

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

孟祥凤,1, 马爽1, 项雯怡2, 阚长城2, 吴康3, 龙瀛,1,4,51.清华大学建筑学院,北京 100084
2.百度时代网络技术(北京)有限公司,北京 100085
3.首都经济贸易大学城市经济与公共管理学院 城市群系统演化与可持续发展的决策模拟北京市重点实验室,北京 100070
4.清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心,北京 100084
5.生态规划与绿色建筑教育部重点实验室,北京 100084

Classification of shrinking cities in China using Baidu big data

MENG Xiangfeng,1, MA Shuang1, XIANG Wenyi2, KAN Changcheng2, WU Kang3, LONG Ying,1,4,51. School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. Baidu.com Times Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085, China
3. Beijing Key Laboratory of Megaregions Sustainable Development Modeling, School of Urban Economics and Public Affairs, Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070, China
4. Hang Lung Center for Real Estate, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
5. Key Laboratory of Eco-Planning & Green Building, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100084, China;

通讯作者: 龙瀛(1980-), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事城乡规划技术科学研究。E-mail: ylong@tsinghua.edu.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(51778319)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171216)
Beijing Nova Programme Interdisciplinary Cooperation Project(Z191100001119017)

作者简介 About authors
孟祥凤(1991-), 女, 博士后, 主要从事中国收缩城市的精细化识别、空间表征与规划机制研究。E-mail: mengxf1991@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

收缩城市是快速城市化过程中不可忽视的一类城市,按照城市人口变化格局,开展收缩城市分类研究,是发现城市人口“空洞”及变化特征的重要一环。国际上将收缩城市主要分为穿孔型、圈饼型和边缘型,中国的收缩城市究竟包括哪些类型?尚缺少研究证实。本文以中国实体城市为分析单位,利用百度慧眼2016年11月─2018年11月200 m格网的常住人口数据,发现常住人口减少的实体城市共1506座,占实体城市总量(3022座)的49.8%。选取人口较为密集且在研究时段内出现严重收缩现象的126座收缩城市为研究样本,探讨中国收缩城市分类问题。分析表明:126座收缩城市样本多分布在秦岭淮河一线以北地区,包括穿孔型、全局型、局部型、圈饼型、边缘型等5种类型。其中,穿孔型收缩城市最多,共47座(37.3%),为中国收缩城市的主导类型,主要分布于黑龙江、内蒙古、甘肃;全局型收缩城市有33座(26.2%),主要分布于甘肃、陕西;局部型收缩城市有25座(19.8%),主要分布在黑龙江、内蒙古;圈饼型收缩城市有18座(14.3%),主要分布在内蒙古;边缘型收缩城市有3座。“重速度、轻质量”的前半程城镇化,以“增长”为主导的城市规划执念,资源枯竭或经济转型导致传统工业企业衰落解体,政府主动调整下的产业转移等是产生穿孔型收缩城市的主因。研究为政府精细调整城市发展重心、优化土地利用结构、提高城市宜居性、开展收缩语境下的城市规划与设计,提供了科学依据。
关键词: 实体城市;城市收缩;人口变化格局;百度慧眼;常住人口;中国

In the context of rapid urbanization, shrinking cities cannot be ignored. The classification of shrinking cities according to the patterns of urban population changes is the key to reveal the "hollow" and changing characteristics of the population. Researchers classified the shrinking cities in Western developed countries as "perforated", "doughnut" and "peripheral" types. However, there is a lack of evidence showing the types of shrinking cities in China. This paper takes the redefined physical cities in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) as the study area, and employs Baidu Huiyan's 200 m × 200 m grid cell permanent population data from November 2016 to November 2018 to identify different types of shrinking cities in the country. Our results show that 1506 physical cities have experienced a population reduction between 2016 and 2018, accounting for 49.8% of the total number of physical cities (3022). Furthermore, in order to accurately identify the types of shrinking cities, 126 densely populated and severely shrinking cities during the study period were selected as the research samples, mainly located to north of the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River of China. Our analysis shows that the shrinking types of the sample cities can be classified into five categories: "perforated", "complete", "local", "doughnut", and "peripheral". The number of cities with perforated shrinkage is the largest, which numbered 47 (37.3% of the sample cities), most of which are found in Heilongjiang Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Gansu Province. Complete shrinkage ranks the second, including 33 cities, which accounts for 26.2% of the samples, and mainly distributed in Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. The numbers of shrinking cities with local, doughnut and peripheral types are 25, 18 and 3, respectively. These cities are mainly distributed in Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia. This is because the governments paid more attention to the development speed over quality during the first half of China's urbanization process, and adopted a growth-oriented urban planning strategy. Traditional industries declined due to resource depletion or economic transformation, and the transfer of industries under active government adjustment, all of which contribute to the emergence of perforated shrinkage. This study could provide scientific evidence for micro management of urban development, optimization of land use pattern, improvement of urban livability, and conduct of urban planning and design in the context of urban shrinkage.
Keywords:physical city;urban shrinkage;population change pattern;Baidu Huiyan;permanent resident;China

