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<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/mathjax/2.7.2-beta.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"></script> <script type='text/x-mathjax-config'> MathJax.Hub.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: {inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],processEscapes: true}, "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }, TeX: {equationNumbers: {autoNumber: ["none"], useLabelIds: true}}, "HTML-CSS": {linebreaks: {automatic: true}}, SVG: {linebreaks: {automatic: true}} }); </script> 汤国安,1,2,3, 李吉龙,1,2,3,4, 熊礼阳1,2,3, 那嘉明1,2,31.南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,南京 210023
2.南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210023
3.江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023
4.宁夏大学地理科学与规划学院,银川 750021

Scientific attributes and expression methods of geographical boundary

TANG Guoan,1,2,3, LI Jilong,1,2,3,4, XIONG Liyang1,2,3, NA Jiaming1,2,31. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Ministry of Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
3. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
4. School of Geography and Planning, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China

通讯作者: 李吉龙(1988-), 男, 博士, 主要从事GIS数字地形分析研究。E-mail: leejeelong@126.com


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41930102)

作者简介 About authors
汤国安(1961-), 男, 博士, 教授, 博导, 主要从事地理信息科学方面的研究。E-mail: tangguoan@njnu.edu.cn

关键词: 地理学;地理边界;科学属性;类型划分;表达方法

The scientific delineation of geographical boundary, which is the basic scientific issue of geography, reflects the cognitive level of the spatial variation of geographic objects from scientific abstraction and systematic analysis. From the perspective of earth system science, this paper first explicates the core issues of the basic concepts, scientific content and basic properties of geographical boundary. Based on the principles of scientificity and systematicness, the paper classifies geographical boundaries systematically according to the intrinsic mechanisms, extrinsic appearance and scientific attributes of geographical systems. This paper focuses on the analysis of the mathematical connotation and expression of geographical boundaries. In addition, it compares the characteristics and differences of traditional and modern methods for geographical boundary delineation. Finally, we construct the research framework of "geographical boundary model", which integrates the characteristics of qualitative, quantitative and positioning methods of geographical boundary. The research is expected to enrich the theory and method in geographical information science with the analysis of concept and method of geographical boundaries.
Keywords:geography;geographical boundary;scientific attribute;types classification;expression method

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汤国安, 李吉龙, 熊礼阳, 那嘉明. 论地理边界的科学属性与表达. 地理学报, 2021, 76(11): 2841-2852 doi:10.11821/dlxb202111017
TANG Guoan, LI Jilong, XIONG Liyang, NA Jiaming. Scientific attributes and expression methods of geographical boundary. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(11): 2841-2852 doi:10.11821/dlxb202111017

1 地理边界的概念



地理学的研究尺度范畴是地球表层空间,地理边界正是在这个范畴内来解决地学问题。地理边界具有基本地理属性,较之于其他边界具有一定的特殊性。《现代地理学辞典》将地理边界定义为“将相邻地域单位加以区分的线或带,一般处在地理要素或地理综合性特征变化梯度最大的带段”[5]。该定义强调以下几点:① 地理边界所区分的对象是相邻且不同的地域单位;② 地理对象的属性在不同地域单位上表现出显著的差异性;③“最大变化梯度”蕴含了地理现象相对变化的概念,但是仅以梯度变化作为地理边界的划界依据缺乏地理边界的结构基础[6];④ 边界的表现形式一般为突变的“线”或渐变的“带”,这体现了地理边界的过渡性和模糊性。此外,中国****指出地理边界是由量变到质变的点的连续,界线两侧是相似性和差异性相互交织的地带[7,8];而美国国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)将地理边界定义为:将地球上不同区域分开的线,并将地理边界划分自然边界、政治边界和其他边界等几种类型。也有****提到在地理边界的定义和概念中,需要考虑两种大类的地理边界:一是固定的自然边界(如海岸线、河流、山脉等);二是由人工自定义的大范围边界(如空气污染边界、城市边界等)[9]。综上所述,虽然地理边界定义的表达可以明确为:地理边界是一个具有若干不同过渡属性(显性突变、模糊渐变等)、用以区分各类地域单元的线或者过渡带。



