

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

赵美风,1, 汪德根,21.天津师范大学地理与环境科学学院,天津 300387
2.苏州大学建筑学院,苏州 215123

Spatial differentiation and influencing mechanism of nearby urbanization in central and western China

ZHAO Meifeng,1, WANG Degen,21. School of Geographic and Environmental Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
2. School of Architecture, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, China

通讯作者: 汪德根(1973-), 男, 安徽歙县人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事城乡发展与区域规划研究。E-mail: wdg713@163.com


Fund supported: National Social Science Found of China(21CRK005)

作者简介 About authors
赵美风(1986-), 女, 河北鹿泉人, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事城市地理与人口地理研究。E-mail: zhaomeifeng@foxmail.com

就近城镇化是中国中西部地区破除异地城镇化模式弊端、推进新型城镇化健康发展的现实路径选择。通过构建就近城镇化率、贡献力和贡献势指标,从本省、本县和本镇3个城镇化尺度,系统分析2000—2015年中国中西部地区就近城镇化空间分异特征,并深入剖析其驱动机制。研究发现:① 2000—2015年中西部地区就近城镇人口总数从1.96亿增加到3.47亿,就近城镇化率从28.16%上升到46.89%。② 从贡献力看,中西部地区就近城镇化的主要来源是本镇户籍人口,但本镇贡献力呈下降趋势,本县贡献力波动上升,本省贡献力变化不大。③ 从贡献势看,本县贡献势>本省贡献势>本镇贡献势,县域尺度是中西部大部分地区就近城镇化的优势空间单元。④ 中西部地区就近城镇化空间分异是自然环境背景、经济增长和非农产业发展、城市公共服务供给、交通运输条件和地方行政力量等多重因素的综合作用结果。
关键词: 就近城镇化;贡献力;贡献势;空间分异;机理;中西部地区

Considering the new-type urbanization background, the nearby urbanization model provides a practical approach toward eliminating the disadvantage of trans-regional urbanization and promoting urbanization. This study establishes the indexes of the nearby urbanization rate (NU), contribution to nearby urbanization (CNU) and trend of contribution to nearby urbanization (TNU), to analyze the spatial differentiation features of nearby urbanization in central and western China from 2000 to 2015. Moreover, this study explores the determinant factors and influencing mechanism of the spatial differentiation of nearby urbanization in the study region. Results show that: (1) From 2000 to 2015, the population of nearby urbanization increased from 196 million to 347 million and the NU increased from 28.16% to 46.89%. (2) Based on the analysis of the CNU, we found that the main source of nearby urbanization was the population registered in the local town, but the contribution of local town to nearby urbanization (CNUt) gradually declined over the study period. The areas with high CNUt were widely distributed in central and western China in 2000, but by 2015, they were restricted to Sichuan province. Meanwhile, the contribution of local county to nearby urbanization (CNUc) increased and the contribution of local province to nearby urbanization (CNUp) varied slightly. Most areas with high CNUp were provincial capital cities, resource-based cities or pastural cities. (3) Based on the analysis of the TNU, the trend of the contribution of local county to nearby urbanization (TNUc) exceeded the trend of the contribution of local province to nearby urbanization (TNUp), while the trend of the contribution of local town to nearby urbanization (TNUt) exhibited the least influence. Therefore, examining nearby urbanization based on the county-level spatial unit was advantageous in most regions; however, in the northwestern border regions and provincial capital cities, the provincial level was more applicable. (4) The spatial differentiation of nearby urbanization was determined based on the integrated results of various influencing factors, including natural environment, economic development, non-agricultural industries, urban public services, transportation accessibility, and the influence of local administration.
Keywords:nearby urbanization;CNU;TNU;spatial differentiation;influencing mechanism;central and western China

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赵美风, 汪德根. 中国中西部地区就近城镇化空间分异格局及机理. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 2993-3011 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112009
ZHAO Meifeng, WANG Degen. Spatial differentiation and influencing mechanism of nearby urbanization in central and western China. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 2993-3011 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112009

