此可进一步研究城市化过程对食物系统近远程耦合演化的内在驱动机理以及食物系统近远程耦合在不同区域产生的社会经济效应和环境效应等问题。图2

Fig. 2Theoretical framework of local and tele-coupling of food systems driven by urbanization
在城市化驱动下的食物系统近远程耦合中,系统主要包括城市地域系统、大都市邻接区和乡村地域系统。其中,城市地域系统是以非生态系统服务和远距离资源调度为基础,以城镇空间为主体的人类与自然耦合系统;乡村地域系统是以当地生态系统服务为基础,以农业空间和生态空间为主体的人类与自然耦合系统;大都市邻接区则是环绕在城市辖区或城市群外围,介于城市地域系统和乡村地域系统之间的中介型区域。各系统之间的资源要素流主要包括人口流、市场信息流、生态系统服务流和资金流等。产生这些流的原因包括城市化重塑人口分布和食物消费格局;农产品优势产区分工专业化、农业生产商品化和规模化;由居民收入增长和膳食转型引致的食物需求多元化及分层差异化;以及城市扩张占用耕地等(图2)。其中,对城市化如何驱动食物系统远程耦合的论述详见下文中的“理论内涵”部分。有关近程耦合、远程耦合和近远程耦合的相关术语定义和适用尺度说明详见马恩朴等[4]的研究。根据前期研究[4],本文中食物系统的近程耦合包含内部耦合和周边耦合,是指发生在城市地域系统内部及其与大都市邻接区之间的食物系统耦合关系;远程耦合则是城市与乡村之间跨越空间距离(≥ 200 km)的食物系统耦合关系(图2)。
3.2 城市化驱动下食物系统近远程耦合的理论内涵

Fig. 3Conceptual framework for tele-coupling of food systems
3.3 食物系统近远程耦合理论框架的合理简化

Fig. 4Reasonably simplified theoretical framework of local and tele-coupling of food systems
4 食物系统耦合研究的优先方向和技术路径
4.1 食物系统耦合研究的优先方向
第七次全国人口普查公报数据显示,常住人口城市化率达到63.89%,中国已迈入以城市为主导的社会发展阶段。在食物系统的状态变量——食物类型结构、食物流量、食物里程和食物域( 食物类型结构、食物流量、食物里程和食物域是能够完整描述食物系统的所含变量个数最少的变量组。换言之,只需要利用这4个变量就能完整地描述任何食物系统。)的变化中,城市已成为决定性的影响因素。随着城市日益依赖于外部供应,食物系统远程耦合中的跨区域资源环境问题有可能成为城市食物安全隐患的真正原因所在。同时,中国在推动高质量城市化过程中也更加注重城乡、区域均衡发展,面向2020年后的长效脱贫机制构建,以及面向公共卫生安全的食物系统跨区域、多层次治理有望成为新时期的国家重大战略需求。基于上述判断,围绕食物系统近远程耦合的地理学研究应当在加强食物域格局特征、时空演化及其动力机制等基本问题研究的基础上,着力从以下4个优先方向实现研究突破。4.1.1 耦合社会经济文化变迁与生物地球化学循环的供应链网络人地互动研究 社会经济发展和文化观念变迁会重塑人类消费结构及生活方式,这些变化循着供应链网络反作用于生产端,引起本地、周边和远端区域生产结构、土地利用及要素投入的变化,进而改变人类活动对近远程生态系统的影响。在生产与消费之间空间分离愈加显著的情况下,关于“社会经济文化变迁如何影响生物地球化学循环”的研究就需要放到供应链网络中去追溯和开展。特别是随着地球系统进入人类世,人类活动已成为气候变化、土地覆被变化和生物地球化学循环等生物物理过程的重要驱动力[42,43],其中,保障地球系统安全运作的几类行星边界(Planetary Boundaries)(即气候变化、生物多样性丧失速度和全球氮循环)已被迄今的人类活动所超越[44,45,46];加之跨区域要素流已成为社会的基本运行机制,因此以地理空间网络作为人地互动的基本单元、开展耦合人文过程与自然过程的综合集成研究就十分迫切和必要。
食物系统中的人地互动尤其如此[47],例如,随着城市居民的收入增长,其膳食结构发生了显著变化,主要表现为谷类食物的摄入量逐渐减少而肉类食物的摄入量总体增加,1982—2002年间中国城市居民对动物性食品的消费增长了126.4%,谷类食物消费量下降25.4%[48];另有研究发现,1997—2011年间中国城市居民每日消费的食物中,精制谷物平均减少了5.4 g,水果和乳制品则分别增加3 g和1.2 g[49]。这些城市地区的社会经济变迁通过市场和政策(如供给侧结构性改革)两种机制传导至农村地区的生产端,引起农业生产结构、土地利用及其他生产要素投入的变化,特别是推动了养殖规模的快速扩张及畜禽粪污排放量的快速增长,显著改变了中国农业生态系统的氮磷循环。使得畜禽粪污排放成为中国农业源氮磷排放的主体[50]。
显然,耦合社会经济文化变迁与生物地球化学循环的供应链网络人地互动研究不仅十分迫切,也是当前及未来地球科学领域的前沿问题,对于推动地理学研究的深化和精细化,以及支撑“美丽中国”建设均具有重要意义。该领域需要重点研究社会经济文化变迁与生物地球化学循环之间跨区域、跨界面耦合互馈的过程、路径与机理(图5);以城市和小流域作为耦合研究的基本单元,集成遥感、地理信息、大数据、社会调查、原位观测、采样与实验分析等多学科技术方法对上述耦合互馈的过程、路径与机理进行定量研究;预测社会经济因素通过食物系统影响生物物理过程进而逼近甚至越过行星边界(Planetary Boundaries)的超载风险,并为应对可能出现的环境异常制定解决方案。值得强调的是,为开展耦合人文过程与自然过程的食物系统综合集成研究,需要更加切实地采取多学科合作研究方式、运用多学科交叉集成以及地理空间大数据分析等新的研究手段。

Fig. 5Theoretical framework of human-earth interaction integrating socioeconomic and cultural changes and biogeochemical cycle