2 地理边界的科学内涵









3 地理边界的基本属性


3.1 主观与客观辩证统一性


3.2 稳定与变化辩证统一性




Fig. 1Types of transition properties for geographical boundaries


3.3 突变与渐变辩证统一性

法国数学家托姆(Rene Thom)提出的突变论(Catastrophe Theory)思想,指出在一切自然过程中,突变是基本的,而且渐变也是由无数小的突变组成的[36]。将突变论的思想移植于地理学中即为地理突变论。地理突变论认为,若干微小的、连续的突变特征可产生“积累效应”,到达一定程度(表现为某个临界值或临界值组合)就会使系统产生突变(图1b)。


4 地理边界的基本类型




Fig. 2Schematic diagram of the basis of geographical boundaries classification


(2)基于外在表现划分。① 过渡特征:根据地理环境的差异性和复杂性可将地理边界的过渡属性分为因自然阻隔(如山脉、河流等)等原因所形成的具有显性突变特征的地理边界、具有连续平稳过渡的模糊渐变特征的地理边界、以及更为复杂的交替过渡特征的地理边界。例如,流域边界、秦岭—淮河一线与水土流失分区边界等。② 形态特征:地理边界呈现出千姿百态的形状,例如根据规则度可将地理边界分为规则边界、不规则边界等。

(3)基于科学属性划分。① 存在辩证性:地理边界本身是抽象的,可以指一个客观存在的实体对象,也可以根据实际研究目的加以限定,因此可划分为客观边界与主客观综合边界等,例如亚欧板块与非洲板块的边界、城镇开发边界等;② 状态稳定性:任何地理边界都不是绝对稳定的,可划分为稳定边界、动态变化边界等,例如山体边界、季风区与非季风区边界等;③ 影响多元性:边界的划分受到多种环境要素的影响,根据这些要素的数量和关系划分为简单要素边界、复杂要素边界,例如海陆边界、综合自然地理区划边界等;④ 结构复杂性:地表系统具有一定的层次嵌套结构,可以根据不同研究尺度对边界进行进一步的划分,例如,不同等级的流域边界等。

5 地理边界的数学表达与划分方法

5.1 数学表达




Fig. 3Schematic diagram of a simple mathematical representation of geographical boundaries


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Mathematical model representation and comparison of geographical boundaries
显性突变势函数根据突变理论,势函数 V定义为:
式中: x为系统状态变量, c为外部控制变量。在地理边界的表达中,地理现象的过渡特征即为系统状态变量,而外部控制变量则表示主要划界指标。
(1) 当 uRm且使 Vx,cxnu=0时,称 u为势函数的临界点,所有临界点所构成的曲面称为平衡曲面;
(2) 使势函数(V)的Hessian矩阵 detH(V)=0的所有点的集合称为奇点集,与临界点方程联立求解后会得到分叉集。
模糊渐变模糊集模糊集通过构建模糊隶属函数计算隶属度的大小来确定划界单元的归属。已知论域 U,在其上做映射 A,则有:
式中:称映射 AU的一个模糊集, Au称为 A的隶属函数,即 uA的隶属度。
在地理边界的表达中, U代表全部地理边界划分单元, Au的计算结果最终影响到某个划界单元 u的归属,进而确定地理边界的特征。
式中:论域 U代表全部的地理边界划分单元, X是其子集, u为待划分数据集, R?XR¯X分别称为上近似集和下近似集, BNR为边界域,即地理边界。


5.2 划分方法


5.2.1 传统地理边界划分方法 传统的地理边界划分通常是围绕地理区划展开的,划分方法与区划方法基本一致,主要包括主导因素法、叠置法、地理相关分析法和景观制图法等[8]。目前已有诸多研究从地理区划的角度对地理边界的划分方法进行了阐述。在地理区划的研究中,地理边界是反映地理空间单元差异最为重要的地理对象,国内外的地理区划研究几乎都提到了区划单元边界的重要性,而地理边界是地理区域存在的必要条件[44]