1 引言





国内就近城镇化的相关研究可追溯到20世纪80年代初自下而上的乡村城镇化[19]、90年代末的县域城镇化[20]以及21世纪初东南沿海发达地区农村聚落就地转换为城镇型社会的“就地城镇化”现象[15]。随着国家新型城镇化战略的提出,就近城镇化研究成为学术界关注的热点,在就近城镇化理论内涵、微观机制、发展路径等方面的研究取得了大量成果。同时,重点开展了山东、河南、四川等区域就近城镇化模式的典型案例研究[21,22,23]。就近城镇化是宏观层面乡村地区自身社会经济发展与微观层面乡村人口迁移空间选择的结果[19, 21, 24-26]。就近城镇化发展路径应以资源环境承载力为基础,以地级市和县域为核心,以培育壮大地级市、县级市和中心镇等多级空间载体为目标,充分发挥地级市和县城的人口经济集约化优势和城镇聚集效应,因地制宜、分区分类制定,强化政府的规划引导作用和回流农民工的主体作用,发展以县域经济、强镇崛起和以地级市为单位的3种就近城镇化模式[4-5, 13, 16, 23, 28-29]。2015年以来中国流动人口总量逐步减少,农民工向中西部地区回流的态势日益增强,成为就近城镇化发展的新动力[27],呈现出多种就近城镇化模式,如河南的“既不离土也不离乡”农村城镇化道路,重庆的“复垦+流转”农村闲置宅基地处置模式,四川巴中和云南昆明的全域城镇化模式[5]


2 研究设计

2.1 就近城镇化率相关测度指标

就近城镇化的概念内涵包含3个核心信息:① 主体是农业转移人口;② 空间载体是户籍所在地附近的中小城市和小城镇;③ 迁移范围是近距离[8, 14, 22]。由于就近城镇化是相对于异地城镇化的发展模式,其空间载体和尺度范围具有较大弹性,如何界定“户籍所在地附近”的空间尺度在学术界并没有达成统一共识,提出了省域中心城市、地级市、县级市、县城、中心镇等多种基于行政单元地域范围的空间尺度[5-6, 13-14, 22]。这种界定方法充分考虑到了中国行政单元范围内地理环境特征和社会经济文化的统一性,同时有利于与中国现有社会经济统计数据以行政单元为基本统计单元相衔接。中国中西部地区整体城镇化水平较低,相当一部分地级市和县城的人口集聚能力极低、跨省人口流出规模占比极大[30]。因此,为了全面展示中西部地区就近城镇化的空间格局,本文将就近城镇化的空间范围界定为“本省”,即以本省范围内的省会或首府城市、地级市、县级城镇和小城镇为核心,农业转移人口迁移到户籍登记地所在省份的城镇就业和居住的城镇化过程。考虑到省域是一个很大的空间尺度,省域内部拥有省会或首府城市、地级市、县级城镇和小城镇等多种类型就近城镇化载体,本文在最大化就近城镇化空间尺度基础上,依据农业转移人口的迁移尺度,进一步将就近城镇化细分为本镇城镇化、本县城镇化和本省城镇化3个类型(图1)。其中,本镇城镇化指农业转移人口迁移到本乡、镇、街道的城镇地区就业和居住,空间载体以小城镇为主;本县城镇化指农业迁移人口迁移到本县其他乡、镇、街道的城镇地区就业和居住,空间载体以县级市市区或县城为主;本省城镇化指农业转移人口迁移到本省其他县的城镇地区就业和居住,空间载体以省会/首府城市市区、地级市市区为主。



Fig. 1Diagram of nearby urbanization








2.2 就近城镇化空间分异模型


2.2.1 就近城镇化贡献力空间面板模型 已有研究认为就近城镇化发展水平和来源地结构主要受到自然环境条件[36]、经济发展水平[37]、城镇公共服务资源[38,39]、交通运输条件[40,41]和地方行政力量[42,43,44,45,46]等因素的多重影响。据此,本文选取自然环境状况、经济发展水平、城镇公共服务资源、交通运输条件和地方行政力量等5个要素层面共12个变量作为解释变量。其中,自然环境要素包括海拔高度(DEM)、坡度(SL)2个变量;经济发展要素包括人均国内生产总值(PGDP)、固定资产投资(FAI)、地方财政收入(FIN)、城镇居民可支配收入(INC)、工业化水平(IND)和服务业水平(SEV)6个变量,工业化水平利用工业产值占GDP比重表示,服务业水平利用第三产业产值占GDP比重表示;城镇公共服务资源要素包括中小学校生师比(EDU)和每万人卫生机构床位数(MED)2个变量;交通运输要素利用公路密度(TRA)来代表;地方行政维度要素利用城市行政等级(GOV)来代表,分为省会/首府城市(PC)和一般地级行政区(C)两类。为了降低空间计量模型的异方差,本文对海拔高度(DEM)、坡度(SL)、人均国内生产总值(PGDP)、固定资产投资(FAI)、地方财政收入(FIN)、城镇居民可支配收入(INC)和公路网密度(TRA)等变量进行了对数转换。