4.1.2 食物系统近远程耦合效应及其调控策略研究 就城市食物系统而言,看似司空见惯的农产品供应,背后实则存在大量社会经济与环境层面的跨区域交互过程,揭示这些跨区域交互过程产生的影响是食物系统耦合研究的核心内容之一。城市化过程中,随着食物系统跨越社会治理单元和生态系统的边界,其对社会经济和生态环境的影响也相应跨越了上述边界,形成食物系统的近远程耦合效应。食物系统近远程耦合效应研究的核心是根据农产品流量、相关技术转化率(如单位面积产量、单位质量食物的虚拟水含量)、社会经济效应参数(如可食部分比重、热量转换系数、农产品价格、流通利润率)和环境效应参数(如碳排放系数、氮磷流失系数等),将城市最终消费的食物转化为消费活动间接利用的自然资源、以及所产生的社会经济效应和环境足迹,并根据农产品的最终来源分配食物系统的近远程耦合效应。食物系统的近远程耦合效应是严格基于农产品流量数据和产地来源进行分配的,因此结果合理可靠,并且可以对应到产地区域的具体资源占用及其环境压力上。食物系统近远程耦合效应研究中除广泛应用“环境足迹”这一工具箱以外,区域间分析方法也可用于研究食物系统的近远程耦合效应;还可运用空间计量模型,如空间滞后模型(Spatial Auto Regression Model, SAR)、空间误差模型(Spatial Error Model, SEM)和空间Durbin模型(Spatial Durbin Model, SDM)等模型方法来研究城市食物系统的空间溢出效应。

Fig. 6Schematic diagram of cross-regional nexus of relevant elements in the urban food system
显然,为化解食物系统远程耦合的跨区域资源环境问题,就需要对食物系统的近远程耦合过程进行调控。由于食物系统涉及环节众多、供需关系复杂,总体上对食物系统的综合调控应兼顾生产端调控、消费端调控和供应链管理3个方面(表1),同时还应注重分析城市腹地内食物供给服务与水源涵养、土壤保持等其他生态系统服务的权衡关系,提出生态系统服务的协调方法与途径。从要素关联角度来看,针对资源竞争性使用导致的要素钳制和冲突问题,其调控策略无疑就是资源利用结构优化以及资源的多功能综合利用。例如,通过将城市景观营造和食物生产两种需求结合起来,在城市中打造兼有生产功能和景观价值的可食用景观(Edible Landscape),推动城市地区水土资源的多功能综合利用,不仅能够提高城市的食物自给率,也同时减轻了城市对其他区域的资源环境压力。而如何应用这些思路和方法,则值得在未来的案例研究中去深入探讨。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1
调控环节 | 生产端调控 | 供应链管理 | 消费端调控 |
调控工具 | ·农业主产区雨洪调节与利用系统 ·水肥一体化滴灌与测土个性配肥 ·农业区块链技术与数字农业系统 ·农业用水超限额阶梯水费制度 ·农业结构、政策与生产方式转型 ·…… | ·无公害农产品认证 ·绿色、有机食品认证 ·农产品地理标志认证 ·农产品认证有效性监督 ·农产品环境标签制度 ·…… | ·可食用景观规划 ·建立地方食物系统 ·制定《负责任消费指南》 ·制定《居民膳食指南》 ·开展食物-健康-环境教育 ·…… |
4.1.3 基于食物系统的城乡融合与长效脱贫机制研究 在实践应用方面,作为整体性认识方法的食物系统也是分析社会现实问题、提出科学解决方案的良好抓手。由于食物系统串联了乡村到城市的众多社会主体和产业部门,因此构建安全、健康、可持续的食物系统被视为推动城乡融合的最佳切入点[54]。近年来,由联合国粮食及农业组织牵头制定的《米兰城市食品政策公约》(Milan Urban Food Policy Pact)为食物系统的城乡融合提供了新的体制创新引擎[54];该机构最新开发的城市—区域食物系统(City Region Food Systems, CRFS)概念框架和综合研究方法则为相关研究提供了方法借鉴[25]。可以说,基于食物系统开展城乡融合与长效脱贫机制研究的时机已十分成熟。
4.1.4 面向公共卫生安全的食物系统跨区域、多层次治理研究 大量科学证据表明,困扰人类社会的传染病源于病毒从野生动物到人类的跨物种传播,而病毒跨物种传播的途径则包括对野生动物的非法猎捕、交易、运输和食用。目前已有明确的实验结果证明SARS样冠状病毒的自然宿主为蝙蝠,并可能通过中间宿主向人类传播[55,56]。因此,食物系统监管不力所导致的非法猎捕、交易、运输及滥食野生动物是引发公共卫生安全事件的重要原因之一。即便抛开潜在的公共卫生安全隐患不论,单从生态文明建设和保护生物多样性角度出发,也应该对食物系统中存在的野生动物非法交易活动严加管控。此外,部分进口冷链食品受病原体污染引发的从业人员感染案例还表明,在新冠肺炎全球大流行期间,对食物系统的国际协作治理不足会增加食物流通中的物品污染和病毒传播风险。鉴于进入21世纪以来连续几次疫情爆发对公共卫生安全和社会经济发展造成的巨大冲击和破坏,以及野生动物非法交易链本身的隐蔽性和食物流通体系的跨区域性,有必要加快开展面向公共卫生安全的食物系统跨区域、多层次治理研究。
4.2 食物系统耦合研究的技术路径
为更加有效地指导案例研究的开展,笔者初步设计了食物系统耦合研究的一般技术路径,主要步骤包括:① 系统界定:界定案例组内各兴趣区域(Region of Interest,ROI)所属的系统类型,即确定各兴趣区域属于发送系统、接收系统还是外溢系统。确定生产、流通、消费各环节与上述系统的对应关系,一般而言,生产环节对应发送系统,消费环节对应接收系统,流通所经过的区域对应外溢系统。② 确定代理:确定食物系统中各环节的参与者,这些参与者即为食物系统近远程耦合的代理。③ 调查系统间的流:根据理论框架,食物系统近远程耦合涉及的流包括人口流、信息流、农产品流和资金流,其中农产品流是调查的重点。要结合实地调查和地理空间大数据等方法手段来获取农产品流的产地来源、运输里程、类型结构、各类农产品的流量及其在相应产地区域的技术转化率(如单位面积产量、水资源利用效率、化肥有效利用率)等研究数据。④ 探究原因:以食物系统近远程耦合的理论框架为指导,运用空间分工、专业化与集聚经济理论,以及结构方程模型、回归分析、格兰杰因果关系检验和要素关联(Nexus)分析等方法研究食物系统近远程耦合的因果关系和内在机理。⑤ 揭示影响:运用“环境足迹”(包括土地足迹、水足迹、碳足迹、氮磷足迹等)、多区域投入产出模型、物质流分析、能值分析、环境投入产出分析和生命周期评估等区域间分析方法以及空间计量模型等研究方法,从社会经济层面和环境层面研究食物系统近远程耦合对发送系统、接收系统及外溢系统的影响,明确食物系统近远程耦合蕴含的可持续发展问题与挑战。⑥ 耦合调控:从生产端调控、消费端调控和供应链管理等方面提出应对食物系统可持续发展问题的政策建议及解决方案。5 结语