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孟祥凤, 马爽, 项雯怡, 阚长城, 吴康, 龙瀛. 基于百度慧眼的中国收缩城市分类研究. 地理学报, 2021, 76(10): 2477-2488 doi:10.11821/dlxb202110010
MENG Xiangfeng, MA Shuang, XIANG Wenyi, KAN Changcheng, WU Kang, LONG Ying. Classification of shrinking cities in China using Baidu big data. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(10): 2477-2488 doi:10.11821/dlxb202110010

1 引言


西方****多借助人口普查、房产税、社区调查、住房调查等政府为主导建立的基础数据[9,10,11],以人口普查小区(Census Track)等为研究单位,分析收缩城市内部人口流失[12]、用地闲置[13]及建筑空置等特征[14],将收缩城市归纳为3种类型,包括以前民主德国老工业城市莱比锡(Leipzig)为代表的“穿孔型”收缩城市[15]、以美国东北部锈带城市(布法罗(Buffalo)、底特律(Detroit)、匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)等)为代表的“圈饼型”收缩城市[16]和以法国大巴黎地区(Ile-de-France)为代表的与圈饼型收缩正相反的边缘型收缩城市[1]。穿孔型收缩城市表现为人口流失发生在城市的各个地区,空置、遗弃的建筑与其他正在使用的建筑高度混合,就像是一张纸上被随意打掉了若干孔洞,城市的肌理不再连续[1];圈饼型收缩城市是指内城人口大量外迁,而城市郊区的人口则保持相对稳定甚至增长,这种空心化的现象与油炸圈饼极为相似因而得名[17];边缘型收缩城市其郊区环面临人口流失,而中心区依旧保持稳定。

中国****主要借助五普、六普常住人口数据及户籍人口数据开展收缩城市研究。龙瀛等[18]认为2000─2010年间中国出现了180座收缩城市,即这180座城市的人口总量发生下降;张学良等[19]根据2000─2010年间成渝地区收缩城市常住人口的减少数量和收缩位置,即人口变化格局,将收缩城市划分为全域式、局部式及边缘式3种类型;何鹤鸣等[20]通过对常州高新区产业空间闲置及就业人员减少的空间分析,认为常州高新区为“穿孔型”收缩,认为中国部分城市工业园区的收缩现象较为严重;孟祥凤[21]通过识别2001年、2009年和2016年四平市的闲置用地分布特征,将四平市分为“穿孔型─圈层型─外延式圈饼型”3种类型,认为收缩城市人口流失的区域与用地闲置区域在空间上高度重叠。由于中国城市的常住人口与户籍人口、城市实体边界与行政区划边界并不匹配[22,23],使得基于人口普查和统计数据的收缩城市研究成果时效性不高、难以代表真实城市空间、空间分辨率也不够细致[24]。依靠遥感大数据开展精细化的收缩城市分类研究初露端倪。Wu等[25]应用夜间灯光数据,识别了2012─2018年义乌市的城市收缩特征,发现增长区域主要位于义乌中部,收缩区域集中在北部和南部;Jiang等[26]基于分辨率为430 m×430 m的NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光遥感数据对中国收缩城市进行了识别分析;Zhou等[27]用夜间灯光数据分析了伊春市的城市收缩特征。