2.2.2 就近城镇化贡献势空间横截面杜宾模型 由于就近城镇化贡献势只有空间维度,无时间维度,即横截面数据,因此本文选用空间横截面杜宾模型构建就近城镇化贡献势空间计量模型。因变量是2000—2015年中西部地区各地级行政区就近城镇化贡献势;自变量包括自然环境状况、经济发展水平、城镇公共服务资源、交通运输条件和地方行政力量等5个要素层面共12个变量。其中自然环境要素包括海拔高度(DEM)、坡度(SL)2个变量;经济发展要素包括人均国内生产总值变化(ΔPGDP)、固定资产投资变化(ΔFAI)、地方财政收入变化(ΔFIN)、城镇居民可支配收入变化(ΔINC)、工业化水平变化(ΔIND)和服务业水平变化(ΔSEV)6个变量,工业化水平变化利用工业产值占GDP比重的变化来表示,服务业水平利用第三产业产值占GDP比重的变化表示;城镇公共服务资源要素包括中小学校生师比变化(ΔEDU)和每万人卫生机构床位数变化(ΔMED)2个变量;交通运输要素利用公路密度变化(ΔTRA)来代表;地方行政维度要素利用城市行政等级(GOV)来代表,分为省会/首府城市(PC)和一般地级行政区(C)两类。



2.3 数据来源与说明

本文的中国中西部地区包括中部地区的晋、豫、皖、赣、鄂、湘和西部地区的桂、渝、川、贵、云、藏、蒙、陕、甘、青、宁、新等共18个省份、211个地级行政区。人口数据来自各省2000年和2010年人口普查资料,以及2015年1%人口抽样调查资料。关于2015年就近城镇化相关数据,有3点说明:① 就近城镇人口总量是基于各省人口抽样比例进行的推算结果;② 由于2015年1%人口抽样调查缺少城镇外来人口户籍登记地的数据项,依据外来总人口户籍登记地在“本省其他县”和“本县”的分布比例,推算城镇外来人口户籍登记地相应分布比例;此外,利用2000年和2010年人口普查资料进行核算验证,上述两个比例具有很高一致性;③ 由于安徽、内蒙古和西藏等3个省份未公开发布地级数据,只发布省级数据,本文分析2015年就近城镇化空间格局时,这3个省份各地级行政区采用全省平均值替代。社会经济统计数据主要来自《中国区域经济统计年鉴》《中国城市统计年鉴》、各省份统计年鉴等。地理信息基础数据来源于地球系统科学数据共享平台和地理空间数据云。鉴于2011年安徽省地级巢湖市已撤销,为统一口径,本文选择除巢湖市之外的211个地级行政区进行分析。

3 中西部地区就近城镇化空间分异特征


3.1 就近城镇化贡献力分布格局及演变特征


3.1.1 本镇贡献力分布格局及演变特征 依据等间距法,将本镇贡献力划分为低等级(< 60%)、中低等级(60%~70%)、中等级(70%~80%)、中高等级(80%~90%)、高等级(≥ 90%)等5个级别。2000年,本镇贡献力以中高等级为主,广泛分布在中西部大部分地区,其他4个等级呈“零星状”分布,其中,高等级零星分布在西藏南部、新疆北部、甘肃南部、陕西南部、云南西北部和广西东部等区域;中等级在中西部大部分地区零星分布,中低等级主要分布在内蒙古中部,以及成都、贵阳、南宁、拉萨等省会城市,低等级仅分布在昆明市(图2a1)。