参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.11821/dlxb202002009 [本文引用: 1]

Food security is the basic foundation in accomplishing of the overall Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the objective in SDGs of "halving the proportion of hungry people by 2015" has not been achieved as scheduled, it will become more challenging to realize its final goal of zero hunger by 2030. So exploring the underlying causes of global food security pattern from perspectives of spatio-temporal evolution is badly needed. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation method with multi-indices was applied to evaluate the food security level of 172 countries in 2000-2014 based on an established global database with country-specific time series data. Then the spatial pattern and changing characteristics of global food security by country was conducted through the spatial autocorrelation analysis. Upon this basis, the underlying factors affecting the food security pattern were further identified and analyzed with a multiple nonlinear regression method. The findings and results show that: (1) The global food security pattern can be summarized as "high-high and low-low agglomerations" of socio-economic status and food security level. The most food secure countries are mainly distributed in the regions with more advanced economy such as North America, Oceania, parts of East Asia, and Western Europe. On the contrary, the least food secure countries are mainly distributed in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, West Asia, and parts of Southeast Asia. (2) At 99% confidence level, Western Europe and sub-Saharan Africa are respectively the hot and cold spots in global food security landscape, while in non-aggregation areas such as Haiti and North Korea, there exist long-term food insecurity problems. (3) The spatio-temporal pattern of global food security is generally stable, but the internal changes in the extremely insecure groups are significant. The countries with the most changeable levels of food security are also the countries with the most food insecurity. (4) Annual mean temperature, per capita GDP, the proportion of people who have access to clean water, and political stability are the key factors affecting the global food security pattern. The study indicates that while the global food security situation has improved since 2000, there was a reverse sign or omen in 2013. Affected by climate change, residents' purchasing