因此,本文以中国3022座实体城市(不包括港澳台地区)(最小面积为2 km2)为分析单位,依托2016年11月与2018年11月实体城市范围内分辨率为200 m×200 m的百度慧眼常住人口网格数据,从人口变化格局视角,探索中国收缩城市分类问题。高分辨率的人口数据与实体城市边界在空间上的叠加分析,弥补了中国城市的常住人口与户籍人口、城市实体边界与行政区划边界不匹配的问题,可以得到城市空间人口变化的真实情况。为政府精细调整城市发展重心、优化土地利用结构、提高城市宜居性、开展收缩语境下的城市规划与设计,提供了科学依据。

2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 数据来源

2.1.1 实体城市数据 实体城市是指城市中的城镇空间,而非城市的行政管辖空间[23]。马爽等[23]利用2015年全国城镇建设用地与全国社区行政边界数据集,识别得到包括县城(城关镇)和较大乡镇在内的2622座实体城市(最小面积为2 km2)数据集。为了对这一数据集进行补充,利用全国2016年高分遥感影像,解译得到城镇建设用地数据集,将2016年城镇建设用地数据集与2015年实体城市边界数据集叠加,得到实体城市边界外的城镇建设用地数据,并将其与全国社区行政边界相叠加。当城镇建设用地占社区面积比例超过40%时,将社区边界内区域识别为实体地域;当单独或连片实体地域的总面积超过2 km2时,实体地域被归并为一个实体城市。据此,2016年在全国范围内增补了400座实体城市。本文文中最终参与收缩城市分类的实体城市有3022座,最小面积为2 km2

2.1.2 百度慧眼常住人口数据 百度慧眼通过整合百度地图位置服务中的去隐私化人口位置信息(6个月),及用户标注、土地使用属性等数据,提取人口活动的位置属性、时间分布等特征。基于人工智能技术(GBDT、XGBoost)挖掘得到精度高、覆盖广的人口常驻点数据;再利用ID Mapping技术,结合《中国统计年鉴》人口年龄结构还原得到常住人口数据。百度慧眼常住人口数据具有精度高、覆盖广、动态更新等优势,其常住人口的统计标准为在某城市居住半年及以上的人口(相关数据处理各环节均匿名化,各环节及输出均不涉及个体隐私)( https://huiyan.baidu.com/。)。但数据获取的成本较高,操作过程复杂,且结合统计年鉴人口年龄结构分布数据将挖掘得到的常驻点数据还原为常住人口数据的过程,有可能造成常住人口统计的误差。本文利用百度慧眼2016年11月、2018年11月两期常住人口数据,分析中国3022座实体城市常住人口变化情况。再依据实体城市范围内200 m×200 m的百度慧眼常住人口网格数据,识别2年来中国城市收缩的人口变化格局。

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 实体城市常住人口变化率 一般认为,在城市内部,若人口持续流失,即为收缩城市。但人口流失的时长和数量标准并不统一[28,29]。如国际城市收缩研究网络(Shrinking Cities International Research Network( https://www.ru.uni-kl.de/en/ips/research/networks-and-cooperations/shrinking-cities-international-research-network-scirn/。))认为,10000人以上的城市,如果人口持续流失2年以上,则称为收缩城市。本文认为在2016年11月—2018年11月期间,常住人口减少的实体城市即为收缩城市,并用实体城市常住人口变化率来测量增长或收缩强度。当S > 0时,常住人口增加,为增长型城市;当S = 0时,常住人口在研究时段内没有变化,为稳定型城市;当S < 0时,常住人口流失,为收缩城市。常住人口变化率的测算模型为:


2.2.2 收缩城市研究样本的筛选方法 为有效识别收缩城市的人口变化格局,必须认真遴选收缩城市的研究样本。参考部分收缩城市的分级划分标准,人口流失超过10%或15%的城市被划分为严重收缩城市(Significant Shrinkage)[30,31],故本文制定收缩城市研究样本的遴选标准为(图1):① 选择常住人口变化率≤ -15%的实体城市;② 筛选出实体城市内部人口密度> 2500人/km2的网格单元;③ 人口减少的网格数量≥ 10个的实体城市。