Fig. 2Spatial distribution of CNUt, CNUc, CNUp in central and western China in 2000-2015



3.1.2 本县贡献力分布格局及演变特征 本县贡献力可划分为低等级(< 5%)、中低等级(5%~10%)、中等级(10%~15%)、中高等级(15%~20%)、高等级(≥ 20%)等5个级别。2000年,本县贡献力以中低等级为主,广泛分布在中西部大部分地区,其他4个等级呈“零星式”分布,其中,高等级和中高等级主要分布在内蒙古中部、新疆西部、湖南和四川等零星城市;中等级主要在甘肃北部、内蒙古、新疆北部呈“团块状”分布,在安徽、江西、湖北、四川和云南等省份呈“零星式”分布;低等级在西藏南部、陕西南部、青海、河南和广西等地区呈“簇状”分布(图2b1)。



3.1.3 本省贡献力分布格局及演变特征 本省贡献力可划分为低等级(< 5%)、中低等级(5%~10%)、中等级(10%~20%)、中高等级(20%~30%)、高等级(≥ 30%)等5个级别。2000年,本省贡献力以中等级和中低等级为主,广泛分布在中西部大部分省份,其他3个等级呈分散分布,其中,高等级仅零星分布在南宁、柳州、昆明、呼和浩特和包头等城市;中高等级主要在中西部的省会城市和海西、鄂尔多斯等典型牧区呈“零星式”分布;低等级主要在云南、贵州、广西和湖北等省份呈“零星式”分布,在甘肃、新疆和西藏等省份呈“团块状”分布(图2c1)。



3.2 就近城镇化贡献势分布格局特征


为进一步分析就近城镇化贡献势的空间分布特征,将就近城镇化贡献势分为低等级(< -1%)、中低等级(-1%~0)、中高等级(0~1%)和高等级(≥ 1%)等4个级别。




Fig. 3Spatial distribution of TNUt, TNUc, TNUp in central and western China in 2000-2015


(3)本省贡献势呈现中高等级“西部连片覆盖、中部簇状”、中低等级“团块交融”、高等级和低等级“零星点缀”分布格局。其中,中高等级在西藏、新疆、青海等西部地区呈“连片状”分布,在云贵黔和两湖地区呈“簇状”分布;中低等级主要在河南、江西、四川、湖北和湖南等省份呈“团块状”分布;高等级零散分布在新疆北部和内蒙古等地区;低等级仅分布在攀枝花市(图3c)。西藏和新疆大部分地区本省贡献势较高的主要原因为:① 这些地区城镇化水平较低,城镇体系呈现“下宽上窄无腰”的畸形金字塔结构,即首位城市充分发展、中等城市缺乏、小城市大量存在[47,48];② 新疆以重工业为主导的工业化进程和西藏以定向援助、城镇化政策为主导的城镇化过程,导致这些地区具有较强的外县人口吸引力,而本地农村剩余劳动力隐性化现象突出[49,50,51]

4 中西部地区就近城镇化空间分异的影响机理


本文综合使用Moran's I和LM两种检验方法,判断中西部地区就近城镇化贡献力空间分异模型是否选择空间计量模型。① 全局Moran's I计算结果显示,中西部地区就近城镇化贡献力的空间自相关系数均处于0.4~0.7(p < 0.01)之间,说明存在显著的空间自相关性,可以尝试构建空间计量模型。② 通过构建就近城镇化贡献力的常用空间面板数据模型(空间滞后面板模型、空间误差面板模型和空间杜宾面板模型),发现本镇贡献力和本县贡献力的空间效应显著,适合选用空间计量模型;而本省贡献力的空间效应不显著,适合选用一般面板数据模型。③ 进一步利用LM检验,确定本镇贡献力和本县贡献力的最优空间计量模型均为空间杜宾面板模型。