power, infrastructure condition, and political and economic stability, global food security has in fact been volatile and some areas in the world are still facing acute food security problems. In addressing this challenge, a food security strategy based on the four dimensions, i.e. food supply, food access, food use and political stability, and a worldwide rural revitalization approach, is highly recommended. Meanwhile, it is necessary to progressively introduce some diversified modes of production such as urban agriculture to build a more resilient food system in those fully urbanized regions.
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Achieving sustainable development in an increasingly interconnected globalized world requires cross-system thinking and more integrated regional policy. First, it requires disciplines devoted to sustainable development research to improve their insights into trans-regional resource and environmental issues. Accordingly, it is necessary to promote the adaptive innovation and transformation of the traditional research framework of geography. Telecoupling, as a theoretical framework focusing on socioeconomic and environmental interactions among coupled human and natural systems over distances, has great potential and advantages to facilitate the process of theoretical innovation. In order to narrow the gap between Chinese and international research in the field of telecoupling, we introduce the telecoupling framework and its application progress from theoretical construction, empirical evidence, key research areas, and research methods based on literature review, document analysis, and our own understanding of telecoupling, and further give some suggests. The review shows that there is a large amount of empirical evidence of telecoupling in the dimensions of teleconnection, globalization, and urbanization due to the continuous growth of long-distance human activities and their interaction with large-scale natural processes. Currently, the application of the telecoupling framework in academia mainly focuses on three aspects: ecosystem services, the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of telecoupling, and land change science. Due to the progress in operationalizing the theories, current telecoupling research has been well supported methodologically. We further argue that geographical research based on the telecoupling framework should make breakthroughs in the theoretical innovation of Human-Earth relationship network system, telecoupling mechanism, and telecoupling regulatory tool sets, so that scientific research can keep up with the latest trends and solve the emerging real world problems.