Fig. 1The screening method of shrinking city samples

2.3 基于人口变化格局的收缩城市分类模型

参考相关研究文献[15,16],本文从收缩城市内部常住人口减少的网格数量、面积大小及空间分布特征等维度,判定收缩城市人口变化格局,并将收缩城市分为全局型(Complete Shrinkage)、局部型(Local Shrinkage)、圈饼型(Doughnut Shrinkage)、边缘型(Peripheral Shrinkage)及穿孔型(Perforated Shrinkage)5种类型。基于人口变化格局的收缩城市分类模型如表1所示。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Criteria of classifying shrinking cities based on population change pattern
全局型城市范围内绝大部分地区同时经历着人口流失收缩城市内常住人口变化率< 0的网格数量占网格总量的70%以上,且常住人口变化率< 0的网格面积占收缩城市面积的50%以上
城市内部某一地区出现较小范围的人口流失常住人口变化率< 0的网格集中分布在实体城市除中心位置外的某一区域
内城人口大量减少,而城市周边人口数量相对稳定常住人口变化率< 0的网格集中在实体城市的中心区域
多个人口流失区域散布在城市内部常住人口变化率< 0的网格零散分布在实体城市的多个区位
内城人口增加,周边人口减少常住人口变化率< 0的网格分布在城市增长区的外围


3 结果分析

3.1 中国实体城市常住人口变化特征

2016─2018年中国常住人口数量增加的实体城市共1516座,占实体城市的50.2%;常住人口数量减少的实体城市共1506座,占实体城市的49.8%,广泛分布于中国的一、二级阶梯及第三级阶梯的东北部(图2),其中,常住人口变化率≤ -15%的实体城市共177座。研究发现,人口流失的实体城市数量及面积占比超过50%的省区主要分布在中国西部,包括甘肃、内蒙古、新疆、青海、宁夏等省区,其中,甘肃省常住人口流失的实体城市数量占比为全国最高,达95.2%,面积占比达84.5%;东北地区的实体城市常住人口流失也较为严重,如吉林省人口流失的实体城市数量占比为80.8%,面积占比为78.9%;黑龙江省人口流失的实体城市数量占比达92.2%,面积占比为88.6%;北京、海南、云南、广东等省(市)的实体城市也呈现出较为严重的常住人口流失状况,云南、海南两省的人口流失实体城市面积占比均超过98.2%。重庆、天津、上海、深圳等地的实体城市常住人口数量则较为稳定。



Fig. 2Change rate of permanent population in 3022 physical cities in China from 2016 to 2018

3.2 收缩城市的人口变化格局

3.2.1 开展人口变化格局分析的收缩城市研究样本 针对常住人口变化率≤ -15%的177座实体城市,创建200 m×200 m的常住人口密度网格,选取常住人口密度> 2500人/km2的网格(7796个),计算每个网格在2016─2018年期间的常住人口变化率S,筛选出S<0的网格(5660个)。按常住人口减少率分组,统计不同减少率网格的占比特征(图3)。发现在5660个常住人口流失网格中,80.5%的网格常住人口减少率介于0%~40%之间。常住人口减少比率在10%~20%之间的网格数量占比最高,达25.4%。



Fig. 3Grouping statistics of the number of grids with different reduction ratios of permanent population from 2016 to 2018

根据收缩城市研究样本筛选方法,最终从177座收缩城市中筛选出126座收缩城市作为研究样本(图4)。收缩城市研究样本主要分布于中国秦岭淮河一线以北地区。其中,面积介于2~5 km2之间的有65座,占比51.6%;面积介于5~10 km2之间的有42座,占比33.3%;面积> 10 km2的有19座,占比15.1%。为逐个判定样本城市的人口变化格局,对样本城市逐一命名。当同一区内包含多个实体城市时,以“区名+编号”为实体城市命名,例如:北京市顺义区1、北京市顺义区2等;当同一县内包含多个实体城市时,面积最大的实体城市以“县名+主城”命名,其余实体城市以“县名+副城+编号”命名。



Fig. 4Spatial distribution of the 126 sample shrinking cities in China from 2016 to 2018