本文综合使用Moran's ILR两种检验方法,判断中西部地区就近城镇化贡献势空间分异模型是否选择空间计量模型。① 被解释变量TNUtTNUcTNUp的全局Moran's I值分别为0.496、0.467和0.434(p < 0.01),由此得知,就近城镇化贡献势存在着显著的空间依赖性。因此,OLS基于变量间相互独立且不相关的假设不成立,需要采用空间计量模型进一步分析。② 对于截面数据的空间计量模型选择,采用对数似然比检验(LR)。通过比较受约束与不受约束模型对数似然函数值的差,即-2×(LogL受约束-LogL不受约束),若超过服从卡方分布的临界值,则不施加约束模型(空间杜宾模型)优于施加约束模型(空间滞后模型和空间误差模型)。3个模型中空间杜宾模型与空间滞后模型、空间杜宾模型与空间误差模型的LR检验统计值均分别远高于临界值3.84和5.99,3个模型中空间杜宾模型解释效果均好于空间滞后模型和空间误差模型,因此,本文选取空间杜宾模型的回归结果来解释就近城镇化贡献势的影响因素。

4.1 就近城镇化贡献力主导因子


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Regression results of the spatial panal Durbin model of CNU in central and western China



4.2 就近城镇化贡献势主导因子


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Regression results of the spatial cross Durbin model of TNU in central and western China




4.3 就近城镇化空间分异的影响机理




Fig. 4Influencing mechanism of the spatial differentiation of nearby urbanization in central and western China






5 结论与讨论





参考文献 原文顺序

Lu Dadao, Chen Mingxing. Several viewpoints on the background of compiling the "National New Urbanization Planning (2014-2020)"
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(2): 179-185.