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In combination with the author's review of frontier issues in human geography in recent years, this paper clarifies that uncovering the spatiotemporal difference rules of human-environment system interaction in the geographic pattern is the highest-level scientific puzzle in modern geography, and is the understanding of key issues which could decide the prospect of future geography. Four practical methods including "process induction, regional comparison, qualitative analysis, logical judgment" until now for integrated human-environment system researches are proposed. Aiming at four frontier fields including regional equilibrium, resources and environment carrying capacity, territorial function, and spatial structure, academic ideas including the driving forces of regional development pattern changes, the impact carrier of natural sphere on human activity sphere, the rules and methods for integrated geographic zoning, and the changing laws of "living-production-ecology" spatial structure, are discussed. Finally, this paper discusses the significance and key issues of regional sustainable development in the framework of "Future Earth", and presents that the integrated method system and basic theoretical system of comprehensive research in complexity science based on "integration of both natural and social sciences" and "interpenetration of both basic researches and decision-making application", will profoundly influence research progress of the process and framework of human-environment system.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502002 [本文引用: 2]

Major Function Oriented Zoning (MFOZ) is the blueprint for the future developmnt and protection pattern of China's territory, and has been raised to from major function zones planning to major function zoning strategy and major function zoning institution. From 2004 to 2014, the author organized a series of research projects to compose MFOZ for the country, studied basic theory of regional function and MFOZ technical process, and proposed that space controlling zones of national and provincial scales can be divided into four types: urbanized zones, foodstuff-security zones, ecological safety zones, cultural and natural heritage zones. On this basis, major function zones of county scale should be transferred to optimized, prioritized, restricted, and prohibited zones. In this paper, a regional function identification index system comprising nine quantitative indicators (including water resources, land resources, ecological importance, ecological fragility, environment capacity, disaster risk, economic development level, population concentration and transport superiority) and one qualitative indicator of strategic choice is developed. Based on the single index evaluation, comprehensive evaluation using regional function suitability evaluation index is conducted, aiming at testing several key parameters including lower limit of protection zones and upper limit of development zones at the provincial level. In addition, a planning-oriented zoning method of major function zones is also discussed, which has brought the first MFOZ planning in China. According to the MFOZ caliber, it is forecasted that national spatial development intensity will rise from 3.48% in 2010 to 3.91% in 2020. Furthermore, according to caliber of the provincial integrated MFOZ planning, the area of optimized, prioritized and restricted zones accounts for 1.48%, 13.60% and 84.92%, respectively, and that of urbanized, foodstuff-security and ecological safety zones accounts for 15.08%, 26.11% and 58.81%, respectively. In combination of analyses of development level, resources and environmental carrying status and quality of the people's livelihood, the main characteristics of MFOZ were identified. Through verification, MFOZ draft of national and provincial scales, which is interactively accomplished with "MFOZ Technical Process" put forward by the author, is mostly above 80% identical with what have been forecasted.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201910001 [本文引用: 1]

Since the reform and opening-up in 1978, historic changes have been seen in the transportation geography pattern of China. Understanding its evolutionary characteristics and regularity is significant and meaningful for future transportation construction and territory development. This paper reviewed the process of transportation construction in China and investigated the evolutionary characteristics and spatial effects of transportation geography pattern with the technologies in big data mining and GIS. In addition, the regular rules of transportation geography evolution from the aspects of stages, structures, and orders are systematically analyzed. The investigation showed that China's transportation construction has entered the stage of quality improvement. The construction mode has upgraded from scale-expanding driven by investment to quality-improving driven by innovation. The development direction has changed from "prior development" to "integrated coordinated development". The rapid growth and development of transportation networks have significantly influenced the relationship between time and space. The resulting spatial convergence and superiority pattern are coupled with economic-social distribution, which facilitates the development of the economic-social spatial structure. Consequently, territory development that is traditionally centralized by corridors has changed into the networked mode centered on metropolises and metropolitan areas. In brief, the transportation geography pattern is of evolutionary principles. China has been evolving from the stage of ordered structure to the stage of cascade-order structure. Simultaneously, the economic-social pattern has changed from the axis structure to the hub-and-spoke structure with a preliminary ordered network. As transportation networks grow and expand, China's functional spatial structure and ordered network will be gradually stabilized and balanced.