3.2.2 中国收缩城市人口变化格局的类型及分布情况 根据收缩城市人口变化格局的识别标准(表1),结合常住人口减少的网格在城市内部的空间分布状态(图5),确定穿孔型收缩城市最多,达47座,占37.3%,主要分布于黑龙江省(8座),多为面积较大的市辖区实体城市,说明中国已有部分城市的市辖区出现了城市收缩,这些城市内部发生严重人口流失的空间范围较小,处于城市收缩的初级阶段;其次为全局型33座,占26.2%,主要分布于甘肃省(9座)、陕西省(6座),大部分为面积较小的县级实体城市,此类收缩城市集中于西北内陆腹地,多为贫困县或曾经的贫困县( http://travel.china.com.cn/txt/2016-06/08/content_38630194.htm.),如甘肃的庄浪县、陕西的旬邑县、宁夏的同心县等当时均为贫困县,与中国中部或东部沿海地区的经济发展存在较大差异;局部型收缩城市为25座,占19.8%,主要分布在黑龙江省(7座)及内蒙古自治区(5座);圈饼型收缩城市为18座,占14.3%,主要分布在内蒙古自治区(5座)。局部型与圈饼型收缩城市的人口流失率低于全局型收缩城市,边缘型收缩城市数量最少,仅为3座(表2)。从人口变化格局视角看,中国的收缩城市类型主要包括穿孔型、全局型、局部型与圈饼型(图5),其中穿孔型收缩城市为主导类型。国外收缩城市中占主导地位的是穿孔型、圈饼型和边缘型[15,16],但圈饼型和边缘型收缩城市的占比偏小。



Fig. 5Example of different types of shrinking cities in China based on the patterns of population change

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Statistics of different types of shrinking cities based on the patterns of population change


4 讨论

4.1 收缩城市产生的总体原因分析


4.2 穿孔型收缩成为中国收缩城市主导类型的原因


4.3 收缩城市的应对策略


其次,面对资源枯竭、财政紧张、人力资源匮乏导致内生动力缺失的收缩城市,城市复兴困难重重。应辩证的看待城市收缩,承认部分城市收缩的不可逆性,调整城市规划设计应对的手法,正确应对城市收缩带来的机遇与挑战。对于收缩城市的规划设计应对,西方国家有较多的成功案例值得借鉴,如美国的Youngstown 2010规划(Youngstown 2010 Citywide Plan),主张将闲置用地看作解决城市环境问题的机遇,通过将闲置用地改造为绿色基础设施,使现有房屋的价值有所提升,调节生态环境,缓解土地市场的低迷,从而提高市民生活质量、缓解人口流失[37];德国西柏林(West-Berlin)承认城市人口已无法恢复原有水平,主张将收缩城市在原有大城市的基础上进行缩减,城市开发和公共消费集中在现有城市足迹(Urban Footprint)的关键节点,同时降低这些关键节点之间的衰败区域的人口。这样,通过集中城市人口、精简城市服务,缓解城市财政问题[38]。总结发达国家收缩城市的规划设计应对主要以“合理精简”为目标,以空间改造与绿色基础设施营建为具体措施。中国缺乏收缩城市规划设计应对的实践经验与成功案例,2019年“第一届中国收缩城市规划设计工作坊”以鹤岗市中心城为设计区域,进行了中国收缩城市规划设计应对的初探,其主要设计思路为顺应收缩城市的发展轨迹,以“合理精简”为主要目标导向,以期实现鹤岗市的精明收缩。但由于城市发展背景、存在的问题各不相同,尽管工作坊的部分手法对中国其他城市有一定的借鉴意义,但仍然需要更多针对国内其他类型收缩城市的规划实践和探索,便于国内收缩城市设计应对的横向比较,从而形成较系统全面的设计应对策略。

5 结论



(2)进行人口变化格局分析的126座收缩城市研究样本,主要分布于中国秦岭淮河一线的北部地区。其中,面积在2~5 km2之间的有65座,占比51.6%;面积在5~10 km2之间的有42座,占比33.3%;面积> 10 km2的有19座,占比15.1%。说明中国面积越小的实体城市发生严重人口流失的概率越大。