5.2.2 基于定量研究的地理边界划分方法 随着地理学的发展,涌现了诸多的定量分析方法和丰富的数据获取方式,并有许多研究将多种多样数学模型和表达方法应用到地理界线的划分中,特别是GIS已经成为定量地理边界划分中不可或缺的技术手段。GIS的相关理论技术方法可以将地理边界划分过程中涉及的时空环境要素及相关信息进行挖掘量化和建模,并且适宜通过可视化的方式将划分结果快速有效地呈现。然而,当前的GIS理论与技术是在地理边界划分中仍存在相当的不足和局限,如何将传统的地理学家在地理界线划分中的智慧与经验进行科学的抽象及有效的建模,就是亟待解决的问题。现阶段应用高分辨率地理数据直接提取地理边界已有相关研究开展[46,47],这种方法极大简化了地理边界的划分过程,但对于具有模糊渐变等属性的地理边界划分仍然存在很多局限,都需要一定的科学理论支撑与方法突破才能实现。

早在1989年,Mark等[48]提出一种类概率曲面模型用于土壤类型边界的划分,可视作基于模糊数学思想定量化划分地理边界的早期研究。随后,由Burrough等[49]主编的《Geographic Objects with Indeterminate Boundaries》论文集出版,该书指出自然对象均具有不确定且模糊的边界,同时对地理边界的基本概念、表达语言、定量化概念框架进行了系统阐述,形成了完整的研究体系,这些研究都为定量地理边界划分提供了重要基础。此后,模糊数学理论广泛应用于地理边界的划分中,例如Wang等[50]基于GIS提出了模糊表达(Fuzzy Representation)的地理界线划分方法;Jiang[51]对地理对象的模糊边界进行了可视化表达研究;曹菡等[15]使用模糊隶属函数构建了模糊边界地理现象的模型;Lu等[52]采用贝叶斯区域分割法(Bayesian Areal Wombling)提出了模糊地理边界的分析模式。空间统计建模理论与方法的发展促使了地理边界向更加定量模型化的研究转变。例如晏路明[53,54,55]分别采用Fuzzy综合评判、可拓工程、Fisher判别准则等方法划定福建省境内中、南亚热带之间的界线;李双成等[56,57]分别使用策略性循环尺度转换(SCS)和空间小波变换划分生态地理界线;洪滔等[58]通过改进基于单纯形法直接优化投影寻踪技术建立自然地理界线划分的判别模型。近几年,仍有新的地理边界划分方法不断涌现,例如多面语义[59]、地理探测器(Geodetector)[60,61]等边界划分方法。纵观现有研究,定量地理边界划分方法脱离不开数学理论的指导,无论是针对何种过渡属性地理边界的划分大体上都可分为:由数据直接提取边界法、基于模糊数学理论的划分方法、基于空间统计建模的划分方法以及近几年出现的新型划分方法,但均存在一定的优缺点(表2)。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Comparison of quantitative geographical boundary delimitation methods



6 结论与讨论





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Zhang G, Jacob E K. Understanding boundaries: Physical, epistemological and virtual dimensions
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Gao Jiangbo, Huang Jiao, Li Shuangcheng, et al. The new progresses and development trends in the research of physio-geographical regionalization in China
Progress in Geography, 2010, 29(11):1400-1407.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.11.032 [本文引用: 2]
<p>As is well known, there exist similarities and differences among geographical regions, and zonality is a universal theorem governing geographical patterns. Physio-geographical regional system is a hierarchical system, which is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and geographic zonality. Researches on physio-geographical regional system aim at observing and studying natural complex of the earth&rsquo;s surface, revealing rules of regional differentiations and exploring formation, development, division, combination, relativity and demarcation of natural regions at different scales, from a regional point of view. As a radical method to obtain geographical information, physio-geographical regionalization has always been studied and widely used by geographers. Studies on physio-geographical regionalization in China have made great progress in principle, methodology, and theory since the 1930s. It could provide a scientific basis for social and economic development and planning, and conservation, improvement and rational utilization of natural environment. Based on brief review of physio-geographical regionalization at home and abroad, the paper summarizes the characteristics of researches in recent years: various types of elements; distinct ecologicalization in comprehensive natural regionalization; a complete series of spatial scales; scarce creativity in technology and methods; emphasizing regionalization methodology; enhancing application of regionalization schemes. Then, the paper analyzes academic problems in the present researches: lack of epistemological study; weak methodological study. Finally, the paper explores the prospects of physio-geographical regionalization: continuous increase in requirement at the national level; strengthening the standardization of regionalization, and raises several trends in geographical regionalization.</p>
[高江波, 黄姣, 李双成, . 中国自然地理区划研究的新进展与发展趋势
地理科学进展, 2010, 29(11):1400-1407.]