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The "National New Urbanization Planning (2014-2020)" (hereinafter referred to as "Planning") marks a significant transformation in China's urbanization development process, with the core of human urbanization, and the general requirement of seeking advance in stability. This paper elaborates the authors' preliminary thoughts on the formation of the "Planning" mainly from the speed and quality aspects of the urbanization development. Urbanization level should be consistent with industrial restructuring, the amount of new jobs, the actual ability of absorbing rural population, and water-soil resource and environment capacity of the urban area, etc. The large scale and high speed urbanization development in China has resulted in severe environment pollution, great pressures on the infrastructure, and huge challenge to the supporting capacity of natural resources. Urbanization is an important frontier scientific issue with obvious cross disciplinary feature, which is also a complex system. The interdisciplinary human economic geography has outstanding advantages and solid research foundation in the field of urbanization research. Therefore, facing the significant realistic demand of the national new urbanization, we should do some in-depth research and tracking studies in this field.
[陆大道, 陈明星. 关于“国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020)”编制大背景的几点认识
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Liu Yansui. Research on the urban-rural integration and rural revitalization in the new era in China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018, 73(4): 637-650.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201804004 [本文引用: 1]
Cities and villages are components of a specific organism. Only the sustainable development of two parts can support the prosperous development as a whole. According to the theory of man-earth areal system, urban-rural integrated system and rural regional system are the theoretical bases for entirely recognizing and understanding urban-rural relationship. To handle the increasingly severe problems of "rural disease" in rapid urbanization, accelerating rural revitalization in an all-round way is not only a major strategic plan for promoting the urban-rural integration and rural sustainable development, but also a necessary requirement for solving the issues related to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people in the new era and securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This study explores the basic theories of urban-rural integration and rural revitalization and analyzes the main problems and causes of rural development in the new era, proposing problem-oriented scientific approaches and frontier research fields of urban-rural integration and rural revitalization in China. Results show that the objects of urban-rural integration and rural revitalization is a regional multi-body system, which mainly includes urban-rural integration, rural complex, village-town organism, and housing-industry symbiosis. Rural revitalization focuses on promoting the reconstruction of urban-rural integration system and constructs a multi-level goal system including urban-rural infrastructure networks, zones of rural development, fields of village-town space and poles of rural revitalization. Currently, the rural development is facing the five problems: high-speed non-agricultural transformation of agriculture production factors, over-fast aging and weakening of rural subjects, increasingly hollowing and abandoning of rural construction land, severe fouling of rural soil and water environment and deep pauperization of rural poverty-stricken areas. The countryside is an important basis for the socioeconomic development in China, and the strategies of urban-rural integration and rural revitalization are complementary. The rural revitalization focuses on establishing the institutional mechanism for integrated urban-rural development and constructs the comprehensive development system of rural regional system, which includes transformation, reconstruction and innovation in accordance with the requirements of thriving businesses, pleasant living environments, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperity. Geographical research on rural revitalization should focus on the complexity and dynamics of rural regional system and explore new schemes, models and scientific approaches for the construction of villages and towns, which are guided by radical cure of "rural disease", implement the strategy of rural revitalization polarization, construct the evaluation index system and planning system of rural revitalization, thus providing advanced theoretical references for realizing the revitalization of China's rural areas in the new era.
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Taking 27 provinces in China as an example, this paper mainly examines the rural poverty reduction and its spatial spillover effects of population urbanization, land urbanization and economic urbanization in China from 2010 to 2017. The results show that: (1) From 2010 to 2017, rural poverty, population urbanization and land urbanization in China's provinces show significant characteristics of spatial agglomeration, while the spatial agglomeration of economic urbanization gradually decreased. (2) Population urbanization has a "U"-shaped character in the rural poverty, while economic urbanization has an inversed "U"-shaped character. Land urbanization has no obvious effect on the rural poverty; however, it mainly shows the potential to aggravate the occurrence of rural poverty. (3) Population urbanization and economic urbanization have obvious spatial spillover effect on rural poverty, meanwhile, they have a "threshold" phenomenon in the spatial spillover effect of rural poverty. The direct effect threshold of population urbanization in poverty reduction in the eastern and central regions has basically been broken through, and the poverty reduction potential is weak, while the spillover effect threshold of population urbanization on poverty reduction in most provinces still exists, and the beneficial spillover effect is still obvious. In contrast, the direct and spillover effects of economic urbanization in all the provinces have broken through the threshold. (4) The urbanization of population should be pushed forward reasonably, and the related system reform should be quickened. We will expand urban space effectively in an orderly manner, optimize the adjustment of urban industrial structure, expand the scale of tertiary industry of the economic development and strengthen its quality upgrading, increase urban employment rate and enhance the overall radiation-driven effect of cities and towns. The allocation and utilization of population, space and resources in the region should be coordinated in an overall way, and the positive "externalities" caused by factor aggregation should be brought into full play to promote long-term, stable and poverty reduction in rural areas, and promote urban-rural coordination and sustainable development.
[张博胜, 杨子生. 中国城镇化的农村减贫及其空间溢出效应: 基于省级面板数据的空间计量分析