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While China′s urbanization has been characterized by 'growth-oriented' development models, the recent literature has highlighted the emergence of urban shrinkage in China, i.e., cities and regions that endure sustained population losses. This is especially the case for some resource-based cities in Northeast and North China, which have been losing their population and suffering from stagnant and even negative local GDP growth. Shrinking cities is a new phenomenon for research in the areas of population-resources-environments, spatial planning and urban governance in China. Based on a brief review of related literature, this paper summarizes some misunderstandings in the research of shrinking cities in China. It is a challenge to identify shrinking cities scientifically because of different demographies, different classification standards and disconnection between attributes data and geographic units. Extending from the suggestion from Zhou and Shi (1995), this paper, based on urban physical areas comparison and urban administrative areas test, analyzes the changes of China′s urban population and proposes a framework to identify the shrinking cities. The results show that there are 114 designated cities, in which the population size of the "Chengrenkou" (residential population in the built-up area) in 2010 was smaller than that of the "Shirenkou" (residential population in the administrative area) in 2000. However, due to a larger "Shirenkou" size in 2000 in statistics than in actual situation, and also several inflated figures of "Chengrenkou" in 2010, the exact number of "shrinking cities" is less than 114. After excluding "urban administrative areas" with a larger rural population, 56 cities and 75 cities were in net outflow in 2000 and 2010, respectively. The results are highly policy-relevant, therefore we should adjust future policies regarding urban shrinkage management. Finally, this paper argues that China should establish the concept of urban physical areas and promote the regional collaborative statistical system of urbanization. And it is also necessary to build a "spatio-temporal aligned" geographic information system database of China's resident population and take the regional differences in the administrative divisions into account in order to continuously promote the accurate division of urban and rural population.
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Many American and European cities have to deal with demographic and economic trajectories leading to urban shrinkage. According to official data, 13% of urban regions in the US and 54% of those in the EU have lost population in recent years. However, the extent and spatial distribution of declining populations differ significantly between Europe and the US. In Germany, the situation is driven by falling birth rates and the effects of German reunification. In the US, shrinkage is basically related to long-term industrial transformation. But the challenges of shrinking cities seldom appeared on the agendas of politicians and urban planners until recently. This article provides a critical overview of the development paths and local strategies of four shrinking cities: Schwedt and Dresden in eastern Germany; Youngstown and Pittsburgh in the US. A typology of urban growth and shrinkage, from economic and demographic perspectives, enables four types of city to be differentiated and the differences between the US and eastern Germany to be discussed. The article suggests that a new transatlantic debate on policy and planning strategies for restructuring shrinking cities is needed to overcome the dominant growth orientation that in most cases intensifies the negative consequences of shrinkage.

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In the process of rapid urbanization in China, there has been the coexistence of urban growth and shrinkage, among which resource-based cities are more typical. The research on the process and influence mechanism of urban growth and shrinkage is helpful to optimize the development path of resource-based cities and the appropriate planning response. In this paper, we take Jixi City, Hegang City, Shuangyashan City and Qitaihe City in Heilongjiang Province as case cities. From the idea of urban comparative study, the process of urban growth and shrinkage of the four cities is quantitatively characterized and its factors are analyzed by means of mean square decision-making method and partial least square method. The advantage of using mean square decision-making is to avoid errors of subjective evaluation. The partial least square method has gathered the advantages of PCA, correlation analysis and MLR method. The aim to use PLS here is to solve the multicollinearity problem of variables. The results show that: 1) The four cities are not in a state of continuous shrinkage, but the growth and shrinkage alternately. This result is in line with the characteristic that the development of mining cities change with the mining market. 2) From the perspective of factors of urban growth and shrinkage process, Jixi City is mainly affected by residents’ income and consumption, Hegang City is mainly affected by industry and investment, Shuangyashan City is mainly affected by the manufacturing industry and investment, and Qitaihe City is mainly affected by coal production. The four cities have different influential factors mainly in aspects of social development, external investment, and industrial transformation. In addition, each factors has different influencing extend on different cities. Therefore, we will see that cities with similar resource endowment could have different influential factors on urban growth or shrinkage. 3) From the perspective of difference, the process of urban growth and shrinkage and the difference of influence mechanism are mainly determined by the difference of alternative industry selection, the competition between cities, and the external influence and other factors.
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