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Fang Chuanglin. Theoretical foundation and patterns of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
Progress in Geography, 2017, 36(1):15-24.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.01.002 [本文引用: 1]
Promoting coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration is not only a major national strategy, but also a long-term complex process. It is necessary to apply scientific theories and respect the laws of nature to realize the strategic target of common prosperity, share a clean environment, share the burden of risk of development, and build a world-class metropolis for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. This article examines the scientific foundation and patterns of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. Synergy theory, game theory, dissipative structure theory, and catastrophe theory are the theoretical basis of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. Synergy theory is the core theory for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. The coordinated development process of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration is a non-linear spiral progress of game, coordination, mutation, game, resynchronization, and mutation. Each game-coordination-mutation process promotes the coordinated development of the urban agglomeration to a higher level of coordination, and the progress fluctuates. This process includes eight stages: assistance phase, cooperation phase, harmonization phase, synergy phase, coordination phase, resonance phase, integration phase, and cohesion phase. Further analysis shows that the real connotation of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration is to realize the coordination of planning, transportation, industrial development, urban and rural development, market, science and technology, finance, information, ecology, and the environment, as well as the construction of a collaborative development community. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration will achieve advanced collaboration from low-level collaborative phase through regional coordination on planning, construction of traffic network, industrial development, joint development of urban and rural areas, market consolidation, science and technology cooperation, equal development of financial services, information sharing, ecological restoration, and pollution control. This study may provide a scientific foundation and theoretical basis for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration.
[方创琳. 京津冀城市群协同发展的理论基础与规律性分析
地理科学进展, 2017, 36(1):15-24.]