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Based on cases studies in three coastal areas of Southeast China, this paper proposes a "Double-Pull" conceptual model to examine the migration intention and behaviour of the rural labor force and their urbanization effects in the areas characterized by well developed in situ urbanization and little out-migration, using data from a questionnaire survey. The results show that migration frequency of the respondents was low, and short-distance moves were the dominant form of their mobility. At the same time, they demonstrated low migration intention, and for those who did indicate such intention, they tended to choose nearby middle- and small-towns as the destination. Under the framework of "Double Pull" Conceptual Model, the above migration intention and behaviou were the result of the balance of both the rural and the urban pull forces. The "rural pull forces" included employment opportunities, income, social insurance and the sentimental attachment to hometowns; while the "urban pull forces" included employ opportunities, income, residential environments, children′s education, etc.; and the former was much stronger than the latter. In order to achieve maximum benefits, local people tended to choose rural-urban transformation rather than out-migration, and this led to the phenomenon of in situ urbanization, which is different from the conventional urbanization patterns in the past of developed countries. The paper confirms local nature of the endogenous nature of the emergence and development of in situ urbanization and its inevitability, and contributes to a deeper understanding on the micro mechanism of in situ urbanization.
[祁新华, 朱宇, 周燕萍. 乡村劳动力迁移的“双拉力”模型及其就地城镇化效应: 基于中国东南沿海三个地区的实证研究
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In this paper, the urbanization of China's population was subdivided into "townization" and "cityization", and the indicators of "townization level" and "townization contribution rate" were adopted. From the perspective of different spatial scales and major function oriented zones, this paper conducted the system analysis on space-time disparity and influencing factors of the development of urban population in China from 1982 to 2015. The main conclusions included: (1) China's urban population's "townization level" and "townization contribution rate" continued to increase. In 2015, townization level was 41.8%, and the townization contribution rate was 55.1% during the period from 2010 to 2015. (2) The urbanization of China's urban population presented significant spatial and temporal differences. The townization-dominated counties and cities were mainly distributed in the central and western regions of China, accounting for more than 70% of the country's total land area. The cityization-dominated counties and cities were mainly concentrated in coastal urban agglomerations, and had a relatively small proportion in the national land area. (3) Looking into the future, China's urban population's "townization level" and "townization contribution rate" would increase steadily but slower and slower. It was necessary to strengthen the exploration of a differentiated development model of small towns based on the differentiation of major function oriented zones.
[刘盛和, 王雪芹, 戚伟. 中国城镇人口“镇化”发展的时空分异
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201904009 [本文引用: 2]
In recent years, urbanization has been attached an increasing importance in China's overall development strategies. Migrants' settlement intention in cities has played an important role in affecting the urbanization trend in China. In such a context, both scholars and policy makers have increasingly attempted to understand the settlement intention of migrants in China. However, few studies so far have examined the role of migrants' access to urban public services in affecting their settlement intention from the perspective of different-sized cities. Based on the data from "the 2016 national dynamic monitoring survey of migrant population" in Shanghai Municipality and Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces, this paper aims to address this issue. We utilize a composite index consisting of three dimensions to measure migrants' settlement intention, namely the long-term residence intention, the hukou transfer intention, and the urban housing purchase intention. We divide urban public services into two types, namely employment-related public services and social (non-employment) public services. The paper then explores the differences in the supply of the two types of urban public services and their impacts on migrants' urban settlement intention of different-sized cities. The results show that the bigger the size of a city is, the greater the likelihood that migrants get access to urban pubic services and the higher their level of urban settlement intention is. Migrants with easier access to the urban public services are more likely to settle down in cities. Through the ordered logistic regression model analysis, we also find that, after controlling for the effects of individual characteristics, family features, and migration characteristics, the two types of urban public services provided by cities for migrants have played a critical role in affecting migrants' urban settlement intention. However, the impacts of access to urban public services on migrants' urban settlement intention are different among different-sized cities. This is reflected in the following facts. First, migrants with easier access to unemployment insurance, medical insurance and housing security are more likely to settle down in cities, but this positive effect is limited to large cities. Second, in all size cities, migrants who are more likely to be covered by resident health records and receive more health education are more likely to settle down in cities. Finally, in small cities, only those covered by resident health records and receiving more health education have great effects on urban settlement intention.
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Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(4): 567-581.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201504005 [本文引用: 2]
China has witnessed unprecedented urbanization over the past decades. The rapid expansion of urban population has been dominated by the floating population from rural areas, of which the spatiotemporal patterns, driving forces, and multidimensional effects have been scrutinized and evaluated by voluminous empirical studies. However, the urban and economic development mode has been reshaped by the globalization and marketization processes and the socioeconomic space has been restructured as a consequence. How has the spatial pattern of floating population evolved against these backdrops? How has the evolution been driven by the interaction of state and market forces? What have been the contribution of population mobility to the urbanization of origin and destination regions and the evolution of China's urban system? The latest national censuses conducted in 2000 and 2010 offer the opportunity to systematically answer these questions. Analysis based on the county-level data comes to conclusions as follows. (1) The spatial pattern of floating population remained stable over the first decade of the 21st century. Three coastal mega-city regions, namely the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, were major concentration areas. As the emergence and rapid development of other coastal mega-city regions, the coastal concentration area of floating population tended to geographically united as a whole, whereas the spatial distribution within each region variegated significantly. (2) Floating population gradually moved into provincial capitals and other big cities in interior regions and its distribution center of gravity moved northward around 110 km during the study period. (3) Compared with extensively investigated inter-provincial migrants, intra-provincial migrants had higher intention and ability to permanently live in cities they worked in and thus might become the main force of China's urbanization in the coming decades. (4) The spatial pattern of floating population was shaped jointly by the state and market forces in transitional China. While the impacts of state forces have been surpassed by market forces in the country as a whole, they are still important in shaping the development space of central and western China. (5) The massive mobility of population contributed a large proportion to the increase of urbanization levels of both origin and destination regions and reshaped China's urban system in terms of its hierarchical organization and spatial structure.
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