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DOI:10.1126/science.aaf7439URL [本文引用: 1]
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Mega- urban agglomerations in China play a vital role in both national economic development strategies and national new-type urbanization, and undertake important historical responsibility with the world economic center transfer to China. However, they suffer a series of increasingly serious eco- environmental problems in the process of development. Thus,studies on the interactive coupled effects between urbanization and eco-environment in megaurban agglomerations are the frontier areas and high priority tasks in the earth system science for the future ten years. This paper analyses the basic theory frame of the interactive coupled effects between urbanization and eco- environment in mega- urban agglomerations systematically. In theoretical aspect, based on the nonlinear relationship and coupling characteristics of the natural and human elements in mega- urban agglomerations system, we could estimate the interactive coercing intensity, nearcoupling and telecoupling mechanism ofthe inside and outside mega-urban agglomerations system after scientific identification of the key elements, and then form the basic interactive coupling theory. Moreover, we could build a spatio- temporal coupling dynamic model, which is integrated with multi- elements, multiscales,multi-scenarios, multi-modules and multi-agents. The model will be used to develop the intelligent decision support system for urban agglomeration sustainable development. In methodology aspect, the mega- urban agglomeration is regarded as an open complex giantsystem. We should establish the standardized shared database for exploring the interactive coupled effects between urbanization and eco- environment. Then using new technology for analyzing big data and the integration methods incorporating of multi- elements, multi- scales,multi- targets, multi- agents, multi- scenarios and multi- modules, we can build a methodology framework to analyze the complex interaction coupling between urbanization and ecoenvironment. The technical route is to analyze spatiotemporal evolution characteristics, identifythe key elements, interpret coupling relationship, reveal the mechanism of coercing effect, find the general rules, filtrate the control variables, solve the critical thresholds, conduct regulation experiments, simulate different scenarios, propose an optimized schemes, and achieve national goals. Furthermore, we could put forward the overall optimization scheme. In general, this research could provide theoretical guidance and method support for the transformation and sustainable development in mega-urban agglomerations.
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The coupled urbanization and eco-environment system is an important aspect of coupled human and natural systems. However, the time-space compression, long range interactions, and reconstruction of socio-economic structure at the global scale pose great challenges to the traditional analysis frameworks for human-nature systems. We are in urgent need of developing a brand new analysis framework. In this paper, based on the connotation of the coupled urbanization and eco-environment system and its four dimensions — space, time, appearance and organization, we propose a conceptual framework "Coupled Human and Natural Cube (CHNC)" to explain the coupling mechanism between urbanization and eco-environment, which is inspired by the theories including human-earth areal system, telecoupling, planetary urbanization, and perspectives from complexity science. We systematically introduce the concept, connotation, evolution rules and analysis dimensions of the CHNC. It is worth noting that there exist various "coupling lines" in the CHNC, which connects different systems and elements at multiple scales, and forms a nested, interconnected organic bigger system. The rotation of the CHNC represents the spatiotemporal nonlinear fluctuation of the urbanization and eco-environment system in different regions. As the system exchanges energy with the environment continually, the critical phase transition occurs when fluctuation reaches a certain threshold, and leads to emergence behaviors of the system. The CHNC has four dimensions — pericoupling and telecoupling, syncoupling and lagcoupling, apparent coupling and hidden coupling, intra-organization coupling and inter-organization coupling. We mainly focus on the theoretical connotation, research methods and typical cases of telecoupling, lagcoupling, hidden coupling, and inter-organization coupling, and finally put forward a human-nature coupling matrix to integrate multiple dimensions. In summary, the CHNC provides a more comprehensive and systematic research paradigm for understanding the evolution and coupling mechanism of the human-nature system, which expands the analysis dimension of coupled human and natural systems, and provides some scientific supports to formulate regional sustainable development policies for human wellbeing.