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Fan Jie. Draft of major function oriented zoning of China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(2):186-201.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502002 [本文引用: 1]
Major Function Oriented Zoning (MFOZ) is the blueprint for the future developmnt and protection pattern of China's territory, and has been raised to from major function zones planning to major function zoning strategy and major function zoning institution. From 2004 to 2014, the author organized a series of research projects to compose MFOZ for the country, studied basic theory of regional function and MFOZ technical process, and proposed that space controlling zones of national and provincial scales can be divided into four types: urbanized zones, foodstuff-security zones, ecological safety zones, cultural and natural heritage zones. On this basis, major function zones of county scale should be transferred to optimized, prioritized, restricted, and prohibited zones. In this paper, a regional function identification index system comprising nine quantitative indicators (including water resources, land resources, ecological importance, ecological fragility, environment capacity, disaster risk, economic development level, population concentration and transport superiority) and one qualitative indicator of strategic choice is developed. Based on the single index evaluation, comprehensive evaluation using regional function suitability evaluation index is conducted, aiming at testing several key parameters including lower limit of protection zones and upper limit of development zones at the provincial level. In addition, a planning-oriented zoning method of major function zones is also discussed, which has brought the first MFOZ planning in China. According to the MFOZ caliber, it is forecasted that national spatial development intensity will rise from 3.48% in 2010 to 3.91% in 2020. Furthermore, according to caliber of the provincial integrated MFOZ planning, the area of optimized, prioritized and restricted zones accounts for 1.48%, 13.60% and 84.92%, respectively, and that of urbanized, foodstuff-security and ecological safety zones accounts for 15.08%, 26.11% and 58.81%, respectively. In combination of analyses of development level, resources and environmental carrying status and quality of the people's livelihood, the main characteristics of MFOZ were identified. Through verification, MFOZ draft of national and provincial scales, which is interactively accomplished with "MFOZ Technical Process" put forward by the author, is mostly above 80% identical with what have been forecasted.
[樊杰. 中国主体功能区划方案
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DOI:10.11821/yj1999010008 [本文引用: 1]
By means of the method of extension engineering, this article sets up a matter-element model of distinguishing objects. The model can be used to define the most reasonable location of the north boundary to the south subtropical belt in Fujian Province, and to show the various transitional states near the boundary objectively and quantitatively.In the design of the model, some generally recognized temperature indices and typical samples are chosen according to physical geography theory, to guarantee the correctness of the single-index dependent function. In the construction of the multiple-index comprehensive dependent function, the method of principal component analysis(PCA) is employed to determine the weight assignation of related factors, so as to avoid subjectivity and to balance objectively the deviation of the single-index boundaries. The model gives the output with satisfying explanations in physical geography meaning.Finally, the paper discusses the controversies on the east and west sections of the boundary, and points out that it is difficult for traditional qualitative methods and classical mathematics to explain the transitive features of geographic boundary, while the matter-element model has its advantages in this respect.
[晏路明. 可拓工程方法在自然地理界线划分中的应用
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Wang Jinfeng, Xu Chengdong. Geodetector: Principle and prospective
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(1):116-134.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201701010 [本文引用: 1]
Spatial stratified heterogeneity is the spatial expression of natural and socio-economic process, which is an important approach for human to recognize nature since Aristotle. Geodetector is a new statistical method to detect spatial stratified heterogeneity and reveal the driving factors behind it. This method with no linear hypothesis has elegant form and definite physical meaning. Here is the basic idea behind Geodetector: assuming that the study area is divided into several subareas. The study area is characterized by spatial stratified heterogeneity if the sum of the variance of subareas is less than the regional total variance; and if the spatial distribution of the two variables tends to be consistent, there is statistical correlation between them. Q-statistic in Geodetector has already been applied in many fields of natural and social sciences which can be used to measure spatial stratified heterogeneity, detect explanatory factors and analyze the interactive relationship between variables. In this paper, the authors will illustrate the principle of Geodetector and summarize the characteristics and applications in order to facilitate the using of Geodetector and help readers to recognize, mine and utilize spatial stratified heterogeneity.
[王劲峰, 徐成东. 地理探测器: 原理与展望
地理学报, 2017, 72(1):116-134.]

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Dong Yuxiang, Xu Qian, Yang Ren, et al. Delineation of the northern border of the tropical zone of China's mainland using Geodetector
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(1):135-147.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201701011 [本文引用: 1]
The northern border of the tropical zone of China has been the focus of studies on comprehensive physical regionalization. Based on different indexes and methods, the border was delineated by different scholars, but their results varied greatly. Based on the Geodetector model and regionalization thought of spatial stratified heterogeneity, the northern border of the tropical zone of China's mainland was investigated. Climatic elements were used as dominant demarcation partitioning indexes, combined with auxiliary indexes such as soil and multiple cropping types. The key results were as follows: (1) Using Geodetector, the northern border of the tropical zone was delineated. From west to east, the border goes through Lincang, Simao, Yuxi and Gejiu in Yunnan, Baise, Mashan, Guigang and Wuzhou in Guangxi, Zhaoqing, Guangzhou, Huizhou, Heyuan and Meizhou in Guangdong, and Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and Putian in Fujian. It generally agrees with the 12℃ isotherm of the coldest monthly mean temperature, soil border between lateritic red soil and red soil, and border of double cropping rice or its continuous thermophile dry framing and single (double) cropping rice or its continuous chimonophilous dry framing. (2) The q average value of all indexes for the border was 0.40. Using this model, regionalization principles—homogeneity of the within-strata value and heterogeneity of the between-strata value—were satisfied. The border meets the requirements of zonal heterogeneity between tropical and subtropical zones. Therefore, it is reasonable to use Geodetector in studies of comprehensive physical regionalization, and it can provide high-precision technical support.
[董玉祥, 徐茜, 杨忍, . 基于地理探测器的中国陆地热带北界探讨
地理学报, 2017, 72(1):135-147.]

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[李双成. 自然地理学研究范式. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013.]
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