The existing research on the mechanism of LUCC cannot fully illustrate dynamics of land use/cover driven by long-distance interaction in the global context. To fill this gap, a theoretical framework of tele-coupling interpretation is intentionally introduced in this paper. Starting with a general overview of previous studies on the mechanism of LUCC in perspectives of human society development, and followed by the empirical evidence for these mechanisms, this paper proposes an initial framework of tele-coupling interpretation. It is concluded that remote connection, globalization, and urbanization are the three major forms of tele-coupling that have driven LUCC. Specifically, in terms of environmental interactions between long-distance natural systems, climate change and large-scale climate events have cross-regional impacts. For example, they can directly affect vegetation dynamics by changing climate factors such as temperature and precipitation, resulting in the climatic tolerance range of vegetation, which in turn could change the distribution pattern of vegetation, leading to the land use/cover change. For socio-economic interactions between distant human systems, the globalization process may drive the land use/cover change through transmission and feedback of various flows of information, technologies, capital and goods at different levels of administrative spaces. Regarding to urbanization, it could alter the land use/coverage in remote areas directly or indirectly through the process of production factor aggregation. Based on these elaborations, this paper further puts forward the key contents and basic steps of the application of tele-coupling framework in LUCC research. Firstly, a "time-space-event" trinity analysis path of land use/cover change is established, which links the spatio-temporal dynamics of land use/cover with the sequence of events that drive the change. This kind of analysis seeks to use specific social, economic, and natural events to explore the driving forces to land use/cover change. The operational analytical method with five steps is thus proposed for this purpose. Secondly, the distance decay curve method and the event sequence classification method inside and outside the area should be applied for decomposing driving forces to the near-remote land use/cover change. Finally, a comprehensive network-based inter-system study or cross-system synthesis is badly needed to better understand land use/cover change at the regional (global) scale. Cross-system synthesis is the key step to realize the transformation from micro case studies to a macroscopic comprehensive integration, and its primary mission is to clarify the mutual feedback of factor flows between multiple systems and their impact on land use/cover change. In conclusion, the new method is expected to achieve a synchronous explanation of land use/cover change driven by multiple long-distance systems, in an aim to have a holistic and better understanding of the human-nature coupling system at the regional (global) scale.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb202003011 [本文引用: 1]

The local and tele-coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment has received extensive attention from researchers in recent years. Understanding the synergies and trade-off between urbanization and eco-environment systems is essential in addressing eco-environment problems in rapidly urbanized China. Based on a comprehensive literature review on the subject, this article presents the theories, methods and key applications that are associated with the coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment. We found that the concept of local and tele-coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment has only been developed since two decades ago. Related theories are still in development and applications based on this concept are limited until now. However, from other perspectives, many studies have adopted various methods to investigate the relations between the human and nature systems, providing abundant empirical evidence on the coupling relationship between the two systems. Lastly, future research directions are recommended. It is essential to examine the local and tele-coupling relationship between urban and eco-environmental systems in urban agglomeration areas, which helps enhance our understanding on the dynamic characteristics of involved systems and dominating pathways of evolving relationships in rapidly developed regions in China.
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DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.07.008 [本文引用: 2]

Food is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. China's food system is facing many challenges. The reduction of cultivated land resources, criticality of environmental pressures, loss of agricultural workforce, and rapid transformation of consumer demand have placed higher demands on food system functions. At the present in China, food system research is insufficient and the research content is fragmented, which cannot meet the needs and challenges of the society today. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the evolving concept of food system, summarizing the conceptual issues and types and characteristics of food systems. It then examines the progress of food system research, which evolved from concepts to methods, from a linear to a systematic recognition of the concept, from economic activities to food landscapes, from phenomenon descriptions to spatiotemporal analysis, among others, to consolidate the core connotation of the food system. Under the guidance of the human-environmental relationship paradigm, the spatial paradigm, the philosophy of science paradigms, and the systematic science paradigm, and following the path of "pattern-structure-process-mechanism," the spatial and temporal patterns, factor structure, evolution process, and development mechanism of food systems are further explored. The aim of this study is to construct a geographical paradigm of food system research. It intends to provide some references for promoting basic research and practical applications of a food system perspective.
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The planetary boundaries framework defines a safe operating space for humanity based on the intrinsic biophysical processes that regulate the stability of the Earth system. Here, we revise and update the planetary boundary framework, with a focus on the underpinning biophysical science, based on targeted input from expert research communities and on more general scientific advances over the past 5 years. Several of the boundaries now have a two-tier approach, reflecting the importance of cross-scale interactions and the regional-level heterogeneity of the processes that underpin the boundaries. Two core boundaries—climate change and biosphere integrity—have been identified, each of which has the potential on its own to drive the Earth system into a new state should they be substantially and persistently transgressed.Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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